00703FUTURE BRIGHT 2012年中期报告.ppt
2012,(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)(於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司)(Stock code 股份代號 703)Future Bright,Holdings LimitedInterim Report 中期報告,佳景集團有限公司,2,4,10,18,20,21,23,24,25,43,Contents 目錄Financial Highlights財務摘要Chairmans Statement主席報告Management Discussion and Analysis管理層論述及分析Report on Review of Interim Financial Information中期財務資料審閱報告Condensed Consolidated Statement of ComprehensiveIncome簡明綜合全面收益表Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position簡明綜合財務狀況表Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity簡明綜合股權變動報表Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows簡明綜合現金流量表Notes to the Condensed Financial Statements簡明財務報表附註List of Restaurants/Food Counters/Stores集團餐廳美食廣場櫃位店舖一覽表,51,Corporate Information公司資料,%,%,2,Future Bright Holdings Limited 佳景集團有限公司Financial Highlights財務摘要Six months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止六個月,2012二零一二年(Unaudited)(未經審核)HK$000千港元,2011二零一一年(Unaudited)(未經審核)HK$000千港元,Change變動百分比,Turnover,營業額,315,652,244,341,29.2,Profit before interests,tax expense,除利息、稅項開支、,depreciation and amortisation,折舊及攤銷前溢利,104,386,69,211,50.8,Profit attributable to owners of,本公司擁有人應佔溢利,the Company,60,688,32,086,89.1,Basic earnings per share,每股基本盈利,HK10.96 cents,HK5.79 cents,89.3,港仙,港仙,Interim dividend per share,每股中期股息,HK1.5 cents港仙,Nil無,N/A不適用,30 June,31 December,2012二零一二年六月三十日(Unaudited)(未經審核)HK$000千港元,2011二零一一年十二月三十一日(Audited)(經審核)HK$000千港元,Change變動百分比,Total assetsNet assetsNet assets per share,資產總額資產淨額每股資產淨額,704,391353,421HK63.81 cents,694,365308,459HK55.69 cents,1.414.614.6,港仙,港仙,Gearing ratio,資產負債比率,46.0%,73.0%,-37,Interim Report 中期報告 2012,3,Future Bright Holdings Limited 佳景集團有限公司Financial Highlights 財務摘要,IMPORTANT DATE重要日期Board meeting approving 2012 interim results批准二零一二年中期業績之董事會會議Ex-entitlement trading date for 2012 interim dividend二零一二年中期股息之除權交易日Closure of shareholder register暫停辦理股份過戶登記Record date of 2012 interim dividend entitlement確定收取二零一二年中期股息權利之記錄日期Payment of 2012 interim dividend派付二零一二年中期股息Interim Report 中期報告 2012,2012二零一二年17 August八月十七日30 August八月三十日35 September九月三日至五日5 September九月五日13 September九月十三日,4,Future Bright Holdings Limited 佳景集團有限公司Chairmans Statement主席報告,The board of directors(“Directors”)of Future Bright Holdings Limited(“Company”)is pleased to present to our shareholders the 2012 interimreport of the Company and its subsidiaries(“Group”).Our Group,as one of the few successful leading restaurant operators inMacau,has done remarkably well once again in the first 6 months ended30 June 2012(“Period”),despite of the US economic recovery beingslow,the Euro Zone financial crises lingering on and a looming slow-down in the Mainland Chinas economy.On top of these difficulties,ourGroup was during the Period subject to soaring food materials cost,and rising labour cost and rental.But,our Group has been successfullyable to capture the benefits from increases in visitor inflow by 2.5%from13.247 million people for the first 6 months 2011 to 