BRC Global Standard,Food-Issue 3,敖亚荣,SGS-CSTC,项目经理,食品安全认证,IRCA 注册食品安全主任审核员(注册号 1184458)BRC Food 主任审核员/技术评审员SQF 2000 主任审核员(注册号 1100)RVA HACCP 审核员(注册号1513)SGS HACCP 主任审核员,百胜国际餐饮集团(YUM!)认可的星级评估审核员,英国 H.P.食品公司认可的供应商评估审核员,内容介绍,n SGS 集团及针对食品业的服务,n BRC 及 BRC 食品标准的起源和历史n BRC 食品标准(第三版)内容n SGS 公司 BRC 食品认证流程,SGS 集团及,食品部业务介绍,目录,n SGS 简介,n 食品部服务介绍,n 使用 SGS 服务的好处n 主要的食品客户,6,SGS 简介,7,SGS集团,(Socit Gnrale de Surveillance Holding SA),n 1878 SGS 在法国鲁昂成立n 1919 SGS 日内瓦总部成立,n 1985 SGS 苏黎世上市(SWX)n 1991 SGS 进入中国市场,8,SGS 集团n 全球规模最大,专门从事以下服务,检验鉴定测试认证,InspectionVerificationTestingCertification,n 全球网络,全面服务超过 35000 雇员超过 1000 个 分支机构340 个实验室分布在140个国家9,10 个核心服务,n 农产品部 Agricultural Servicesn 矿产品 Minerals Services,n 石化部 Oil,Gas and Chemical Servicesn 消费品检测部 Consumer Testing Services,n 国际认证部 System and Service Certification Servicesn 工业部 Industry Services,n 贸易保障服务部 Trade Assurance Servicesn 环保服务部 Environmental Servicesn 汽车服务部 Automotive Servicesn 生命科学部 Life Sciences,10,SGS 在中国,通标标准技术服务有限公司,SGS-CSTC,11,SGS 在中国,n 成立于 1991,SGS集团/中国标准技术开发公,司(CSTC)各占 65/35 的股份.,n 1991年10月,经外贸部批准,国家工商行政管理局注册,SGS-CSTC正式成立,总部设在北京n 1996年,获得国家商检部门颁发的“中华人民共,和国外商投资检验鉴定公司资格证书”,n 1993 年5月,SGS-CSTC 加入国际检验机构联,盟(IFIA),12,Dalian,Qingdao,Xian,Nanjing,Shanghai,Wuhan,Suzhou,Ningbo,Xiame,ng,Guangzhou,Nanning,Shenzhen,Zhanjing,Zhuhai,Net Work In China,Qinghuangdao,Beijing,Tianjing,Chendu Nanchang,Chongaing,ShekouHaikou,13,分公司和办事处,n 16 个分公司:上海,天津,大连,青岛,广,州,厦门,深圳,宁波,秦皇岛,南京,武汉,湛江,重庆,镇海,广州测试中心,蛇口,n 10 个办事处:海口,南宁,珠海,东莞,南,昌,苏州,成都,杭州,昆明,西安,14,员工总数2,000,1,8001,600,1,800,1,4001,2001,000,836,865,965,1,026,1,160,1,225,1,355,800,600400200,13,105,365,434,602,0,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,15,食品部业务介绍,*,*,*,食品部在中国的分布大约 50 个员工分布在10个城市,在 上海&青岛&重庆 建立了实验室Beijing,CHINA,Tianjin*Wuhan,*Qingdao*Shanghai*Ningbo,*ChongqingXiamen*Guangzhou*ShenzhenLab17,食品部的业务范围,n 卫生审核Hygiene Auditingn 微生物和理化测试,Micro and Chemical Testing,n 供应商审核Supplier Auditingn 自有品牌支持服务Private Label Support,n 培训 Trainingn 第三方认证,Third Party Certificaten 检验鉴定 Inspectionn 零售业的检查Retail Store Check,n,18,审核&检验鉴定能力,n 在10个分支机构有审核员/检验员:北京,,天津,青岛,上海,宁波,重庆,厦门,武汉,广州,深圳,n 超过 20 个 认可的食品质量和安全审核员/,检验员,n 认可的审核员/检验员:具备 ISO9000,HACCP 认证资格,和2年以上工厂制造/超,市审核经验,19,供应商审核,n 可根据 SGS 标准的检查表,或客户自己的检查表,进行,n 重点集中在食品安全和质量方面,也可增加社会,责任的内容(COC),n 现场审核通常需要1-2天n 7 个工作日提交审核报告,n 如发现非常严重的不符合项,将会立即通过传真,正或电子邮件通知相关各方,n 如有需要,可跟踪审核结果的改进状况,20,食品检验,n 监装/销毁监督,n 抽样,质量和外观检验n 索赔公证,21,食品检验n 我们的检验能力:,罐头食品水产品家禽类,肉类蔬菜,水果,n 我们的客户包括:CGSA(Consumer Packing Food)Comi Asia(Canned Vegetable)Siplec(Canned Vegetable)Capt Ds(Aquatic Products)22,食品实验室,n 共有3 个实验室:上海,青岛和重庆n 各地合作实验室n 20 专业技术人员n 取得 CNAL 认可n 获得 CMA 认证,23,食品实验室的测试能力,n 重金属测试:AAS,n 农药残留,维生素分析测试:GC,HPLC and MS,n 营养标签,n 微生物测试n 抗生素残留,n 转基因 GMO,24,食品安全和质量体系认证,n BRC 食品 认证,n GMP&HACCP 体系认证/审核n SQF 认证n,25,员工培训,n 基础卫生培训课程(针对一,般员工),n 中级卫生培训课程(针对主,管),n 高级卫生培训课程(针对管,理层),26,零售店的检查n 收集零售业的自有品牌产品/工厂产品信息,包括:,货架摆放,产品保质期的控制竞争对手的产品价格调查其他特殊的销售指数n 收集和采样,实验室测试27,自有品牌产品服务,n 帮助零售商开发自有品牌产品供应商n 提供“一站式”服务,包括:,制定加工/质量产品的感官评定供应商审核实验室测试,零售店的仓储检查培训,28,选择 SGS的理由和益处,n 独立,公正:真实情况的反应,n 专业和客观:认可的审核员/检验员n 统一的标准:使用同样的标准,n 竞争力的价格:本地价格,降低差旅费n 良好的客户服务:专人负责,29,主要客户,n 超市/大卖场,食品制造业:,CarrefourAuchanMetroLotus Super-centerRT-martWal-Mart,PepsiKraftCoca colaMengNiu DairyHP groupWant Want Group,n 酒店&餐饮业 Yum!