猪科学的饲养管理 正大内部资料课件.ppt
,猪科学的饲养管理Swine feeding strategy,正大集团北方区饲料技术线 Feed Technology Function Line North China Area 正 大 集 团 C.P.Group,一:对猪有多少了解 二:对自己的产品有多少了解 三:如何根据实际情况推荐合适的产品,最佳日增重(best ADG,g/d),克/天,Fu et al.,2005,最佳生长曲线(best growth curve),Fu et al.,2005,?,出生birth-100公斤(kg)最佳Best:740 克/天(g/d)115+20=135 现实reality:600 克/天(g/d)167 天,如何实现/提高?how to improve,营 养 学 真 意The Reality of Nutrition,产 出=(遗 传+环 境+营 养)*管 理P=(G+E+N)*M,营 养 学 真 意The Reality of Nutrition,不同品种184日龄的生长曲线growth curve of pigs up to 184 days sired by different genetics,Yong,1992a,Duroc杜洛克 x LLWMeishan梅山 x LLW,不同品种184日龄的胴体品质carcass trait of pigs sired by different genetic at d 184,Yong,1992b,地方品种的特点characteristic of local breeds,胚胎成活率高 high embryo liveability窝仔数高 bigger litter size消化能力,耐粗力无区别 no difference in digestibility(Fiber)生长速度慢 slow growthFCR高,脂肪高瘦肉少 worse FCR,fat carcass,遗传选择后赖氨酸需要量的变化Genetic Selection for Increased Lean is ContinuousCauses a Subtle Shift in the Amino Acid Curve,Adapted from J.Carr,营 养 Nutrition,水 water能量 energy蛋白/氨基酸 Protein/amino acid矿物质:钙,磷及微量元素 Mineral维生素 Vitamin,一:如何设计产品 How we design products二:如何实现产品价值 How to realize the value of product三:日粮蛋白或氨基酸谁更重要 Which is more important between protein and amino acid,一:如何设计产品 How we design products,品种 genetic不同的生长阶段 growth stage营养均衡,比例科学 nutrient well-balanced 选择合适的原料 chose ingredients for each phase,一:如何设计产品 How we design products,合理用药medication最优化 least cost最佳加工生产工艺 best process品管质量控制 tight QC/QA,满足猪最大生长的能量需要 Daily ME intake required for Max growth,饲料的能量浓度,千卡/千克Energy content of feed,kcal/kg,玉米 Corn=3,420豆粕 SBM=3,180油脂 Fat/oil=7,700 8,400全价饲料pig complete feed=3,100 3,400,饲料的能量浓度与采食量ME content and feed intake,3100,饲料的能量浓度与采食量Energy content and nutrient level,采食量/采食能力Feed intake for gut fill,赖氨酸、钙、有效磷需要量,%Lys,Ca,aP requirement,赖氨酸,Lys钙,Ca有效磷,aP,NRC,1998,赖氨酸、钙、有效磷需要量,克/天Lys,Ca,aP requirement,%,赖氨酸,Lys钙,Ca有效磷,aP,NRC,1998,其它营养需要Other nutrient requirement,赖氨酸,钙,磷 Ca,P,lys其他氨基酸 other AA维生素 Vitamin大多营养都有相同的趋势 most nutrients follow similar trend,but the mangnititude of decrease is different,如何饲喂赖氨酸,%how to feed pigs lysine,如何饲喂赖氨酸,%how to feed pigs lysine,如何饲喂赖氨酸how to feed pigs lysine,阶段饲养法优点 advantages of phase feeding,根据需要配方,满足各阶段营养需求 meet nutrient requirement for different stage根据生理特点,选择合适原料 chose ingredients for phases 节约成本 save cost减少对环境的污染 reduce waste/pollution 最大经济效益 better economic,科学、实际的阶段饲养法practical phase feeding,保育 Nursery,生长肥育Grower-finisher,断奶后2周-9 公斤(kg)2 wk aft wn,3,4周9-15公斤(kg),Week 5,6,715-25公斤(kg),Week 8,9,1025-50公斤(kg),Week 15-75-公斤(kg),Week 11-1450-75公斤(kg),二:如何实现产品的价值how to realize product value,阶段饲养,运用正确的饲料 phase feeding,自由采食 full feeding饲养标准,饲料设计的基础 basis of nutrient requirement,product design产出=(遗传+环境+营养)*管理 P=(G+E+N)*M,二:如何实现产品的价值how to realize product value,自由采食 full feeding?,自由采食 full feeding?,自由采食 full feeding?,营养物质的分配 nutrient partition,摄入 intake=生产 prod+维持 maintenance维持?Whats maintenance?