经销商支持-奥迪R8 湖北中基燃爆之夜Distributor support-Super Sportscar R8 flares up the night of Hubei Zhong Ji program湖北中基 2011.9.15Hubei Zhong JI,方案背景Backgrounds,活动目的Goals,活动概述Summary,活动流程Schedule,传播策略Broadcasting,目录Catalog,活动效果评估Evaluation,活动预算Budget,方案背景Backgrounds,2011年9月初全新奥迪R8上市,作为奥迪顶级跑车,奥迪R8的上市获得了媒体和广大车友极大关注。In the early September of 2011,As Audis powest Sportscar,new Audi R8 listed and attracted the mass media and many vehicle friends attention.本次奥迪R8首次亮相江城武汉,将再次掀起奥迪品牌风潮。This time,The new Audi R8 comes in Wuhan,and it will bring us the popular trend of Audi.,方案背景Backgrounds,活动目的Goals,活动概述Summary,活动流程Schedule,传播策略Broadcasting,目录Catalog,活动效果评估Evaluation,活动预算Budget,活动目的Goals,奥迪R8作为奥迪品牌的巅峰之作,通过本次活动中的口碑营销、圈层营销,进一步提升奥迪品牌形象 Audi R8 is the masterpiece masterpiece of Audi brand,Via this activity,we hope to enhance the brand image of Audi R8 by word of mouth marketing and mass marketing.奥迪R8登陆武汉,本次活动标志着奥迪品牌在武汉地区的产品线进一步扩大 Audi R8 lands Wuhan,this activity will show that the Audi will has more products in Wuhan.通过奥迪R8的精彩亮相,向客户展示巅峰、与众不同的德国奥迪文化精神 Via the splendid appearance of Audi R8,we hope to show the powest,unique German culture and spirits.,方案背景Backgrounds,活动目的Goals,活动概述Summary,活动流程Schedule,传播策略Broadcasting,目录Catalog,活动效果评估Evaluation,活动预算Budget,活动概要 Summary,活动主题:浮华褪尽,忘我极情德国战车奥迪R8,湖北中基燃爆之夜 Theme:Super Sportscar R8 flares up the night of Hubei Zhong Ji 活动时间:2011年11月18日 Date:November 18th.2011活动地点:湖北中基奥迪城市展厅 Venue:Hubei Zhong Ji Terminal 活动对象:超跑车主20人,网络红人20人,奥迪时尚客户20人,媒体25人,特邀嘉宾5人,共90人 Participants:Super sports car customers 20 persons,famous people from internet 20 persons,Zhong JI Audi customers 20 persons,reporters 25 persons,total 90 persons.,活动主题阐述 德国战车奥迪R8,湖北中基燃爆之夜 Explaination of the theme-Super Sportscar R8 flares up the night of Hubei Zhong Ji program,主题思考 关于奥迪:奥迪是德国历史最悠久的汽车制造商之一,在其一百多年的发展历程中,奥迪品牌不断超越自我,以先进的汽车工艺,以及对品牌的极致追求,不断把奥迪品牌推向新的巅峰 关于德国文化:在德国民族历史中,德国人一直保持着坚忍不拔,不断进取超越的民族精神,他们严肃冷静,同时又浪漫,注重生活情调,音乐与啤酒一直与德国人相伴。奥迪R8与德国文化:奥迪R8是奥迪品牌的巅峰之作,凝聚了德国文化的进取与不断挑战超越极致的品质,其时尚的外观,优越的性能,集中体现了德国精神。Think about the theme:About Audi:Audi has a very long history in the auto industry of Germany.In the over one handred developing years,Audi kept on overcoming itself,it tried to push the Audi brand to the new top by its good technoledge and persuning for best brand of car.About German culture:In German history of nation,the Germany always ketp on being invincible and the spirit of overcoming themselves.They are romantic,they pay attention the the best style of life.And music and beer always company with them.Audi R8 and German culture:Audi R8 is the powest car Audi has never made.German culture and spirits attach to it,and also its fashinable appearance,and good qualities shows us the good German spirits.,活动主题阐述 德国战车奥迪R8,湖北中基燃爆之夜Explaination of the theme-Super Sportscar R8 flares up the night of Hubei Zhong Ji program,主题推演:选取德国文化中典型的元素,如啤酒、雪茄、德国美食、德国摇滚等来营造德式文化氛围,让在场所有嘉宾切身体验德国精神文化内涵,留下深刻印象 通过现场奥迪R8的惊艳亮相,展现德国精神的巅峰之作,使在场客户认同奥迪品牌价值,感受其“突破科技,启迪未来”的德国风范。