Process Documentation,Workshop Process 2010National Standard Workshop Process China(MB),Status March 2006,1,Work preparation,Repair/maintenance,Order completion,Diagnosis,Service reception,Vehicle hand over,Service booking,Prepare reception,Perform reception,Perform pre-diagnosis,Conclude reception,Check job assignment,Prepare vehicle,Prepare diagnosis,Perform diagnosis,Conclude diagnosis,Prepare repair/maintenance,Conduct repair/maintenance,Conclude repair/maintenance,Conduct final inspection,Check documentation of workshop order,Prepare vehicle hand over,Conduct vehicle hand over,Conclude vehicle hand over,Close workshop order,Process warranty/goodwill claim,Conduct quality assurance,Workshop disposition,Parts Support,Overview of defined processes,2,Work preparation,Repair/maintenance,Order completion,Diagnosis,Service reception,Vehicle hand over,Service booking,Prepare reception,Perform reception,Perform pre-diagnosis,Conclude reception,Check job assignment,Prepare vehicle,Prepare diagnosis,Perform diagnosis,Conclude diagnosis,Prepare repair/maintenance,Conduct repair/maintenance,Conclude repair/maintenance,Conduct final inspection,Check documentation of workshop order,Prepare vehicle hand over,Conduct vehicle hand over,Conclude vehicle hand over,Process warranty/goodwill claim,Workshop disposition,Overview of defined processes,Parts Support,Close workshop order,Conduct quality assurance,3,Overview sheet process step Service booking“,In:Start of the process via different kinds of approaches/first contact(e.g.by phone)by the customerOut:Pre-order with customer and vehicle data,exact documentation of customer request and estimated service scope,appointment for reception,and appointment for estimated vehicle hand over are adjusted,Agreement of an appointment convenient for customer and workshop on basis of customer request,a first definition of service scope and a check of service resources,Customer and vehicle data are determined and a pre-order is openedCustomer request is recorded as detailed as possible and documentedA first rough estimate of cost and time framework is submittedThe method of reception is coordinated with the customer,appointments are agreed on basis of a disposition of service resources,Contact to service booking with customer,Content,Definition,4,Service booking(I),Service Receptionist/Service Advisor,DMS,DMS,DMS,Customer and contact clearly identified by making contact,Most important customer and vehicle data available,Workshop pre-order opened,Customer concerns in original wording and symptoms documented,Customer contacts workshop,Determine customer and vehicle data,_Per phone:welcome with MB dealer,location,first and surnames,regional greeting,address customer by name(if possible)_As the case may be,decide whether a Service Advisor has to be involved or not(incl.inquiries about customer wishes with regard to a special Service Advisor)_If necessary transfer customer to Service AdvisorIf desired contact not immediately available,offer to call customer back,_Check whether it is about first-time contact with customer and/or vehicleCheck customer dataRecord/update customer dataRecord/update vehicle data(e.g.vehicle model,mileage,age),Open workshop pre-order status,_Open workshop order(pre-order status)_Check,whether open jobs/reservations/orders available,_Find out what customer wants(customer wishes and complaints)and document in original wording_If necessary transfer customer to Service Advisor_Perform pre-diagnosis on phone(especially in case of complex repairs):find out what customer wants/question symptoms as far as possible(what,where,when,how)_Offer to do any/Offer any additional service work(e.g.small repair)_Ask customer if further works have to be performed at his vehicle,Determine customer wishes/symptoms and document them,Process Chains:,Process Chains:,Process Chains:,Process Chains:,Service Receptionist/Service Advisor,Service Receptionist/Service Advisor,Service Receptionist/Service Advisor,.,5,Service booking(II),Service Advisor,DMS,DMS,DMS,DMS,Scope and type of service/repair/maintenance defined,Reception and hand over methods documented,Customer on time and pricing framework notified,Define scope and type of work,Coordinate reception&hand over method/location,_Define scope of order during customer dialog_Discuss related vehicle history with customer(incl.customer complaint,repeat case)Check whether customer concerns are available as a service packageCheck existing service campaigns(e.g.service measures)Verify type of warranty in question(new/used vehicle warranty,goodwill case,workshop warranty,part/major assembly warranty)Check if pre-diagnosis is necessary,Propose,coordinate and document reception method(active reception,reception diagnosis,vehicle hand over during/outside office hours)Notify customer of time required for reception method_If necessary explain any provisional visit:ask customer to come along for preliminary diagnosis or creation of a cost estimate prior