Jane Austen --Pride and Prejudice(for class).ppt.ppt
Jane Austen andPride and Prejudice,Jane Austen,Jane Austen(1775-1817),Regency Period(摄政统治;摄政期),Middle class gained social status;known as landed gentryProfits from Industrial Revolution and expanding colonial systemStrived to align(结盟)themselves with Englands landed aristocracyPurchased estates and country homes to rival aristocratic mansionsNewly acquired wealth and possessions,The Regency Period,The Regency period in the United Kingdom is the period between 1811 and 1820,when King George III was deemed unfit to rule and his son,later George IV,was instated to be his proxy as Prince Regent.The term is often expanded to apply to the years between 1795 and 1837,a time characterised by distinctive fashions,politics and culture.In this sense,it can be considered to be a transitional period between Georgian and Victorian eras.The era was distinctive for its architecture,literature,fashions,and politics.,奥斯丁与摄政王,奥斯丁在世时,英国由摄政王统治。他的父亲乔治三世晚年精神失常,国会安排由他摄政。1820年老王去世,摄政王即位,是为乔治四世。据说他非常喜欢奥斯丁的作品,在每个住处都存有一套。他还写过一封信给奥斯丁,表示了自己的钦佩并希望她能把下一部作品献给自己。奥斯丁在一封信里说:“对亲王的感谢,我感到荣幸。”同时也多少有点违心地写了爱玛书前的那篇献词。据记载,摄政王藏书室的负责人曾建议奥斯丁写题材大一些的作品。奥斯丁在回信中说:“我不写传奇。我必须保持自己的风格,继续走自己的路,虽然在这条路上我可能永不会再获成功。我却相信在别的路上我将彻底失败。”奥斯丁向亲属表示过,她自己能做的只是“写乡野的几户人家”,“在一小块(两英寸宽的)象牙上用一支细细的画笔轻描慢绘。”今天,人们自然要庆幸亏得奥斯丁没有采纳那样的建议。而且她也不纯粹是“为小题材而小题材”。她也能做到小中见大。她在作品中关怀妇女、恋爱、婚姻问题,探讨社会在这些方面的谬误与偏见并从而揭示人性中的一些弱点。探讨人性,这难道能说是在写微不足道的小题材吗?古代的希腊人认为最重要的问题莫若是“认识自我”。他们在德尔菲神庙上铭刻的就是这几个字。,Austens HouseChawton,The house where Jane Austen lived and wrote most of her novels;a pleasant seventeenth century house in the pretty village of Chawton in Hampshire not far from her birthplace of Steventon.,The house where she lived,Chawton,Hampshire,Jane Austens House at Chawton,Jane Austens life,Her signature,Jane Austen was a major English novelist,whose brilliantly witty,elegantly structured satirical fiction marks the transition in English literature from 18th century neo-classicism to 19th century romanticism.,简奥斯汀,1775年12月16日1817年7月18日是英国著名女性小说家,她的作品主要关注乡绅家庭女性的婚姻和生活;以女性特有的细致入微的观察力和活泼风趣的文字真实地描绘了她周围世界的小天地。,Biography,Jane Austen was born on 16th December 1775,at Steventon in Hampshire,where her father,the Rev.George Austen,was rector.Her mother was Cassandra Leigh.Jane Austen died on July 18th,1817.,The church for Rev.Austen,She was the seventh.She was educated primarily by her father.From her older sister,Cassandra,she was inseparable.,Father-a clergyman,ambitious and intelligentMother of higher social birth(one of her relatives had been Lord mayor of London)Family low on financial resources,but high on educationFive brothers and one sister.After her fathers death in 1805,the mother,sister,and Jane relied heavily on the charity of the sons.May have died from Addisons disease or tuberculosis.,19,A drawing of Janes family,The Austens were moderately well off.They kept a carriage and pair and enjoyed some of the considerations usually awarded to landed proprietors.The household was lively and bookish.The family