(KFC,Pizza Hut)Westin hotel Starbucks coffee30,BRC 食品标准,的起源和历史,What is the BRC?n British Retail Consortium 英国零售商协会n Major UK Multiple Retailers(supermarkets)包括以下零售商:,Asda Boots Tesco Sainsburys Iceland,Littlewoods Safeway Waitrose Somerfield Co-operative Society Spar,32,BRC 标准,n 已颁布的标准:,食品,食品包装材料 消费品,n 目前,三个标准只有细小的差别,33,目的?,n 在非竞争领域提供一个合作平台,如:产品安全,转,基因产品等问题,n 零售商们对公众、政府、供应商发出同一声音n 研究和制定标准,34,BRC 食品标准,n 涵盖零售商自有品牌的产品n 驱动供应商持续改进,n 与法律要求相结合的最佳操作规范n 降低供应商审核的费用,n 现在的版本是第三版(March 2002),n 已被UKAS认可(&其他国家认可委的认可,如荷兰,意大利)正规认证n 认证机构要根据 EN45011 标准被认可n 受到标准议定书的支持,35,为什么审核?,确保供应商自己的品牌产品能:,满足产品规格/标准的要求,满足所有 UK Food Safety Act 1990的要求,36,Food Safety Act 1990,Under section 21 of the FSA the definition of the due diligence,defence is as follows:,“.it a defence for the person charged to prove that he,took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due,diligence to avoid the commission of the offence by himself orby a person under his control”,“他(工厂)必须采取所有可能采取的措施,致力于避免违反法规的要求。“,37,满足零售商自有品牌产品的要求,a)指定的供应商具备生产和/或加工出满足零售商自有品牌产品的能力,那就是:他遵守所有相关法律法规的要求,和加工过程的控制符合GMP,GAP的要求;,b)通过一次又一次的审核供应商,验证供应商满足,a)的要求,或满足其他供应商审核系统的要求;,38,1992-1998“真空状况”,零售商的技术资源在减少和承受了很大的压力,第三方的检查看上去可以满足法律的要求,但是缺乏,足够的资源支持,没有“标准”的方法 存在混淆和冲突,39,零售商的情形-Nov 1996,SAFEWAY,n 第三方和自己的审核队伍,大约20个批准的审核员,n 不接受任何第三方的审核,推广自己的审核方案SAINSBURY,TESCOASDASOMERFIELD,n 不接受任何第三方的审核,通过自己的技术人员对供应商进行检查n 接受有限的几个第三方机构的审核,部分通过自己的技术人员对供应商进行检查n 接受有限的几个第三方机构的审核,40,BRC 食品标准的制定,n 经过“不稳定时期”后,1996年开始正式成立工作组n BRC 的立场是保持“中立”,n 工作组包括 13 零售商,6 个检验机构,2个贸易机构和,UKAS,n 1998 年10月,颁布第一版的标准和议定书,n 成功的受到英国零售商们的认可,41,BRC 食品标准发展的历史,n 1998年10月以来,修订了2次,n 2000年6月,颁布第二版(Issue 2)n 2002年4月,颁布第三版(Issue 3)n 标准的版本:有8种语言的版本可供选择,n 主要的更改包括:不符合项的判定,和颁发证书的要求n 2000年,CBL(荷兰零售商协会)颁布了 CBL/BRC Coden 作为其他标准的框架和质量保证方案被广泛的应用n 每年要进行超过 2600 次的审核,42,成就,提高了满足消费者和商业的需求能力 驱动持续改进,加强了所有零售商/供应商的合作 清楚的阐述了要求的标准 提高了供应商评估的水准 降低了费用,43,BRC 食品标准的,内容,BRC 食品标准涵盖n 六大部分,1.,HACCP 体系,2.质量管理体系(QMS)3.工厂环境/设施标准4.产品控制5.加工过程的控制6.个人45,标准的格式,n 内容总的阐述,n 每一项条款详细的要求n 共有三种标准型式:,1.基础要求2.高级要求,3.建议的良好操作规范(RGP),n 认证证书分为基础证书和高级证书,46,1.HACCP 体系,n 7 大原理,n 危害分析的要求n HACCP 小组,n HACCP 体系的评估n 记录保持,47,2.质量管理体系(QMS),n 总的要求n 质量方针n 质量手册,n 组织结构、职责、和管理权限n 管理承诺,n 以客户为关注焦点n 管理评审n 资源管理,48,2.质量管理体系(QMS)(cont.),n 内审n 采购,n 文件要求n 纠正措施n 可追溯性,n 风险管理和产品召回n 客户投诉的管理,49,3.工厂环境标准n 选址n 厂房和场地n 厂房设计/物流n 设施结构,原料处理初加工加工、包装储藏区域,50,3.工厂环境标准(CONT.),n 设备,n 维护保养n 员工设施,n 物理性和化学性物的污染n 设施的管理、维护和卫生n 垃圾/垃圾处理n 虫害控制n 运输,51,4.0 产品控制,n 产品设计/开发n 产品包装n 产品分析n 隔离,n 储藏、周转,n 金属探测/异物探测n 产品放行,n 不合格品的控制,52,5.加工控制,n 操作控制n 定量控制,n 设备和加工的确认,n 测量及监控设备的校正和控制n 特殊处理的要求,53,6.