13.578 million peoplefor the first 6 months 2012.And for the first quarter of 2012,total visitorsspending reached MOP13.1 billion,up notably by 35%as compared tofirst quarter of 2011,with visitors spending on food and beverage(per-capita spending)up 17%.Our Groups success has been attributed tothe smart business strategy of our management as well as their skill andexpertise.For the Period,our Group once again recorded a strong growth of some29.2%in its turnover to HK$315.6 million and some 89.7%surge in netprofit attributable to shareholders to HK$60.7 million,compared to thoseof the corresponding period in 2011.Our Group witnessed an increaseof 51%in its net profit before tax,interest and depreciation and non-controlling interests to some HK$104.4 million for the Period,with abig jump of 89%to HK10.96 cents earnings per share.The total assetsand total liabilities of the Group as at 30 June 2012 were approximatelyHK$704.4 million and HK$351.0 million respectively.In line with its steady dividend policy to reward the support of itshareholders and with such strong growth in net profit in the Period,theDirectors would declare and pay an interim dividend of HK1.5 cents pershare in respect of the Period.Interim Report 中期報告 2012,佳景集團有限公司(本公司)董事(董事)會欣然向各股東提呈本公司及其附屬公司(本集團)之二零一二年中期報告。儘管美國經濟復甦緩慢、歐元區金融危機持續,加上中國內地的經濟逐漸出現放緩跡象,但本集團作為澳門少數成功領先之食肆營運商之一,於截至二零一二年六月三十日止首六個月(期間)再一次表現出色。除此等危機之外,本集團於期間面對食物原材料成本飆升、勞工成本及租金均上漲等問題。然而,訪客流量由二零一一年首六個月的13,247,000人次增加2.5%至二零一二年首六個月的13,578,000人次,使本集團得以從中受惠。於二零一二年首季,訪客消費總額達13,100,000,000澳門元,較二零一一年首季顯著上升35%,訪客於食物及飲品的消費額(人均消費額)則上升17%。本集團之成功可歸因於管理層睿智的商業策略,亦拜其技能及專業知識所賜。期間內,本集團之營業額較二零一一年同期再次大幅增長約29.2%至315,600,000港元及股東應佔純利亦激增約89.7%至60,700,000港元。本集團於期間之除稅、利息、折舊及非控股權益前純利增加51%至約104,400,000港元,每股盈利大幅攀升89%至10.96港仙。於二零一二年六月三十日,本集團總資產及總負債分別約為704,400,000港元及351,000,000港元。因應本集團穩定的股息政策以獎勵其股東的支持,加上期間內純利增長強勁,董事將宣派期間的中期股息每股1.5港仙。,於,*,*,*,5,Future Bright Holdings Limited 佳景集團有限公司Chairmans Statement 主席報告,OPERATIONS REVIEWFood and Beverage BusinessRestaurant ChainThe adverse operation environment has starkly highlighted theoutstanding strength of our Group,the excellent skill of our management,the high economy of scale of our restaurant chain and our successfulstrategy of having diverse high quality food range at different pricings.All these attributes have since 2009 enabled to generate strong organicgrowth in our Groups restaurant chain and turnover as follows:,營運回顧食物及飲品業務連鎖食肆嚴峻的經營環境凸顯了本集團實力卓越、管理層技能出色、連鎖食肆具高度經濟規模以及以不同價格提供多種優質食物之成功策略。所有此等特色自二零零九年起使本集團的連鎖食肆及營業額產生強勁的自然增長如下:,Number of restaurants,餐廳數目,As at30/6/2012二零一二年六月三十日,As at31/12/2011於二零一一年十二月三十一日,As at31/12/2010於二零一零年十二月三十一日,As at31/12/2009於二零零九年十二月三十一日,Japanese restaurantsChinese restaurantsWestern restaurantsFood court countersOthersTotal area of restaurants(sq.m.)*Turnover per sq.m.(HK$),日式餐廳中式餐廳西式餐廳美食廣場櫃位其他餐廳總面積(平方米)每平方米營業額(港元),1242109379,87531,251,1152106349,05258,811,952103298,52044,108,64213164,72249,814,The total gross floor area has been calculated with exclusion of 1,482 sq.m.grossfloor area of jointly controlled entitys restaurants.For thesix monthsended30 June,總建築面積之計算並不包括共同控制實體餐廳之建築面積1,482平方米。