also enjoyed writing and performing plays for evening entertainment.,At the age of 14 she wrote her first novel,Love and Friendship.As a young woman Jane enjoyed dancing and she attended balls.She loved the country,enjoyed long country walks.,When Austen was twenty,Tom Lefroy visited Steventon.Lefroy and Austen would have been introduced at a ball.It is clear from Janes letters to Cassandra that they spent a lot of time together:“I am almost afraid to tell you how my Irish friend and I behaved”.,This is a photograph of a coat worn by Jane Austen.It gives an idea of the type of clothes worn by young ladies of the time.,Simplicity of the Empire line dress,Fluffy Hollywood!,Neither had any money,and Tom was dependent on a great-uncle.So,Jane Austen never saw him again.Austen began work on a second novel,First Impressions(it later became Pride and Prejudice).,情窦初开,1796年,20岁的奥斯汀遇到勒弗罗伊。情窦初开的她对这个聪明狡黠(xi)的爱尔兰年轻律师一见钟情。然而,奥斯汀的牧师家庭希望未来女婿拥有经济实力,而偏偏那时的勒弗罗伊还是个穷小子。而拥有6个孩子的勒弗罗伊家也执意与富贵之家联姻,因此要求勒弗罗伊返回爱尔兰。从此两人便再没有相见。当年,奥斯汀在致姐姐卡桑德拉的信中表达了无奈伤心:“终于,这一天还是到来了,我将与汤姆勒弗罗伊告别。而当你收到这封信时,一切都已结束。一想到这些,我不禁泪流。”后来,勒弗罗伊如家人所愿地娶了个大家闺秀,还成为爱尔兰最高法院首席法官。直至晚年,他才向侄子坦言曾与一位作家有过一段“少年之爱”。,Jane and her sister visited Alethea and Catherine Bigg whose junger brother,Harris Bigg-Wither.He proposed and Jane accepted because the marriage offered many practical advantages to Jane and her family.,In 1801 the family moved away to Bath.The next four years were difficult ones for Jane.After the death of Mr.Austen,the Austen ladies moved to Southampton.,The cause of Janes death was the typhus.(斑疹伤寒)She died in Winchester on 18th July in 1817,at the age of 41.She has never been married.,终身未嫁,初恋以被迫分手告终,奥斯汀选择终身不嫁,而将所有未了的情感注入文学创作。“爱的小屋”身价飙升这段恋情没有让奥斯汀成为勒弗罗伊太太,却激励她成为英国历史上最受欢迎的女作家之一。“是他告诉她,她拥有才华。是他鼓励她在写作中追随自己的思想尽管他俩没有在一起,但这段恋情却激发她成为职业作家。”雷说。另一方面,奥斯汀和勒弗罗伊第一次相遇的房子也行情看涨。这座名为“迪恩小屋”的房子坐落在汉普郡,充满浓郁的英式特点,典雅而舒适。悠久历史、建筑价值再加上凄美爱情故事,这座小屋已经被开出1000万英镑的高价。,Austens Novels,Privileged circle of Englands landed gentry and aristocracyUpper class was old hereditary aristocracy and the new landed gentry who came into money through commercial enterprise and ascended from the middle classUpper class did not work and frequently employed farmers to work their landUpper class controlled Englands politics,She earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature.Austens works critique the novels of sensibility of the 18th century and are part of the transition to the 19th-century realism.She highlights the dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing and economic security.,简奥斯汀的小说,由于居住在乡村小镇,接触到的是中小地主、牧师等人物以及他们恬静、舒适的生活环境,因此她的作品里没有重大的社会矛盾。她以女性特有的细致入微的观察力,真实地描绘了她周围世界的小天地,尤其是绅士淑女间的婚姻和爱情风波。她的作品格调轻松诙谐,富有喜剧性冲突,深受读者欢迎。,Georgian Writer,Because of the charm of her plots,their setting in merry old England,and the Victorian-styled costumes and 1850 setting used in the first film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice in 1940),you may view Austen as Victorian.