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    dry september干燥的九月课堂课件.ppt

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    dry september干燥的九月课堂课件.ppt

    Dry September,-,By William Faulkner,1,William Faulkner,(1897-1962),2,The Southern Renaissance,?,The Southern Renaissance is featured in its,unique feeling of,guilt,failure and poverty,as,well.,?,Southern Myths Southern Myths,?,a.Chevalier heritage(,骑士精神的传承,),?,b.Agrarian virtue,(土地的价值),?,c.Plantation aristocracy,(种植园主),?,d.Lost cause,(注定要失败的势力),?,e.White supremacy,(白人至上),?,f.Purity of womanhood,(女人的纯洁),3,William Faulkner,(1897-1962),-One of the greatest,writer in 20,th,century,-initiator of Southern,Renaissance,-one of the most,influential modernist,novel writers in the West,4,?,An American novelist,and poet,whose works,feature,his native state,of Mississippi,?,regarded as,one of the,most influential writers,of the twentieth century,?,awarded the,1949,Nobel Prize,for,Literature.,5,Simultaneously(,同时地),original and assimilative,;,regarded as,one of the,leading American writers,in the literary history of,the United States,;,a representative of the,writers,using stream of,consciousness,(,William Faulkner 1897,1962,),6,?,Works are famous,for,multiple,(多重的,),narrations,and,time shifts within,narrative.,?,Works are known to,be very challenging,and,difficult.,7,William,Faulkner,(1897-1962),William,Faulkner,was,born,on,September,25,1897,and,began,to,write,poetry,as,a,teenager.,During,World,War,I,he,joined,the,Canadian,Royal,Flying,Corps,but,never,fought;,the,day,he,graduated,from,the,Flying,Corps,the,Armistice(,休战),was,signed.,The,only,war,injury,he,received,was,the,result,of,getting,drunk,and,partying,too,hard,on,Armistice,Day,wherein,he,injured,his,leg.,8,Faulkner in,Hollywood,In the university of,Virginia campus,9,10,William Faulkner:,Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech,-,I feel that this award was not made to me as,a man,but to my work-,a lifes work in the,agony and sweat of,the human spirit,not for,glory and least of all for profit,but to create out,of the materials of the human spirit something,which did not exist before.,-,我感觉,这个奖不是授予我这个人,而是授予我,的工作,它是对我呕心沥血、毕生从事的人类精神,探索的工作的肯定。我的这项工作不为名,更不图,利,而是要从人类精神的原始素材里创造出前所未,有的东西。,11,(1)19241929:training as a writer(,习作,阶段),The Marble Faun,大理石雕像,Soldiers Pay,士兵的报酬,Mosquitoes,蚊群,literary career:(three stages),12,(2),19291936:,most productive and,prolific period,(鼎盛时期),Sartoris,萨托里斯,The Sound and the Fury,喧哗与骚,动,As I Lay Dying,在我弥留之际,Light in August,八月之光,Absalom,Absalom,押沙龙,押沙龙!,13,?,(3)1940end:won recognition in,America,(巩固和确认),Go Down,Moses,去吧,摩西,14,Faulkners most,celebrated novels,?,The Sound and the Fury(1929),?,喧哗与骚动,书名的典故出自莎士比亚悲剧麦克白第,5,幕,第,5,场麦克白的有名台词:“人生如痴人说梦,充,满着喧哗与骚动,却没有任何意义。”,多角度的叙述方法,“意识流”手法,“神话模式”手法,15,His Short story collection,?,These 13,(1931),这十三篇,includes many of his most,acclaimed,(称赞的),(and most,frequently anthologized,(收入选集,的,)stories,including,?,A Rose for Emily,“,献给爱米丽,的玫瑰,?,Red Leaves,红叶,?,That Evening Sun,夕阳,?,?祲匠灥整扭牥,干燥的九月,16,Yoknapatawpha,约克纳帕塔法,?,Yoknapatawpha County,(约克纳帕塔法县,),:,?,-,A,fictional county,in,northern Mississippi,the,setting for most of,William,Faulkners,novels and,short stories,and,patterned upon Faulkners,actual home in,Lafayette,County,Mississippi.,17,Yoknapatawpha Kingdom,?,The Yoknapatawpha stories,deal,generally,with the,historical period from the,Civil War,up to,the 1920s,when,the First World War broke out,and,people of stratified(,分,层次,)society,the aristocrats,the new rich,the poor,white,and the blacks.,?,As a result,Yoknapatawpha County,(约克纳帕塔法县,),has become an allegory,(寓言),or a parable of the,Old,South,(老南方,/,南北战争前的美国南方,),with which,Faulkner has managed successfully to show a panorama,(全貌),of the experience and consciousness of the,whole Southern society.,18,福克纳手绘“约克纳帕塔法县地图”,19,“约克纳帕塔法世系”,这个“,世系,”以,美国南方几个庄园主世家的,荣辱兴衰为主线,表现了一个世纪以来美,国南方社会的历史命运、社会变迁以及各,阶层人物的起伏沉浮,写出了美国南方地,区的典型特征,具有浓厚的乡土气息。