to service dateIf possible and necessary coordinate hand over method(active or passive vehicle hand over),Define time and cost framework,_Set an estimated time for each operation and enter it(rough planning)Verify costs(replacement parts/wages)for defined service scope State pricing and time framework(upper/lower limits),Process Chains:,Process Chains:,Process Chains:,Process Chains:,.,Service booking(II),Service Advisor,Service Advisor,Service Advisor,Inquire about free reception date and completion date,Define service resources and perform workshop disposition,_ Define and document critical parts_Define and document third-party services(e.g.painter,body manufacturer)_Conduct/authorize resource planning based on workshop order(pre-order status)and defined service resources_Determine reception and completion date together with workshop disposition,6,DMS,_Propose ideal reception appointment(date&time)If customer not satisfied with appointment,ask for acceptable date and check for any other optionsDetermine and agree on an estimated collection date based on the completion date Notify customer about documents to be suppliedDocument agreed appointmentsAsk for contact data until service appointmentSummarize current status of order according to scope,time and cost for customer and ask for completeness and correctness,An appointment has been made on the basis of customer concerns,predefined scope and resource availability,Service booking(III),Reception appointment agreed on with date and time,Agree on appointment for reception/hand over and document it,Process Chains:,Service Advisor,7,Success factors and key figures Service booking“,Maxim,Service reception,Agreement on an appointment that is suitable for customer and workshop,on the basis of the customer concern,a first definition of the scope of workshop order and a check of the service resources,Example Key figures,Success factors,_Availability of Service Reception and sufficient time for service by telephone_Utilisation of Service Booking for exhaustive survey of the customer;detailed compilation and documentation of the customer concern for the assurance of a smooth flow of all following processes(pre-diagnosis by phone)_Concrete statement about cost-and time frame and clear agreement on an appointment(date and time)on the basis of a resource planning(e.b.availability of critical parts)_Agreement and adherence of the method of reception with the customer_Obligatorily agreement on an appointment for maintenance and wear works within three days after the day of booking_Competence of service advisor/receptionist _Transparency and actuality with regard to all Service Resources_Customer perceives the service booking as professional and has the feeling that the appointment will be held_Acceptance from the customer regarding necessary questions and time required for the service booking,_Share of workshop appointments made by the service centre_Share of customers with appointments of total vehicle throughput_Share of preliminary orders of all service appointments_Distribution of transferred calls to the Service Advisor by the service centre/telephonic service booking_Share of preliminary orders with order extension at the vehicle reception(additional customer complaints)_Lead time(time between service booking and service reception)for a maintenance appointment,Core process,8,Work preparation,Repair/maintenance,Order completion,Diagnosis,Service reception,Vehicle hand over,Service booking,Prepare reception,Perform reception,Perform pre-diagnosis,Conclude reception,Check job assignment,Prepare vehicle,Prepare diagnosis,Perform diagnosis,Conclude diagnosis,Prepare repair/maintenance,Conduct repair/maintenance,Conclude repair/maintenance,Conduct final inspection,Check documentation of workshop order,Prepare vehicle hand over,Conduct vehicle hand over,Conclude vehicle hand over,Process warranty/goodwill claim,Workshop disposition,Overview of defined processes,Parts Support,Close workshop order,Conduct quality assurance,9,Overview sheet process step Prepare reception“,Preparation of service reception between booking and reception of vehicle/customer,All preparations for reception appointment with customer concerning workshop order and service resources to be reserved are arranged,so that vehicle reception can be carried out unobstructedly,In:Service booking with customer and vehicle data incl.vehicle history,exact documentation of customer request and estimated service scopeOut:Exact definition of outstanding questions,which have to be reviewed together with customer at reception,prepared workshop order,availability of service resources at agreed appointment are assured,Workshop order is prepared as complete as possible for forthcoming reception appointment,necessary service resources will be reservedIn complex cases unsolved questions concerning customer request are defined or solvedCustomer will be phoned short time before reception appointment to confirm the