For the year ended 31 December,2012,2011,2010,2009,截至二零一二年,六月三十日,截至十二月三十一日止年度,Turnover,營業額,止六個月HK$000千港元,二零一一年HK$000千港元,二零一零年HK$000千港元,二零零九年HK$000千港元,Japanese restaurantsChinese restaurantsWestern restaurantsFood court countersOthers,日式餐廳中式餐廳西式餐廳美食廣場櫃位其他,167,32369,09516,56130,69824,926308,603,273,398126,08534,27463,02635,572532,355,206,02595,27625,99935,62712,877375,804,138,21254,92623,59116,7001,793235,222,Interim Report 中期報告 2012,%,5,6,Future Bright Holdings Limited 佳景集團有限公司Chairmans Statement 主席報告,OPERATIONS REVIEW ContinuedFood and Beverage Business ContinuedRestaurant Chain ContinuedTotal turnoverOur Groups restaurant chain achieved in the Period a total turnover ofsome HK$308.6 million with the following growth rates in different typesof restaurants,benefiting from the increases in tourist visitor inflow andspending in Macau:,營運回顧續食物及飲品業務續連鎖食肆續總營業額受惠於訪澳旅客流量及消費上升,本集團之連鎖食肆於期間之總營業額約為308,600,000港元,而各類別餐廳之增長率如下:,For thesix monthsended30 June,For thesix monthsended30 June,Sales,銷售額,2012截至二零一二年六月三十日止六個月HK$000千港元,%of growth增長百分比百分比,2011截至二零一一年六月三十日止六個月HK$000千港元,Japanese restaurantsChinese restaurantsWestern restaurantsFood court countersOthersTotal,日式餐廳中式餐廳西式餐廳美食廣場櫃位其他總計,167,32369,09516,56130,69824,926308,603,4114108730,118,88460,76215,00029,10913,336237,091,Our Japanese restaurants were the prime mover of our Groups increasein turnover with 41%growth,while the growth of all other restaurantswas certainly remarkable too.With higher turnover in the Period,ourGroup continued to enjoy a strong positive net cash inflow.Our Grouphas during the Period continued its unique business model by cautiouslyexpanding its already diversified food range at different pricings anddifferent good tourist locations:our Group opened 4 new restaurantsnamely,Edo Japanese Restaurant and one Pacific Coffee shop at SandsCotai Central Macau,one Pacific Coffee shop at the University of Macau,and Royal Thai Kitchen at Residencia Macau(君悅灣).Interim Report 中期報告 2012,本 集 團 之 營 業 額 增 長 41%乃 主 要 由 日 式 餐 廳所帶動,而所有其他餐廳之增長亦同樣顯著。由於期間之營業額較高,故本集團繼續得享正數現金流量淨額。本集團於期間繼續實得其獨特業務模式,在不同價格及不同旅遊旺區的層面上,謹慎擴展本集團早已是多元化之美食類別:本集團新設四間餐廳,包括位於澳門金沙城中心之江戶日本料理及一間太平洋咖啡店、於澳門大學之一間太平洋咖啡店以及於澳門君悅灣之御泰廚。,益。,7,Future Bright Holdings Limited 佳景集團有限公司Chairmans Statement 主席報告,OPERATIONS REVIEW ContinuedFood and Beverage Business ContinuedLogistic SupportOur Group has already started working on its development plan on itsindustrial building of five stores with a total gross floor area of 9,391sq.m.at our recently acquired land of 2,719 sq.m.at Lot D5 in theMacau zone of Parque Industrial Transfronteirico Zhuhai Macau.Andsuch intended industrial building will upon completion house our centralfood processing centre,warehouse and office facilities giving greaterflexibility and efficiency to our Groups operations.Our Group has also continued to actively enhance its logistic supportincluding food sourcing and food process facilities.To meet such goal,inlast July,our Group