,20,Dry September,21,Plot Analysis of“Dry September”,Most good stories start with a,fundamental list of ingredients:,the initial situation,开端,conflict,冲突,Complication,复杂化,Climax,高潮,Suspense,悬念,Denouement,结局,22,Initial Situation,section I,Saturday night at the barber shop,1 what is the environmental,background of the story?,2 In the barber shop,what are people,talking about?,3 who gather in barber shop and what,are their attitude towards the rumor?,23,?,Barber:,“I know Will Mayes.Hes a good,nigger.And I know Miss Minnie Cooper,too.I dont believe Will Mayes did it,?,The client(the drummer):,Then you are a,hell of a white man,Do you claim that,anything excuses a nigger attacking a,white woman?,?,The client(to the second speaker):,Do you,mean to tell me you are a white man and,youll stand for it?You better go back,North where you came from.The South,潤?琹眠湡?潹牵欠湩?敨敲尮,24,?,The youth(Butch):,Do you accuse a white,woman of lying?you damn niggerlover.”,?,McLendon:,are you going to sit there and,let a black son rape a white woman on the,streets of Jefferson?,?,The third,(,a soldier),:,Did it really,happen?a third said.This aint the first,man scare she ever had,like Hawkshaw,says.Wasnt there something about a man,on the kitchen roof,watching her undress,about a year ago?,25,?,McLendon:(to the third speaker.),Happen?,What the hell difference does it make?Are,you going to let the black sons get away,with it until one really does it?,?,McLendon:,o talking necessary at all.Ive,done my talking.Whos with me?,?,Barber:,(held the drummers face down,the razor poised)“Find out the facts first,boys.I know Willy Mayes.It wasnt him.,敌?环朠瑥琠敨猠敨楲晦愠摮搠?桴獩琠楨杮爠杩瑨尮,26,?,McLendon:,(to Barber):hat youd take a,niggers word before a white womans?,Why,you damn niggerloving,?,The third,(,a soldier),:,The third speaker,rose and grasped McLendons arm;he too,had been a soldier.Now,now.Lets figure,this thing out.Who knows anything about,桷瑡爠慥汬?慨灰湥摥尿,?,捍敌摮湯尺,All thatre with me get up from,there.The ones that aint-,27,?,McLendon,The third,(,a soldier),The youth(Butch),The client(the,drummer)went to find Will,Mayes,28,Conflict,section II,Meet Miss Minnie Cooper,1 How old is Minnie Cooper?,2 what does Minnie Cooper usually do until,noon?And afternoon?,3 when Minnie Cooper was young,what was,her situation?How about when she was,old?,4 who does Minnie Cooper have affair with?,5 what is her situation now?,29,When she was young,?,She was of comfortable people-not the,best in Jefferson,but good people enough-and,she was still on the slender side of ordinary,looking,with a bright,faintly haggard manner,and dress.When she was young she had had a,slender,nervous,body and a sort of hard vivacity,which had enabled her for a time to ride upon,the crest of the towns social life,as exemplified,by the high school party and church social,period of her contemporaries while still children,enough to be unclassconscious.(p.239),30,When she was old,?,She was the last to realize that she was,losing ground,;that those among whom she had,been a little brighter and louder flame than any,other were beginning to learn the pleasure of,snobbery-male-and retaliation-female,.That,was when her face began to wear that bright,haggard look.She still carried it to parties on,shadowy porticoes and summer lawns,like a,mask or a flag,with that,bafflement of furious,repudiation of truth in her eyes.(,P,.239),31,When she was old,?,She watched the girls with whom she had,grown up as they married and got homes,and children,but no man ever called on,her steadily until the children of the other,girls had been calling her aunty for,several years,the while their mothers told,them in,bright voices,about how popular,Aunt Minnie had been as a girl.