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    华东理工大学 高级英语 授课教案 book2 lesson10.ppt

    Advanced English,Book Two,Unit Ten,The Sad Young Men-Rod W.Horton and Herbert W.Edwards,Menu,Pre-reading QuestionsBackgroundinformation,VocabularyPhrasesText,Exercises,Questions and Discussions,Why were the younger generation of the 1920s thought to be wild?2)Was there really a younger generation problem?3)How did World war 1 affect the younger generation?4)What new philosophy were the young intellectualstrying to preach?5)Why were these writers called the“lost generation”?Were they really lost?What is your understanding?,Back,Pre-reading activity:Background information,Background information,F.Scott Fitzgerald and the Sad Young Men,Puritanism and puritans,HOME,Victorian Age(Victorian gentility),Prohibition,Greenwich Village,John Dos Passos and his U.S.A.and Three Soldiers,Jazz Age or Roaring Twenties,Bohemianism,Celebrities in Literature,Sinclair Lewis and Babbitt(Babbittry),Francis Scott Fitzgerald(1896-1940),Fitzgerald was born in Saint Paul,Minnesota.He went to Princeton University,but quit in 1917.In 1920,Fitzgerald published his first novel,This Side of Paradise.The novel deals with the post-World War I generation and their disillusioned lives.Later that year,Fitzgerald married Zelda Sayre,the quintessential 1920s flapper.Fitzgeralds writings grew in popularity,and his short stories especially were in high demand.These stories appeared in 4 books:Flappers and Philosophers(1920),Tales of the Jazz Age(1922),All the Sad Young Men(1926),and Taps at Reveille(1935).The Great Gatsby(1925),Fitzgeralds masterpiece,discusses the pursuit and disillusionment with the American Dream.Unfortunately,this novel sold poorly and Fitzgerald descended into alcoholism.Tender is the Night(1934)was an almost autobiographical novel about Fitzgeralds life with Zelda,and also sold poorly.The Last Tycoon(1941)remained unfinished at Fitzgeralds death.F.Scott Fitzgerald is now regarded as one the most important American authors of the 20th century.He chronicles the good and the bad and especially the disillusionment that defined America in the 1920s.,The Sad Young Men or the Lost generation:refers to the same group of people.The name was first created by F.Scott Fitzgerald in his book All the Sad Young Men and second by Gertrude Stein.These names were applied to the disillusioned intellectuals and aesthetes of the years following the First World war,who rebelled against former ideals and values,but could replace only by despair or a cynical hedonism.The remark of Gertrude Stein,You are all a lost generation,addressed to Hemingway,was used as a preface to the latters novel,The Sun Also Rises,which brilliantly describes an expatriate group typical of the Lost generation,(cf.Beat Generation and angry Young Men).When the first World War broke out,many idealistic young Americans volunteered to take part in the“war to end wars and test their own bravery,before the U.S.A.declared war in 1917.They discovered that modern warfare was not glorious or heroic.They saw the best youth of England and France being slaughtered and at the end,they saw their ideals for a better world being bargained away for power and profit by the worlds leaders in the treaty of Versailles.,Back,Puritanism,Puritanism began during the reign of Elizabeth I(1558-1603)when some English Protestants objected to Catholic elements in worship.They also charged that bishops reinforced royal control over the church;Puritans believed that the church should be independent from the Crown.They also wanted to end abuses such as plural office holding,absenteeism,and low standards for clergy.Puritans wished to purify the church by several means.They gathered like-minded people into independent congregational churches,some declaring separation from the church of England and some remaining within it.Moderates advocated a polity or church structure called presbyterianism,as implemented by John Knox in Scotland.In the 1630s under Archbishop Laud,congregational churches were repressed.Thousands of Puritans left England,and their great migration contributed to the colonial settlement of New England.Puritanisms hallmarks were the authority of Scripture,the conversion experience,and a theology of sin and grace.Their chief theological mentor was John Calvin.Puritans believed community life to be defined by covenant,or solemn agreement.The Christian life was to be a pilgrimage of joyful discipline;John Bunyans The Pilgrims Progress expresses this ideal.,Puritans,Puritanism,Attitude of a party within the Established Church of England,which,under Elizabeth and the Stuarts,describe a more thoroughgoing reformation of the Church in the direction of Continental Protestantism.The word Puritan has been used to denote a strictness in morality that verges on intolerance,and refers to a supposed parallel with the moral severity of the early New England setters.It religious doctrine:sinonce enters your life,no way to avoid it.People were born with incurable