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    五年级英语(北京版) UNIT FOUR REVISION 2课件.pptx

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    五年级英语(北京版) UNIT FOUR REVISION 2课件.pptx

    UNIT 4 REVISION,小学五年级 英语,She is making a robot.,What is Jenny doing?,What is mum doing?She is making a salad.,Whats he doing?Hes watching TV.,What are they doing?,Theyre having a birthday party for grandma.,What are they doing?,Theyre playing football.,What are you doing?,Im having an English class.,Be动词(am,is,are)+动词的ing形式,do-doing read-reading draw-drawing listen-listening watch-watchingplay-playing,chat-chatting put-putting,run-running get-gettingswim-swimming,have-having make-making dance-dancingpractice-practicing write-writing drive-driving,动词加ing,Look and think,26,Listen,tick()orcross(),the key information(关键信息),My uncle is driving a car.riding a bike,Maomao and Mike,Baobao and Mike,are talking on the phone.,the key information(关键信息),Some tips for listening exercise,听前:仔细观察图片信息,提前理解听力内容,做到 心中有数。听中:认真倾听,获取关键信息,比如表示名称的人 名、物名或地名,表示动作的动词或短语,表示否定 含义的单词如dont,isnt,cant等。,Listen and number,30,a lot of water.,weekends,Can you talk?,26,Can you talk?,isare/He isare,What are Baobao and Mike doing?They are playing table tennis.,Can you talk?,What are Maomao and Yangyang doing?They are playing basketball.,Can you talk?,What is Guoguo doing?She is playing chess with a boy.,Can you talk?,What is Sara doing?She is playing baseball with her friend.,Can you talk?,I am a reporter.我是一名记者。,Make an interview(采访),:Are you busy on the weekends,Sara?:Yes,we are.Look,I am playing _.:What are your friends doing?:Look,Maomao and Yangyang.Mike and Baobao.Guoguo.,Make an interview(采访),:Why do you love sports?:.:Thank you for the interview.:You are welcome.,Make an interview(采访),:Are you busy on the weekends,Sara?:Yes,we are.Look,I amplaying_baseball_.:What are your friends doing?:Look,Maomao and Yangyang are playing basketball.Mike and Baobao are playing table tennis.Guoguo is playing chess with a boy.,Make an interview(采访),:Why do you love sports?:Because sports make me healthy.:Thank you for the interview.:You are welcome.,Can you talk?,How can we make use of the trees?,We can,get fruits,make tables and chairs,How can we make use of the land?,We can,grow vegetables,plant trees,How can we make use of the flowers?,We can,make tea,make a gift,How can we make use of water from the river?,We can,wash clothes,water the flowers,drink,27,cooking dinner,fixing a bike,playing the piano,Tims family s weekend,planting flowers.My wife is doing housework.My son is doing homework.I am reading a book.,My familys weekend,My familys weekend,Can you write?,31,Can you write?,1.How do students enjoy their weekends?visit grandparents,and others go to the parks.,Some,and others,.,2.How do people travel?,Some,and others,.,Can you write?,3.What do children like to eat?,and,Can you write?,Some like to eat,otherslike to eat.,Can you read and write?,leaves,Can you read and write?,a trunk,Can you read and write?,Facts About Trees,life,use,facts常识,Silent Reading(默读)Divide the article into two parts.(把文章分成两部分)Part 1:About life Part2:About use,life,use,Tick()or cross().,Task 1Scanning(寻读),Tree are tall plants.Trees can live for thousands of years.Some trees can grow taller than 100 metres.Trees produce oxygen(氧气)and reduce the amount ofcarbon dioxide(二氧化碳)in the air.The roots of a tree usually grow underground.They help keep the tree stable and give it water and important nutrients(营养物).Water and nutrients travel up the tree trunk,through the branches and all the way out to the leaves.We can tell the age of a tree by growth rings in the wood.,()1.Trees can only live for 100 years.,()1.Trees can only live for 100 years.,thousands of years.,Tick()or cross().,life,Task 1Scanning(寻读),up,growth rings,3.We can use wood from trees to a house and _ furniture.,Task 2,Fill in the blanks.,Scanning(寻读),3.We can use wood from trees to,a house and,furniture.,Task3Read and match.,pinepalmwillowbamboomaple,Task3,Read and match.pine:It has thin and sharp leaves like needles(针).Its green in all seasons.,pine,Task3,Read and match.palm:Its in a hot place.It has long leaves on the top.,palm,pine,willow,bamboo,maple,Task3,Read and match.willow:It has long branches and long leaves.It usually grows near the river.bamboo:Pandas like it.The stem can make furniture.maple:The leaves has 5 points.It can become red in autumn.,Some tips for reading exercise,Sum up,ReadingSpeaking Listening,Writing,Homework,


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