(P,.239),32,After the affair with the cashier,That was when she began to,ask her old schoolmates that,their children call her cousin,湩瑳慥?景尠畡瑮?,.(P,.239),33,Her situation now,?,Against that background Minnies,bright dresses,her idle and empty,days,had a quality of furious unreality.,She went out in the evenings only,with women now,neighbors,to,the,moving pictures.,34,Her situation now,Each afternoon she dressed in one of the new,dresses and went downtown alone,where her,young cousins were already strolling in the late,afternoons with their delicate,silken heads and,thin,awkward,arms and,conscious,hips,clinging,to one another or shrieking and giggling with,paired boys in the,soda fountain,when she,passed and went on along the serried store,fronts,in the doors of which,the sitting and,lounging men did not even follow her with their,eyes any more.(,p.240),35,Complication,Section III,In this stage were back to the men.,Five men drive out of town,McLendon,the,stranger,the ex-soldier,Hawkshaw,and Butch.,Things get complicated when they arrive at the,ice plant and kidnap Will.,1 why does the barber go with them?,2 Does the barber blow Will?why?,3 why does Hawkshaw jump from the moving,vehicle?,4 how many people are there in the car when,Barber notices the car comes back?,36,What happens to Will?,In all likelihood,Will is killed.In,any case,when Hawkshaw sees,McLendon drive by on his way,back to town,there are only four,men in the car,Will has been left,somewhere dead at worst,and,severely injured and humiliated at,the very least.,37,Climax,section IV,after the rumor,?,1 On that Saturday evening,what happens,to Minnie?,?,2 when she entered the square,does she,become the center of the street?How do,you know?,?,3 why“Theres not a Negro on the square.,Not one”?,38,?,?,这种被压抑的内心情感最终还是爆发了,当,成双成对的年轻人轻盈匀称、柔滑光亮的,侧影出现在电影院里,当他们充满青春活力,的身后“银色的美梦连绵不断的编织着,奔,泻向前,永无尽头”,的时候,她再也遏制不,住自己,放声大笑。她的尖声狂笑是多年来,被压抑的情感的释放,是对已经逝去的青春,年华的挽歌,也是对未来生活的绝望。如仙,境乐园般的电影院终究不能让她摆脱现实,的残酷与冷漠。,39,after the rumor,?,Minnies breakdown in the movie,theatre,which culminates(,达到极点,),in her,laughing/screaming fit in the bedroom,probably occurs around the same time,something bad is happening to Will.,40,after the rumor,If we were to witness the details of the,abuse of Will Mayes,we would have a,double climax on our hands.But,Wills,climax is left untold,a dark secret,something unpleasant to be hushed up,like Minnies breakdown.,41,Suspense,When we get to Section 5,we have some,hope that we will learn,1)what happened to Will after Hawkshaw,removed himself from the scene,2)learn what really happened between Will and,Minnie,3)pick up some details on how the rumor got,started.,Since those questions arent conclusively,answered,the story suspends us in this,Suspense Stage,42,Denouement,section V,McLendon at home,what kind people is McLendon at,home?,What kind people is Mclendons wife?,Compared with Minnie Cooper,who,do you think is more lucky?,43,McLendons House,?,It was trim and fresh as a,birdcage and almost as,small,with its clean,green and white paint.,?,This line gives us license,to think of McLendon and,his wife as caged birds.,Their house might look,neat and clean on the,outside,but inside,violence and fear stalk,the rooms.,44,Characters in“Dry,September”,45,Henry Hawkshaw Stribling,?,Truth-seeker,hero,reasonable man,and,perhaps,coward,?,霍克肖,失败的正义捍卫者,46,Will Mayes,?,Obedient,?,Poor and defenseless,?,Innocent,Nobody prefers to believe him,just,because he is a black man,47,Minnie Cooper,?,A southern aristocrat,?,Has no occupation,no social position,?,Outdated and unappealing,?,Her desire of being accepted vs.her,morality,?,To prove still sexually desirable,created the rumor,1.,symbol of the,decline of southern,aristocracy,2.,aging,rotten,lifeless,and deserted,48,John McLendon,?,His gun,hat,handcuffs,and,experience as a military commander,give him a general air of authority.,Commander McLendon recruits his,troops in the barbershop and then,proceeds to wage war on Will,for the,honor of white women in Jefferson.,?,49,?,McLendon is,most likely,a murderer,and,Will was probably not his first victim.,McLendon seems practiced and,systematic in carrying out his plan.He is,chilling to the extreme,unwilling to listen to,reason,and bent on keeping the black,citizens of Jefferson in a state of fear.,?,麦克,兰登,可怕的南方女性“保护神”,50,Note,?,白人对黑人男子破坏白种妇女贞洁有着,无名的恐惧。