Telephone Courtesy,电话礼仪,Telephone Answering Standard 电话接听原则Transfer the phone 转接电话Leave Message 留言Make the telephone call 如何拨打电话Manage difficult guests on line 积极应对难缠的来电者Never VS.Always 永远不要 Vs 永远都要,Contents 我们将一起了解,Objectives 目 标,Apply the standards back at work 在工作中运用电话接听原则Can use professional skill to transfer the call 礼貌地转接电话Leaving message skill 留言技巧Manage difficult guests on line 应对通话中的3类难缠客人,By the end of Todays Session you will be able to 本次课程结束之后,你将能够:,Telephone Answering Standard 接听电话基本原则,Answer the phone within 3 rings 在电话响三声以内必须接听。1,2,3,Telephone Answering Standard 接听电话基本原则,Greeting:Good morning/afternoon/evening(depending on the time of the day)问候来电例如:早上好,下午好,晚上好。根据接听电话的时间来定 You voice must have a smiling voice,and must pronounce the words properly.接电话的时候语气要柔和,用语要恰当,并且面带微笑,Telephone Answering Standard 接听电话基本原则,Greeting:Good morning/afternoon/evening(depending on the time of the day)问候来电例如:早上好,下午好,晚上好。根据接听电话的时间来定 Mention the name of the hotel or department name 报酒店或部门的名字 Mention your name(this is MARY speaking)报您的名字(例如:这是玛丽)Be of assistance(How may I help you?)给予帮助(例如:我能为您做点什么?)You voice must have a smiling voice,and must pronounce the words properly.接电话的时候语气要柔和,用语要恰当,并且面带微笑,Greeting 问 候,Good Morning-00:01-12:00 hrGood Afternoon-12:01-18:00 hrGood Evening-18:01-00:00 hr,How to answer the phone 怎样接听电话,Internal calls内线电话 Good morning,XXX department,XXX speaking,how may I help you?早上好,XXX 部门,我是XXX,有什么可以帮您的吗?,External calls外线电话 Good morning,XXX Hotel,XXX speaking,how may I help you?早上好,XXX酒店,我是XXX,有什么可以帮您的吗?,Transferring a Call 转接电话,Keep your companys phone numbers 保存一份公司电话号码表Confirm with the caller and explain you will transfer the call 确认客人需求,告诉客人您即将转接电话Brief the callers request to the listener who answered the phone.请将客人的具体要求转达给相关部门,Line Busy/No Answer 线路繁忙/无人应答,Give the choice to the caller 提供给客人一定的选择:Hold On or Leave a Message 如“等待”或是“留言”,Transferring a Call 转接电话,Place Callers on Hold 请求客人等待,Ask for agreement before you hold the phone 在候住电话之前,请求客人同意Give your attention to the caller when you hold the phone.在客人等待的过程中,仍然要有照顾,Write down the message 内容完整Repeat the message to confirm 确定内容Deliver the message 转交留言,Leave Message 留 言,To 致:From 自:Tel.No.电话:Date 日期:Time 时间:Message 留言:Your Name&Signature:留言者姓名及电话,Make phone calls 拨打电话,Preparation is very important 准备妥当After you reach the number 接通电话Dialing the wrong number 打错号码The person is not in 当事人不在,Manage difficult guests on line 应对难缠的来电者,The Angry,Rude or Upset Guest 气愤、粗暴、心烦的顾客 The Talkative Caller 善言的来电者The Hard to Understand Caller 难于理解的来电者,Always 总 是,Always greet first“Good morning”or“Good afternoon”and introduce yourself or the department.总是先说问候语“早晨好”或“下午好”并介绍你自己和你所在部门Always have a pen near the telephone.总是在电话旁放一支笔Always leave a message if its necessary.总是记下客人的留言Always give your full attention to the caller,do not try to do two things at once.总是专心地接电话,不要边接电话边做别的事情,Always 总 是,Always greet first“Good morning”or“Good afternoon”and introduce yourself or the department.总是先说问候语“早晨好”或“下午好”并介绍你自己和你所在部门Always speak English and speak slowly.总是用英语接电话并讲得慢一些Always have a pen near the telephone.总是在电话旁放一支笔Always leave a message if its necessary.总是记下客人的留言Always give your full attention to the caller,do not try to do two things at once.总是专心地接电话,不要边接电话边做别的事情,Never 永远不要,Never allow the phone to ring more than 3 times.永远不要允许电话铃声响三遍以上Never allow the two conversations at the same time.永远不要同时进行两种对话(接电话时与别人谈话)Never eat or drink and answer the phone.永远不要接电话时吃东西或喝饮料Never drop the telephone receiver.永远不要重放电话Never leave the receiver uncovered as the caller will hear you speaking.永远不要说与对方无关的话时不捂住话筒,保 持 微 笑,黛丽赫本的“御用”摄影师,鲍勃威洛比回忆起初次见到赫本的那一刻时说:“那是在1953年,华纳的片场,我惊呆了,我从来都没见到过如此优雅美丽的女孩。她的微笑是上帝创造的,用来融化凡人的心。”,