signed a memorandum of agreement with All KansaiFood Export Committee,Japan to enable our Group to source directlyfrom suppliers in Kansai exportable products and produces in Osaka-Pref,Kyoto-Pref,Mie-Pref,Shiga-Pref,Nara-Pref,Wakayama-Pref,Hyogo-Pref,Fukui-Pref and Tokushima-Pref including Kobe beef,Omi beef,fishery products,alcoholic beverage,sweets,and seasoning agents ofsoy sauce.Such memorandum would enable our Group to import morediversified Japanese products directly into Macau at more competitiveprices.Human ResourcesOur management has placed high value on our management andstaff teams where the success of our Group has been attributed tothe skill and experience of our management and staff teams.Withnew restaurants opened in the Period and to be opened soon,ourmanagement has continued to expand our management and staff teamsto enhance operation efficiency.Property Investment BusinessIn the Period,our 6-storey commercial building in Macau has generateda steady rental income of some MOP7 million to our Group.Themanagement firmly believes that high demand for good commercialproperties at prime locations would continue,and our commercialproperty will in the long term enjoy some healthy capital appreciation.The management considers that it is beneficial for our Group to look foropportunities to expand our property investment business.Interim Report 中期報告 2012,營運回顧續食物及飲品業務續物流支援本集團已開始著手對最近收購位於珠澳跨境工業區澳門園區內D5地段佔地2,719平方米之土地上興建一幢總建築面積為9,391平方米之五層高工業大廈之發展計劃。該擬興建之工業大廈將於落成後作為中央食物加工中心、倉庫及辦公室設施,給予本集團在營運上更高靈活性及效本集團亦繼續積極加強物流支授,包括食物採購及食物加工設施。為達到此目標,本集團於去年七月與所有日本關西食品出口委員會簽署協議備忘錄,使本集團可直接向關西供應商採購大阪縣、京都縣、三重縣、滋賀縣、奈良縣、和歌山縣、兵庫縣、福井縣及德島縣生產之出口產品及農產品,包括神戶牛肉、近江牛肉、漁產品、酒精飲品、糖類及大豆調味劑。此備忘錄使本集團能夠以更具競爭力之價格直接進口更多多元化之日本產品至澳門。人力資源本集團管理層對管理人員及員工團隊非常重視,因本集團之成功一直歸因管理人員及員工團隊之技能及經驗。隨著期間內新開張及將會開張之餐廳,本集團管理層已不斷擴展管理人員及員工團隊以提升營運效率。物業投資業務期間內,澳門一幢6層高商業大廈為本集團帶來穩定租金收入7,000,000澳門元。管理層深信對位於優越地段之優質商業物業之殷切需求將會持續,而本集團之商業物業長遠而言將從其穩建之資本升值中得益。管理層認為,物色機會拓展物業投資業務能使本集團受惠。,8,Future Bright Holdings Limited 佳景集團有限公司Chairmans Statement 主席報告,OUTLOOKOur Group has always been to focus its resources and efforts mainlyin its food and beverage business in Macau as its centre piece whilethe property investment market is to provide diversified revenue to ourGroup.Our management fully understands that Macau is a small but high inflowof tourist city,and there is always a continuous strong demand for shopand office spaces as well as a huge demand for different types of foodat different pricings.Our Group would continue its current businessmodel to capture and benefit from such demands through its cautiousexpansion of its restaurant chain with a diversified food range withdifferent pricings at different good tourist locations;and its continuousenhancement of efficiency and capacity through betterment of itslogistics support and the diversified sourcing of food materials.The global economy looks unsettling but with relatively optimistic outlook.Our management remains as always confident in Macaus economyespecially its tourist and gaming industries.Our