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    人教版选修6 Unit 1 Reading Language points ppt课件.ppt

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    人教版选修6 Unit 1 Reading Language points ppt课件.ppt

    人教课标高二 选修 6 Unit 1,faith,Her faith in human nature had been badly shaken.她对人性的信念已经严重动摇了。Faith in God helped him through his illness.对上帝的信仰帮助他度过了难关。I have faith in you;I am sure you will do well.我相信你,我肯定你会做好的。have faith in相信;信任=trust=believe in,faith,She has no faith in modern medicine.她不相信现代医学。have no faith in不相信The public has lost faith in the government.公众已经对政府失去了信心。lose faith in失去信任,faith,His _(faith)old dog accompanied him everywhere he went.faithful a.忠诚的;忠实的=loyal=devoted无论走到哪里,他那忠诚的老狗总跟着他。He had supported the local team faithfully for 30 years.30年来,他一直忠实地支持着当地的球队。,Thank you!,consequence,Many believe that poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation.许多人认为贫困是人口过剩的直接后果。consequencen.结果;后果She has lived in France,and as a consequence speaks French fluently.她一直住在法国,因此法语说得很流利。as a consequence 因此,结果,consequence,因此,结果(同义表达)as a consequenceas a resultthereforhenceconsequently,consequence,She was a bright and eager student and,consequently,did well in school.consequentlyad.所以;因而Mr.Foster has never been to China.Consequently,he knows very little about it.福斯特先生从未去过中国。因此,他对此事所知甚少。用法:可用于句中,也可以用于句首。,consequence,Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical.动物因接触这种化学物质而死亡。as a consequence of因为同义as a result ofbecause ofdue toowing to,Thank you!,aim,Our products aim at improving your English skills.aim at旨在;力争我们的产品旨在提高您的英语水平。她今年力争拿到奖学金。(翻译)She is aiming at a scholarship this year.,aim,These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime.这些措施旨在防止暴力犯罪。be aimed at旨在,为了The book is aimed at very young children.这本书面向年幼孩子。She started the organization with the aim of helping local people.with the aim of目的是为了她创办这个组织的目的是帮助当地人。,aim,The main aim of the plan was to provide employment for local people.这个计划的主要目的是为当地人提供就业岗位。同义词替换The main _ of the plan was to provide employment for local people.purpose,aim,The main aim of the plan was to provide employment for local people.这个计划的主要目的是为当地人提供就业岗位。同义替换The plan aimed at providing employment for local people.The plan was aimed at providing employment for local people.The plan was intended to provide employment for local people.,aim,等待的时候,她在停车场漫无目的地走着。While waiting,she walked aimlessly around the car park.aimlessa.没有目标;无目的的aimlesslyad.漫无目的地,Thank you!,A conventional artist of this period was not interested in showing nature,conventional adj.(traditional)常规的,通常的,传统的;受俗套束缚的,按习惯办事的,陈旧的,形式上的,The chairman made a few conventional remarks.主席说了几句客套话。,conventional weapons 常规武器a conventional design 传统图案conventional opinions 旧观念,evident,Its evident that you are tired.显然你累了。同义词clearobviousapparent,evident,She walked slowly down the road,evidently in pain.她沿着路慢慢地走着,显然很痛苦。同义apparentlyobviouslyclearly,Thank you!,possess,他被控无证持有猎枪。(翻译)He was charged with having/owning/possessing a shotgun without a licence.possessvt.拥有;具有;支配Different workers possess different skills.不同的工人拥有不同的技术。,possess,Please remember to take all your personal possessions with you when you leave the aircraft.当您离开飞机时,请记得带上您所有的个人物品。possessions n.所有物;财产同义belongingsHe had sold all his possessions and left the country.他卖掉了所有的家产,离开了这个国家。,possess,汉译英那栋房子为他所有。The house is in his possession.The house is in the possession of him.(某物)为某人所有 in sbs possession/in the possession of sb我有一些你会感兴趣的信息。I am in possession of some information that I think will interest you.in possession of sth.(人)占有某物,Thank you!,deal,选择适当短语填空a great deal of/a great dealHe smokes _.a great dealIt took _ time and effort.a great deal of,deal,Its no big deal if you cant pay me back right now.如果你现在不能还我钱,那也没什么大不了的。no big deal没什么了不起Its a deal!就这么办,一言为定。,Thank you!,real,I didnt _(real)how difficult _ was to get tickets.(语法填空)realize;it 我没有意识到买票有多难。realize vt.意识到She never _(realized)her ambition of becoming a professional singer.(同义替换)achievedrealize vt.实现,real,Im a realist.I know you cant change peoples attitudes overnight.(词义猜测)realist n.现实主义者,注重实际的人We must set _(realist)goals.(语法填空)realistic a.现实的;可行的It is _(not realistic)to expect these changes to happen overnight.(同义替换)unrealistic,real,She refuses to face _(real).(语法填空)reality n.真实;事实;现实The paperless office may one day become a reality.无纸化办公或许有一天会成为现实。become a reality成为现实同义转化The paperless office may one day come true.,real,Its our task to make the proposals a reality.使这些建议成为现实是我们的任务。make sth.a reality实现某事The house looks very old,but _(in reality)its quite new.(同义替换)in fact,actually,as a matter of factin realityadv.实际上;现实,Thank you!,shadow,孩子们玩得很开心,追逐着彼此的影子。(翻译)The children were having fun,chasing each others shadows.The children were having a good time,chasing each others shadows.The children were enjoying themselves,chasing each others shadows.,shadow,太阳落山时,影子变长了。(翻译)The shadows lengthened as the sun went down.The house is shadowed by a huge tree.那房子被一棵巨大的树所遮蔽。shadowvt.投阴影于;遮蔽A large hat shadowed her eyes.一顶大帽子遮住了她的眼睛。,shadow,He was shadowed for a week by the secret police.他被秘密警察跟踪了一个星期。shadowvt.跟踪,Thank you!,attempt,_ the attempt to save her had failed soon became widely known.Thatattemptn.努力;尝试营救她的努力失败了,这件事很快就众所周知了。She made an attempt to cook the dinner.她试着做这顿饭。make an attempt to do sth 打算、试图做某事,attempt,They made no attempt to escape.他们没有企图逃跑。make no attempt to do sth没有企图做某事The boys attempted to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.男孩子们想去野营但被他们的父母们拦住了。try to do sth=attempt to do sth企图做某事The book attempts to explain the origins of the war.这本书试图解释这场战争的起因。,The end!,predict,准确预测地震仍然是不可能的。(翻译)Its still impossible to accurately predict earthquakes.predictvt.预言;预告;预测我们的预测结果是正确的。(翻译)Our prediction turns out to be correct.predictionn.预言;预报;预告,predict,In March and April,the weather is much less _(predict).predictable a.可预测的在三四月份,天气是很难预测的。You never know how shell react:shes so _(predict).unpredictable,Thank you!,


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