研究生英语阅读教程(提高级 第三版)Lesson9.ppt
,Advanced Reading Revised Edition,策 划:鞠方安 商希建顾 问:李光立主 编:刘兰芝 董敬一 副主编:Gerald Zimmerman 杨真真 任林静制作人:毛晓霞 段艳丽,Lesson Nine,Spell of the Rising Moon,Catalogue,Background Information,Peter Steinhart is a famous contemporary naturalist and a writer in the United States.He was an editor and columnist at Audubon奥杜邦,and his work has appeared in Harpers 哈珀斯the New York Times,the Los Angeles Times,and other newspapers and magazines.One of his famous publication is The Company of Wolves published by New York:Random House in 1996.,Moonlight Sonata,Beethovens piano sonata(奏鸣曲)in C major,opus 53(C大调第53号)was dedicated to the patron(赞助人)Count Ferdinand von Waldstein.Beethoven originally wrote the piece in traditional 18th century sonata form,with three clearly demarcated movements.He then rewrote the second movement in its present unconventional form,with a haunting(萦绕于心的),slowly building melodic passage,that pauses only briefly before the third movement begins.,Moonlight Sonata,Warm-up Questions,1.How do you describe the moonrise?2.We Chinese often associate the full moon with family reunion.What do we do when we celebrate the festi-vals associated with the moon such as the Lantern Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival?And why?,3.Can you think of some famous Chinese poems about the moon?,Warm-up Questions,床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡。,Before my bedThere is bright moonlightSo that it seemsLike frost on the ground.Lifting my headI watch the bright moon,Lowering my headI dream that Im home.,静夜思,Main Idea,Mankind has been fascinated by the moon since pre-historic times.In this article the author reflects on the many and varied ways that the Moon can appear and how it affects us.This story has many“word pictures”,visual impressions created in the mind of the reader by the authors use of words.Relax and let yourself share the view and feeling and meaning.Steinhart begins this journey on a hill away from the noise and confusion,Main Idea,of the city.He shows us that moons have moods.Moon gazing has been a part of life from prehistoric times.Todays life style shuts most people off from moon risings.In an experience in the mountains when his car stalled he was in awe over the rising of a full moon.He gave us a detailed description of its color changes and its changing influences on the surrounding scenery.Th-en he wrote of gaining a more patient sense of time and,Main Idea,finding a kind of stillness within himself.In this quiet time he reflected on meaning.Life seemed softer and kinder.Then,when he tried his car it started and he left with peace in his heart.He returned often just to relax.Being there allowed his mind to wonder from crickets in the grass to the music of Beethoven.He was freed from the stresses and confusion of the city.Poets bring up deeper questions about life.Moon rises helped him feel as he could not by day.,1.spell n(the title)a period of a particular kind of activity,weather,illness etc,usually a short period 我在部队服役很短一段时间后又去教书了。After a brief spell in the army,I returned to teaching.她在医院住了很短一段时间后,很快又回来上班了。After a short spell in hospital she was soon back at work.,Language Points,Language Points,2)a situation in which events are controlled by a magical power 她是被一个女巫施了魔法后死的。She died after a witch cast a spell on her.舞蹈家好像迷住了观众。The dancer seemed to cast spell over her audience.,Language Points,2.murmur n(line 1,para.2)1)a soft low sound made by people speaking quietly or a long way away 屋里传来一阵轻轻的谈话声。There was a murmur of conversation in the room.这群人发出一阵杂乱的移动脚步的声音和低声 表示同意的声音。There was a general shuffle and murmur of approval.,Language Points,2)the soft low sound made by water,the wind etc 我能听到大海的呢喃声。I could hear the murmur of the sea.