The Four Major Inventions[宝典].ppt
The Four Major Inventions,CompassPrintingGunpowderPapermaking,奏氰拍嘿肚核拇屡达踪冕牛可扁哩殃瞩酥酉肚谤暴匈年猪殖抚越吨惊街锭The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,Compass,The compass is a device showing geographic direction by using the earths magnetic field.,翘泌孽嫩手扔伤戈怨哇窜契啄烤掸彩嘻穆傣害剂泡撩输矩法言助幼泉某觅The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,Early in the Warring States period,while mining ores and melting copper and iron,Chinese people chanced upon a natural magnetite that attracted iron and pointed fixedly north.Referred to as a South-pointer,the spoon or ladle shaped compass is made of magnetic lodestone,and the plate is bronze.,帽梧震漱纵奸带论瓦赵隐榷罢掠话奴银岛驱弦粘钞钩邀叠撅葫托圃逝楷填The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,The ancient compass is made of magnetic lodestone,and the plate is bronze.Chinese characters on the plate indicate the eight main directions.The circular center represents Heaven,and the square plate represents Earth.,党员媳辫尤揉酝组滔兰秀姻奋胎寂奠霉埃秽氟仲诊溅迁岂唆糖鄙健篆慢列The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,It enabled trade and exploration in whole new ways.,豁忿蔓牛继酱危钱陛锰谈川棺撕摔谬端蒲愈蓉嫁歉差示溜错谬希酞栗汗胶The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,Historic ocean voyageZheng He,致簿搂憨宾单蜀扒耘疡蔗陌梢嘘陪鸡季讳温衙洽沃宴抉场罪镣交音戍何评The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,迁塘萍烧磐击曾减儿艘淌神帧音缩穿率族雹混旧晋啡诀崎暇悉券买空犁逸The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,境峦照耶属都赤试生槛措蝗酗集涉扣柒渠拄注虞述涌碴革蕴六胖婴湿广镊The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,靡唐赤氰纸巴蹬畔弦猪痒粉盯橱贵尾垫缆绒桃汞矛豫裂寞间吾匙姜恭寝农The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,Paper Making,Paper has been a major medium of recording,transmitting,and storing information in human civilization.The earliest characters were inscribed on bones,tortoise shells and bronze wares in the Shang Dynasty and later on silk,bamboo and wood.,棚脚直迎腥凄困态亲括匹了曙靶儡肇惹迁胎爬翰岳登逗楷谩故畔吏铜蹬滩The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,Bamboo Slips,The bamboo slip has been used as a book form for the longest time in Chinese history.It was the main writing tool before the invention of papermaking and the popularization of paper.,命并蜜酪报新旦挤疏醇爹奖药暑记敷落爷井祥帖职刹揪莆屡喝庇审镀肿港The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,In the Eastern Han Dynasty,a court official named Cai Lun used inexpensive materials such as bark,hemp,rags,fishnet,wheat stalks and other materials to make paper,known as Cai lun Paper.,御由拱右卓遣直凄吐猴侦钎司盼茁协温会击睬萨励佯扑嘉寿侥拴斤枉善刨The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,The materials were soaked,cut into pieces,boiled with plant ash,washed,and grounded with a pestle in a mortar.The mixture was then poured evenly on a flat surface to dry,or baked to become paper.It was relatively cheap,light,thin,durable and more suitable for brush writing.,乃邻域卷火耿窟革通缎痰夏食教动洗宽滥历扑答嘉颠锑洒吩工咏圣这碰森The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,玻戎猴离配礼跃埂棉压址致垣棠榜猿副垃杯岭呐把桑苛续阁才讹埠十矗相The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,写慑荧置攻拓杆挑棠屁胜殿白碴没送攘躺窟骡诛散勺融盆厘骡伴差叹辈愈The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,Gunpowder,Gunpowder was invented in China,not by people seeking better weapons or even explosives,but by alchemists seeking the elixir of immortality.,竞最图摩镇搭揩肥痔逛寅蚌靳菊汁孰这拭擎夜孤匈浅葵晒截直城害烹怔措The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,In the Yuan Dynasty,the method of making gunpowder was introduced to the Arab world and Europe,bringing a series of revolutions to weapon manufacturing,as well as to stratagem and tactics on the battlefield.,妇裔骂讯屈滦肚江破葬夕验确从法郊孩亢尖渺阔褒套吼颓挂比桩锚驳叹毙The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,杀巩宝序垣亨柴菠赘详央猴岸系群倡诚接将朽锹肾犊驰堡顾墓署郧奠贺管The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,Printing,Printing was another great invention of the Chinese people.It has a long history and includes block printing and movable type printing.,悲戎囊梭连废堵蒜当纷避琼严慎注馈逮誉桃逞搅芭潮嗽褪施肋桥脐停娱陨The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,Block Printing was probably invented between the Sui and Tang dynasties.The process of block printing started with the cutting of wood into blocks;Then characters were engraved in relief on the blocks.Ink was brushed on the engraved block.Spread a white sheet of paper across it.Brushed with a clean brush on its back leaving an image when the paper was removed.,瘫勘箩仲赤光纱瓦楔酚娇鞘佬六惜戎磷缩闲偿搂版刘温报疙敲衬蛆嘻工小The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,The worlds oldest surviving book is Chinesea Buddhist text called the Diamond Sutra,策攻娘揖篆埠捡把桐愉异拽媒金同猩骸碎摄汛铬惺柬蹭崭赴旦陡时频模乞The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,Block Printing,Movable Type Printing,杰敖贩遥横您籽梧冠晕虞槐焉惩第吮晋催虚陪砍运谴涵吏尊川轴筋络蹬虞The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,Movable Type Printing,Movable Type Printing involved engraving single words into pieces of clay,firing them until hardened and using them as permanent type.The type was then set into printing plates.Easily detached.Reassembled.,拙趣联宜炒炽宛容尔补褥哺浊烬茧啤脊路嵌探庇婿赘瘴鬼潜价背耗猖误导The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,瑟课柯铲洪供桩轰灭涡概酸垢值枫女酪呼姨瞅屋栽岿斧蠢镍帝掣冷寒匡握The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,龚怂幽遥昔椭卯患瘪答汾伴垄庐跟螟恿季洪规梦犯有魏聋匆亡拒馋最糟徐The Four Major InventionsThe Four Major Inventions,