00374四洲集團 报.ppt
股份代號,2012 年 報,Annual Report,12,45,53,1,Contents目錄,Corporate Information公司資料Chairmans Statement主席報告Major Awards of the Year年度主要獎項Management Discussion and Analysis管理層討論及分析Report of the Directors董事會報告Corporate Governance Report企業管治報告Independent Auditors Report獨立核數師報告Audited Financial Statements經審核財務報告Consolidated:綜合:Income Statement收益表Statement of Comprehensive Income全面收益表Statement of Financial Position財務狀況表Statement of Changes in Equity權益變動表Statement of Cash Flows現金流量表Company:公司:Statement of Financial Position財務狀況表Notes to Financial Statements財務報告附註Particulars of Property物業詳情,四 洲 集 團 有 限 公 司,2-34-910-1113-2728-4142-434446-4748-4950-5254-159160二 零 一 二 年 年 報,2,Corporate Information公司資料,BOARD OF DIRECTORSExecutive DirectorsTAI Tak Fung,Stephen(Chairman)WU Mei Yung,Quinly(Managing Director)MAN Wing Cheung,EllisYIP Wai KeungWU Wing BiuNAM Chi Ming,GibsonIndependent Non-executive DirectorsLEUNG Mei HanCHAN Yuk Sang,PeterTsunao KIJIMA(appointed on 9 July 2011)COMPANY SECRETARYNAM Chi Ming,GibsonAUDITORSErnst&YoungPLACE OF INCORPORATIONCayman IslandsPRINCIPAL SHARE REGISTRARAND TRANSFER OFFICECaledonian Trust(Cayman)LimitedCaledonian House69 Dr.Roys DriveP.O.Box 1043 KY1-1102George TownGrand CaymanCayman IslandsHONG KONG BRANCH SHAREREGISTRAR AND TRANSFEROFFICETricor Tengis Limited26th Floor,Tesbury Centre28 Queens Road EastWanchai,Hong KongFOUR SEAS MERCANTILE HOLDINGS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2012,董事會執行董事戴德豐(主席)胡美容(董事總經理)文永祥葉偉強胡永標藍志明獨立非執行董事梁美嫻陳玉生木島綱雄(於二零一一年七月九日獲委任)公司秘書藍志明核數師安永會計師事務所註冊成立地點開曼群島主要股份過戶登記處Caledonian Trust(Cayman)LimitedCaledonian House69 Dr.Roy s DriveP.O.Box 1043 KY1-1102George TownGrand CaymanCayman Islands香港股份過戶登記分處卓佳登捷時有限公司香港灣仔皇后大道東28號金鐘匯中心26樓,3,Corporate Information公司資料,REGISTERED OFFICECaledonian House69 Dr.Roys DriveP.O.Box 1043 KY1-1102George TownGrand CaymanCayman IslandsPRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS INHONG KONGFour Seas Group BuildingNo.1 Hong Ting RoadSai KungHong KongPRINCIPAL BANKERSThe Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ,LimitedSumitomo Mitsui Banking CorporationMizuho Corporate Bank,LimitedChina Construction Bank CorporationBank of China(Hong Kong)LimitedThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedCredit Agricole Corporate and Investment BankStandard Chartered Bank(Hong Kong)LimitedHang Seng Bank LimitedThe Bank of East Asia,LimitedWEBSITEhttp:/.hk,註冊辦事處Caledonian House69 Dr.Roy s DriveP.O.Box 1043 KY1-1102George TownGrand CaymanCayman Islands香港主要營業地點香港西貢康定路1號四洲集團大廈主要往來銀行三菱東京UFJ銀行有限公司日本三井住友銀行有限公司瑞穗實業銀行有限公司中國建設銀行股份有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司東方匯理銀行渣打銀行(香港)有限公司恒生銀行有限公司東亞銀行有限公司網址http:/.hk,四 洲 集 團 有 限 公 司,二 零 一 二 年 年 報,4,Chairmans Statement主席報告Dr.TAI Tak Fung,Stephen,SBS,GBS,JP,Chairman,戴德豐博士,SBS GBS 太平紳士,主席,RESULTSI,on behalf of the board of directors,announce that the Groupsturnover for the financial year ended 31 March 2012 wasHK$2,789,334,000,representing an increase of 9%over the same periodof last year(2011:HK$2,561,847,000).The net profit attributable