Constellation and Job,Aries 白羊座,Taurus 金牛座,Gemini 双子座,Cancer 巨蟹座,Leo 狮子座,Virgo 处女座,Libra 天秤座,Scorpio 天蝎座,Sagittarius 射手座,Capricorn 摩羯座,Aquarius 水瓶座,Pisces 双鱼座,Aries白羊座 3.21-4.20,&Advantages:Active Confident Honest Optimistic&Disadvantages:Impatient Careless Male chauvinism 大男人主义 The doughty female 女强人&Guardian flowers守护花:cherry樱桃,GUESS?What characters do the pictures mention in the following pictures?Do you know what is the constellation about?,Taurus金牛座4.21-5.21,&Advantages:Patient Down to earth Reliable&Disadvantages:Possessive占有欲强 Not thrifty 不节俭 Stubborn固执&Guardian stones守护石:Rose Quartz 粉水晶&They are good at communication,Do you know who took on the form of(以形式出现)a snow white bull?A Apolo(阿波罗)B Zeus(宙斯)CeArtemis(阿特米斯女神)(,TEST,B,Gemini 双子座5.22-6.21,&Advantages:Adaptable,Energetic Humorous,Resourceful足智多谋&Disadvantages:Weird They lack for principles.They are not strong-minded.意志坚定&Lucky day:Wednesday,A Poem from XiMurong席慕容写给十二星座的诗之双子座,Gemini-the lotus mindILike a blooming summer lotusMuch hope thatYou can see me nowWind and frost had never to erosionBoth also not dropped Whichever season and has so far away I already gracefulDont careAlso not afraidnowIt is Im the most beautiful momentHeavy door has deep lockIn the fragrant after smileI know who talkAh you neverNot too earlyisToo late,Cancer巨蟹座6.22 7.22,&Advantages:Imaginative Compassionate 有同情心的 Considerate Tolerant&Disadvantages:Sentimental 多愁善感的 Lack of rational thinking Speak obliquely 拐弯抹角的&Guardian star:Moon,Leo狮子座 7.23-8.23,&Advantages:Optimistic Sincere诚挚的 Generous慷慨的&Disadvantages:Impatient Self-righteous 自以为是&Guardian star:Sun&Leadership type person,Virgo处女座8.24-9.22,&Advantages:Chasing perfection追求完美 Diligent勤奋 Loyal,careful,modest谦逊&Disadvantages:Carp吹毛求疵 Nag唠叨&They are easy to be pessimistic.悲观,Libra天秤座 9.23-10.23,&Advantages:Justice正义的 Strong logic 逻辑 Love master Adaptable&Disadvantages:Hesitant Indolent好逸恶劳的 They lack for introspection.自省&Lucky metal:Crystal,Scorpio 天蝎座10.24-11.22,&Advantages:Foresight 深谋远虑 Not afraid of frustration.挫折 Keep secret Kind-hearted&Disadvantages:Duplicity 口是心非 Knowingly 明知故犯 Jealous 善妒的&Lucky animal:Dragon,Sagittarius射手座 11.23-12.21,&Advantages:Straightforward 坦率的 Friendly Ardently love peace 热爱和平&Disadvantages:Careless Impatient Unrealistic 不切实际 Impulsive 冲动&Guardian flowers 守护花:Phalaenopsis 蝴蝶兰,JOKE,JOKE,I was accompanying my husband on a business trip.He carried his portable computer with him,and the guard at the airport gate asked him to open the case.It was locked,and the man waited patiently as my embarrassed spouse struggled to remember the combination.At last he succeeded.Why are you so nervous?I asked him.The numbers are the date of our anniversary.my usband confessed.,Sagittarius,The Sagittarius Sign is represented by a Centaur(希腊神话人首马身的怪物)named Chiron.In Greek Myth(神话),Centaurs were half-man and half-horse.They were known to cause great trouble,except for a gentle Centaur named Chiron.He was very kind and an excellent anchor(压阵队员)and physician(内科医生).Unfortunately,Hercules(赫尔克里士)had mistaken Chiron for one of the evil Centaurs he was battling and accidently shot Chiron in the heart with a poisoned arrow(箭).,The arrow caused Chiron such great pain that he offered to take place of a man named Prometheus(普罗米修斯)and become mortal.Prometheus was a Titan(巨人)who had stolen fire from Zeus and was punished greatly for it.Prometheus was chained up(拴住)to a rock by Zeus and every morning an eagle would eat his liver(肝脏).The liver would grow back the next day and once again be eaten.Chiron decided that a few minutes of pain was much better than a life-time of agony and so he took the place of Prometheus.,Capricorn摩羯座12.22-1.20,&Advantages:Cautious Down to earth Modest Unique(独特)style of humor&Disadvantages:Lack of romanticism.Not good at communication.Stubborn固执,JAY CHOU,Jay Chou was born in a small town in Taiwan on January 18,1979.He grew up in a single-parent family.Jay has always been shy and quiet,even as a child.He did not do well in school,and his mother often worried about his future.As a small child,he showed a special sensitivity(敏感)towards music.His mother enrolled(使加入)Jay in piano lessons when he was three years old.Jay practiced piano beautifully,and by the time he reached high school,he could improvise(即兴创作)with many songs.,Aquarius水瓶座 1.21-2.18,&Advantages:Helpful Independent