人不吃东西为什么会变瘦?Why people lost weight when they dont eat?先维持后生产Maintenance first then production,限饲对能量利用效率的影响Effect of feed restriction on energy efficiency,70%,67%,63%,维持需要 MEm,用于蛋白沉积,ME for protein,沉积脂肪,ME for fat,损失脂肪Fat loss,损失蛋白Protein loss,维持的能量需要 MEm,维持的能量需要 MEm,限饲对能量利用效率的影响Effect of feed restriction on energy efficiency,摄入 intake=生产 prod+维持 maintenance能量利用效率=(摄入-维持)/摄入Efficiency%=(ME intake MEm)/ME intake,限饲对能量利用效率的影响Effect of feed restriction on energy efficiency,70%,67%,63%,限饲对生长的影响 Effect of feed restriction on growth rate,100%90%80%,限饲对生长的影响 feed restriction&ADG,是否应该自由采食?Why full feeding?,7 100 公斤 kg,7-100公斤,平均日增重750克/天,7 100 kg,750 g/d ADG,14天空栏,14 days for barn cleaning and emptying,是否应该自由采食?Why full feeding?,不自由采食的理由Common reasons for feed restriction,没有自动采食器 no self-feeder/reduce waste自由采食会拉稀 diarrhea control自由采食的FCR没有限饲的好 FCR get worse,氨基酸不足Amino Acid Deficient,氨基酸足够Amino Acid Adequate,三.蛋白质还是氨基酸重要?Which is more important dietary protein or amino acids,蛋白质的分解与合成Protein degradation and synthesis,必需与非必需氨基酸 essential and non-essential amino acids for swine,11-25 kg,试验一(Exp.1),Kendall et al.,2004,88-110 kg,试验二(Exp.2),Fu et al.,2005,玉米、豆粕中必需氨基酸与猪的需要量Contribution of AA from corn and SBM,relative to the requirement of a 40 kg pig,玉米 74.1%,豆粕 24.3%,粗蛋白 17.7%Corn,74.1%,SBM 24.3%,CP 17.7%),精 组 异亮 亮 赖 蛋 本丙 苏 色 缬,玉米、豆粕中必需氨基酸与猪的需要量Contribution of AA from corn and SBM,relative to the requirement of a 40 kg pig,玉米 84.1%,豆粕 12.9%,合成氨基酸,粗蛋白 13%Corn,84.1%,SBM 12.9%,Syn AA,CP 13.0%,精 组 异亮 亮 赖 蛋 本丙 苏 色 缬,无豆粕-玉米型日粮 amino acid fortified corn diet,CS:玉米+豆粕,粗蛋白15.2%(CP)CAA:玉米+合成氨基酸,粗蛋白9.55%,85 kg,Liu et al.,2000,理想蛋白模式 Ideal protein pattern,赖氨酸Lys 100含硫氨基酸 Met+Cys 57苏氨酸Thr 65色氨酸Trp 21异量氨酸Ile 55缬氨酸Val 65,氨基酸的利用率,%amino acid availability in ingredients,NRC,1998,日粮蛋白含量可以减少 dietary CP can be reduced蛋白营养的本质就是氨基酸营养 amino acids are the essential of dietary protein氨基酸的平衡更重要 balance among EAA is more important,蛋白质还是氨基酸重要 Which is more important dietary protein or amino acids,饲料预算分配 feed budget,料量,成本,生长肥育Grow-finish,保育nursery,总 结 summary,为什么要用阶段饲养?why phase feeding?2。为什么要自由采食?Why full feeding?3。蛋白质还是氨基酸重要 Which is important(CP or AA)?4。产出=(遗传+环境+营养)*管理 Overall P=(G+E+N)x M,重要信息 take-home message,基于科学与实际 we based on science and market2。饲料营养全面、平衡,特别是氨基酸 nutrient well balanced,esp for amino acids?3.要能推荐合适的产品和饲喂计划 Be able to suggest proper product and program for different situation,谢 谢!,一:对猪有多少了解 二:对自己的产品有多少了解 三:如何根据实际情况推荐合适的产品,