sin.People are sinful when they are born.They believe the seven deadly sins:greed(avarice),envy,loath,gluttony,wrath,luxury and pride.Human beings are permanent sinners.Its difficult to live a good life,after sin,we can go to a paradise.In a way,sin leads to a good way.Sin helps people to be redeemed.Where there is good,there is evil,there is no one pure,everyone is capable of sin.They believe in after-world life.Strict puritans even regarded drinking,gambling and participation in theatrical performances as punishable offences.,This point came from Calvinism.Man is naturally bad,people are helpless.In America,New England used to be haunted by Puritanism,Hawthorn was the writer who focused on these themes.General Information Puritans was the name given in the 16th century to the more extreme Protestants within the Church of England who thought the English Reformation had not gone far enough in reforming the doctrines and structure of the church;they wanted to purify their national church by eliminating every shred of Catholic influence.In the 17th century many Puritans emigrated to the New World,where they sought to found a holy Commonwealth in New England.Puritanism remained the dominant cultural force in that area into the 19th century.There are two categories of Puritanism.One is the English Puritanism,the other is American Puritanism.,Puritanism,Back,Jazz Age or The Roaring Twenties,The 1920s may have been the decade of the greatest social changes in American history.Reacting perhaps to both the disillusionment from the First World War and against the strictures of Victorian culture,Americans abandoned old ideas with a vengeance and adopted new concepts wholesale.The Twenties were known as The Roaring Twenties,The Jazz Age,the Age of the Lost Generation,flaming youth,flappers,radio,movies,bathtub gin,the speakeasy,confession magazines,Hemingway and Fitzgerald,Lindbergh,Babe Ruth,Bobby Jones&the Golden Age of Sports,the Great Crash,Sacco and Vanzetti,Al Smith,cosmetics,Freud,the New woman,the Harlem Renaissance,consumerism-all these and more.It was also a time of deep divisions:wets against drys,town against country,nativists versus foreigners,Catholic against Protestant,and included the Ku Klux Klan revival and an American sense of alienation from the rest of the world.The decade began amidst the ashes of the Great War,blossomed into a riotous age of spending and profit making,cheap automobiles and new consumer products.Everybody seemed to be on a roll.Then in 1929 the Crash hit the stock market,and for many complicated reasons the Great Depression followed.The 1930s became a time of unimaginable economic hardship for millions of Americans.Thus the roaring twenties ended with the bleak prospect of lessened expectations and strange new challenges-and for many the challenge was simply to stay alive.,Into the midst of the chaos of that Depression came the next imposing figure we will study:Franklin Delano Roosevelt.His New Deal program was the most ambitious legislative program ever taken by a President to that time,and while it did not really end the Depression,Roosevelts New Deal changed the face of American government forever.,The Twenties,The Twenties were in a sense a reactionary decadea reaction against Victorian ideas of morality that saw young men and women openly defy what their parents still viewed as proper behavior for relationships between the sexes.Young people went wild,in the eyes of some,though studies have suggested that there was more talk than action.It was also a rebellious age,in which women continued the process of breaking out of older social patterns as they had begun to do during World War I.That phenomenon led to changes in family relationships,as birth rates fell and young people had more freedom,provided in part by the automobile,but also by shifting cultural practices.The twenties were also a time of reaction against warthe Great War in particular and war in generalfor although the Americans suffered relatively few casualties in 1918,they came during a very short period of timeover 100,000 men died from all causes in about 6 months of actual fighting.From that disillusionment the Twenties also brought a reaction against the expansionist ideas that had gotten America an Empire and embroiled her in the Great War.,Although Americans wanted to be left alone at peace,there were may internal struggles in the 1920s.The decade saw city divided against country,the resurgence of the KKK,a rebellion against the open-door immigration policy that had gone on since the Civil war.There was a fight for law and order as prohibition made technical criminals out of many otherwise law-abiding citizens.It was a decade of huge figuresheroes of the kind we dont see any more,or not often:Charles Lindbergh,Babe Ruth,Bobby Jones and others.Americans started going to the movies and listening to the radio in enormous numbers,and they found themselves becoming more affluent as the markets rose,seemingly without end.If was a time of new awakening for