appointment,Input/Output,Definition,10,Prepare reception,Workshop order prepared as far as possible,necessary service resources are reserved and unresolved matters explained,Service Advisor,Service Receptionist,Service Advisor,Service Advisor,Service Advisor,DMS,DMS,VEGA,DMS,VEGA,ASRA,DMS,EPC,Workshop order processed as far as possible,Takeover of costs is arranged,All resources available and reserved,All necessary additional information present,Prepare reception,Process liability,_Check data from service bookingCompile necessary work and document in orderCompile critical parts and notify warehousePrepare package/cost estimatePlan issuance of third-party servicesConsider pending work and part orders left from last visitCheck vehicle for service measure,_Check pending payment issueCheck warranty/goodwill claim relatedConduct goodwill application with damage code and document decisionApply invoice code and customer share as percentage to order items,Reserve service resources,_Conduct reservation of required service resourcesBefore service reception date:call customer and confirm date or notify customer that all agreements can be upheld,Check invoice,order and warranty and goodwill history and prepare for workshopIdentify repeat repairsClarify responsibilities for problematic cases(incl.customer complaints,repeat case)_Prepare technical documentation,if necessary(e.g.for vehicle with special body)Feedback with technician if necessaryIn event of functional defects,where applicable research in vehicle documentation(e.g.introduction service manual)(operator error)Printout pre-order and prepare for customer visit,Check and prepare additional order information,Process Chains:,Process Chains:,Process Chains:,Process Chains:,11,Success factors and key figures Prepare reception“,All preparation for the reception appointment with the customer are finished with regard to the order and all service resources to be reserved,the reception of the vehicle can be performed smoothly,_Preliminary order and resources are as far as possible prepared/reserved and are available for the customer appointment_All necessary additional information(history/repeat repairs)are prepared for the reception as well as for the diagnosis/repair process_Parts availability for critical parts is secured_Easy and fast identification of the vehicle construction level_Assurance of the adherence to all agreements with the customer(agreements,costs)_Planned reception time can be adhered to_Customer is satisfied with the service advise and processing of his concerns(solution proposals for the concern),_Share of preliminary orders of all service appointments_Share of preliminary orders of all vehicle throughputs_Quality of the reception preparation_Duration of the service reception,Service reception,Core process,Maxim,Example Key figures,Success factors,12,Work preparation,Repair/maintenance,Order completion,Diagnosis,Service reception,Vehicle hand over,Service booking,Prepare reception,Perform reception,Perform pre-diagnosis,Conclude reception,Check job assignment,Prepare vehicle,Prepare diagnosis,Perform diagnosis,Conclude diagnosis,Prepare Repair/maintenance,Conduct Repair/maintenance,Conclude Repair/maintenance,Conduct final inspection,Check documentation of workshop order,Prepare vehicle hand over,Conduct vehicle hand over,Conclude vehicle hand over,Process warranty/goodwill claim,Overview of defined processes,Workshop disposition,Parts Support,Close workshop order,Conduct quality assurance,13,Overview sheet process step Perform reception“,Reception/welcome of customer and vehicle for maintenance/repair,All customer requests,customer and vehicle data as well as current vehicle configuration are documented on workshop order.The scope of workshop order is agreed with customer,In:Workshop order prepared as far as possible on basis of booking procedureOut:Extensive documentation of customer and vehicle data,clearly recorded customer request,customer is informed about possible pre-diagnosis,Customer and vehicle data are updated together with customerAll customer requests are reviewed with customer and documentedNecessary works or necessity of pre-diagnosis are explained and a cost and time framework is givenExistent defects on the vehicle will be recorded by a visual inspection,Definition,14,Perform reception,Customer welcomed and vehicle taken over,customer concerns and existing damage to vehicle recorded in full,Service Receptionist/Service Advisor,Service Receptionist/Service Advisor,Service Advisor,Service Advisor,DMS,WIS,DMS,FDOK,VEGA,DMS,Customer welcomed and transferred to service advisor,All customer and vehicle data available,Order scope discussed,Visual inspection conducted on vehicle in presence of customer and documented,Welcome customer/take over vehicle,Check quality of customer/vehicle data and that it is up to date,_Receive/welcome customerCheck whether prior application madeAsk about customer concerns,if customer is not registeredTransfer customer