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    积累雅思口语素材原因 为什么要积累雅思口语素材?我们的都听说过一句话叫“巧妇难为无米之炊”,如果不积累口语素材,那么我们在口语考试中就会出现无话可说的尴尬情况。下面就和大家分享为什么要积累雅思口语素材,来欣赏一下吧。为什么要积累雅思口语素材一. 雅思口语考试总览在分析雅思口语素材之前,我们先来了解一下雅思口语考试,了解了考试才知道我们要准备哪些素材。雅思口语考试分为3部分,也就是我们通常所说的Part1、Part2和Part3。这几部分都考察什么内容呢?Part1主要是一些日常话题的对话,比较简单,比如问你的名字,问你看过的电影等等,所以口语素材积累要积累一些日常对话类的。Part2是给你话题让你阐述,比如借别人东西,想见的人等等,针对这类口语话题要积累的素材更为具体也更为详细。Part3是跟Part2题目相关的一些讨论,需要有较强的口语表达能力。二. 针对口语考试积累素材1. 口语素材有哪些我们在上文中分析了雅思口语考试各部分的内容,所以大家根据口语话题积累口语素材主要有哪些呢?首先是表达中最为基本的词汇和句式积累,想要会表达,先要积累足够会用的词汇,想要表达内容质量更好,我们要积累一些常用句式去提升表达内容。另外,口语是*于生活的,考试的形式也是偏生活化的,所以我们要积累一些生活化的表达。最后,要积累范文,因为范文是更有针对性的口语素材,可以让大家更好地把握雅思口语考试。2. 素材积累途径素材积累的途径也很宽泛,可以通过网站、电视剧、歌曲等渠道积累口语素材。建议大家平时养成浏览英文网站的习惯,对于一些能够提升口语表达的内容及时积累记录下来。另外,可以看一些英剧积累口语素材,比如唐顿庄园、神秘博士和神探夏洛克等等,这些剧中会涉及到很多生活中常见的场景,这些都是雅思口语的素材,要及时积累下来。另外,英语歌曲也是口语素材的*,听歌的时候要听歌词,积累歌词中一些优秀的表达。三. 结合口语话题练习所积累的素材口语素材的积累最终还要回归到雅思口语练习上来。我们在网站、电视剧和歌曲中积累的口语素材要通过雅思口语题目练习来提升应用能力。建议大家找同伴进行雅思口语考试场景模拟,然后在模考中按照各类话题时尝试运用自己在平时积累下来的口语素材。雅思口语考试偏生活化,所以大家在积累雅思口语素材的时候尽量积累一些生活化的内容。口语素材的*非常宽泛,可以从电视剧、网络和歌曲中提炼,积累完成后拿口语话题去练习,保证自己能够熟练运用所积累的素材。雅思口语part2范文:生气体验Describe a piece of equipment you want to buy in the future.You should say:what the equipment iswhere are you going to buy itwhat features it hasand explain why you want to buy it.Im a bit behind the times, so I think number one on my list of most wanted, indeed most needed equipment, is a smartphone.Im not sure exactly where to by my new toy. On the one hand I could buy it on the Internet, where its likely to be cheaper, but on the other hand I prefer the more intimate experience of going to a shop and seeing the product first hand before I commit to buy it. Zhongguancun, an area of Beijing, has a huge selection of technological equipment, with mall after mall housing floor after floor of computers, phones and other tech. Its a geeks paradise.My current phone has been described as an old mans phone. It basically only calls and sends text messages. My new smartphone will have a plethora of features, including a high-resolution camera and the ability to download a wide range of apps, like WeChat. It can also play movies, which will be especially useful when Im trying to kill time on the subway on the way to work.Really, the soon I buy a smartphone the better. Its high time I was brought up to date, I dont want to be one of those technophobes who is dragged kicking and screaming into the modern age. Id also like to start using WeChat as everyone I know has it and I dont want to get left behind or kept out of the loop.雅思口语part2范文:旅行伴侣雅思口语Part 2参考范文:旅行伴侣主题:蜜月旅行雅思口语part 2范文内容:我和我老婆一同蜜月旅行的经历,她是这种类型的人,要么不做,要么做大。这10天的假期对我来说是超现实的,但对她来说,这就像一条鱼回到水里的旅程。Well, I am going to talk about my wife, who i look forward to beginning a new adventure with.Her name is X and we got married one year ago. She works in a hospital specialised for foreigners and, thus she can speak English with ease to those folks without feeling awkwardness or cringiness.She loves foreign films and literature to the extent that I sometimes call her a name-dropper of some top figures that I never heard of. And then she will call me an illiterate in return.Life is busy and usually we dont have a mutual slot of time off to travel and also essentially we are not some travel buffs we would like to be. So that is why our honeymoon travel to Morocco is so special and an eye-opening experience. Thats our first real travel together and then its North Africa 5000 miles away. So guess she is this type of person who either wont do it or do it big. That 10 days vacation is surreal for me but for her it is just like a fish-return-to-the-water journey.As you maybe know, ordinary Morocco people speak Arabic and French, but she really enjoy herself there, bargaining with the hawkers for some beautiful handworks with limited words and bountiful body languages. Usually I am a pious observer of the war of tug and enjoy every bit of my wifes languages, expressions, and gestures. So if you ask me why I want to travel with my wife, especially the international one, I can tell you because she can blend fast into the unfamiliar world turning herself into a semi-local with curiosity and open-mindedness. Many Chinese travel reviews say the Moroccan food is boring ,untidy and tasteless, and it is Tajin, Tajin and Tajin everywhere. but following my wife, I ate Tajin food nearly every day, most importantly with delight, since it really soared beyond our expectations. She talked to people from USA, Europe, Austrialia, and east Africa, danced with them, and had dinner with them. Oh gush, how I hope I can open myself as she does.雅思


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