(This isnt your fault.the 1940 film misled you!)But Jane Austen lived between 1775 and 1817,and her novels came out between 1813 and 1818,the year after her death,which places her and her work in the Georgian period of English history.,简奥斯汀的小说,从18世纪末到19世纪初,庸俗无聊的“感伤小说”和“哥特小说”充斥英国文坛,而奥斯汀的小说破旧立新,一反常规地展现了当时尚未受到资本主义工业革命冲击的英国乡村中产阶级的日常生活和田园风光。她的作品往往通过喜剧性的场面嘲讽人们的愚蠢、自私、势利和盲目自信等可鄙可笑的弱点。奥斯汀的小说出现在19世纪初叶,一扫风行一时的假浪漫主义潮流,继承和发展了英国18世纪优秀的现实主义传统,为19世纪现实主义小说的高潮做了准备。虽然其作品反映的广度和深度有限,但她的作品如“两寸牙雕”,从一个小窗口中窥视到整个社会形态和人情世故,对改变当时小说创作中的庸俗风气起了好的作用,在英国小说的发展史上有承上启下的意义,被誉为地位“可与莎士比亚平起平坐”的作家。,文学地位,可是她在英国文学中的地位却随时间的过去而日益显得重要,以致竟有批评家认为:“作家当中其手法最接近于(莎士比亚)这位大师的,无疑就要数简奥斯丁了,这位女性堪称是英国之骄傲。她为我们创造出了一大批的人物”(托巴麦考莱语)。另一位将她与莎士比亚相比的是现代美国的批评家艾德蒙威尔逊。他说:“一百多年来,英国曾发生过几次趣味上的革命。文学口味的翻新影响了几乎所有作家的声望,唯独莎士比亚与简奥斯丁是经久不衰。”赞赏奥斯丁的作家,从瓦尔特司各特开始,可以说是绵延不绝,粗略一排就有:特洛罗普、乔治艾略特、柯勒律奇、勃朗宁夫人、骚塞、爱摩福斯特等位。但是她的杰出与伟大之处究竟表现在哪些方面,也不是一下子说得清楚的。弗吉尼亚吴尔芙就曾说过:“在所有的伟大的作家中,她的伟大之处是最最难以捕捉到的。”,Jane Austens realistic ideas,(1)She holds the ideas of the landlord class in politics,religion and moral principles;and her works show clearly her firm belief in the predominance of reason over passion,the sense of responsibility,good manners and clear-sighted judgment over the Romantic tendencies of emotion and individuality.,(2)She shows a discriminated and serious criticism of life,and to expose the follies and illusions of mankind.,(3)She shows contemptuous feelings towards snobbery,stupidity,worldliness and vulgarity through subtle satire and irony.,(4)In style,she is a neoclassicism advocator,upholding those traditional ideas of order,reason,proportion and gracefulness in novel writing.,Jane Austens main literary concern,(1)Hers literary concern is about human beings in their personal relationships.She believes that a mans relationship to his wife and children is at least as important a part of his life as his concerns about his belief and career.It reveals her moral quality more accurately and truthfully.,(2)Stories of love and marriage provide the major themes in all her novels,in which female characters are playing an active part.,The Main Features of Jane Austens Works,With keen observation and in great detail,she presents the quiet,day-to-day country life of the upper-middle-class English of eighteenth century.,(1),Her characteristic theme is that maturity is achieved through the loss of illusions.Faults of character displayed by the people of her novels are corrected when,through tribulation,lessons are learned.,(2),3)Even the most minor characters are vividly particularized in Austens lucid style.,4)All her works are penetrated with tone of satire.,小说特点,简奥斯丁是“第一个现实地描绘日常平凡生活中平凡人物的小说家。(她的作品)反映了当时英国中产阶级生活的喜剧,显示了家庭文学的可能性。她多次探索青年女主角从恋爱到结婚中自我发现的过程。这种着力分析人物性格以及女主角和社会之间紧张关系的做法,使她的小说摆脱十八世纪的传统而接近于现代的生活。正是这种现代性,加上她的机智和风趣,她的现实主义和同情心,她的优雅的散文和巧妙的故事结构,使她的小说能长期吸引读者。”并且说:“当时(指十九世纪初)流行夸张戏剧性的浪漫小说,已使人们所厌倦,奥斯丁的朴素的现实主义启清新之风,受到读者的欢迎到二十世纪,人们才认识到她是英国摄政王时期(1810-1820)最敏锐的观察者,她严肃地分析了当时社会的性质和文化的质量,记录了旧社会向现代社会的转变。现代评论家也赞佩奥斯丁小说的高超的组织结构,以及她能于平凡而狭窄有限的情节中揭示生活的悲喜剧的精湛技巧。”,语言特色,奥斯丁的语言确实出色,这在提高她作品的水准上起着很大的作用。她的对话不但符合人物性格,而且常含机锋。(奥斯丁小时候曾和家人演戏自娱,写好对白自是她的特长。)