钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准离开机械过远,上盘、穿丝、引头切断时都必须停机进行。The operators shall keep themselves within the reach of the machine, and the engine must be switched off when the activities, such as getting the steel bar in the tray, passing the steel wire ,cutting off the upper part of the steel , are performed.3、调直钢筋过程中,当发生钢筋跳出托盘导料槽,顶不到定长机构以及乱丝或钢筋脱架时,应及时按动限位开关,停止切断钢筋,待调整好后方准使用。When the steel bar happens to bounce out of gathering sill of the tray and couldn't reach the designed part , or the steel wire is twisted inside,or the steel bar breaks away from the pedestal during the operation, the limits switch shall be pressed immediately to stop cutting the steel bar; it will not be put into use until it is fixed well. 4、每盘钢筋调直到末尾或调直短钢筋时,应手持套管护送钢筋到导向器和调直筒,以免当其自由甩动时发生伤人事故。When each tray of steel bar is straightened to the bottom or the short steel bar is straightened , the operators shall hand the drive-pipe to get the steel bar through the guiding device and straightening tube in case of the accident as the steel bar sways.5、调直模未固定、防护罩未盖好前,不准穿入钢筋,以防止开动机器后,调直模飞出伤人。The steel bar shall not be allowed to go through the tube before the straightening mode is fixed or the protective cover is covered well to avoid accident after the machine is working.6、按所调直钢筋直径,选用适当调直块、曳引轮槽及转动速度。调直块直径应比钢筋直径大2.5毫米,曳引轮槽宽与所调直钢筋直径相同。The appropriate straightening mode,traction sheave sill and rotational velocity shall be selected according to the diameter of the steel bar. The diameter of straightening mode is 2.5mm larger than that of the steel bar.7、钢筋穿入后,手与曳引轮应保持一定距离。The hands shall keep a distance with the traction sheave as the steel bar goes through the tube.8、钢筋在调直过程中,为防止由于氧化铁皮飞扬,污染环境,应采取相应的防尘措施。Necessary dust-proof measures shall be taken to reduce the damage of the environment due to the spreading of oxide scale.9、钢筋调直机应安装在平坦坚实的地面上。The steel straightening machine shall be erected on smooth and solid ground.钢筋弯曲机安全操作规程Safe Operation Rules for the Steel Bending Machine1、工作台和弯曲机台面要保持水平,并准备好各种芯轴及工具。The stage shall keep a horizontal level to the bending machine,and various dabber and tools shall be prepared .2、按加工钢筋的直径和弯曲半径的要求装好芯轴、成型轴、挡铁轴或可变挡架,芯轴直径应为钢筋直径的2.5倍。The dabber ,shaft, shaft stop or changeable holder shall be fixed well in accordance with the diameter and the bend radius of the steel bar to be processed; besides the diameter of the dabber shall be 2.5 times of that of the steel bar. 3、检查芯轴、挡块、转盘应无损坏及裂纹,防护罩紧固可靠,经空运装后确认正常方可作业。To check whether there is a flaw or damage to the dabber,holder or turntable and whether the protective cover is tight or not; the machine can only be used by confirming they are in normal conditions after the flight.4、操作时将钢筋需弯的一头插在转盘固定销的间隙内,另一端紧靠机身固定销,并用手压紧,检查机身销子确实安在挡住钢筋的一侧,方可开动。The steel bar which needs being buckled shall be inserted into the gap of the fixed pin of the turntable, and the other part which shall be pressed by hand should stick to the fixed pin of machine; the purpose of these actions is to check that the machine pin is fixed on one side of the steel bar and the operation shall start.5、作业中,严禁更换新芯轴、销子和变换角度以及调整等作业,亦不得加油或清扫。It is prohibited to have the new dabber and pin replaced , to switch the angle or to refuel or to do the cleaning work during the operation. 6、 弯曲钢筋时,严禁超过本机对钢筋直径、根数及机械转速的规定。 It is prohibited to exceed the set of the steel bar ,bar numbers and mechanical rotational velocity by the machine when twisting the steel bar. 7、 维修保养或转盘换向时,必须在停稳拉闸断电后进行。 The maintenance work or the reverence of the turntable can only processed after the machine is fully stopped and the electricity is switched off.