在我们的房间能听到远处小溪汩汩的流水声。In our room we could hear the murmur of a distant brook.,Language Points,3)do sth without a murmur:to do sth without comp-lainning,especially when this is surprising 他们毫无怨言地交了附加税。They paid the extra taxes without a murmur.,Language Points,3.hush n(line 1,para.2)1)silence,esp.when people are expecting sth to happen 旁观者们突然静了下来。A hush fell over the onlookers.请让我们安静一会儿!Can we have a bit of hush,please!2)vt to cause to be silent and/or calm 那位母亲叫吵闹的孩子安静下来。The mother hushed her noisy child.,Language Points,4.cricket n(line 2,para.2)1)a small brown insect that can jump,and that makes a rough sound by ru-bbing its wings together,Language Points,2)a game between two teams of 11 players in which players try to get points by hitting a ball and running between two sets of three sticks,Language Points,5.owl n(line 2,para.2)a bird with large eyes that hunts at night,Language Points,6.drama n u c(line 2,para.2)an exciting event or set of events,or the quality of being exciting 丝毫没有释放人质时的那种激动和如释重负的感 觉。There was none of the drama and relief of a hostage release.为何不放几支蜡烛增添情调呢?Why not use candels for a bit of drama?,Language Points,2)n u c a play for the theatre,television,radio etc,usually a serious one,or plays in general 他在广播剧中扮演角色。He acted in radio dramas.伊丽莎白时期是英国戏剧的黄金时代。The Elizabethan period was the golden age of English drama.,Language Points,dramatic adj exciting or impressive登月是最激动人心的科学探险之一。Landing on the moon is one of the most dramatic scientific adventures.从事和平不像从事战争那样惊天动地、富于刺激。The pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war.,Language Points,7.clarity n(last line of para.2)1)the quality of being clear and easy to see or hear 清新的空气 the clarity of the atomsphere 首先打动我的是无比清澈的水。The first thing to strike me was the amazing clarity of the water.,Language Points,2)the quality of being well explained and easy to under-stand 他的论据说服力强,条理清楚。His arguments came through with forceful calrity.作者解释主题时游刃有余、清晰透彻。The author explains the theme with ease and clarity.,Language Points,8.smudge vi(line 3,para.3)1)to make a dirty mark on a surface 有人用油乎乎的手把这张纸弄脏了。Someone had smudged the paper with his greasy hands.看照片的时候仔细点儿,别弄脏了。When you look at the photographs,please be careful and dont smudge them.,Language Points,2)n a dirty mark 你脸上有一块污迹。Youve got a smudge on your cheek.警方从衬衫上的血迹辨认出女凶手。The police identified the murderess from a smudge of blood on the shirt.,Language Points,9.moongazing n(line 1,para.4)Observing the moon over time and making note of its phases and changing appearance.,Language Points,10.unerring adj(line 1,para.4)always right 他判断无误,于是连连击中靶心。With unerring judgment he repeatedly hit the centre of the target.这些设计体现了她对颜色和细节的精准眼光。These designs demonstrate her unerring eye for colour and detail.,Language Points,11.sicken vi(line 2,para.4)1)to gradually become very ill 他们中的很多人都患病身亡。Many of them sickened and died.2)to make you feel shocked and angry,especially because you strongly disapprove of sth;to disgust,Language Points,我开始对电视上无尽无休的暴力镜头感到厌恶。I began to sicken of the endless violence shown on television.,Language Points,12.wax vi(line 3,para.4)1)(esp.of the moon)to grow gradually larger after being small or in-complete 2)wax and wane:to increase and decrease over time They are Old English words,the meaning is“to become larger or more”,and“to becom smaller or less”.These words are still often used.,Language Points,月亮每个月都有月盈月亏。The moon waxes and wanes every month.罗曼蒂克爱情的特征就是时冷时热。It is in the nature of romantic love that it waxes and wanes.3)vt to rub a layer of wax into a floor,surface etc to protect it or make it shine 我每月给地板打一次蜡。I wax the floor once a month.,Language Points,A waxing moon is one that each night becomes larger and brighter until it is a full moon.,Language Points,13.wane vi(line 4,para.4)to gradually see less of the moon 月亮渐亏,每天出现的时间也越来越晚。