叙述描写部分语言通常徐缓舒展,与她所写的那个历史时期的社会环境与人物身份非常配称。作者偶尔亦用曲笔,不动声色地说几句谑而不虐的反话,使读懂的读者不禁要发出会心的微笑。(批评家瓦尔特艾伦就说过,整部爱玛,“就是在嘲弄中孕育成的。”)在结构上,爱玛亦极匀称紧密。除了书中高潮处外,每一章亦都有精彩的“看点”。这就使得翻译者苦苦奋斗工作时,又自有乐趣,仿佛是“从山阴道上行,山川自相映发,使人应接不暇。”相信读者在读她的书时,也会有这样的体会的。有批评家说过:“在爱玛中,整个主题就是女主人公痛苦的认识自身并逐渐抛开幻想的过程。”,Artistic features 艺术特色,奥斯丁的小说尽管题材比较狭窄,故事相当平淡,但是她善于在日常平凡事物中塑造鲜明的人物形象,不论是伊丽莎白、达西那种作者认为值得肯定的人物,还是魏克翰、柯林斯这类遭到讽刺挖苦的对象,都写得真实动人。奥斯丁的语言是经过锤炼的,她在对话艺术上讲究幽默、讽刺,常以风趣诙谐的语言来烘托人物的性格特征。这种艺术创新使她的作品具有自己的特色。,代表作品,Sense and Sensibility,1811 理智与情感(又名)理性与感性Pride and Prejudice,1813 傲慢与偏见Mansfield Park,1814 曼斯菲尔德庄园Emma,1815 爱玛 Northanger Abbey,1818 诺桑觉寺(死后出版)Persuasion,1818 劝导(死后出版),简奥斯丁傲慢与偏见,简奥斯丁是一个我国读者非常熟悉的名字。她的小说傲慢与偏见以及据此拍摄的电影恐怕早已为大家所熟悉了。据英国广播公司最近调查统计,傲慢与偏见在英国人最喜爱的小说中,名列第二。爱玛()是这位女作家的第四部作品,一般都认为是她最为成熟的一部作品。,Pride and Prejudice,Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice,伦敦的奥斯汀中心,Pride and Prejudice,Origins of Pride and Prejudice,Published in 1813 but begun in 1796Original title,First ImpressionsIn the early 19th century,respected critical opinion was strongly biased against the novel formPride and Prejudice remains consistently Austens most well-read and popular novel,57,Jane Austens Representative Works,Pride and Prejudice,Pride and Prejudice,Pride and Prejudice was first written in the late1700s,then rewritten in 1811-1812 and finally published in early 1813.It is probably the most-read of all of Jane Austens novels and is a popular favorite among many.Pride and Prejudice,originally entitled First Impressions,deals with the misjudgments thatoften occur at the beginning of an acquaintance,and how those misjudgments can change as individuals learn more about each other.,First Impressions,Original title of P&PPremature preconceptions complicate the relationships between charactersBoth characters must set aside their pride and prejudice and form an opinion based on respect and cordial friendshipError in judgment with Wickham who creates a bad image of DarcyMust look beneath the surface of a persons character,Pride and Prejudice,It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune,must be in want of a wife.此句是全书的开场,这里奥斯汀以简练的笔法,点出了全书的主题:男大当婚、女大当嫁。,Its a periodic sentence because the last word being the most important,and because many words are piled up before the key word.,A periodic sentence,Readers follow the anticipation-suspense-suddenness track and this is the charm of periodic sentences.causes anticipation and suspense in readers because the important information readers are eager to know is postposed at the end of the sentence.,Effect of a periodic sentence,A periodic sentence can focus on expressing the sadness,happiness and humor/irony of the writer and strengthen the power of the words.,The first sentence,is one of the most famous first lines in literature;establishes the major theme and tone;establishes the centrality of advantageous marriage,a fundamental social value of Regency England;offers a miniature sketch of the entire plot;has a subtle,unstated significance.,Irony the use of words to express something other than,or opposite of,the literal meaning,the tone of irony,which Austen will use both verbally and structurally reveals that the reverse is also true:a single woman,whose socially prescribed options are quite limited,is in(perhaps desperate)want of a husband.,Irony(反讽),奥斯丁借助反讽手法悉心雕凿的艺术精品,它对于反讽的使用主要体现在三大方面:一、以反讽(irony)表现主题;二、以反讽(irony)刻画人物;三、以反讽(irony)组织情节和语言.