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    Technology, Artificial, Intelligence, and the Future人工智能技术和未来.ppt

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    Technology, Artificial, Intelligence, and the Future人工智能技术和未来.ppt

    Technology,Artificial Intelligence,and the Future,TEAM:WomenTeam Members:Denisse Lopez,Lorena Patio,Gloria Garcia,Rebecca GomezNovember 16,2010EWS 425,Technology and the Impact on Human Biology,Technology and its importance in the development of our societyCan it be detrimental to our health?,Denisse Lopez,Studies,UCLA neuroscientist Gary SmallThe more time you devote to a specific activity,the stronger the neural pathways responsible for executing that activity becomeTech-savvy people posses a greater working memory,are more adept at perceptual learning,and have better motor skillsAnother Study shows that we consume three times as much information as we did in 1960,Denisse Lopez,Addiction to Technology,Digital GenerationExposure to children at younger and younger agesWebMDQuizzes availableSelf-help books,Denisse Lopezhttp:/,Denisse Lopez,What is AI?,Artificial Intelligence:The ability of a computer or other machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence.The branch of computer science concerned with the development of machines having this ability.,Denisse Lopezhttp:/,AI Used in Ordinary Life,WebsitesGamesHealth carehttp:/,Denisse Lopezhttp:/,Denisse Lopezhttp:/www.atariarchives.org/deli/artificial_intelligence.php,http:/,Womens Role In A.I,Male Dominated Idolized Role of Female Character Sexualized Stereotyped female instinctsReverting back to conceptualized roles of societyTaking Power away from women,Gloria Garcia,Gloria Garcia,Baby Alive,Virtual Woman,http:/,http:/,http:/,Gloria Garcia,Why Should Women Be involved in A.I,Provide Female PerspectiveCorrect perspectives of female ideals Values and actual maternal instincts not conceptualized Protection of Birth Rights Breaking stereotypes and asserting Female stance in Computer Programming,Gloria Garcia,ASIMO,Created by Honda in 2000“Worlds most advanced robot”Can function independently Walks 1.7 mph,runs 3.7 mph can carry 2.2 poundsRecognizesMoving objectsPosture and gesturesEnvironmentSoundsFaces,Lorena Patio,Examples of heights in mm.,Height of ASIMO is 130 cm.Height makes it people friendly,Lorena Patio,ASIMO,New advancementsMore than one ASIMO can work togetherAvoids oncoming peopleAutonomous battery charging function,Lorena Patio,More on ASIMO,Goal of ASIMO project is to create a truly useable humanoid robot that can co-exist with humans.Benefits in home,environment and situations where people need assistance and support.October 31st ASIMO celebrated its 10th anniversary.In 10 years ASIMO has made many visits and done many things.,http:/,Lorena Patio,Robots and Future of War,Is Science fiction becoming a reality?New war machines are changing the very nature of human conflictMore robots on battlefield instead of peopleU.S.is currently ahead in military robotics,however,other countries are also working on robotic advancements.,Lorena Patio,Robots and War,In 2003 U.S.had only a hand full of robotic planes,now we have more than 7,000 and 12,000 unmanned machines.Robots are emotionless so they are ideal for battlefield.,Lorena Patio,Peter Warren Singer,Senior Fellow and Director of 21st Century Defense Initiative at Brookings InstituteConsidered one of worlds leading experts on changes in 21st cent.WarfareLatest book“Wired for War”,He poses questions such as:What is the message being sent by using machines?Is it our machines or us that are wired for war?http:/,Lorena Patio,War Robots with Ethics?,Currently scientists are working on creating war robots with ethicsRonald Arkin is working on an“ethical governor,”a package of software and hardware that tells robots when and where to fire.Arkin argues that these robots may actually be able to respond better than human soldiers.,Lorena Patio,http:/,Lorena Patio,The Future of Robots,Male robotsPerfect woman robotSocially interactive robotsKismet,Lorena Patio,The Future of Robots,Undoubtedly,the future of robots will dramatically change human existence,the question is how will humans respond to such changes.Will the affects be positive or negative?Will robots take the jobs of humans?Will there be a time where humans will have to learn to co-exist with robots?,Lorena Patio,Moral and Ethical treatment of Artificial Intelligence,Moral rules on how to treat AIArtificial Intelligence created to benefit humans.How far are our responsibilities?Putting value of our existence over other existences?,Rebecca Gomez,Moral and Ethical Treatment of Robots,Sentience:ability to pleasure of painThe cut off point to robot rights?Would there be certain guidelines that a robot has to have rights?Robots abilities:A super human and eventually endanger humans?Since they are made to be human like,and have feelings,will they have equal rights?,Rebecca Gomez,Rebecca Gomez,http:/,Artificial Intelligence,Where is the line drawn and what robots have what rights?Cuter Robots have more rights?,Rebecca Gomez,Rebecca Gomez,http:/,Surrogates,Is it right to be biologically connected to controlling another form of existence?If they are like humans are they trustworthy?What is the point of having Surrogates?,Rebecca Gomez,Wall-E,Rebecca Gomez,http:/,Wall-E,Technology use and the destruction of the earth and our bodies.GlobalizationEveryone and every aspect of life looks the sameTechnology and its distractionsIs this where the future is headed?,Rebecca Gomez,Quiz,1.What are two specific examples of ways we use Artificial Intelligence in ordinary life?2.What is the key reason why women should be involved with the programming of Artificial Intelligence?3.What are the benefits of ASIMO?4.What are some ethical issues humans may encounter when interacting with robots?,Bibliography,1.http:/http:/http:/http:/Patio(slides 11-21)5.http:/http:/http:/http:/Gomez(slides 22-29)10.http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics_of_artificial_intelligence11.http:/www.actionbioscience.org/biotech/glenn.html#primer12.http:/http:/http:/http:/irtfoundation.org/main/images/IRTFMedia/artificial-intelligence.jpg,Denisse Lopez(slides 2-7),


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