toequity holders of the Company amounted to HK$52,581,000(2011:HK$72,324,000).DIVIDENDThe board of directors has recommended the payment of a finaldividend of HK5.0 cents(2011:HK5.0 cents)per ordinary share inrespect of the financial year ended 31 March 2012.Subject to theshareholders approval at the annual general meeting to be held on28 August 2012,the final dividend will be payable on 25 September2012.Together with the interim dividend of HK2.0 cents per share,thetotal dividends per share for the financial year ended 31 March 2012 isHK7.0 cents(2011:HK7.0 cents).FOUR SEAS MERCANTILE HOLDINGS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2012,業績本 人 謹 代 表 董 事 會 宣 佈,截 至 二 零 一 二 年 三月 三 十 一 日 財 政 年 度 止,集 團 營 業 額 錄 得2,789,334,000港 元(二 零 一 一 年:2,561,847,000港元),較去年同期上升9%。本公司權益所有者應佔溢 利 為52,581,000港 元(二 零 一 一 年:72,324,000港元)。股息董事會現建議就截至二零一二年三月三十一日止財政年度派發末期股息每股普通股5.0港仙(二零一一年:5.0港仙),待股東於二零一二年八月二十八日舉行之股東週年大會上批准後,末期股息將於二零一二年九月二十五日派發。連同已派發之中期股息每股2.0港仙,截至二零一二年三月三十一日止財政年度之股息總額為每股7.0港仙(二零一一年:7.0港仙)。,5,Chairmans Statement主席報告,BUSINESS REVIEWFor the year under review,leveraging the Groups brand equity and itswealth of marketing experience and promotion tactic,both segments inHong Kong and Mainland China recorded a steady sales growth.Thesales derived from Hong Kong segment reached HK$1,818,989,000,representing an increase of 6%over the same period of last year,andaccounted for approximately 65%of the Groups total sales.The salesin Mainland China was HK$970,345,000,increased by 14%comparedto the same period of last year,and accounted for approximately35%of the Groups total sales.As a result of the overall industry-wide rising operating expenses,the segmental result of Hong Kongwas declined accordingly and the segmental result of Mainland Chinamaintained approximately at the same level as last year.Distribution BusinessFood distribution business is the core business of the Group.Withover 40 years business development,the Group has distributed overhundreds of internationally renowned brand of quality food productsfrom around the world including milk powder,milk,biscuits,cakes,confectioneries,chocolates,snacks,instant noodles,ice-cream,healthfoods,wine,beverages,sauce,seasonings,ham and sausages to suitthe demands of different customers.The products were deliveredthrough the Groups extensive distribution network and superb salesforce to a wide range of customers covering department stores,supermarkets,convenience stores,fast food chains,wholesalers,retailers,restaurants,pubs,hotels and airlines.In addition,the Groupsintegrated marketing strategy together with its well-establishedcustomer base and close relationship with suppliers,the Group hascommanded a dominant position with high prestige in the food,業務回顧年內,集團憑藉卓越的品牌效應,多年累積的銷售經驗及推廣活動策略,香港及國內營業額錄得穩健增長。香港之地區營業額為1,818,989,000港元,比去年同期增長6%,佔總營業額約65%;國內之地區營業額為970,345,000港元,比去年同期增長14%,相應佔總營業額約35%,惟整體營運開支亦隨市場趨勢上升,使香港之地區業績相應下調,而國內之地區業績維持與去年相若。代理業務食 品 代 理 為 集 團 之 核 心 業 務,經 逾 四 十 多 年 的 業務 發 展,代 理 逾 百 家 國 際 名 牌 優 質 食 品,擁 有 龐大分銷網絡,優秀的銷售隊伍,代理來自世界各地不同優質食品。