The moon was waning,and each day it rose later.夏日将尽。Summer is waning fast.on the wane:becoming smaller,weaker,or less important,Language Points,现在正值月亏。The moon is on the wane.病人的健康状况正每况愈下。The patient health is on the wane.,Language Points,14.succeeding adj(line 4,para.4)only before noun coming after sth else 随后的几周里,事情开始恶化。Over the succeeding weeks things went from bad to worse.,Language Points,15.pattern n c(last but 2nd line of para.4)1)the regular way in which sth happens,develops,or is done 他们的行为遵循一个十分容易预测的模式。Their actions follow a very predictable pattern.他的呼吸方式明显起了变化。A change in the pattern of his breathing became apparent.,Language Points,2)a regularly repeated arrangement of shapes,colours,or lines on a surface,usually as decoration 我的地毯印有花卉图案。My carpet has a flowery pattern.你喜欢这些墙纸的图案吗?Do you care for the pattern of the wallpaper?,Language Points,3)usually singular a thing,idea,or person that is an example to copy 你设计的图样那么好,绝对可以给我们做样板。Your design is so good and it is sure to set the pattern for ours.我们不模仿别人,相反我们都是他人的典范。We are rather a patten to others than imtators ourselves.,Language Points,16.the glare of n u singular(line 1,para.5)1)a bright unpleasant light which hurts your eyes 汽车前灯的强光 the glare of a cars headlights 雪地上耀眼的阳光 the glare of the sun on the snow,Language Points,2)the glare of publicity/the media/public scrutiny etc:the full attention of newspapers,television etc,espe-cially when you do not want it 在众目睽睽之下 in the full glare of publicity 3)vi to shine with a very strong bright light which hurts your eyes,Language Points,阳光太刺眼,她带上了墨镜。She put on dark glasses because the sun was glaring in her eyes.一道刺眼的强光穿透了玻璃窗。A harsh light glared through the windows.,Language Points,17.veil vi(line 2,para.5)1)1)to cover sth with a veil 那里的妇女过去在公共场合通常戴面纱。The women there used to veil their faces in public.2)to partly hide sth so that it cannot be seen clearly 这份报告似乎掩盖了什么。The report seemed to have veiled something.一场透雨使一座座山变得朦胧起来。A fine rain was beginning to veil the mountains.,Language Points,3)be veiled in mystery/secrecy etc fml people do not know the truth about it so it seems strange or myste-rious 这个凶杀案的细节笼罩着一层神秘的面纱。The details of the murder case are veiled in secrecy.对这件事我们就不必再说了。We can draw a veil over this matter.,Language Points,18.tug vt&vi(line 1,para.6)1)to pull with one or more short,quick pulls 妻子轻轻地拽了一下他的胳膊。The woman gently tugged his arm.孩子使劲拉椅子,却没有拉动。The child tugged at the chair,but it would not move.2)n a sudden strong pull,Language Points,汤姆觉得袖子被人拉了一下。Tom felt a tug at his sleeve.tug-of-war n 1)a test of strength in which two teams pull opposite ends of a rope against each other 在拔河比赛中,双方队员都拼命地拉。,Language Points,In a tug-of-war,the competitors pull as hard as they can.2)a situation in which two people or groups try very hard to get or keep the same thing 两个部门在预算分配问题上争吵不休。The two departments are in a tug-of-war over budgets.,Language Points,a tug of love:a situation in which parents who have separated from each other fight over who is going to have the childrento tug at somebodys heart/heartstrings:to make someone feel sympathy for someone or sth,Language Points,manding adj(line 2,para.6)having the confidence to make people respect and obey you,used to show approval 总统是一位外表威严的人。The president is a man with a commanding appearance.电话另一端传来庄重而威严的声音。The voice at the other end of the line was serious and commanding.,Language Points,20.presence n u(line 2,para.6)1)appearance/manner;the ability to appear impressive to people because of your appearance or the way you behave 她确实气质非凡。She has so much presence.这位将军气宇轩昂。The general is a person of diginifed and commnading presence.,Language Points,2)fml with someone or in the same place as them 那男孩在校长面前感到局促不安。