欧洲文化入门(Marxism & Darwinism).ppt
Division EightMarxism&Darwinism马克思主义与达尔文,ketch of the Chapter,I.The Rise of Marxism(马克思主义)1.General Introduction 2.Historical Background 3.The three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism(马克思主义的三大来源与三大组成部分)4.Marx and Literature 5.Summing-upII.Darwinism(达尔文主义)1.General Introduction 2.Ideas of Evolution before Darwin 3.Life of Charles Darwin 4.Darwins Works and Theories 5.Effects of Darwinism,The Rise of Marxism(马克思主义),1.General Introduction a.born in the 19th century from European culture;b.profoundly affected ideas about history,society,economics,ideology,culture and politics;c.Two founders:Karl Marx&Friedrich Engels d.Their writings is widely acknowledged both in the west and in the east to any educated person.,The Rise of Marxism,Since its emergence,Marxism has profoundly affected ideas about history,society,economics,ideology,culture and politicacs.Today it is widely acknowledged even in the west that a knowledge of Marxism,is virtually indispensable to an eduacted person in our time.,2.Historical Background,a.The industrial Revolution(工业革命)resulted in the rapid development of modern capitalism as well as the growth of the working class as a powerful independent political force.b.The first economic crisis intensified class conflict.c.The working class movement developed to a higher level(destroy machines mass strikes,political demonstrations&armed uprisings),3.The three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism(马克思主义的三大来源与三大组成部分),a.German Classic Philosophy德国古典哲学b.English Classical Political Economy 英国古典政治经济学c.Utopian Socialism 空想社会主义,German Classic Philosophy 德国古典哲学,Hegelian dialectics(黑格尔辩证法)German philosopher Phenomenology 现象学Marx thought highly of Hegels dialectics,ii.euerbachs materialism 费尔巴哈的唯物主义,Ludwing Feuerbach费尔巴哈*German Philosopher*epoch-maker*The Essence of Christianity 基督教的本质(),iii.Marxist philosophy,a.Based on the German classical philosophy,Marx and Engels developed their dialectical materialism(辨证唯物主义)b.They accepted Hegels dialectics and Feuerbachs materialismc.rejected Hegels idealist view on universe and the metaphysical part of Feuerbachs philosophy.,iv.Marxist historical materialism历史唯物主义,a.Marxist historical materialism(历史唯物主义)意识形态the greatest achievement of scientific thought(Lenin)The German Ideology 德意志意识形态,b.English Classical Political Economy(英国古典政治经济学)and Marxist Political Economy,Capital资本论surplus value(剩余价值)was the source of profit,the source of the wealth of the capitalist classThe doctrine of surplus value(剩余价值理论)in Capital is the cornerstone of Marxs economic theoryhe differences(see page 353),c.Utopian Socialism(空想社会主义)and Scientific Socialism(科学社会主义),i.Utopian Socialism*The early socialism*nature:utopian*Three representatives:*Robert Owen 欧文*Henri de Saint-Simon圣西门*Charles Fourier傅立叶,Robert Owen 欧文(1771-1858),Robert Owen is an English industrialist and social reforme.Founded the short-lived communistic colony of New Harmony in Indiana.,Henri de Saint-Simon圣西门,French social philosopher(1760-1825),Charles Fourier傅立叶,French social philosopher(1772-1837),4.Marx and Literature,Literature:not only a means of expression but a means of self-constitution.He shows a passionate interest in literature and literature becomes a potent weapon in his early battlesHe highly value realist literature,Marx and Literature,To Marx,works of literature are products,authors are producers,and literature cannot remainunaffected by the modes of production and consumption prevalent in the society within which and for which it is produced.,Karl Marx,A spectre is haunting Europe-The spectre of Communism.一个幽灵在欧洲徘徊,共产主义的幽灵。,Karl Marx,The working class of the world unite.