產品應有盡有,類別包括奶粉、牛奶、餅 乾、蛋 糕、糖 果、朱 古 力、零 食、即 食 麵、雪 糕、健 康 食 品、酒 類、飲 品、醬 油、調 味 料、火腿、香 腸 等,以 滿 足 不 同 客 戶 的 需 要,包 括 百 貨公司、超級市場、便利店、快餐店、批發商、零售商、酒樓、酒吧、酒店及航空公司等。同時,集團之綜合營銷策略,與各地客戶及供應商建立緊密合作夥伴關係,集團已於食品業界建立昭著商譽及穩踞市場領導地位。,industry of Hong Kong.,四 洲 集 團 有 限 公 司,二 零 一 二 年 年 報,6,Chairmans Statement主席報告,Manufacturing BusinessBuilding on the competitive advantage of 20 self-ownedmanufacturing plants in both Mainland China and Hong Kong,theGroup has provided a dedicated one-stop business platform to bestserve the needs of its customers and fit its overall marketing strategyin both Hong Kong and Mainland China.With the stringent qualitycontrol and elite management,the Group has been able to produce aseries of food products including seaweed,candies,confectioneries,puffed snacks,peanuts,potato chips,prawn crackers,corn sticks,instant noodles,ice-cream,biscuits,cakes,chestnuts,ham,sausages,frozen dim sum,Tsubu Tsubu orange drinks,coffee,milk tea,lemontea,green tea,Oolong tea and dairy drinks.In partnership with Japans CALBEE,Inc.,the Group establishedCalbee Four Seas Company Limited in Hong Kong in 1994.Itcontinues to produce along with“Calbee”brand products whileits manufacturing plant in Shantou city of Guangdong provincewill produce all products with“Four Seas”brand.The Group hasconfidence in marketing“Four Seas Potato Chips”and“Four SeasPrawn Crackers”in Mainland China.Over the years,the Group has strived for a culture of high standardsof food quality control in terms of food hygiene,food safety andfood material supplies in compliance with various internationalstandards.The Group obtained numerous accreditations from relevantinternational institutions including“HACCP”,“ISO 9001”,“ISO22000”,“Hong Kong Q-Mark Product Scheme Certification”,etc forits food quality management.FOUR SEAS MERCANTILE HOLDINGS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2012,製造業務憑藉集團在中港兩地擁有二十間廠房的優勢,配合中港兩地之市場策略,締造產銷一站式平台,迎合不同市場的不斷需要,透過品質嚴控,精進管理,生 產 一 系 列 特 色 食 品,包 括 紫 菜、糖 果、膨 化 小食、花 生、薯 片、蝦 條、粟 米 條、即 食 麵、雪 糕、餅 乾、蛋 糕、栗 子、火 腿、香 腸、冷 凍 點 心、粒 粒橙汁、咖啡、奶茶、檸檬茶、綠茶、烏龍茶及牛奶類飲料等。由本集團與日本卡樂B株式會社於1994年合資在香港創立的卡樂B四洲有限公司將繼續生產卡樂B品牌產品,而位於廣東省汕頭市的廠房將生產四洲品牌產品。集團對四洲薯片和四洲蝦條等產品在中國市場未來發展甚具信心。多 年 來,集 團 已 建 立 優 良 的 食 品 企 業 文 化,食 品衛 生,食 物 安 全,食 材 品 質 屢 獲 肯 定,符 合 國 際水 平,並 已 取 得 HACCP、ISO 9001 和 ISO22000系統認證及香港Q嘜優質產品標誌證書等。,迎。,7,Chairmans Statement主席報告,Four Seas BrandThe Group is a pioneer of establishing its own brand name in HongKong and successfully launched a series of exclusive products underits own private brand of“Four Seas”.All“Four Seas”brandedproducts have been widely recognised by consumers for its highquality and gained a vote of confidence and trust from customers inHong Kong and Mainland China.Brand awareness has been highlyenhanced and perceived by the public.Capitalising on powerful brand name differentiation and creativeadvertising message together with the endorsement of the celebrities,“Four Seas”brand has been highly acknowledged by consumers.Among them included“Four Seas Tsubu Tsubu Orange Drinks”byMr.Richie Yen;“Four Seas Seaweed”by Mr.Hins Cheung and“FourSeas Biscuits”by