The boy was ill at ease in the presence of the headmaster.3)to make your presence felt:to have a strong and noticeable effect on the people around you or the situation you are in 从微不足道的细节中觉察到灾难的来临。The coming catastrophe made its presence felt through trifling details.,Language Points,4)someones presence in a place is the fact that they are there他的出席表示他愿意帮忙。His presence is indicative of his willingness to help.,Language Points,21.bestow(on,upon)v prep fml(last line of para.6)to give someone sth of great value or importance 有好几样礼物送给了皇室宾客。Several gifts were bestowed on the royal visitors.她不再恼怒,而是准备向我报以微笑。Her irritation was over and she was prepared to bestow a smile on me.,Language Points,22.stall vi&vt(line 2,para.7)1)(of an engine)to stop because there is not enough power or speed to keep it going 汽车在山上抛锚了。The car stalled on the hill.轻踩刹车,不然的话发动机会停机的。Use the brake gently or youll stall the engine.,Language Points,2)vi infml to deliberately delay because you are not ready to do sth,answer questions etc 别拖延,回答我的问题。Quit stalling and answer my question!3)vtinfml to make someone wait or stop sth from happening until you are ready 物价上涨前,我们可以阻止销售。Maybe we can stall the sale until the prices go up.,Language Points,4)vito stop making progress or developing 和平进程依然处于停滞状态。The peace process remained stalled.我的事业没有进展,而她在事业上已经腾飞。While my career has stalled,hers has taken off.,5)n a table or a small shop with an open front,especially outdoors,where goods are sold 她在市场的货摊上卖水果。She sells fruits at a market stall.,Language Points,Language Points,23.stranded adj(line 2,para.7)1)in a very unfavorable position or situation,esp.alone among dangers and unable to get away 我困在那座陌生的城市,既没有钱,又没有朋友。I was stranded in the strange town without money or friends.汽车坏了,我们被困在一条偏僻的路上。The car broke down and we were stranded on a lonely road.,be stranded in/on/at Stranded at a railway station2)n a single thin thread,wire,string,piece of hair,etc 几股线拧在一起就成了一根绳。A few strands are twisted together to form a rope.,Language Points,Language Points,24.glow n singular(line 3,para.7)1)a soft steady light 灿烂的晚霞预示明天又是好天气。The splendid evening glow means another fine day tomorrow.冉冉升起的太阳在田野中洒下金色的阳光。The rising sun casts a golden glow over the fields.,Language Points,2)a strong feeling of pleasure etc 他为我取得的成绩深感自豪。He felt a glow of pride in what I had accomplished.心满意足 a glow of satisfaction,Language Points,25.ridge n(line 3,para.7)a long area of high land,esp.at the top of a mountain,Language Points,26.misshapen adj(line 4,para.7)not the normal or natural shape 她的双手因为关节炎而扭曲变形了。Her hands were misshapen by arthritis.奇形怪状的蔬菜 misshapen vegetables,Language Points,Synonyms:crooked,deformed,disfigured,distorted,grotesque,malformed,monstrous,twisted,warped,ugly,Language Points,27.weed n(last line of para.8)a wild plant growing where it is not wanted that prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly,Language Points,28.loom vi(last line of para.7)to appear as a large unclear shape,especially in a threatening way 一个人影在雾中隐现。A figure loomed up out of the mist.一我们急速绕过街角时,一个警察突然出现 在我们面前。As we dashed round the corner,a police officer loomed in front of us.,Language Points,to loom up/out/ahead etc2)sth is likely to happen very soon 经济危机迫在眉睫。An economic crisis is looming on the horizon.3)to loom large:to seem important,worrying,and difficult to avoid 对失败的恐惧赫然出现在他的脑海里。Fear of failure loomed large in his mind.,Language Points,犯罪和贫困这两大问题在许多国家都很突出。The problems of crime and poverty loom large in many countries.,Language Points,plexion n(line 1,para.9)1)the natural colour or appearance of the skin on your face 她留着褐色短发,皮肤白皙。She had short brown hair and a pale complexion.红色与她的肤色不协调。Red does not suit with her complexion.,Language Points,Syno