全世界无产者联合起来!Religion is the opium of the people.宗教是人民的鸦片。From each according to his abilities,to each according to his needs.各尽所能,按需分配。,5.Summing-up,Marx discovered the law of development of human history that mankind must first of all eat,drink,have shelter and clothing before it can pursue politics,science,art,religion,etc.Discovered the special law of motion governing the present-day capitalist mode of production and the bourgeois societyDiscovered surplus value(剩余价值),II.Darwinism(达尔文主义),Born on February 12,1809 at Shrewsbury,England.Edingburgh University to study medicine.Cambridge For ministry.1839,he began writing a draft of his book on the origin of species.,2.Ideas of Evolution before Darwin,*Lamarck拉马克*French naturalist 法国博物学家*the first man whose conclusion on the subject of evolution excited much attention,Sir Charles Lyell 莱伊尔,英国地质学家 根据自己的研究坚持认为 地球表 面的所有特征都是长时间细微的自 然作用形成的,并且通过研究现在 即可推测出过去 的地质变化。*Principle of Geology 地质学原理,II.Darwinism(达尔文主义),1.General Introduction a.discovered the law governing the evolution of man himself(the theory of evolution进化论)b.For many centuries before him,people in the west had led to believe each verse of the Bible as literally true that all living things were created by God,but Darwin declared that every living thing on earth evolved from one or a few common ancestors,which greatly shook the world.,3.Life of Charles Darwin,Born in England in 1809EducationScientific expeditionAlfred Russel Wallace亚尔佛德罗素华莱士英国博物学家以和达尔文共同(1858)发表物竞天择理论驰名。,the theory of evolution进化论,Contains four major arguments:1.New species appear 2.Those new species have evolved from old species.3.The evolution of species is the result of natural selection.4.And the natural selection depends on variation and the maintenance of variation in spite of the tendency of natural selection to eliminate unfit variants.,4.Darwins works and theory,On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection 物种起源The essence of Darwins theory of evolution 达尔文论述生物进化的重要著作,出版于1859年。该书大概是19世纪最具争议的著作,其中的观点大多数 为当今的科学界普遍接受。在该书中,达尔文首次提出了进化论的观点。,ot everyone likes Darwin,Darwin 达尔文,Man,the wonder and glory of the universe.人,宇宙的奇迹和光荣。We must,however,acknowledge,as it seems to me,that men with all his noble qualities,still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin.可是在我看来,我们必须懂得:具有崇高品质的人 在体格上仍然带有出身低贱的不可磨灭的印记Survival of the Fittest.适者生存,马尔萨斯 人口论,Population,when unchecked,increases in a geometrical ratio.Subsistence only increases in an arithmetical ratio.人口如果不加以限制的话,就会以几何级数增长,而给养只能以算术级数增长。The Principle of Population 1798 by Malthus,5.Effects of Darwinism,it follows that any being,if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable to itself,under the complex and sometimes varying conditions of life,will have a better chance of surviving,and thus be naturally selected.轻微变异的个体能以任何方式使自身更能适应复杂的、有时变化的生活条件者将有较好的生存机会,这样就被自然选择下来。,What is(Social)Darwinism?什么是(社会)达尔文主义?,Social Darwinism is a belief that societies and individual human beings compete in a struggle for existence in which natural selection results in survival of the fittest.Social Darwinists base their beliefs on theories of evolution developed by British naturalist Charles Darwin.Social Darwinists typically deny that they advocate a law of the jungle.But most propose arguments that justify imbalances of power between individuals,races,and nations because they consider some people more fit to survive than others.The theory had produced a big impact on naturalism.社会达尔文主义是指社会和个人在生存竞争中按照自然选择的原则导致了“适者生存”的理论。社会达尔文主义者的理论基础是英国博物学家达尔文的进化论。社会达尔文主义者大多否认他们提倡“丛林法则”。但他们的说法使个人,种族和国家之间权利的不平衡合理化,因为“适者生存”。这种理论对自然主义产生了极大影响。,The Descent of Man 人类的由来和性选择,Effects of Darwinism A.On biology B.On theology C.On social science,