因为,这种虚无缥缈的贞洁对,于维护南方妇道神话有着举足轻重的作用,.,?,妇女尤其是白种女人被看成是贞洁,虔诚,与自我牺牲等美德的化身,她们在某种程度,上是家族荣誉及社会声望的代表。在福克,纳的代表作喧嚣与骚动中,康普生家族,因为凯蒂失贞而将其赶出家门,使她最终沦,落为德国军官的情妇。,51,Mrs.McLendon,?,We know nothing about her other,than that she reads magazines and is,in a dangerous relationship with a,dangerous man,McLendon.,?,her active character(in contrast to,Minnies relatively passive character),gives us a glimmer of hope in this,otherwise bleak story.,52,?,If Mrs.McLendon can actively resist,an enormous bully like McLendon to,the extent that she does,she might,just be strong enough to leave him,or,otherwise remove herself from his,abuse.,53,Butch,?,Butch is a young man.Before McLendon,appears on the scene to recruit men for,his vigilante mob,Butch argues for drastic,action against Will on the basis of the,rumor.He joins the mob and participates,in Wills kidnapping,and probably his,murder.,54,The Soldier,?,The soldier is actually an ex-soldier.In the,barbershop he seems to side with Butch,that something should be done about Will,but he agrees with Hawkshaw that a,proper investigation should be conducted.,Nonetheless he is recruited by McLendon,and participates in the crimes against Will.,55,The Stranger,?,The stranger is a traveling salesman,or a,drummer,a person who drums-up sales.,He is being shaved by Hawkshaw during,the argument over the rumor.He joins the,vigilante gang and participates in the,crimes against Will.,56,Who is the victim?,Minnie Cooper,(the white woman),Will Mayes,(the black man),57,Who is the victim?,Mayes:,victim of his race,Minnie Cooper,:victim of her gender,Minnie is as much a victim of the social,standards and practices of southern,society as Willie Mayes is.,58,Theme of Dry September,59,Violence,?,The explicit violence in the text,the initial,beating and abduction,of Will Mayes by a,vigilante group,and John McLendons abuse,of his wife,?,Much of the storys violence is in the form of,psychological pressure,and social pressure,and is exposed as the violence of a,community deeply divided along class,racial,and gender lines.,?,The violence of nature,is also at work.After,some two months without rain,in the hottest,part of the Mississippi summer,Jefferson is on,the verge of self-combustion.,60,Race,?,a story set in post-slavery,pre-Civil Rights,Mississippi,life is black and white.,?,For such characters,most notably John,McLendon,contact between black people,and white people is governed by a strict,unwritten code,?,Other characters,like Henry Hawkshaw,see,past color to the character of the individual,regardless of color.,?,The interplay between these two modes of,vision sparks much of the,tension,in this story.,61,Justice and Judgment,The story features a vigilante mob,and,explores the psychology of the mobs,formation and operation.As we all know,this scenario was real in the pre-Civil,Rights South,and even after that.Set in,the late 1920s or early 1930s,the story,presents a vision of a place where justice,seems completely absent,and where,conviction and sentencing come before,investigation and trial.,62,Symbolism,The,ice,plant,where,Will,works,as,a,night,watchman,can,be,seen,as,a,symbol,of,hope,a,symbol,of,labor,a,n,d,a,s,y,m,b,o,l,o,f,t,h,e,l,a,c


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