人 员,n 个人卫生n 健康审查n 工作服n 培训,54,SGS,BRC 食品认证流程,认证机构,n 必须是“独立的和有能力的”,n 根据 EN45011的要求,被 UKAS 所认可,(General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspections),n SGS UK 是少数被认可的机构之一,56,BRC 食品认证,n 满足 EN45011&UKAS 的要求n 产品种类的评估:,产品-17 大类,风险的程度-1 类,或2类 复审的频率-6个月,12个月,基础或高级证书的标准要求,n 审核报告,57,审核的结果,n 取决于不符合项的整改情况和技术评审的结果:,达到基础水平证书的要求 达到高级水平证书的要求 不颁发证书*,*采不采用此供应商,每个零售商自己作商业上的决定-没有禁止的限制,n 所有不符合项都要被关闭 证书控制,n 制造商如果申明,审核报告可以被所有供应商阅取,58,SGS BRC 食品认证流程,客户询问客户 填写问卷表,并反馈给SGSSGS确定工作表SGS报价给客户,客户接受报价,签署申请表商定审核时间,现场审核,填写 CAR/CAP审核员完成报告 14 天SGS UK/当地 技术评审工厂完成CAP(28天)SGS 验证,关闭 CARSGS UK/当地 技术评审,批准发证,59,请与,敖亚荣:64951616*741,或,李娜:64951616*726,联系获取更多信息,Thank you for your kind,attention,61,BRC Global Standard,Food-Issue 3,Robert Ao Ya Rong,SGS-CSTC,Project ManagerFood Certification,Qualification,IRCA Food Safety Lead Auditor(No.1184458)BRC Food Lead Auditor/Technical Reviewer,SQF Auditor Team Leader(No.1100),RVA HACCP Auditor(No.1513),SGS HACCP Lead Auditor,YUM!Certified STAR Auditor,H.P.Food Approved Supplier Auditor,Content,1.SGS Food Introduce2.Original and History3.Standard Review,4.BRC Food Certification,Food Marketing,Presentation,Content,n SGS Introductionn Food Div.Services,n The Benefit of SGS Servicen SGS Client Reference,6,Introduction,7,The SGS(Socit Gnrale,de Surveillance Holding,SA)Group,n 1878 Foundation of SGS in Rouenn 1919 Headquarters in Geneva,n 1985 SGS shares quoted on the Swiss Stock,Exchange(SWX),n 1991 Entering China Market,8,SGS Group,n Worldwide leader in,Verification Testing,Certification,n Worldwide networkOver 35000 employeesOver 1000 offices340 laboratories,140 countries and regions,9,Our 10 Core Business,n Agricultural Servicesn Minerals Services,n Oil,Gas and Chemical Servicesn Consumer Testing Services,n System and Service Certification Servicesn Industry Services,n Trade Assurance Servicesn Environmental Servicesn Automotive Servicesn Life Sciences,10,SGS in China:,SGS-CSTC Introduction,11,SGS In China,n Established in 1991,SGS-CSTC is a 65/35joint venture invested by SGS Group and theChina Standards Technology DevelopmentCorporation(CSTC).,n Approved by MOFTEC and Registered with,SAIC,SGS-CSTC head office in Beijingn In 1996 received SACIs Qualification,Certificate,n SGS-CSTC joined the International,Federation of Inspection Agencies(IFIA)inMay 1993,12,Dalian,Qingdao,Xian,Nanjing,Shanghai,Wuhan,Suzhou,Ningbo,Xiame,ng,Guangzhou,Nanning,Shenzhen,Zhanjing,Zhuhai,Net Work In China,Qinghuangdao,Beijing,Tianjing,Chendu Nanchang,Chongaing,ShekouHaikou,13,Branches and Offices,n 16 Branches in Shanghai,Tianjin,Dalian,Qingdao,Guanzhou,Xiamen,Shenzhen,Ningbo,Qinhuangdao,Nanjing,Wuhan,Zhanjiang,Chongqing,Zhenhai,GuangzhouLab,Shekou,n 10 Rep.Offices in Haikou,Nanning,Zhuhai,Dongguan,Nanchang,Suzhou,Chengdu,Hangzhou,Kunming and Xian,14,Staff Number2,000,1,8001,600,1,800,1,4001,2001,000,836,865,965,1,026,1,160,1,225,1,355,800,600400200,13,105,365,434,602,0,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,15,Food DivisionIntroduction,*,*,*,Food Div.Distribution InChinaAround 50 staff in 10cities Labs in SH&QD&CQBeijing,CHINA,Tianjin*Wuhan,*Qingdao*Shanghai*Ningbo,*ChongqingXiamen*Guangzhou*ShenzhenLab17,Food Div.Service,n Hygiene Auditing,n Micro and Chemical,Testing,n Supplier Auditing,n Private Label Supportn