钢筋切断机安全操作规程Safety rules for the steel cutting machine1、 接送料工作台面应和切刀下部保持水平,工作台的长度可根据加工材料长度决定。The stage for the conveying the steel bar shall be parallel to the lower part of the slicers. The length of the stage depend on that of the steel bar to be processed.2、 启动前,必须检查切刀应无裂纹,刀架螺栓紧固,防护罩牢靠,然后检查齿轮合间隙,调整切刀间隙。Before starting the machine ,the slicer must first be checked to see weather there is a flaw or not, and the bolt for tool post must be tight, the protective cover must be secure ; then checking the gear and gap to adjust the the gap of slicer. 3、 启动后先空运转,检查各传动部分及轴承运转正常,方可操作。Once the machine is activated ,let it run without adding the steel bar first to check that all conveying components and the bearings are in normal conditions; and the operation shall be started only after these examination.4、 机械未达到正常转速时不得切料,切断时必须使用切刀的中下部,握紧钢筋对准刀口迅速送入。No cutting is allowed until the machine reach the normal rotational velocity;the middle and lower part of the slicer shall be used to cut off the steel bar which should be put in quickly.5、 不得剪切直径及强度超过机械铭牌规定的钢筋和烧红的钢筋。一次切断多根钢筋时,总截面积应在规定范围内。It is prohibited to cut off the steel bar or burned steel bar which has exceeded the set of the mechanical regulation. When several steel bar are cut off, the overall cross- sectional area shall be kept within regulation limits. 6、 切断短料时。靠近刀片的手和刀片之间的距离应保持150毫米以上,如手握端小于400毫米时,应用套管或夹具将钢筋断头压住或夹牢。The hand near to the blade shall keep at least 150mm away from the blade,when cutting the short steel bar; a drive-pipe or fixture shall be used to clinch the broken side of the steel bar when the part held by hand is less than 400mm.7、 运转中严禁用手直接消除附件的断头和杂物,钢筋摆动周围和刀口附件非操作人员不得停留。When the machine is working ,it is highly prohibited to remove the break-off part of steel bar and sundries by hand; only operators can stay within the range of the machine.8、 发现故障或维修保养停机,切断电源后方可进行。作业后用钢筋清除切刀间的杂物,并拉闸锁上电箱。If there is a breakdown or maintenance work, it is allowed to process the operation only after the power is switched off; remember to clean the sundries with steel bar , to switch off the power and lock the switch case.套丝机安全操作规程Safe Operation Rules for Diehead Threading Machine1、设备必须专人负责,操作工要持证上岗。 Only should specially-assigned person take charge of the machine. Only operators with specialized licenses are allowed to work. 2、使用套丝机前,要检查四片刀片是否按顺序安装,连接是否牢固,各运转部位润滑情况是否良好,有无漏电现象,空车试运转确认无误后,方准进入正常作业。Before starting the diehead threading machine, operators should make sure the four blades were installed in order, and also check the consistency of all compartments and the lubrication between revolving parts. Then check whether there is a leakage of electricity. After a driving test and nothing goes wrong, the operators are allowed to work. 3、加工钢筋时,必须使用无齿锯切断的钢筋,严禁使用切断机切断的钢筋,以防套丝不合格和损坏刀片。 When processing steel, operators must use those which have being cut by toothless saw. In case of producing defective mantle fiber and causing damage to the blades, the steel which have being cut by cut-off machine are prohibited to use. 4、套丝时必须确保钢筋夹持牢固。Make sure that steel are holden tight when diehead threading machine is working. 5、套丝时必须保证冷却液的流量,并及时更换冷却液,冬季套丝时,需注意保温及夜间放水工作,以防止水泵电机损坏。When diehead threading machine is working,.it is guaranteed that there is enough cooling liquid flow. And operators need to change cooling liquid in time. In winter, operators need to pay attention to warm the machine and to drain water at night in case of damaging the dynamo of the water pump. 6、机械在运转过程中,严禁清扫刀片上面的积屑杂污,发现工况不良反应立即停机检查、修理。 