三年级英语Project1 My puppyppt课件.pptx
译林版小学英语三下,Project 1 My puppy(The first period),将老师所说的指令,大声说出来,并作出相应的动作。,Game1:I say,you do.,Game2:I say,you say.,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,on,door,rubber,起立,shout,under,sleep,open the window,drink,talk,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,Come in,Mike.,Im sorry,Mr Green.,Look and say.看图片,说出上句或下句。,OK,Bobby.,Look at the blackboard,Sam.,Would you like a sweet,Yang Ling?,No,thanks.Dont eat here.,Is this your pencil?,No,it isnt.,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,三年级英语名师课程,Try to remember where they are!在规定时间内记住图上每一样物品的位置哦!,Wheres the pencil case?,Wheres the pencil?,Wheres the rubber?,Wheres the schoolbag?,Wheres the ruler?,Its on the desk.,Its in the pencil case.,Its under the desk.,Its behind the door.,Its under the chair.,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,A:_ is the _?B:Its _ the tree now.A:How beautiful!,Where,bird,in,Look and write.看一看,写一写。,on,that,No,Where,Is,desk,2.A:_ that a pencil box?B:_,it isnt.A:Whats _?B:Its a lunch box.A:_ is it?B:Its _the _.,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,Who is she?她是谁?,Shes Anna.,Where is Anna?,Shes in her room.,What can you see in Annas room?We can see,lamp,Where is the?Its,Wheres my puppy?,What is Anna looking for?安娜在找什么呢?,puppy,mother dog,baby dog,小狗;幼犬,A,B,C,D,Lets sing.唱一唱。,Wheres the puppy?,Where,where,wheres the,?,The little and all her friends,they are behind the door.,Where are your friends?,Lets read a picture book together.让我们一起来读一本绘本。Please focus on the pronunciation of letter“b”,letter“d”and letter“r”.关注字母 b、字母d和字母r的发音。,圆形小面包,Rat hid a bun in his bed.,藏,“My bun!”said Pig to Fat Cat.,“The bad Rat has my bun!”,“Let me get Rat!”said Fat Cat.,Fat Cat ran to the red hut.,跑,小屋,Rat hid in a pot.,Rat hid in a hat.,Rat hid in a mug.,Fat Cat sat on the rug.,坐,地毯,“I can see you,Rat.”said Fat Cat.,Get me the bun,Rat.Pig is mad.”said Fat Cat.,疯的,“The bun is in the bed,”said Rat.,Pig has his bun.,Bad Rat!,Where did the rat hide the bun?老鼠把面包藏哪儿的?,In his bed.,bunbedbad,b/b/,bedhidsaidmad,d/d/,Ratredrug,r/r/,Lets read.读一读。,Homework 回家作业,1.熟背1-4单元所有的故事。2.预习书P30-31PartB&PartC.,See you!,