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    market research, Descriptiveresearch.ppt

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    market research, Descriptiveresearch.ppt

    Chapter Seven,Chapter Seven,Figure 7.1 Relationship of Survey and Observation to the Previous Chapters and the Marketing Research Process,Focus of This Chapter,Relationship toPrevious Chapters,Relationship to MarketingResearch Process,Survey MethodsObservation Methods,Marketing Research Process(Chapter 1)Descriptive Research Design(Chapter 3)Syndicated Survey Data(Chapter 5),Problem Definition,Approach to Problem,Field Work,Data Preparation and Analysis,Report Preparationand Presentation,Research Design,Figure 7.1 Relationship to the Previous Chapters and The Marketing Research Process,Figure 7.2 Survey and Observation:An Overview,Survey Methods:Advantages and Disadvantages,Survey Methods Classified by Mode of Administration,Observation Methods,Improving Survey Response Rate,Telephone,Personal,Mail,Electronic,A Comparison of Survey and Observation Methods,Personal,Mechanical,Quantitative Descriptive Research,Figure 7.3 Methods of Obtaining Quantitative Data in Descriptive Research,Figure 7.3 Methods of Obtaining Quantitative Data in Descriptive Research,The Survey Method,The survey method of obtaining information is based on questioning respondents.Perhaps the biggest issue researchers face is how to motivate respondents to candidly answer their questions.Questions regarding behavior,intentions,attitudes,awareness,motivations,and demographic and lifestyle characteristics all lend themselves to survey research.,Advantages of Survey Research,Easy:Questionnaires are relatively easy to administer.Reliability:Using fixed-response(multiple-choice)questions reduces variability in the results that may be caused by differences in interviewers and enhances reliability of the responses.Simplicity:It also simplifies coding,analysis,and interpretation of data.,Disadvantages of Survey Research,Respondents may be unable or unwilling to provide the desired information.Structured data collection involving a questionnaire with fixed-response choices may result in loss of validity for certain types of data,such as beliefs and feelings.Properly wording questions is not easy.,Survey Methods,Telephone,Personal,Electronic,TraditionalTelephone,Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing,Mall Intercept,In-Home,E-Mail,Internet,Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing,Mail,Mail Panel,Mail/Fax Interview,Classification of Survey Methods,Figure 7.4 Classification of Survey Methods,Traditional Telephone Interviews,Involve phoning a sample of respondents and asking them a series of questions.The interviewer uses a paper questionnaire and records the responses with a pencil.,Field service supervisors can closely monitor the telephone conversations.Data quality is also enhanced with on-the-spot review of completed questionnaires.,Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing,Uses a computerized questionnaire administered to respondents over the telephone.The interviewer sits in front of a computer screen and wears a mini-headset.Upon command,the computer dials the telephone number to be called.When contact is made,the interviewer reads the questions posed on the CRT screen and records the respondents answers directly into the computer.,CATI software has built-in logic,which also enhances data accuracy.The program will personalize questions and control for logically incorrect answers,such as percentage answers that do not add up to 100 percent.,Table 7.1 Relative Advantages of Different Survey Methods,Table 7.1 Relative Advantages of Different Survey Methods(Cont.),Personal In-Home Interviews,Respondents are interviewed face-to-face in their homes.The interviewers task is to contact the respondents,ask the questions,and record the responses.,Mall-Intercept Personal Interviews,Respondents are intercepted in shopping in malls.The process involves stopping the shoppers,screening them for appropriateness,and either administering the survey on the spot or inviting them to a research facility located in the mall to complete the interview.,Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing(CAPI),The respondent sits in front of a computer terminal and answers a questionnaire on the screen by using the keyboard or a mouse.Help screens and courteous error messages are provided.The colorful screens and on-and off-screen stimuli add to the respondents interest and involvement in the task.,This method has been classified as a personal interview technique since an interviewer is usually present to serve as a host and to guide the respondent as needed.This approach is used in shopping malls,preceded by the intercept and screening process described earlier.,Mail Interviews,A typical mail interview package consists of the outgoing envelope,cover letter,questionnaire,postage-paid return envelope,and possibly an incentive.Those individuals motivated to do so complete and return the questionnaire through the mail.There is no verbal interaction between the researcher and the respondent.,Table 7.3 Some Decisions Related to the Mail Interview Package,Mail Panels,Mail panels consist of a large and nationally representative sample of individuals who have agreed to participate in periodic survey research.Incentives in the form of cash or gifts are often offered to the individuals who agree to participate.Once the individual have been admitted to the panel,detailed demographic and lifestyle data are collected on each household.The researcher uses this information to select targeted mailing lists within the panel based on client needs.,Email Surveys,If the addresses are known,the survey can simply be mailed electronically to respondents included in the sample.Respondents key in their answers and send an e-mail reply.Typically,a computer program is used to prepare the questionnaire and email address list,and to prepare the data for analysis.,Internet Surveys,An Internet survey is a questionnaire posted on a Web site that is self administered by the respondent.The questions are displayed on the screen and the respondents provide answers by clicking an icon,keying in an answer,or highlighting a phrase.Web survey systems are available for constructing and posting Internet surveys.,The researcher can obtain at any time survey completion statistics,descriptive statistics of the responses,and graphical display of the data.As compared to email surveys,Internet surveys offer more flexibility,greater interactivity,personalization,automatic skip patterns and visual appeal.Several Web sites,such as WebSurveyor(),allow users to design surveys online without downloading the software.,Methods of Improving Response Rates,Prior Notification,Incentives,Follow-up,OtherFacilitators,Monetary,Nonmonetary,Promised,Prepaid,Improving Response Rates,Figure 7.5 Improving Response Rates,Improving Survey Response Rates,Prior notification consists of sending a letter or e-mail,or making a telephone call to potential respondents,thereby notifying them of the imminent mail,telephone,personal,or electronic survey.Offering monetary as well as nonmonetary incentives to potential respondents can increase response rates.Follow-up,or contacting the nonrespondents periodically after the initial contact.Follow-up can also be done by telephone,e-mail,or personal contact.Personalization,or sending letters addressed to specific individuals,is effective in increasing response rates.,Observation MethodsStructured versus Unstructured Observation,For structured observation,the researcher specifies in detail what is to be observed and how the measurements are to be recorded,e.g.,an auditor performing inventory analysis in a store.In unstructured observation,the observer monitors all aspects of the phenomenon that seem relevant to the problem at hand,e.g.,observing children playing with new toys.,Observation MethodsDisguised versus Undisguised Observation,In disguised observation,the respondents are unaware that they are being observed.Disguise may be accomplished by using one-way mirrors,hidden cameras,or inconspicuous mechanical devices.Observers may be disguised as shoppers or sales clerks.In undisguised observation,the respondents are aware that they are under observation.,Observation MethodsNatural versus Contrived Observation,Natural observation involves observing behavior as it takes places in the environment.For example,one could observe the behavior of respondents eating fast food in Burger King.In contrived observation,respondents behavior is observed in an artificial environment,such as a test kitchen.,


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