While the machine is running , operators are highly prohibited to clean the crumps and dust. Stop the machine immediately when the machine meets abnormal responses, and it should be well checked and fixed. 7、严禁超过设备性能规定的操作,以防发生事故。 No operations which are beyond the machine's limitation. 8、严格执行“十字作业法方针”,确保机械处于良好工况。Strictly follow the rule of :"cross working method" to ensure the machine perform well. 9、严禁在机械运转过程中进行不停机的设备维修保养作业。No equipment maintenance while the machine is working. 10、工作完毕,要断电并锁好闸箱。Power off when the work is done and lock the switch case.电工安全操作规程Safe operation rules for electricians1、 电气操作人员严格执行电工安全操作规程,对电气设备工具要进行定期检查和实验,凡不合格的电气设备、工具要停止使用。The electric operators shall obey the safe operation rules for electricians and keep the habit of checking electric equipment routinely; should unqualified electric equipment and tools be found ,they shall be stopped to use any more. 2、 电工人员严禁带电操作,线路上禁止带负荷接线,正确使用电工器具。Under no circumstance should the electricians operate the machine with the electricity still on; it is prohibited to overload the wire . Those who operate the machine shall learn how to use the electric tools correctly. 3、 电气设备的金属外电必须做接地或接零保护。在总箱、开关箱内必须安置漏电保护器,实行两极漏电保护。The external power source of the electric device shall have earthing connection and neutral connection prevention. A leakage protector shall be set up in the main electric box and switch box to protect two levels of leakage from happening.4、 电气设备所用保险丝禁止用其它铁丝代替,并需与设备容量相匹配。It is prohibited to replace the fuse with other iron wire;besides the fuse shall keep the same volume to that of the device.5、 施工现场内严禁使用塑料线。所用绝缘导线型号及截面必须符合用电设计。It is highly prohibited to use plastic wire in the working site; the type of the insulated wire and its cross-section shall comply with electricity use.6、 电工必须持证上岗,操作时必须穿戴好各种绝缘防护用品,不得违规操作。the electrician who operate shall have license and wear various insulation clothes when operating; no violation operation is allowed.7、 当发生电气火灾时应立即切断电源,用干砂灭火或用干粉灭火器灭火,严禁使用导电灭火器灭火。The power shall be switched off if there is a electric fire;the dry sand or dry powder extinguisher can be used for putting out a fire, and no conductor fire extinguisher is allowed. 8、 凡移动式照明,必须采用安全电压。Safe voltage shall be used for mobile lightening.9、 施工现场临时用电施工,必须执行施工组织设计和安全用电规定。When the temporary power is used in the construction site, it must be guaranteed that the construction organization design and the regulation for safe power consumption are obeyed. 电焊机安全操作规程Safe Operation Rules for Welding Machine1、操作人员经考试合格取得操作证,方准进行操作,操作者应熟悉本机的性能、结构等,并要遵守安全和交接班制度。The operators are allowed to operate welding machine only after having passed test and acquiring the operation certificate; those who operate the machine shall be familiar with the function and structure of it and obey security rules and shift relief system.2、工作前检查施焊现场10米内不得有易燃、易爆物品。电焊机应放置在清洁、干燥、通风处所。It must be checked before that there should be no inflammable and explosive dangerous goods within ten meters of the welding scene; and the welding machine shall eb kept in clean, dry and ventilated place. 3、电焊用皮线必须绝缘良好,从电焊机到电焊钳之间的导线不应超过30米,最长也不超过50米。电焊钳必须绝缘良好,地线要专用并接好。The leather thread of welding machine must be well insulated 4、焊接中应经常检查其温度,如超过60度应停机降温。The temperature shall be examined regularly when welding; and the machine must be switched off to cool if the temperature exceeds more than 60 degree. 5、调节电流必须用手柄;移动电焊机不得用电焊皮线拖拉,接线时,要注意初、次级线不要接错;输入电压应符合电焊机名牌规定;严禁接触初级线路的带电部分,次级接线板的接线铜片必须旋紧。Hand shank shall be used to adjust the electric current; leather wire should not be applied to drag the mobile welding machine;remember not to distinguish the primary and second wire when connecting the wire; the input voltage shall comply with the requirements of welding machine brand; it is prohibited to contact the live part and the connecting of the second wiring board must be screwed tightly. 