DBT 给料破碎机剖析课件.ppt
Feeder Breaker给料破碎机,29,Feeder Breaker 给料破碎机,DBT has been building Feeder Breakers since 1958.On record,we have produced more than 2,000 Feeder Breakers.DBT 公司从1958年开始生产给料破碎机。迄今为止,我公司已生产给料 破碎机2000余台。Feeder Breakers have a large hopper section to accomodate the rapid discharge rates from Coal Haulers.The breaker unit grades the product and smooths the flow of coal onto the gate belt conveyor.我公司给料破碎机上所配的大型料斗可提高运煤车的卸载速度。破碎机将原煤破碎设定范围的粒度,并使煤流顺畅地卸载到皮带运输机上。,Feeder Breaker 给料破碎机,Discharge Rate up to 1,000 TPH 卸载速度可达1000吨/小时Tram speed up to 30m per minute 行走速度可达30米/分钟Input lump Size 915x915x610 mm 输入最大粒度 15x915x610Output Size 75x75x50 mm 输出粒度 75x75x50 mm,Feeder Breaker 给料破碎机,Feeder Breaker Specs给料破碎机规格,Continuous Haulage System连续运煤系统,40,Up to 30 tonnes/min最大运输速度:30吨/分,Continuous Haulage System 连续运煤系统,Continuous Haulage System 连续运煤系统,Over 500 units have been produced since 1958.自1958年来,又生产出500多套连续运煤系统The continuous haulage system is a series of conveyors used for carrying the cut coal from a continuous miner.The system has a crusher for grading and smoothing out the flow of coal before discharging onto the gate belt conveyor.连续运煤系统是一系列的运输机,用于运输连续采煤机采下的煤。系统带有一台破碎机,可对煤块进行破碎处理,以使煤块顺利地卸载到皮带机机头上。Production capability of up to 2 million tons per annum have been achieved.年运煤量已达200万吨。,Continuous Haulage System 连续运煤系统,Model Name Optimal Seam Heightcapacity型号 矿井高度 运煤量30CHL36”-50”(0.9m-1.3m)900tph36CHL45”-84”(1.1m-2.1m)1800tph42CHL84”-184”(2.1m-4.7m)3000tph,Continuous Haulage System 连续运煤系统,Roof Bolter 锚杆机,39,Roof Bolters are used in Room&Pillar operations,and Longwall development with twin-roadway driveage.锚杆机被运用在房柱开采和长壁双顺槽掘进。Roof Bolters are used for drilling through the coal seam into the immediate strata above,the machine drills holes and inserts the roof bolts tensioning them to the correct torque for the conditions that prevail.The bolts then form a cantilever support across the roof.锚杆机钻孔可穿透煤层以至直接顶。设备钻孔并用适合当前地质条件的张紧力固定锚杆。一排锚杆形成的悬臂梁支撑顶板。DBT and Fletcher Roof Bolters are manufactured in the USA.DBT和飞尔奇锚杆机在美国制造。,Roof Bolter 锚杆机,DBT Roof Bolter 锚杆机,Arm feed,suitable for low height operation.钻臂进给适用于薄煤层操作。Low profile giving maneuverability in thin seams.结构紧凑适合于薄煤层作业。rubber tyre traction.橡胶轮胎牵引。flexible steering system simplifies the drilling pattern at roadway junctions.行走灵活使设备在工作面顺槽横跨出操作更加简单。,RB2 88A,RB2 88A,总体参数机器类型 Model 双臂式,全液压驱动牵引速度 Tram Speed(m/min)0 36.6机身地隙 Ground Space(mm)304对地比压 Ground Pressure(MPa)0.84机器质量 Weight(kg)17,326作业高度范围 Working Range(m)1.5 3.7外形尺寸(长x宽x高)Dimension(m)7.670 x 3.048 x 1.37最大进给力 Max.Feed Thrust(kN)0 45.36最大进给深度 Max.Feed Length(mm)2240钻杆进给速度 Feed Speed(m/min)0 12钻头转速 Drill Speed(r/min)0 650钻杆转矩 Drill Torque(Nm)422电机功率 Total Power(kW)1x56,FLETCHER Roof Bolter锚杆机,DBT is the Agent for Fletcher Company,the worlds No.1 Roof Bolter Manufacturer.DBT是飞尔奇公司代理,飞尔奇公司有世界上第一的锚杆机。Fletchers roof bolters 飞尔奇锚杆机Flexible configuration(integral rib bolting)应用广泛low maintenance 维护费低less downtime 停机率低simple controls 操作简单low cost of ownership 运行成本低good market reputation 产品畅销,Fletcher Roof Bolter 锚杆机,Fletcher Roof Bolter SPEC 锚杆机规格,CHDDR 履带双臂式机器类型双臂式,全液压驱动双臂式作业高度范围 Working Range(m)2.286 5.18最大爬坡能力 Max.Inclination(o)12牵引速度 Tram Speed(m/min)0 270 机身地隙 Ground Space(mm)304对地比压 Ground Pressure(MPa)0.124机器质量 Weight(kg)27,668外形尺寸Dimension(m)7.315 x 2.895最大进给力 Max.Feed Thrust(kN)0 45.36最大进给深度Max.Feed Length(mm)2260钻杆进给速度 Drill Feed speed(m/min)0 11钻头转速 Drill speed(r/min)0 5600 钻杆转矩 Drill Torque(Nm)450电机功率 Total Power(kW)37x2液压油泵Flow(L/min)117/28额定压力 Pressure(MPa)19.3,