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    Conduct your own SWOT analysis,A BNET Professional Development ToolVersion 2.0January 29,2007,Competitive Analysis,Who are my competitors?How do I analyze them?SWOTPorters Five Forces Strategic Group Maps PEST analysis,SWOT analysis and SWOT matrix,A SWOT analysis helps you match your companys resources and capabilities to threats and opportunities in the competitive environment.SWOT analysis can be very subjective,but adding weighting and criteria to each factor increases the validity of the analysis.Also completing the SWOT matrix can help you pick the best strategy to implement.,Competitive Analysis,Who are my competitors?How do I analyze them?SWOTPorters Five Forces Strategic Group Maps PEST analysis,SWOT analysis and SWOT matrix,A SWOT analysis helps you match your companys resources and capabilities to threats and opportunities in the competitive environment.SWOT analysis can be very subjective,but adding weighting and criteria to each factor increases the validity of the analysis.Also completing the SWOT matrix can help you pick the best strategy to implement.,Why use SWOT analysis?,Methodically and honestly assessing your companys strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats it faces gives you a rare opportunity for objective analysis.The SWOT technique:is easy to use combines quantitative and qualitative analysis encourages interdepartmental collaborationTo make sure your analysis is put to good use,include these before and after steps in your analysis process:Set an objective for the analysis Set aside adequate time for research and information-gathering Evaluate the results of your analysis against your original objectiveThis competitive analysis tool guides you through the SWOT technique and will help you create your own analysis that can help you set a strategic plan or present new ideas to your team.,Competitive Analysis,Who are my competitors?How do I analyze them?SWOTPorters Five Forces Strategic Group Maps PEST analysis,SWOT analysis and SWOT matrix,A SWOT analysis helps you match your companys resources and capabilities to threats and opportunities in the competitive environment.SWOT analysis can be very subjective,but adding weighting and criteria to each factor increases the validity of the analysis.Also completing the SWOT matrix can help you pick the best strategy to implement.,Why use SWOT analysis?,Methodically and honestly assessing your companys strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats it faces gives you a rare opportunity for objective analysis.The SWOT technique:is easy to use combines quantitative and qualitative analysis encourages interdepartmental collaborationTo make sure your analysis is put to good use,include these before and after steps in your analysis process:Set an objective for the analysis Set aside adequate time for research and information-gathering Evaluate the results of your analysis against your original objectiveThis competitive analysis tool guides you through the SWOT technique and will help you create your own analysis that can help you set a strategic plan or present new ideas to your team.,Conducting a SWOT analysis,There are eight steps required to complete a SWOT analysis and create a SWOT matrix(also known as a TOWS matrix).List external opportunitiesList external threats.List internal strengths.List internal weaknesses.Match internal strengths with external opportunities and list the resulting Strengths-Opportunities strategies in the matrix chart.Match internal weaknesses with external opportunities and list the resulting Weaknesses-Opportunities strategies.Match internal strengths with external threats and list the resulting Strengths-Threats Strategies.Match internal weaknesses with external threats and record the resulting Weaknesses-Threats Strategies.At this point in the process,youll have a significant list of potential strategies.Youll need to weigh the impact of the various factors in your analysis and select the most feasible strategy to implement.Ideally,youll select a SO strategy,but often youll need to implement one of the other three types of strategies to overcome a weakness or address a threat before being in a position to implement a S-O strategy.,Pixar Animation StudiosTo illustrate the SWOT analysis technique,weve used Pixar of Finding Nemo fame as a sample case.As you learn about SWOT analysis,youll see what results Pixar might have if it used the same technique.,Assessing your strengths,The first two elements of your analysis focus on internal capabilities.Strengths can come from many sources,including your team members,your product line,your bank account,your production process,your patents,or your market share.List your strengths in these and any other relevant categories.Products People Performance,Pixars strengths Excellent use of technologyStrong brand Talented teamGreat track record,Assessing your weaknesses,Focus on the root causes of long-standing problems,not individual mistakes or failures.List your weaknesses in these and any other relevant areas:Products People Performance,Pixars weaknesses Product line is narrowly definedProduction time is longDigital piracy can cut into profits,Assessing your opportunities,This part of your analysis reviews external forces,including socioeconomic,political,environmental and demographic changes that could effect your company.Consider these questions when reviewing your opportunities.Products People Performance,Pixars opportunitiesDevelop online products to build on existing technology strengthsContinue to use technology strength to develop and sell animation softwareDevelop games to build on strengths of characters,Assessing your threats,Threats can be hard to define,so this portion of the analysis can be the most difficult and the most illuminating,both in terms of pointing out what needs to be done,and in putting problems into perspective.Products People Performance,Pixars threats Digital piracy may threaten profitsOne product failure could be a serious set backOther film companies may target the animated film market,Use the SWOT Matrix to pick a strategy,At this point in the analysis,you should have a list of strengths,weaknesses,threats and opportunities.To develop strategies based on this list,use the SWOT matrix.This matrix lists all the information youve gathered to this point and helps you to match up internal strengths and weaknesses with external threats and opportunities and develop a plan for addressing the strongest forces.Four strategy types from the SWOT MatrixS-O strategies pursue opportunities that match the companys strengths.These are the best strategies to employ,but many firms are not in a position to do so.Companies will generally pursue one or several of the other three strategies first to be able to apply S-O strategies.W-O strategies overcome weaknesses to pursue opportunities.S-T strategies identify ways that the firm can use its strengths to reduce its vulnerability to external threats.W-T strategies establish a defensive plan to prevent the firms weaknesses from making it susceptible to external threats.,SWOT Matrix,Examples of each strategy type,Strength-Opportunity StrategiesExpand globallyIncrease sales staffIncrease advertisingDevelop new productsDiversifyWeakness-Opportunity StrategiesJoint ventureAcquire competitorExpand nationallyBackward integrationForward integration,Strength-Threat StrategiesDiversifyAcquire competitorLiquidateExpand locallyRe-engineerWeakness-Threat StrategiesDivestIncrease promotionRetrenchRestructureDownsize,Learn more about SWOT analysis,Use these BNET and other online resources to improve your understanding of how to use this technique.SWOT Analysis This article explains SWOT analysis and details the changes that SWOT analysis could make in a companys competitive,socio-cultural,political and legal strategies.SWOT AnalysisThis short article explains how to conduct a SWOT analysis and includes some of the techniques limitations.Analyzing Your Businesss Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,and Threats This document explains how to build a matrix and includes several examples.Tell us what you think BNET downloads are designed to help you get your job done as painlessly and effectively as possible.Because were continually looking for ways to improve the usefulness of these tools,we need your feedback.Please take a minute to drop us a line and tell us how well this download worked for you and offer your suggestions for improvement.Thanks!The BNET TeamCopyright 2007 CNET Networks,Inc.All rights reserved.To learn more about this topic,visit http:/and sign up for your free account.,


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