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    2020 人教 选择性必修一 Unit3 Project课件.pptx

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    2020 人教 选择性必修一 Unit3 Project课件.pptx

    Unit 3 Fascinating parks,Create your ideal theme park,1.To get the main content and characteristics of posters.2.Learn to make a poster in the right format and introduce it in the right language.3.Cultivate the ability of self-study and cooperative study.,What kind of theme park do you want to create?You can choose one of the ideas below,or one of your own.,life in space ocean adventure food life in the future local culture science birds and fish history stories dinosaurs climbing,Different kinds of theme parks:,The theme parks/spaceports will include spaceship simulators,interactive exhibits and displays of rocket replicas,just like todays space museums and visitors will be able to take a ride in a zero-gravity airplane flight,and even a realistic space training camp with centrifuge and underwater simulations of zero gravity.,Spaceport,Singapore,Life in space,Different kinds of theme parks:,Aquatica SeaWorlds Waterpark features more than a dozen slides and attractions,and offers you up-close animal experiences.,Aquarium of the Pacific,California,Ocean,Different kinds of theme parks:,The park aims to please families and younger children,and therefore doesnt have a great number of big thrill rides,but this is perfectly justified.Dragons Fury,a fantastic Maurer spinner and Vampire,a classic Arrow suspended coaster still provide surprising thrills for their small statures.,Chessington World of Adventures,Adventure,Different kinds of theme parks:,The worlds first chocolate-themed park will open next month in Zone C of the former Expo Site in east Chinas Shanghai,featuring such scenes as the Chocolate Waterfall and Rainbow Bridge in the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.,Chocolate-themed park,food,Different kinds of theme parks:,Take a magical dive into the deep ocean cave and be submerged into it.Watch various fishes before your eyes through our concave glass,just as if you were swimming in the ocean cave.,OCEAN CAVE,birds and fish,Different kinds of theme parks:,Dinosaur World is a chain of three parks,one in Plant City FL,one in Cave City,KY,and the last in Glen Rose,TX.All three parks preserve plant life that reaches back to the dinosaur days,and provides little signs that describe them,along with fossil digs with authentic fossils,and a life-sized dinosaur skeleton.,Dinosaur World,Dinosaurs,What does the poster include?,name,introduction,Rides and attractions,Shows and events,Restaurants and food stands,Come up with ideas for your poster,1.What is the name of the theme park?2.How many categories in the park?3.What are their names?4.Can the past dreams become the future reality here?5.What will your park offer visitors?,Create your poster,Assign group members to prepare the following:,a short introduction to the parka large and colourful map of the park showing where everything is locatedsmall pictures of the things discussed,Put your introduction,map,and pictures together to make a poster.,Critical Thinking,1.Use the checklist to help you review your partners poster.,Exchange your poster with a partner.,(1)Is there a large and colourful map of the park showing where everything is located?(2)Are there small pictures of the things discussed?(3)Is the short introduction to the park clear?(4)Are the names of the categories interesting?(5)What can you learn from the poster?,2.Take your poster back and revise it.,Present your poster to the class,and give an introduction to your theme park.,


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