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    初三英语名师课程,中考人机对话(口语),CONTENTS,测试要求,口语题型,运用实践,感悟总结,延时符,答题指导,初三英语名师课程,Part1:Requirements,说(测试要求)-2020口语纲要P 1(一)能比较连贯地朗读所学课文或难度略低于所学语言 材料的短文。(二)能根据情景提示用英语回答问题。(三)能就熟悉话题,根据所提供的信息,说一段话,不 少于7句。(四)在以上口语活动中语音、语调自然,语气恰当。,初三英语名师课程,Part2:Types,朗读短文(计3分),情景问答(计2分),话题简述(计5分),初三英语名师课程,Part3:Techniques,初三英语名师课程,目的和要求:(第3页)1.目的:测试考生对基本语音、句子重读、连读、不完全爆破、意群和停顿、升降调的把握及流畅程度。2.要求:考生能比较流利、连贯地朗读一篇所学课文或难度略低于所学语言材料的短文。,朗读短文(3分),初三英语名师课程,评分标准:(第9页)一档(3分):能完整清晰地朗读短文,语音、语调正确,朗读自然流 利,语速适中,有节奏感。二档(2分):能正确读出大多数句子,语音、语调基本正确,虽有少 量错误,但朗读还比较自然流利。三档(1分):只能读出部分句子和词汇,语音、语调不够正确,朗 读不够连贯,错误较多。四档(0分):朗读有困难,不连贯,错误很多,影响意思表达。,初三英语名师课程,朗读短文(3分),朗读要求:语音(pronunciation):正确 语调(intonation):正确 语速(speed):适中 节奏(pace):抑扬顿挫 流利(fluency):自然,初三英语名师课程,朗读短文(3分),Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world today.In many places,rubbish is thrown into lakes and rivers,so many of them are polluted.In some cities,the air is filled with pollution.Switzerland is still beautiful with high mountains and clean blue lakes.In Switzerland,things like glass,plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled.Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled.The government has many laws to protect the environment.For example,people are not allowed to cut down trees.Otherwise,they will be punished.Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference.,朗读短文(例23,P47),初三英语名师课程,1.语音(pronunciation):正确 1)难词:Switzerland _ separated _ environment _,swtslnd,sepretd,nvarnmnt,初三英语名师课程,朗读短文(3分),1.语音(pronunciation):正确2)以“ed”结尾的词,“ed”的发音:动词过去式、过去分词及形容词,d,d,d,t,t,t,id,id,id,初三英语名师课程,朗读短文(3分),d,1.语音(pronunciation):正确3)以“s/es”结尾的词,“s/es”的发音:动词第三人称单数和名词复数,z,s,iz,iz,ts,dz,ts,dz,iz,iz,iz,初三英语名师课程,朗读短文(3分),1.语音(pronunciation):正确以“er/est”结尾的词,“er/est”的发音:er _ est_ e.g.bigger_ biggest _,g,初三英语名师课程,朗读短文(3分),gist,ist,1.语音(pronunciation):正确5)元音音标前的the读i:the air,the environment6)清辅音ptktr在s后面要浊化成bdgdr如:plastic,初三英语名师课程,朗读短文(3分),2.语调(intonation):正确陈述句:_ 例:I m going to the theatre.一般疑问句:_ 例:Are there any apples on the table?回答:_ 例:Yes,there are./No,there arent.特殊疑问句:_ 例:Where have you been?选择疑问句:_ 例:Are we going by bike or taxi?感叹句:_ 例:What a nice day!祈使句:_ 例:Dont use a small one.,降调,升调,降调,降调,先升后降,降调,降调,初三英语名师课程,朗读短文(3分),3.语速(speed):适中Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world today.In many places,rubbish is thrown into lakes and rivers,so many of them are polluted.In some cities,the air is filled with pollution.Switzerland is still beautiful with high mountains and clean blue lakes.In Switzerland,things like glass,plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled.Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled.The government has many laws to protect the environment.For example,people are not allowed to cut down trees.Otherwise,they will be punished.Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference.(105 words),初三英语名师课程,总结:每分钟120-130个词。,朗读时间:1.5分钟。,4.节奏(pace):抑扬顿挫 1)停顿(换气):学习总结意群 A.长句中:小停顿 In Switzerland,things like glass,plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled.In many places,rubbish is thrown into lakes and rivers,so many of them are polluted.B.句与句之间:长停顿 Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled.The government has many laws to protect the environment.(句子句子间),|,|,|,初三英语名师课程,朗读短文(3分),4.节奏(pace):抑扬顿挫 2)重读:A.单词:重读音节 B.句子:实词重读(名词、动词、形容词、副词)Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world today.,初三英语名师课程,朗读短文(3分),5.流利(fluency):自然1)连读:词与词之间,前词词尾为辅音+后词词首为元音 e.g.make a difference另外:Could you.?Would you.?2)不完全爆破:爆破音+爆破音,前一个爆破音不发出来 e.g.the biggest problems,different groups,cut down,_,_,_,初三英语名师课程,朗读短文(3分),Pollution is one of the biggest problems|in the world today.|In many places,|rubbish is thrown into lakes and rivers,|so many of them are polluted.|In some cities,|the air is filled with pollution.Switzerland is still beautiful with high mountains|and clean blue lakes.|In Switzerland,|things like glass,plastic and paper are separated into different groups|and then recycled.|Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled.|The government has many laws to protect the environment.For example,|people are not allowed to cut down trees.|Otherwise,|they will be punished.|Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference.(105 words),初三英语名师课程,Lets try!,目的和要求:(第3页)1.目的:测试考生对日常交际用语的掌握情况。2.要求:考生能根据所给情景提示用英语回答问题。,初三英语名师课程,情景问答(2分),评分标准:(第9页)一档(1分):意思明白,表达清楚,语音、语调正确,词法语法的使用合乎规范。二档(0分):答非所问,或者错误很多,不能达意。,初三英语名师课程,情景问答(2分),初三英语名师课程,情景问答(2分),Topics,Plans,Causes,Dreams,Price,Hobbies,Tips:情景源于日常生活中的常见话题,平时多加练习,初三英语名师课程,情景问答(2分),杰克5年前开始学习汉语,他现在正研究中国历史和地理。,Possible questions:,1.When did Jack start to learn Chinese?2.How long has Jack learned Chinese?3.Which language did Jack start to learn 5 years ago?4.What did Jack do 5 years ago?5.What is Jack doing now?6.What is Jack studying now?,He has learned Chinese for 5 years.For 5 years.Five years.,He is studying Chinese history and Geography.,Tips:仔细阅读所给的中文提示并预测问题,初三英语名师课程,情景问答(2分),3 班的学生们计划上午到公园植树,下午到火车站 打扫卫生。,1.They will go to the park to plant trees.They will plant trees in the park.,2.(They will do some cleaning)at the railway station.,Tips:听清问题,再回答。可以用不同的表达方式回答,注意时态,人称。,初三英语名师课程,情景问答(2分),汤姆长大后想当生物老师,我们希望他的愿望能够实现。,1.(He wants to be)a Biology teacher.,2.We hope his dream can come true.We hope he can realize his dream.We hope he can achieve his dream.,Tips:听清问题,再回答。可以用不同的表达方式回答,注意时态,人称。,初三英语名师课程,情景问答(2分),山姆今天没上学,因为他弄伤了腿。,1.Sam.,2.Because he hurt his leg.,Tips:有些问题可以用简略回答,但是表示原因和活动的答句往往用完整的句子回答。