Theme deduction:We pick out the typical chacracteristics of German culture,such as beer,food,music etc to make the atmosphere of German culture in this activity and we hope it will be empressive.Via the appearance of Audi R8 in Wuhan,we hope to show the powest masterpiece and make the customers like and know the spirit which is that Vorsprung durch Technik,主题呈现全方位感受德式氛围State the themeFeel the German atmosphere from all sides,360体验six senses Five Senses Experience,耳 Hearing聆听,鼻Smell闻,眼 Vision审美,舌 Tasting品味,口 Speech交流分享,眼睛审美vision,奥迪R8的惊艳登场,加入武汉地区奥迪大家族,现场独特的奥迪“全家福”造型,带给客户震撼的视觉感受。Audi appears in Wuhan,and it will join the big family in Wuhan.We make the family cars show to the customers good empression.奥迪历史墙,记录奥迪品牌历史的变迁以及各车型的中国之旅,完美呈现奥迪“突破科技,启迪未来”的进取精神。History of the war of Audi will tell us the change of Audi brands history,and the coming of all the cars of Audi to China will show the spirits of Audi car.,眼睛审美vision,现场富有德国元素的布置,如德国啤酒桶、雪茄机、德国美食、德国巧克力瀑布展示等,营造非比寻常的德国风情。The hall will be full of German elementaries,like German beer,food,music etc.We try to show the customers the whole German culture.造型逼真的R8巧克力车模,管中窥豹,彰显奥迪R8的非凡魅力The chocolate model of Audi R8 shows that Audi brand is charming to us all.法拉利、兰博基尼、保时捷等品牌跑车,震撼眼球Ferrari,Lamborghini,Porsche,these famous sportscars will attract the customers eyes.,耳朵聆听 Hearing,在发布会的不同阶段,展示不同风格的德国音乐,从听觉上感受不同的德国韵味。In the different steps of the activity,we will play the different styles of German music,and via hearing to feel the charm of Germany.活动开场时,缓缓的轻摇滚乐,带给客户宾至如归之感At the beginning of the activity,the solft rock music will make customers feel that they are at home.奥迪R8登场时,震撼的“德国战车”重摇滚乐,将活动推向高潮顶峰When Audi R8 comes to our eyesight,the heavy rock music will burn the high pot.客户用餐时,不同风格的酒吧音乐,使客户在品尝美食时,也能悠然的感受到德国异域风情。When the customers have their dinner,we will play different style of music of bars,to make the customers enjoy the big dinner.,舌品位 Tasting,现场纯正的德国啤酒,将刺激客户的味觉,体味一把德国人的豪爽与洒脱The pure German beer will stimulate the customers taste,and you will lost in it.精致美味的德国糕点,品位德式美食带来的美好感受The dilicious food from Germany will make the customers feel enjoyable.富有特色的巧克力瀑布,在惊叹之中,品尝德式细腻的甜美。The interesting chocolate waterfall will give you a good taste.,品位风味纯正的德国雪茄,在微醺中感受德式的深沉Have try to smoke the pure German Cigar.独特的德式插花,闭上眼,就能闻到飘荡在空气中的德国味道Close the eyes,the customers can get the German flowers smell酒香四溢的德国啤酒,酒未饮,香已至。The customers always can taste the best pure German beer.,鼻闻Smell,口交流与分享Speech,与现场中基领导一起感受奥迪品牌发展历程,交流分享奥迪品牌故事,在回顾中感受非凡的奥迪品牌魅力The leaders of Zhong Ji will share the brand story of Audi with customers,and they will know the charm of Audi brand.与现场到店客户微博互动,交流分享对现场德国文化的感受From the broadcasting,the customers will know more about Audi brand.与到场客户共同体验与分享对奥迪R8的直观感受,在传播中,使客户更深入的认识奥迪R8的德国精神。