Training,n Third Party Certificaten Inspection,n Retail Store Check,n,18,Auditing&Inspection,Capability,n Auditors/inspectors in 10 Branches:BJ,TJ,QD,SH,NB,CQ,XM,WH,GZ,SZ,n More than 20 food quality and safety,auditors&inspectors in China.,n Qualification of Auditor&Inspector:ISO9000,HACCP certificate and more thantwo-year manufacture/supermarket storeauditing experience.,19,Supplier Audit,n Based on SGS Standard Checklist or clients,own checklist,n Focusing on Food Safety&Quality elementswith supplementary Code of Conduct checkn On-site audit normally within one two daysn Report submitted within 7 working daysn Immediate alert for critical non-conformity,found by e-mail or fax,n Follow up audit when necessary,20,Food Inspection,n Loading/Discharging,Supervision,n Sampling,quality and visual,checking,n Claim Survey,21,Food Inspectionn Products we handleCanned foodAquatic productsPoultry,MeatVegetable,n Our clientsCGSA(Consumer Packing Food)Comi Asia(Canned Vegetable)Siplec(Canned Vegetable)Capt Ds(Aquatic Products)22,Food Lab,n 3 lab:SH,QD and CQn Local qualified labsn 20 lab techniciansn CNAL accreditationn CMA certificate,23,Capability Of Food Lab,n Heavy Metal Analysis:AAS,n Pesticide Residue and Vitamin,Analysis:GC,HPLC and MSn Nutritional Label Analysisn Microbe testing,n Antibiotics Residuen GMO,24,Food Safety&Quality,System Audit,n BRC Audit for major retailers in UKn GMP&HACCP Auditn SQFn,25,Staff Training,n Basic Level Course for Food,Handler,n Intermediate Level Course,for supervisor,n Advanced Level Course for,management staff,26,Retail Store Check,n Visual collection of retail,conditions of Brand or PrivateLabel products,including,Display conditions Sell-by dates,Prices of the products and that,of competitors,Other specialized points of salesn Samples are collected andsent back to lab for analysis,27,Private Label Supportn Designed to help retailers launch their ownproduct lines.n This package services include:Handbook preparationSensory EvaluationSupplier auditLab testingRetail stock check,Training,28,by,Benefit Of Choosing SGS,n Independent and fair:reflect the true storyn Professional and Objective:Conducted,qualified auditor/inspector,n Uniform Standard:Same standard applied,n Cost Competitive:Local price,less traveling costn Good Client Service:Account manager assigned,29,Client Reference,n Supermarket,Food Manufacturer,CarrefourAuchanMetroLotus Super-centerRT-martWal-Mart,PepsiKraftCoca colaMengNiu DairyHP groupWant Want Group,n Restaurant&Hotel Yum!(KFC,Pizza Hut)Westin hotel Starbucks coffee30,Original and History of,BRC Food,What is the BRC?n British Retail Consortiumn Major UK Multiple Retailers(supermarkets),AsdaBootsTescoSainsburysIceland,LittlewoodsSafewayWaitroseSomerfieldCo-operative SocietySpar,32,Purpose?,n Provide a forum for co-operation on non-competitive issues e.g.,Product safety,GMOs,n Present a unified voice of multiple retailers to public,Government,supply industries,etc,n Produce key statistics