Miss Niki Chow.In addition,the Group sponsoreda number of music concerts of popular singers including Miss JoeyYung,Mr.Hins Cheung,Mr.Richie Yen,and the Group organised its40th Anniversary Concert,Mr.Liu Chia-Chang led various music starsto perform numerous golden oldies.All have been well acclaimed byconsumers and have gained the popularity and market penetration ofthe“Four Seas”brand products.Catering BusinessThe Group has developed its catering business with stable growth.Its specialty restaurants,including a Japanese-style restaurant,“Restaurant Shiki”,a Japanese dumpling chain“Osaka Ohsho”,andthe award-winning vegetarian restaurant“Kung Tak Lam ShanghaiVegetarian Cuisine”and the sushi restaurant chain“Sushi Oh”inMainland China,all have been well received by customers.Panxi Restaurant,located in the sightseeing spot of Liwan district inGuangzhou,is one of the largest garden-style Chinese restaurants inMainland China.It received the status of“National Grade Restaurant”,the titles of“Old Chinese Trademark”and“Guangzhou Top 10 Gifts”.The well-known“Eight Famous Dishes and Eight Delicious Dim Sum”of Panxi Restaurant won various prizes from national and internationalcuisine competitions.Panxi is a stylish restaurant designed with southChina landscaped architecture,winding path,woven lush greeneryand enchanting lake.Accompanying by the charming sceneries anddelicious dim sum and cuisine,Panxi has been attracting the patronageof a large number of visitors and will bring much more businesspotential.,四洲品牌集團為香港自創品牌之先行者,成功創立四洲自家品牌,一系列四洲品牌食品,家傳戶曉,贏得中港兩地消費者的信心和信任,獲消費者的廣泛認同,品牌知名度不斷提升,有目共睹。在強大的品牌效應和創新的廣告推廣意念下,四洲品牌代言人及產品電視廣告深受各消費群體愛戴,多個產品推出後口碑載譽。近年尤以四洲粒粒橙之任賢齊、四洲紫菜之張敬軒及四洲梳打餅之周麗淇之廣告深受歡迎。集團並贊助多個演唱會活動,包括著名歌星容祖兒、張敬軒、任賢齊,及精心製作四洲集團滋味知己40年演唱會,由劉家昌老師帶領一眾歌手演繹多首經典金曲,贏得一致讚賞,不但提高四洲品牌的知名度,且增加品牌的市場滲透率。餐飲業務集團旗下中港兩地之餐飲業務發展亦穩步成長,其中四季日本料理、大阪王將日式餃子專門店、榮獲多項大獎殊榮的功德林上海素食餐廳以及國內之壽司皇日本壽司連鎖店,深受廣大顧客歡泮 溪 酒 家馳 名 中 外,位 於 中 國 廣 州 市 荔 灣 旅 遊區,為中國最大園林酒家之一,享有國家特級酒家美譽,全國中華老字號及廣州十大手信稱號。聞名中外之泮溪八大名菜、八大名點在國際和國家級各類烹飪大賽上,頻頻獲得大獎。其江南建築特色之湖畔庭園景色,迂迴長廊,茂林綠景,湖上泛舟,加上精美點心,招牌小菜,吸引各地遊客,生意滔滔,前景甚佳。,四 洲 集 團 有 限 公 司,二 零 一 二 年 年 報,8,Chairmans Statement主席報告,Retailing Business“Okashi Land”is a leading specialty store offering an assortmentof high quality trendy snack food to young consumers.With itsextensive retail network of exceeding 80 outlets placed over everyprominent district in Hong Kong,“Okashi Land”has been one ofthe most renowned retailing brand in Hong Kong and delivered asatisfactory performance.Attracting by its engaging shop layout alongwith product varieties and contemporary collections of gift,“OkashiLand”has been a favourite paradise for young generation.The Groupwill continue to develop its retail business in both Mainland Chinaand Hong Kong which will certainly contribute to a steady businessgrowth.PROSPECTSSince its establishment in 1971,Four Seas Group has been activelypursuing its development amid the ever-changing competitive businessenvironment during the past 40 years and has become an internationalfood enterprise renowned for food manufacturing,distribution,retailing,catering and agricultural activities.The Group has built upgood reputation,well-established customer base and commandingposition in the food industry.Four Seas Group is one of the largestfood conglomerates in Hong Kong.