Last year was 20th Anniversary of“FRIENDS”,Friends is considered by many to be the most popular television series ever shown!,Friends was created in 1994,and broadcast from 1994 to 2004,ten seasons in total.Famous American situation comedy about a group of six friends living in New York city,and has showed in over a hundred nations.,Old brother of Monica.,Fall in love with Rachel,A PHD and a professor of university,Divorces 3 times and bring up a child with his lesbian ex-wife,Chandlers roommate,A small time actor,Doesnt share food,A 30 years old boy who refused to grow up,A head chef at a top restaurant in Manhattan,A totally neat freak,Married to Chandler,Rosss college roommate,Only child and have divorce parents,Making jokes when he feel uncomfortable,A charming beautiful girl,A runaway bride at the beginning of the show,Spoiled girl to be independence and grow up,A weird girl have a perfect good heart,A fatherless child and a guitar player at coffee house,(When the rain starts to pour)(当大雨倾泻的时候)(Ill be there for you)(我会在你的身边支持你)(Cause youre there for me too)(因为你也在我的身边),thanks for listening,