for retail sector e.g.sales and market,trends,n Carry out research and develop standards,33,The Food Standard,n Covers retailer branded food products,n Driven by a need to exercise Due Diligencen Combines legal requirements with best practicen Rationalisation of the supplier audit processn Now at Issue 3(March 2002),n Accredited by UKAS(&other national bodies e.g.Holland,Italy)-,formal certification,n Certification bodies accredited to EN45011n Supported by a Standard Protocol,34,Why Audit?,To ensure that suppliers of own branded,products are able to:,supply to product specification,satisfy all provisions of UK Food Safety,Act 1990,35,Food Safety Act 1990,Under section 21 of the FSA the definition of the due,diligence defence is as follows:,“.it a defence for the person charged to provethat he took all reasonable precautions and exercised alldue diligence to avoid the commission of the offence byhimself or by a person under his control”,36,Requirements for the Retailer,Own Brand,b)satisfy themselves that the intended supplier is competent toproduce and/or process the product specified,that he complieswith all relevant legal requirements and that he operates systems ofproduction control in accordance with good manufacturing oragricultural practise;,c)from time to time make visits to suppliers,where practical,the verify point b)or to receive the result of any other auditof the suppliers systems for that purpose;,37,The 1992-1998“Free for All”,Retailer technical resources were reducing,and under pressure,Third Party Inspection was seen as a means,of meeting legal compliance but freeingresource,no“standard”approachconfusion and conflict,38,Status of Retailers-Nov 1996,SAFEWAYSAINSBURYTESCOASDASOMERFIELD,n third party and own inspection with some 20 approved Auditorsn did not accept any third party but introduced their own self auditingschemen did not accept any third party and inspected using their owntechnologistsn accepted a limited number of third party inspection bodies andundertake some inspections by their own technologistsn accepted a limited number of third party inspection bodies,39,The Development of the BRC,Technical Food Standard,n work began in 1996 after a“shaky”startn BRC regarded as neutral ground,n working groups included 13 Retailers,6 Inspection Bodies,2 Trade,Bodies and UK Accreditation Service,n first edition of Standard and Protocol issued in October 1998 after,significant effort,n received as a success to the surprise of the UK Retailers,n use of EN45011 to resolve question of inspection consistency in line,with retailers own systems,40,The Current Status of the Standard,n revised twice since its launch in October 1998n Issue 2 published in June 2000n Issue 3 published in April 2002,n published in 8 languages with further proposals,n significant changes to the Protocol particularly the levels of non conformance,and issue of certificates,n CBL(Dutch Retailer Association)published a CBL/BRC Code in 2000n widely used as t