“Four Seas Potato Chips”and“Four Seas Prawn Crackers”,the leisure foods produced by themanufacturing plant co-owned with Japans CALBEE,Inc.and locatedin Shantou,China,have been well-received in the China market.It isanticipated that they will contribute to the China market developmentof the Group in the future.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI,on behalf of the board of directors,express our most sinceregratitude to the management team and all staff for their effortsand contribution made to the Group.I would also like to take thisopportunity to thank all shareholders and business partners for theirconfidence and continuous support to the Group.Dr.TAI Tak Fung,Stephen,SBS,GBS,JPChairmanHong Kong,29 June 2012FOUR SEAS MERCANTILE HOLDINGS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2012,零售業務集團旗下著名零售網絡零食物語零食專門店,為愛好零食的年青消費者不斷帶來優質、新穎的潮流食品。零售網絡不斷壯大,逾八十多間零售店覆蓋全港各區,為香港著名零售品牌之一,零售業績理想。其鮮明突出的店舖裝潢,零食種類繁多吸引,禮盒精緻時尚,為年青消費者必去之地方。零售業務前景佳,集團將致力發展中港兩地的零售業務,預計為未來業務帶來穩步增長。展望四 洲 集 團 始 創 於1971年,經 過 逾 四 十 年 的 積 極 努力,在競爭激烈的營商環境中,拼搏成為今日之跨國食品企業,業務領域函蓋食品製造、食品代理、零 售、餐 飲 及 農 業 等 業 務,並 已 建 立 了 良 好 的 信譽,廣泛客戶根基,為食品業界之翹楚。四洲集團為香港最具規模的食品綜合企業之一。集團與日本卡樂B株式會社位於汕頭市生產的四洲薯片、四洲蝦條等休閒食品在中國市場銷售反應甚佳,相信將會為集團在中國市場帶來貢獻。鳴謝本人謹代表董事會,向為本集團作出努力及貢獻的管理團隊及全體員工致以衷心感謝,本人亦藉此機會向全體股東及業務夥伴對本集團的信賴及鼎力支持表示謝意。戴德豐博士 SBS GBS 太平紳士主席香港,二零一二年六月二十九日,10,Major Awards of the Year年度主要獎項本年繼續榮獲多個嘉許及獎項Continuous recognition&awards received during this year四 洲 集 團 為 全 港 最 具 規 模 的 食 品 企 業 之 一,代 理 來 自 世 界 各 地 的 多 個名牌食品,並致力打造百分百本地自家品牌,本年度獲獎無數,更成為家傳戶曉的優質品牌。Four Seas Group is one of the leading food enterprises in HongKong,distributing various kinds of renowned food brands from aroundthe world.The Group has been developing its own premium brandsuccessfully,and has been highly recognised and accredited withvarious awards this year.本集團主席戴德豐博士榮獲以下獎項:The following awards are granted to our Groups Chairman,Dr.Stephen Tai:,嘉許/獎項Recognition/Award金紫荊星章Gold Bauhinia Star(GBS)銀紫荊星章Silver Bauhinia Star(SBS)亞太卓越企業家領袖人物 年度人物大獎食品安全管理先進個人榮譽証書Honorary Certificate of“Distinguished Management Entrepreneur”第六屆亞洲品牌年度人物大獎Asia Brand Year Personality Award全球傑出華人功在家國獎2011南方華人慈善盛典慈善人物獎,頒發機構Organiser中華人民共和國香港特別行政區政府The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of thePeople s Republic of China中華人民共和國香港特別行政區政府The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of thePeople s Republic of China全球商報聯盟、國務院發展研究中心、中華全國歸國華僑聯合會、中國國際貿易促進委員會聯合主辦領袖人物月刊和華商門戶網中國食品安全年會China Food Safety Annual Conference國際名優品牌認証監督管理中心聯合香港文匯報社、環球時報社、中日韓經濟發展協會、中國企業報社及中國國際青年交流中心聯合主辦全球傑出華人協會及中國文獻出版社廣東省人民政府僑務辦公室及廣東南方電視台,FOUR SEAS MERCANTILE HOLDINGS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2012,Major Awards of the Year年度主要獎項,嘉許獎項Recognition/Award盛世優秀社責大獎Prime Awards for Corporate Social Responsibility商界展關懷Caring Company Award食品安全示範單位榮譽証書Honorary Certificate of“