Rational&Disadvantages:Lack of passion Lack of perseverance毅力&Lucky number:22,Pisces 双鱼座2.19-3.20,&Advantages:Understanding Benevolent 仁慈的 Romantic&Disadvantages:Sentimental 多愁善感 Not good at manage finances Too emotional&Lucky place:Seaside,The Taurus,The Taurus are the one who love to be comely with unique sense of beauty,concerning about clothes and consmetology.They are rather fit for the professional as worker on clothes or beautician,gaining a great sense of achievement.Besides,they are expert in finance,doing well in some jobs related to it.Most of them will become the bank officials or accountants.,The Sagittarius,The Sagittarius is relevant to academic so they will be a proferssor or teacher as they love to explore the unknown things.Enjoying traveling,they are favour in tourism and aviation,who equal to the job of being a tour guide for being knowledgeable.With ambitiousness and enthusiasm,they will work on speech,even some jobs related to religion.Furthermore,professionals like trade and freelance are also wise options for them.,The Gemini,First,the Gemini are flexible smart and interested in fashion and information.Moreover,They are fit in different kinds of brocast and TV stations.They are not only creative and talent in words but also are skilled in commercia.Besides that,they have unique opinions on trade and selling.,The Capricorn,The Capricorn who are conservative like to remain stable and prefer the jobs without risks,such as public relation.And they will also be engaged in real estate,building.Apart from that,they concentrate on historical constellation cause they have special feeling on it so that they would like to go for the work related with antiquities and history.,Career,biologist baildist n.生物学家 baker beik n.面包师 physician fizin内科医师 surgeon s:dn n.外科医生 merchant m:tnt n.商人 stockbroker stk,bruk n.股票经纪人 accountant kauntnt n.会计师 public servant公务员 architect:kitekt n.建筑师 real estate agent房地产经纪人,WORD TIPS,Career test,or,You are traveling in a mountain and lost your way.then its late at night,you must live in room which is haunted(闹鬼的).Which room would you choose?,A:There is a human head off from the window staring at you and smilingB:There are always a sound of toilet flushing and womens sighing in the washing room.C:The bed always shakes when you go to sleep.D:There will be a headless ghost sitting at your bed when you wake up at midnight.,If you choose the A,You are more suitable for SOHO,doctors,or lawyers,etc.If you choose the BYou like a very stable occupation.such as the director of the company,engineer,network engineer of enterprise,accountant and so on.,If you choose the C,You are suitable for business work.Such as insurance salesman,Business personnel,retail sales personnel,hairdresser and marketing specialist.If you choose the Dyou are fit for works involving frequent contacts with the general masses such as TV stars and government officials who need the support of the public.Others include entertainer,KTV,PUB,tour guide and public relations official.,2/1/2023,Game player:persistant,diligentSuitable:Virgo Gemini,2/1/2023,Pancake seller:hardworking,modest,polite;down to earthSuitable:Leo Taurus,2/1/2023,TCFL:Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language 对外汉语教师:patient,kind,good at Chinese and EnglishSuitable:Taurus Pisces,2/1/2023,Spy:brave,cautious,smart,flexibleSuitable:Aries.Capricorn,SURPRISE YOU,an electricianin China,a delivery service employee in Korea 韩国的送餐工,a plumberin Hungary 匈牙利的管道工,a deodorant testerin Germany 德国的狐臭检测员,a Zoo keeperin America美国的动物园饲养员,Ditch Diggerin Poland 波兰的通道工,a shitty job a mobile toilet不是人干的活-流动厕所,To sum up,A man,who ranked first in 2010 the world powerful list,majored hydraulic engineeringin university(水利工程),Don,t be afraid that your major is not match the position,不要怕专业不对口涛哥水利专业照样当主席,Chairman of the national pepople,s congress standing committee,全国人大常委会委员长,He even worked in a factory more than ten yearsDon,t be afraid of lower startingpoint of work,不要怕工作起点低邦国在工厂一干就十余年,Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,中央纪律检查委员会书记,Until he was 37 years oldhe became the director of the workshopDon,t be afraid of being promoted slowly,不要怕提拔慢国强三十七岁才当车间主任,Politburo Standing Committee,our alumnas,中央政治局常委,工大校友,Within two years after graduation,he didn,t find any jobDon,t be afraid of unemployment,不要怕失业长春兄毕业两年没工作,Thanks For Your Attention,