,初三英语名师课程,情景问答(2分),每天下午四点钟,两位女警帮助孩子们过马路。,-They help the children cross the road.,-At four oclock in the afternoon.,Tips:有些问题可以简答,但是表示原因和活动的答句往往用完整的句子回答。,初三英语名师课程,仔细阅读所给的情景提示并预测问题。听清问题,再回答。有的回答可以用不同的表达方式,要注意人称,时态。有些问题可以用简略回答,但是表示原因和活动的答句往往用完整的句子回答。平时多练习。答题时不要抢答。,情景问答(2分),目的和要求:(第3页)1.目的:测试考生按题目要求和要点连续说话的能力。2.要求:考生能按题目和提示要点连续说一段话,清楚地表达主要意思,不少于7句话。,初三英语名师课程,话题简述(5分),评分标准:(第9页)一档(5分):能完整准确地表达内容要点,语音、语调正确,讲述连贯,表达清楚,不少于7句。二档(3-4分):能表达大多数内容要点,语音语调基本正确,讲述比较连贯,表达比较清楚,但有些错误。三档(2分):能说出少数内容要点,语音语调有明显问题,讲述不够连贯,错误较多,影响意思表达。四档(0-1分):内容要点表述有很大困难,语音语调差,错误很多;或只能说出一些与内容相关的单词。,初三英语名师课程,话题简述(5分),话题简述(话题9,例1)(第62页)要点:1.我的表姐朱迪在大学里加入了一个志愿者工程。她在中国西北部的一所小学里 当老师,为期一年。2.她教学生语文、英语和数学,有时候还教他们唱歌;她还给他们很多书。3.朱迪认为,对大学生们来说,给贫困地区的孩子们上课是件非常有意义的事。通过这种方式,他们能够帮助当地人改善自己的生活。准备时间:2分钟 答题时间:1.5分钟,初三英语名师课程,话题简述(5分),1、确定要点:_ _ _ _ _ _ _,My cousin Judy has taken part in a volunteer project in her college.,She works as a primary school teacher in North-west China for one year.,She teaches the students Chinese,English and Maths.,She sometimes teaches them songs.,She also gives them a lot of books to read.,Judy thinks it is meaningful for college students to teach children in the poor areas.,In this way,they can help the local people improve their lives.,初三英语名师课程,话题简述(5分),2.多种表达 _ _ _ _ _ _,She works as a primary school teacher in North-west China for one year.,She is a primary school teacher in North-west China for one year.,She is a teacher in a primary school in North-west China for one year.,She sometimes teaches them songs.=She sometimes teaches them to sing.,初三英语名师课程,话题简述(5分),She also gives them a lot of books to read.,She also gives a lot of books to them.,3.注意事项:确保正确组词成句:时态 语态 主谓一致(三单)人称语言表述:语音(pronunciation):正确 语调(intonation):正确 语速(speed):适中 节奏(pace):抑扬顿挫 流利(fluency):自然答题时间:1.5分钟,不少于7句 特别提醒:非常熟练(充分准备),初三英语名师课程,话题简述(5分),例一 要点:我的表姐朱迪在大学里加入了一个志愿者工程。她在中国西北部的一所小学里当老师,为期一年。2.她教学生语文、英语和数学,有时候还教他们唱歌;她还给他们很多书。3.朱迪认为,对大学生们来说,给贫困地区的孩子们上课是件非常有意义的事。通过这种方式,他们能够帮助当地人改善自己的生活。,My cousin Judy has taken part in a volunteer project in her college.She works as a primary school teacher in North-west China for one year.She teaches the students Chinese,English and Maths.She sometimes teaches them songs.She also gives them a lot of books to read.Judy thinks it is meaningful for college students to teach children in the poor areas.In this way,they can help the local people improve their lives.,9.1 帮助他人Helping others(P62),初三英语名师课程,说明:(前言 第ii页)1.短文朗读:该部分提供30篇短文。听力口语自动化考试命题时,将在所提供的短文中选取一篇作为朗读测试材料。2.话题简述:该部分提供20个话题,每个话题又给出2个范例。听力口语自动化考试命题时,将以其中一个范例为基础稍作变化。,初三英语名师课程,友情提醒,初三英语名师课程,Part4:Summary,语音(pronunciation):正确 语调(intonation):正确 语速(speed):适中 节奏(pace):抑扬顿挫 流利(fluency):自然,初三英语名师课程,Homework,初三英语名师课程,THANKS,


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