African-Americans,many of whom had fought in France,and the Harlem Renaissance opened Americans to Black literature,poetry,music and other arts of a quality never seen before.Literary figures like Fitzgerald,Hemingway and Thomas Wolfe brought white American literature to a new plane as well.The Progressive movement was not dead in the twentiesa Progressive Presidential candidate got almost 5 million votes in 1924but it was not an activist decade.Everybody knew what Harding meant when he called for a return to normalcy,even though there was no such word in the dictionary.The Twenties began on a somber note,rose to great heights of excitement and then,on Black Tuesday,October 29,1929,it all came crashing down.Things were never the same again,but then again,they never are.,Roaring Twenties,Back,Victorian Age(Victorian gentility),Victoria(1819-1901)was queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 1837-1901 and became one of the most rulers in English history.Her 63-year reign was the longest in British history.Great Britain reached ther height of its power during this period.It built a great colonial empire and enjoyed tremendous industrial expansion at home.As a result,the time of Victorias reign is often called the Victorian Age.During the Victoria Age,great economic,social,and political changes occurred in Britain.The British Empire reaches its height and covered about a fourth of the worlds land.Industry and trade expanded rapidly,and railroads and lands crisscrossed the country.Science and technology made great advances.The size of the middle-class grew enormously.Bt the 1850s,more and more people were getting an education.In addition.The government introduced democratic reforms.For example,an increasing number of people received the right to vote.,In spite of the prosperity of the Victorian Age,factory and farm workers lived in terrible poverty.Rich people lived on poor people with the cover of religion.New scientific theories seemed to challenge many religious beliefs.The most controversial theory appeared in the Origin of Species(1859)by the biologist Charles Darwin in the book other scientists led many people feel that traditional values could no longer guide their lives.Writers also analyzed the loss of faith in traditional values.The writers in Victorian Age criticized the courts,the clergy,and the neglect of the poor.England was two nations,one rich and one poor.Charles Dickens Oliver Twist,William Thackerys Vanity Fair the three Bronte Sisters-Jane Eyre,all these writers attacked the greed and hypocrisy they saw in society,discuss the relationship between society and the individual.Victorian society was vulgar,coarse,philistine and pretentious.The term Victorian,like the middle-class society in the time of Queen Victoria,very respectable and religious in a formal way that sometimes only pretends to be good and pure(esp.in matters of sex,(His opinions are very Victorian.(指该时代陈腐伪善的道德标准和华丽藻饰的文艺风格。),Victorian Age,Back,Bohemia and Bohemianism,Bohemia is a region of Czech Republic;the nomadic,often vilified,group called the Gypsies or Romany are called bohemiens in French.How did this word come to describe the poor artists of Paris in the nineteenth century?Henry Murger tried to distance himself and his subjects from the Gypsies,emphasizing in his preface to Scenes de la Vie de Boheme that The Bohemians of whom it is a question in this book have no connection with the Bohemians whom melodramatists have rendered synonymous with robbers and assassins.Neither are they recruited from among the dancing-bear leaders,sword swallowers,gilt watch-guard venders,street lottery keepers,and a thousand other vague and mysterious professionals whose main business is to have no business at all,and who are always ready to turn their hands to anything except good(xxxi).But in spite of this,the Bohemians and the Gypsies,in the most prevalent perceptions of both,shared some characteristics.Both groups are known for their vagabond lifestyle,for their merry poverty,for their disregard of money for the pursuit of music,color,and relationships.They are groups that have different priorities than the dominant cultures of their societies,groups that inspire both disdain and envy.,Bohemianism,Degenerate and Counter-culture,Degenerates are not always criminals,anarchists,and pronounced lunatics;They are often authors and artists.“-Max Nordan,Degeneration Using revolutionary Paris as their backdrop,bohemians challenged the status quo by rejecting mainstream values and mocking the bourgeoisie.However,Bohemia remains difficult to define.Participants,including writers,artists,students and youth,all contributed to the feelings and ideas of bohemia in different ways;the one attribute they shared was their rejection of the bourgeoisie.Counter-culture movements are an important ingredient for historical change,and they are usually catalysts for that change.Revolutionary Paris was an ideal setting for a new evolution in counte


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