The customers there can have interaction of microblog,and share the feelings with other people.,方案背景Backgrounds,活动目的Goals,活动概述Summary,活动流程Schedule,传播策略Broadcasting,目录Catalog,活动效果评估Evaluation,活动预算Budget,活动现场活动流程 Process of activity,德式风情酒会(17:3018:30):签到 sigining in 参观奥迪城市展厅内外并享用德国风味茶歇,聆听德国德国轻摇滚乐Visit Audi City Exhibition Hall,enjoy German flavor tea and listen to German light rock现场客户微博互动 Twitter Interaction活动开启,屏幕中基宣传片播放 Kick-off the ceremony.Video of Zhongji played主持人开场白 host starts湖北中基奥迪领导致辞 Leaders of Zhongji address 奥迪厂家领导授权并致辞 Producer authorize and address,奥迪授权仪式(18:3019:00):,活动现场活动流程 Process of activity,介绍展厅外奥迪全系车型 All Models introduction 播放奥迪R8降临武汉视频 R8 lands in Wuhan Video played奥迪R8登场,车型VCR介绍 R8 shows up,VCR model introduction晚宴开始,德国大厨介绍德国美食 dinner party begins.German chef introduce German food现场抽奖互动 Luck Draw Interaction现场舞蹈助兴 Dancing,R8登场,奥迪“全家福”亮相(19:0019:30):,德式互动晚宴(19:3021:00):,环节重点介绍一:人群参与 Part 1:Super Fan Involved,奥迪R8首次亮相武汉,本次活动全湖北超级跑车车主聚集中基奥迪。作为顶级跑车的拥有者,他们对于奥迪R8车型的关注,将会促进更多的超跑车迷关注此款车型。Audi R8s first appearance in Wuhan attracts a lot of attention from all walks of life.As super sports car owners,the super fans of Audi R8 will surely bring more attention.各汽车论坛网络红人也被邀约参与此次活动,作为网络传播的意见领袖,共同见证奥迪R8登陆江城,引发更多网民的关注 A lot of influential internet people in the car industry are invited to the activity.Their attendance to the activity will bring more attention from netizens.,展厅外兰博基尼、法拉利等国际品牌跑车Show,助阵奥迪R8登陆武汉。这些超级跑车将在武汉中基奥迪展厅外设专区展示,到场客户可近距离观看这些跑车,并与其留念合影。The show of Lamborghini and Ferrari outside the exhibition hall will welcome R8s settling in Wuhan.Such sports cars will be displayed at a special area outside the exhibition hall.Guests who attend the activity may take pictures and appreciate them closely.,环节重点介绍二:超跑助阵 Part 2:Sports Car Involved,环节重点介绍三:全城微博互动 Part 3:Interaction on Sina Twitter,在德式酒会环节,到场客户可以任意拍摄展厅内外场景照片一张上传至自己新浪微博,并湖北中基奥迪,现场微博大屏幕将滚动播出新浪微博现场互动情况,且参与此次微博互动的客户均可在活动结束后领取礼品一份。In the German party,any guest who upload their pictures to sina twitter and mention Zhongji Audi in the message will get a gift after the show.And his message will be displayed on the big screen at the activity site.,环节重点介绍四:纯德式体验 Part 4:A Real German Feeling,本次活动展厅内布置,最大限度的融入德式元素,如德国啤酒桶,德国摇滚乐,德式糕点,晚宴,以及香浓的德式雪茄。呈现给客户最纯正的德式体验The layout of the exhibition hall matches the German Style the sound way,such as German beer barrel,German Rock music,German Snacks,buffet and German Cigar.Such arrangement may display guests a real German environment.,环节重点介绍五:奥迪车型介绍 Part 5:Introduction of Audi Models,本次活动将在湖北中基奥迪展厅外设立专门的奥迪品牌文化长廊,来介绍奥迪A1/A3/A4L/A5/A6L/A8/Q5/Q7/TT进入中国市场的时间及辉煌成绩,阐述整个奥迪品牌在中国市场的发展历程。每幅车型历史描述文化墙下,都会停放一辆对应车型。An Audi brand culture hallway will be set outside the exhibition hall,to show the glory of A1/A3/A4L/A5/A6L/A8/Q5/Q7/TT in China markets.It will also tell the viewer the development of Audi in China.A same car of the model illustrated on the wall will be set at the related place.,环节重点介绍五:奥迪车型介绍 Part 5:Introduction of Audi Models,在介绍奥迪众款车型环节,全场灯光熄灭,来宾在全黑的会场,场内主持人一一介绍中基展厅玻璃墙外停放的奥迪全系车型,介绍到哪一款车型,此款车面对玻璃幕墙将车灯照射进会场,引起观众的注意,并缓缓驶出停车区,通过玻璃幕墙进行实车展示。