management foreseesincreasing costs in food materials,rental and labour to exert pressure onour Groups business.To meet such challenge,our management shallcontinue to adjust our business model to become more cost effectiveincluding through provision of broader food varieties at different pricinglevels at different good locations and staying ahead of competition.Ourmanagement shall continue to look for higher growth in its turnover andprofit as well as to further enhance its economies of scale and efficiency.Our Group will by the end of this year open 7 more new restaurants:two Chinese hotpot restaurants one at Rio Hotel of 1,436 sq.m.andanother at the WTC Business Executive Club of 260 sq.m.;two Chineserestaurants with 768 sq.m.at the Macau Airport;one Japanese ramenshop with 67.5 sq.m.at the Residencia Macau;and a staff canteen and aPacific Coffee shop at the Macau University of Science and Technology.In addition,our Group has also successfully bid for 4 restaurants with atotal of 3,158 sq.m.gross floor area at University of Macau,Hengqin Islandnamely:two Chinese restaurants,one Portuguese restaurant and onecoffee shop,all of which are expected to be opened by July 2013.,前景本集團一直將其資源及盡力對準其澳門之食物及飲品業務,作為其業務核心,而物業投資市場則為本集團提供多元化之收益。本集團管理層完全明白澳門面積雖少,但旅客流量高企,且店舖及辦公空間需求一向殷切,而不同價格之各類美食亦有龐大需求。本集團將透過在不同價格及不同旅遊旺區的層面上,審慎擴展其提供多元化美食之連鎖食肆,繼續實行其現有之業務模式以抓緊及受惠於該等需求;並透過不斷改善物流支援及增闢食物原材料之來源不斷提升效率及實力。全球經濟儘管未能明朗,但其前景卻頗為樂觀。本集團管理層仍對澳門經濟充滿信心,特別對其旅遊及博彩行業。本集團管理層預期食物原材料、租金及勞工成本日益增加將對本集團之業務構成壓力。為迎接種種挑戰,管理層將繼續調整本集團之業務模式,使其更具成本效益,並向各個旺區提供不同價格且種類更多之食物,使其在競爭力中能突圍而出。管理層將繼續尋求營業額及溢利之更大增長及進一步提升經濟規模效益。本集團將於本年底前增設7間新餐廳:兩間中式火鍋餐廳一間為1,436平方米位於利澳酒店及另一間為260平方米位於澳門世界貿易中心商務行政會所;兩間為768平方米位於澳門機場之中式餐廳;一間為67.5平方米位於澳門君悅灣之日式拉麵店;以及一間學生飯堂及一間太平洋咖啡店位於澳門科技大學。此外,本集團亦已於橫琴島澳門大學成功投得總建築面積為3,158平方米之四間餐廳,包括兩間中式餐廳、一間葡式餐廳以及一間咖啡店,全部均預期於二零,一三年七月前開業。Interim Report 中期報告 2012,租。,在。,9,Future Bright Holdings Limited 佳景集團有限公司Chairmans Statement 主席報告,OUTLOOK ContinuedOur 6-storey commercial building in Macau shall continue to providesteady income to our Group with a good potential of capital valueappreciation.Our Group will continue to look for opportunities to investin suitable prime commercial properties in Macau where such propertiescould be either self-used or rented out at good yield.Our management is of high calibre and operation experience,and I amconfident that our Group would be able to face up with the challengesahead and come out stronger and as resilient ever.More important,mygratitude once again goes to all the management members and staffs,whose dedication and contribution are the key factor leading to theremarkable performance of our Group so far.CHAN SEE KIT,JOHNNYChairmanHong Kong17 August 2012Interim Report 中期報告 2012,前景續由於本集團於澳門之6層高商業大廈具良好資本升值潛力,故將繼續為本集團提供穩定收入。本集團將繼續物色機會投資於合適之澳門優質商業物業,該等物業可作自用或以高回報率出本集團管理層表現優秀且具豐富經營經驗,本人深信,本集團將克服未來各種挑戰,且將更為強盛之餘亦能屈能伸。本人謹此再一次感謝全體管理層成員及員工之努力不懈及寶貴貢獻,彼等一直為本集團取得卓越表現之關鍵所陳思杰主席香港二零一二年八月十七日,*,10,Future Bright Holdings Limited 佳景集團有限公司Management Discussion and Analysis管理層論述及分析,INTERIM DIVIDENDThe Dir