反讽使该小说成为 一部具有浓厚喜剧色彩的现实主义杰作.,Irony(反讽),反讽作为一种文学技巧,主要分为言语反讽、情景反讽、结构反讽和模式反讽四种类型.在简奥斯丁的小说中,不同类型的反讽灵活地运用于四桩婚姻大事之中,以评判当时以追求金钱为目的的婚姻观念.反讽是奥斯丁理解、评价生活的惬意的载体,并成为她作品的基调和风格标志.在她的作品中,这种艺术风格的运用达到了炉火纯青的地步,所以是奥斯丁作品中最成功的一部.反讽艺术的运用是促成这种成功的重要因素之一.无论从人物刻画,语言使用,情节发展上都渗透着反讽.,Irony(反讽),Note her presentation of Mr.and Mrs.Bennet,for example.Their contrasting temperaments are first shown through their manner of conversation;Mrs.Bennet chatters on continuously;Mr.Bennet counters her talk with mildly sarcastic statements,the mocking tone of which Mrs.Bennet completely misses.,Irony(反讽),As in many of Austens other novels,irony is employed in Pride and Prejudice as the lens through which society and human nature are viewed.Through the novel,Austen studies social relationships in the limited society of a country neighbourhood and investigates them in detail with an often ironic and humorous eye.,Jane Austen Quotes.,“A ladys imagination is very rapid;it jumps from admiration to love,from love to matrimony in a moment.”“A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.”“An engaged woman is always more agreeable than a disengaged.She is satisfied with herself.Her cares are over,and she feels that she may exert all her powers of pleasing without suspicion.All is safe with a lady engaged;no harm can be done.”,Social Customs,Dances figure prominently in Jane Austens novels.Whether performed in public assembly rooms in Meryton or in private at the Netherfield Ball,dances offered social opportunities for young people to mix and mingle and converse in an acceptable fashion.In an era when a young lady of good breeding was strictly chaperoned and escorted everywhere she went,she would find it difficult during a routine day to meet privately with a single gentleman,even one who was courting her.,Social Customs,Since a dance would often last for half an hour,the dancers had ample time to converse,flirt,and even touch one another in an accepted manner.A gentleman would,of course,never ask a young lady to dance unless he was first introduced to her.During this era people were often judged for their ability to dance skilfully,and a gentleman was pressured to cut a fine figure on the dance floor.,Regency social manners were all politeness and gentility.There was protocol for every social interaction;down to the way a woman holds her fan to indicate her interest in a gentleman.The social hierarchy was the core of everything,and everyone knew their place,whether they agreed with it or not.Women largely did not inherit wealth,nor were they openly allowed to find their own means;so marriage was one of the few