所有展示完毕奥迪车型依次停到玻璃幕墙外的指定地点,呈弧形展开,关灯。客户将最后看到除了奥迪R8外,奥迪在中国的全系车型。In the car model introduction part,all the light will be turned off.Then in the black,the host starts to introduce each model of Audi.At the model the host mentioned,a spotlight will hit on such car.And the car will go slowly out of the parking area to the exhibition place with a glass screen until all the models called.Then Spotlight will be turned off.Guests will appreciate all the Audi series excluding Audi R8.,环节重点介绍六:R8亮相 Part 6:R8 Show UP,视频播放:通过视频素材与实际拍摄结合的方式,用R8的第一视角,带领观众一起由德国总部生产线启程,经过德国的街道-装进货柜运输-抵达中国武汉-通过武汉的标志性建筑-抵达湖北中基奥迪4S店。通过视觉想象达到空间转换的穿越感,为R8赋予人性化得情感价值Video Played:the video will show guests the process of how R8 starts from German head quarter to Wuhan Zhongji Audi as first person perspective.视频与活动现场的衔接:视频中的R8经过万里远行,到达了湖北中基门口,视频结束,在这一刻,随着一声R8的马达轰鸣声,德式重金属摇滚再次响起,场上烟雾缭绕,此时,R8,大灯亮起,渐渐驶出烟雾,彻底展现在所有来宾面前,全场亮灯,一睹2011全新奥迪R8的尊荣Connection from Video to Onsite show:R8 in the video travelled all the way from Germany to the Gate of Zhongji and the video stopped.At this moment,with a motor roaring,the German heavy metal rock starts and smog appears.Suddenly,the spotlight is turned on and R8 breaks the smog slowly until it is displayed the whole in front of the guests.Then all guests may appreciate a real R8.,重点环节介绍七:奥迪“全家福”Part 7:Audi Family,奥迪全家福:在R8亮相完毕后,背景音乐由于“电波干扰”骤然停止,全场灯光犹如停电一般突然熄灭,与此同时背景传来模仿机械声音效果的独白:我是奥迪A8L,兄弟们已经等你很久了,奥迪R8!欢迎你加入奥迪中国大家庭。话音落后场外舞台灯光照亮所有呈弧形状停放的奥迪家族,所有家族成员打开大灯通过玻璃幕墙照射进会场,此时R8轰鸣两声,缓缓驶向奥迪全系车灯照亮的室内展示区,德式摇滚音乐将会场激情推至顶点,R8车到位后,车内车模下车配合R8做静态展示,全场亮灯,嘉宾媒体拍照,展示奥迪全家福After the appearance of R8,the background music stops all of a sudden by wave interference and all the lights are turned off.Then we hear a transformer like monologue from the background saying,“I am Audi A8L.R8,brothers have been waiting for you for a long time.Welcome to our big family”.After the sound,spotlights lightening all the Audi family parked as arc shape.R8 roared twice and go slowly to the exhibition area.The German Rock push the emotion of the activity to the highest point.After parking at the right place,R8 is showed still with car model in it.All lights on,media and guests may take pictures.,环节重点八:精品奥迪小物件 Part 8:Small Audi Articles,在本次授权仪式中,将展示精巧别致、逼真的奥迪R8巧克力车模In the authorizing ceremony,elaborate and lively R8 chocolate model wil be displayed.在德式晚宴现场,德国大厨将为客户制作巧克力瀑布,在视觉和味觉上给客户双重冲击At the German party,a German chef will make chocolate waterfall for the guests.It will be amazingly attractive to the guests.本次活动中,所有的德式餐点都用由奥迪轮胎搭建的桌子盛放。In this activity,all German food or drinks will be layed on Audi tyre based tables.,现场布置主视觉 Layout-Main Vision,白色上衣+黑色西裙套装+黑色皮鞋+胸前奥迪4环别针 white coat+black skirt suit+black leather shoes+Audi Logo pins,黑色皮鞋 black leather shoes,白色上衣 white coat,银色金属胸针 Silver Metal Pin,黑色西裙套装 black skirt suit,黑色丝袜 black silk socks,其他礼仪服装 Others-Costumes,其他现场奖品奥迪R8精品车模 Others-Prize for onsite guests.Audi R8 model car,方案背景Backgrounds,活动目的Goals,活动概述Summary,活动流程Schedule,传播策略Broadcasting,目录Catalog,活动效果评估Evaluation,活动预算Budget,传播策略传播目的 Broadcasting Strategy-Goals,告知客户车型与品牌信息,获得广泛的品牌关注度Introduce the model and share brand information to obtain more brand attention.