电大大学英语B阅读理解期末考试资料小抄【最新整理好的】 .doc
电大大学英语B阅读理解期末考试资料小抄“Are you the happiest man in the world?”When asked this question,most people would say no.They dont think they are the happiest of people around them.1. According to the author,most people would not think that .2. The author thinks that people quite often compare themselves with anyone we think is happier .3. What is not true about the young man the author once met with? Everything goes effortlessly right for him .4. After talking with the young man about the Internet,the author realizes that he is mistaken in thinking nothing unhappy existed in the latters life 5. The significant conclusion the author draws about happiness is that true happiness lies in struggling to be happy .A funny thing happened on the way to the communication revolution: we stopped talking to each other.1. The authors experience of walking in a park with a friend recently made him feel unhappy .2. According to the author, human contact in a park means both A and B .3. According to the author ,the more connected we get in communications technology, the more disconnected we are.4. What are the examples the author gives to explain his idea that every advance in communications technolo-gy is a setback to the closeness of human interaction?All of the above .5. What is the unintended result of commication technology,according to the author?It actually creates a distance between people instead of bringing then together . After her husband had gone to work,Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom.1. The reason for Mrs Richards excitement that day was thatshe was to attend an evening party.2. Mrs Richards went downstairs with the costume on so as to make aure that the costume fitted her well.3. The man who was knocking at the door wasan electricity man .4. What did the man do after he knocked on the front door?He steped directly towards the store-room.5. The man thought he must have met a ghost and that made him cry out and run away.Airline companies are responsible for transporting your luggage.If you cannot recover it at the point of arrival,you must inform the airline immediately.1. If you cant find your luggage at the point of arrival,airline companies will try to find it andveliver it to where you live.2. Before taking your air trip,you have to make sureof the restrictions on luggage.3. The charge for the excess luggage should be paid by the passenger.4. In case you have no idea at all where to send your luggage,you can first send it to the address of the executing agency given in the Training Agreement provided you have the information.5. The passage is mainly about CIDAs advice on the transportation of your luggage.Among the more interesting things to observe as you travel the world are the ways in which people conduct themselves at parties.1. The possible title for this passage might be Parties in America .2. According to the author,the major difference between an American party and that in other countries lies in the fact that Americans move about a great deal at parties .3. Americans expect to introduce themselves and feel free to talk at a party.4. In the second paragraph,the sentence”you will have struck some common ground “means you will have talked about something that both of you are interested in and like to talk about .5. If a lady is strategically located in a party,then which of the following sentences is not true? She must be alone,hiding herself in a corner .As our cell phones get smarter,smaller and faster,and enable users to connect at high speeds to the Internet,an obvious question arises:1. The author believes that the mobile phone has already turned into the next computer to some extent,since more and more of todaysmobile phones have computer-like features .2. PC supporters believe that mobile phones will not replace the computers in the future.3. Fans of the mobile phones think new techniques will solve the limitations of the mobile phone in the future.4. In the sentence of the second paragraph,”.but the figure has been doubling each year,the word figure”refers to the five percent of the overall mobile phones market share .5. In America,the main buyers of the smart phones are business people .A scientist who wants to predict the way in which consumers(消费者) will spend their money must study consumer behavior.1. Accroding to the passage,if one wants to predict the way consumers will spend their money ,he should carry out investigations on consumer behavior and get data on consumer incomes and money spending motives 2. According to paragraph 2,one traditional assumption is that people with decreasing .3. According to Paragraph 2,research surveys have proved that rising prices may make people put off their purchase of certain things .4. From the results of the surveys ,the writer of this article concludes that the consumers expect prices to remain stable .5. Which of the following statements in always TRUE according to the surveys mentioned in the passage? The price condition has an influence on consumer behavior .As far back as 700 BC,man has talked about children being cared for by wolves.1. According to the passage,it is believed that the unusual occurrence of wolf-children has existed for over twenty centuries.2. Except that the boy knew nothing about the relationships among human families, four facts could show that he was a wolf-child.3. The word”litter”in the first paragraph phobably refers to newly-born wolves.4. It took the doctor a long time to manage to get the wolf-child to retmember his own family.5. Only after many long years of devoted and patient instruction did the doctor manage to get the boy to dress himself in clothes and feed himself as a human being.Bicycle tour and race A bike tour and race will be 1. the main purpose of announcing the avoveabout(thins to do for the weekend)2. If you take part in the bike tour,you will ride for(110 kilometres)3. The underlined word “leg in “ bicycle tour and race means(part of the tour)4. What is special about the rock climbing competition?(Y ou ca watch it without paying)5. If you want to find something to do forwill you call?(5012372)Bill Cooper is portfolio(证券投资)manager of the $13billion Value Trust Funds, one of the best mutual funds of the last decade.1. In the sentence of the first paragraph, ”He is only fund manager to perform the best for nine years in a row”, the phrase” for mine years in a row “means(for nine years running2. It was through his fathers explanation that Bill learned his finance ABC when he was only nine years old.3. It was the idea that one can make money through buying stocks that attracted the young boy.4. From the passage, we know that Bills success lies in his hard work .5. Bill Cooper soon learnt after his graduation that a university degree only indicated that one was ready to start his career.Blocks of”high-rise” flats have been built in large numbers in London and in many other big cities,Just after the Second World War these big,1. There was a big housing problem after the Second Word War in many big cities.2. Blocks of “high-rise”flats were thought to be the ideal solution to the housing problem,because they were built on less land and were able to house a lot more people.3. The sentence”Hundreds of the vast blocks had been built before anyone began to doubt about whether they were good solutions or not.”means it was not until hundreds of the vast blocks had been built,people began to doubt about whether they wrer good solutions or not .4. The author takes a well-known British architect as an example to show us that even a well-known designer of the high-ries believes they are no good for people.5. What is the greatest danger for people living in a high-rise accrding to some experts?Developing criminal tendencies.