6、工作后,必须检查、清扫设备,做好日常保养工作,断开电源开关,并将地线与手把线分开盘好,达到整齐、清洁、安全。The operators shall check , clean the equipment and do the maintenance work after operation, then switch off the power and separate the earth wire and hand-held wire, rolling it well for the purpose of tidiness, cleanness and safety. 切割机安全操作规程Safe Operation Rules for Cutting Machine1、切割物件前,先戴好(手套、口罩、眼镜),避免飞溅物伤人。Wear gloves, mask and glasses before cutting the objects in case of splashes hurting yourself.2、切割机在使用前必须检查能否正常使用(如电源线有无破损,切割片是否紧固,有无破损等)。Check whether the machine runs properly or not before you use it. (for example, whether the wire is well and cutting blade was held tightly or not.)3、更换切割片时,先关掉电源,挂警示牌。切割片必须同心、紧固,以免脱落伤人。While changing the cutting blade, you should make sure the power is switched off and wear a warning sign. The cutting blade should be held tightly in case of accident.4、更换砂轮切割片后要试运行是否有明显的震动,确认运转正常后方能使用。After change the abrasive cutting blade,you shall check whether there is an obvious vibrating in a test run. Only when you confirm that the machine runs properly can you use it.5、切割机在切割物件时,物件必须夹紧。The object should be holden tight when the machine is cutting it.6、移动式切割机底座上四个支撑轮应齐全完好,安装牢固,转动灵活。安置时应平衡可靠,工作时不得有明显的震动。 The four holding wheels on the bottom case of the mobile cutting machine should be complete and well-conditioned, tightly installed and rolling easily. Put the machine in a place where it can be well balanced and stand still and where the machine would not vibrate while it's working.7、使用砂轮切割机应使砂轮旋转方向尽量避开四周的工作人员,被切割的料不得伸入人行道。切割机必须在车间指定的房间使用,且不能正对易燃物和人切割。While you using the abrasive cutting machine, do not let the direction which the abrasive cutting blades spin pointing pointing workers around you. The material being cut should not stretching to the sidewalk. The cutting machine must be used in a specified room in the workshop, and you can not let it face inflammable and people.8、启动时,检查切割机运转方向是否正确。When starting the cutting machine, check whether it's running in the right direction or not.9、割物件时用力要平稳,操作人员操作手柄作切割运动时,用力应均匀,平稳,切勿用力过猛,以免过载使砂轮切割片崩裂,运行时,如切割片损坏,须立即停止使用,更换完好的切割片再运行。Using certain and stable strength while cutting the objects. The operators should take a balanced and stable grip when cutting the objects by using the operating handle. Do not push too hard in case of cracking the abrasive cutting blades. while the machine is working, stop the machine when the cutting blades break. And start the machine again after the new blades are installed. 10、切割完毕后,先关掉电源,待砂轮片停止转动时,再取物件,以免飞转的切割片伤人。严禁在切割片上砂磨物件。After finished the cutting work, power off first. Take out the objects when the abrasive cutting blades stop running, otherwise the running cutting blades would hurt people. Do not polish objects on the cutting blades.11、切割机不应在有爆炸性粉尘的场所使用。Do not use the cutting machine at a place full of explosive dust.12、切割完毕后,必须把切割机整理好,切断电源,并整理好现场清洁。After finished the cutting work, you must clear up the machine as well as the site and power it off. 电焊工安全操作规程Safe operation rules for electric welder1、 焊接场地必要时配备消防器材,保证足够的照明和良好的通风。Fire -fighting equipment shall be provided on the welding site when necessary; enough lightening and good ventilation is needed.2、 在操作场地10米内,不应储存油类或其他易燃易爆物品(包括有易燃易爆气体产生的器皿、管线)。临时工地若有此类物品,而又必须在此操作时,应通知消防部门和安全技术部门到现场检查,采取临时性安全措施后方可进行操作。No oil items or inflammable and explosive dangerous goods shall be stored within ten meters of the operating site. If temporary workers have things l