促使更多人全面深入了解奥迪品牌,领略奥迪巅峰之作,认可品牌价值,并广泛传播Help more people further understand Audi the brand to gain their trust of the brand and broadcast their trust to more people.提高客户品牌好感度,更进一步提高品牌知名度Increase the good feelings for the brand to increase the popularity of the brand,传播策略传播手段Broadcasting Strategy-Methods,利用不同人群进行全方位多角度的扩散传播 All angles broadcasting,媒体人员(权威传播),告知品牌事实,促使广泛关注,全新奥迪R8登陆武汉奥迪“全家福”首次亮相江城华中地区首家奥迪R8授权仪式揭幕,Tell truth about the brand,Brand new R8 Lands Wuhan,Audi“Family”first show in Wuhan,Middle China Audi R8 Authorization Ceremony,Media,传播策略传播手段Broadcasting Strategy-Methods,利用不同人群进行全方位多角度的扩散传播 All angles broadcasting,告知品牌事实,促使广泛关注,Internet Infuential people网络红人(草根传播),价值200多万的奥迪超跑亮相武汉超跑家族巅峰之作,奥迪R8来了百米加速3.9秒,ASF镁铝车身,打造极致奢华,View the masterpiece and agree with the brand value,Materpiece of Super Sports Car,Audi R8 is here3.9 seconds acceleration in 100 meters.ASF magnalium body,extremely luxury,A 2 million Valued Audi sports carappears in Wuhan,传播策略传播手段Broadcasting Strategy-Methods,利用不同人群进行全方位多角度的扩散传播 All angles broadcasting,Media媒体人员(权威传播),告知品牌事实,促使广泛关注,网络红人(草根传播),形成品牌好感度,传播奥迪品牌形象,奥迪R8真是酷毙了奥迪R8来了,居然如此多豪车捧场德国美食真的很不错,Increase good feelings for the Audi brand,R8 is cool Audi R8 comes with so many cool cars German food is really delicious,Internet Infuential people,精英传播,草根传播,权威传播,R8燃爆中基之夜,后续传播,活动现场,预热阶段,传播策略排期规划Broadcasting Strategy-Scheduling,抢楼参与,不仅是卓越 奥迪巅峰之作R8登陆江城奥迪全家福齐聚 R8燃爆江城武汉,超级跑车齐聚中基 奥迪R8闪亮登场,浮华褪尽 奥迪R8燃爆中基之夜落下帷幕,专项专题:全程专题跟进报道,落户湖北中基 奥迪R8首次登陆江城R8闪亮登场 奥迪全家福首次齐聚江城,活动现场花絮展现精美绝伦 奥迪R8巧克力车模/纯德式酒会体验,奥迪各车型展现奥迪A1好想开走她/还是A8L豪华,前期预热,活动现场微博直播,朋友参与,广播:奥迪全家福专题,持续炒作,现场直播微博互动,网络论坛抢楼招募奥迪中国家族全家福即将亮相京城,平面,网络,电台,落户湖北中基 奥迪R8首次登陆江城R8闪亮登场 奥迪全家福首次齐聚江城,方案背景Backgrounds,活动目的Goals,活动概述Summary,活动流程Schedule,传播策略Broadcasting,目录Catalog,活动效果评估Evaluation,活动预算Budget,活动效果预评估 Evaluation,活动的传播效果Broadcasting effection,活动的诉求效果Appealing effection,活动对受众的行为效果Action effection,到达,注目,态度和行为,通过媒体、超跑车主、网络红人,这种人群进行权威传播,精英传播与草根传播,全方位立体式的传播,获得广泛关注!Via media、super sportscar holders、popular people from internet,we can let more people pay attention to this activity and Audi brand.间接影响人群:100000人Indirect affected people:100000 直接影响人群:300人Direct affected people:300,现场德式酒会,奥迪R8的惊艳登场,以及奥迪“全家福”等,能够刺激现场参与者,促使他们形成强烈的品牌好感The German banquet,the appearance of Auid R8,and all the family cars can attact the customers and let them have a good impression of Audi brand潜客收集:80批次Potential customer collection:80,通过本次活动,奥迪潜在客户和忠诚客户,能够对奥迪品牌形成品牌偏好,从而产生后续购买的可能Via this activity,Audis potential customers will like Audi brand more and buy Audi cars themselves.促进成交:10台Sale:10 cars,Arrival,Attitude and action,Attention,方案背景Backgrounds,活动目的Goals,活动概述Summary,活动流程Schedule,传播策略Broadcasting,目录Catalog,活动效果评估Evaluation,活动预算Budget,活动预算Budget,谢谢 Thank You.,