“But I just paid $1.69 for this bottle of wine last week.How come the price is now $2.25? Whatsgoing on?”1. Form the first paragraph,we know that the speaker is complaining about the price.2. The three factors mentioned in the passage causethe price of wine to go up.3. The supply of wine has remained the same partly because the production of wine has ceased to increase.4. What does”production costs”to in the last paragraph?The cost of manpower and equipment.5. The authors purpose of writing this passage is toexplain why price of wine is rising.Cash of all kinds,the French franc,the German mark,and the Italian lira,is bound to disappear physically.1. The main point of the first paragraph in this passage is entire new forms of digital money will replace cash money .2. The advantage of digital money is it is efficient and easy to use .3. What is not true about the electronic cash,according to the passage? People dont have to pay for anything when they go shopping anywhere .4. In the sentence of the fourth paragraph,”The low cost of computer and communications has created a worldwide medium not just for finance.”a worldwide medium”refers to the Internet .5. The author is sure that IT projects of any kind ,will bring the whole world a brilliant future.Cynthia Wooly is called the Michael Jordan of womens baskdtball.With the hilp and support of her mother ,she made her way out of a Los Amgeles ghetto(贫民窟)and into the world of womens basketball.1. Form the first sentence of this passage,we know that Cynthia Wooly is the best professional woman basketball player.2. Cynthia Woolly is nowthe etam leader of a basketball.3. From the passage,we can come to the comclusion that Cynthia Wolly must have started her lifeat a disadvantage.4. Which of the following statements is not true of Cynthia Woolly?She doesnt want the younger generation of her family to know the hardships in life.5. The right thing that Cynthia Woolly believes she is doing for the younger generation of her family is providing them with a better opportunity to start with according to the passage.Dear Folks, Ive been here for about three weeks and already I have so much to tell you. New York is mothing like I thought.1. According to Yichen, New York looks very different from what she expected .2. Yichen lives in a dormitory, because it is the cheapest .3. The most difficult thing at the moment for Yichen in her learning is to keep up in a different learning envionment .4. Yichen seems to be less confident in making ,friends with American students.5. On her arrival in New York , Yichen compares things and people with those in Lanzhou.Dear Bob, Im just writing ti let you know our new address and to invite you to our house-warning party next Saturday.Imsorry about the lack of warning ,but weve been busy moving house and Ive had little time for 1. This passage is a letter of an informal invitation2. When Charles writes,”Im sorry about the lack of warning “,he means that he is sorry that he is not able to write this letter to Bob earlier.3. Charles and his wife decided ti hold the house-warming party,mainly because they still had a little money left to afford the party.4. From the letter we know that the new house that Charles moved in is in a new housing estate.5. In the sentence “Barbara snd I hope that you can make it.the phrase”make it”is used to say that Bob can manage to attend their party.Dear editor, Teachers in some secondary schools in Britain are worried that their job may become impossible shortly unless something can be done to restore discipline in the classrooms.1. Teachers in some secomdary schools in Britain are worried,for there is no discipline in the classroom.2. According to the letter writer,modern teaching techniques encurage pupils to play a lot instead of learning .3. The letter writer believes that all of the above are responsible for problem childrens bad behavior.4. The letter writer seems to believe very strongly in physical punishment .5. The best title for this passage might be Restore Order to School.Dear Uncle Ric, We were very sorry to hear that you are in hopital again,but I feel suer youll bi and about again soon.It doesnt sound very serious this time according to Auntie Ivy and in any 1. It is certain that Uncle Ric is in hospital again after having fully recovered from an operation .2. It is Jamess elder brother who wans to study history.3. In the second paragraph,the sentence”.he is sitting some examinations.”means that Malcolm is going to take some examinations.4. From the letter,we lnow that James wants to become a professional player,but Robin ,his mother ,does not like the idea .5. This is a private letter .Do you want to voice your complaint about the oil price,concerns about noise pollution or suggestions on traffic jams?Do you want to say something about filing your income tax,1. What is e-government,accrding to the passage? It is the on-line government that people can log onto for information and services.2. In the near future,citizens in big cities in China could expect to pay their bills with just a click on the mouse .3. The effort to move governmental affairs on-line in Shanghai has not met expectations,because all of the above .4. What is the challenge that governments around the globe face,according to Todd Ramsey?The e-government concept is not very well received by many.5. Many governments worldwide are engaged in e-government projects in order to make their work more efficient .Each moring his radio wakes him up with gentle music;1.Bob hears gentle music on his radio(in order to wake himself up in the moring)2.Bob warms the cats mat(by controlling his home computer system)ehen hes out at work;3.What statement is ture according to the passage?(He has a security syatem, a video phone.and a satellite system at home)4.Bob uses his cellular phone to check(whether the coffee percolator is switched on )5.The central control of his house can be used to (if children stay up too late or waste their time with computers)EVENTS(赛事及活动)Bicycle tour and race A bike tour and race will be held on August 26 and 27(Sat.&Sun.).At 5.30am,the riders will leave Tian anmen Square and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training leg.1. The main purpose of announcing the above e