Translation&Culture,1,ppt课件,翻译对文化的促进作用季羡林先生在谈到翻译的作用时,曾以中华文明的发展为例,作了如下精辟的阐述:“为什么中华文化竟延续不断一直存在到今天呢?我想,这里面是因为翻译在起作用。我曾在一篇文章中说过,若拿河流来作比较,中华文化这一条长河,有水满的时候,也有水少的时候,但却从未枯竭。原因就是有新水注入,注入的次数大大小小是颇多的,最大的有两次,一次是从印度来的水,一次是从西方来的水。而这两次的大注入依靠的都是翻译。中华文化之所以能常葆青春,万应灵药就是翻译。翻译之为用大矣哉!”,2,ppt课件,What is culture?,3,ppt课件,A total way of life of a people,4,ppt课件,The New World Encyclopedia:,Culture is the totality of the spiritual,intellectual,and artistic attitudes shared by a group,including its tradition,habits,social customs,morals,laws,and social relations.Sociologically,every society,on every level,has its culture;the term has no implications of high development.,5,ppt课件,Language is not isolated.,Every language belongs to a certain culture.It is difficult to separate language and cultural identity.How different peoples express what they see is determined by how they perceive and interpret and react to reality.,6,ppt课件,Li Hongzhang,one of the top officials in the Qing Dynasty,was invited to visit the U.S.He was warmly welcomed.One day,Li was hosting a banquet for the American officials in a popular restaurant.As the banquet started,according to the Chinese custom,Li stood up and said,“今天承蒙各位光临,不胜荣幸。我们略备粗馔,聊表寸心,没有什么可口的东西,不成敬意,请大家多多包涵”,7,ppt课件,(今天承蒙各位光临,不胜荣幸。我们略备粗馔,聊表寸心,没有什么可口的东西,不成敬意,请大家多多包涵)I am very happy to have all of you here today.Though these dishes are coarse and not delicious and good enough to show my respect for you,I hope you will enjoy them”,8,ppt课件,The next day,the English version of his words was shown in the local newspaper.To his shock,the restaurant owner flew into a rage.He thought it was an insult and insisted that Li should show him the evidence of which dish was not well-made and which dish was not delicious.Otherwise,Li intentionally damaged the reputation of the restaurant,and he should apologize.All the fuss made Li rather embarrassed.,9,ppt课件,Comment,What Li said is just some formulaic polite expression common in type.Almost all Chinese people know this and could hear that nearly everywhere.Literally,Lis words are inappropriate,but they do convey the meaning of respect.Here the language form is different from its content,a phenomenon which can only be found in eastern culture.,10,ppt课件,America is a country with highly valued individualism.They express themselves rather directly.They tend to hear words literally,therefore they cannot understand easterners over-modesty.The reaction of the restaurant is nothing unusual.Li may change his words like this:“The cuisine of your country is really great.It is my great honor to have a chance to entertain you with them”(贵国的菜肴真是好极了,今天能有机会借花献佛,不胜荣幸之至),11,ppt课件,Try to translate the following idioms:,Love me,love my dog.Birds of a feather flock together.Gild the lily,12,ppt课件,Love me,love my dog.,爱屋及乌。If you love someone,you must accept everything about them,even their faults or weakness.,13,ppt课件,Birds of a feather flock together.,一丘之貉。birds of a feather:people of similar interests or personalities 兴趣爱好相同的人同类人物以类聚,人以群分。in a context denoting bad persons 一路货,臭味相投者,14,ppt课件,Gild the lily,画蛇添足。people in the West:nature itself is beauty.gild:to do sth.artificial not beautiful“add unnecessary decoration or exaggeration”多此一举,弄巧成拙,15,ppt课件,Shakespeare:King John,“To gild refined gold,to paint the lilyis wasteful and ridiculous excess.”,16,ppt课件,In China,when people meet,甲:“吃了吗?”乙:“吃啦!”,吃了吗?,吃啦!,17,ppt课件,In western countries,A:“Lovely weather,isnt it?”B:“Yes,isnt it?”,18,ppt课件,Terms relating to“吃”:,饭桶吃不开吃不了兜着走吃不消,good-for-nothingbe unpopularland oneself in serious troublebe unable to stand,19,ppt课件,Terms relating to“吃”:,吃老本吃软不吃硬吃闲饭吃香,live off ones past gainsbe open to persuasion,but not to coercionlead an idle lifebe very popular,20,ppt课件,Wu Song killed a tiger in his drunken courage,武行者心中要吃,哪里听他分说,一片声喝道,放屁!放屁!,21,ppt课件,Pearl S.Buck,Now Wu the priest longed much in his heart to eat,and so how could he be willing to listen to the explanation?He bellowed forth,“Pass your wind,pass your wind!”,22,ppt课件,What do you think of Wu Songs imperative remark?,汉语“放屁”作骂人话时,喻指“说话没有根据或不合情理”,而英语pass ones wind只是一种自然生理现象。,23,ppt课件,在译序中,赛氏解释了她将书名水浒传译为All Men Are Brothers的原因:当然,英文的书译名并非原著本来的名字,因为原名根本无法翻译:“水”等于英文的“水”(water),“浒”意为“水边”(margins or borders),“传”则相当于英文的“小说”(novel);至少在我个人看来,将这几个字排列在一起几乎毫无意义,也不能准确反映原书的意旨。于是,我自作主张,选取了孔子的一句名言作为书名(即“四海之内,皆兄弟也”),该名无论在内涵还是外延上均体现了这些绿林好汉的侠义精神。,24,ppt课件,Translation and Culture,Cultural Connotation Implication of Animal Terms Implication of Color TermsTrademarks and Advertisements,25,ppt课件,Cultural Connotation,Implication of Animal TermsImplication of Color Terms,26,ppt课件,Implication of Animal Terms,Talking about cultural connotations,one will first think of images represented by animals,27,ppt课件,Implication of Animal Terms,英汉动物喻体相同、喻义相似英汉动物喻体相异、喻义相似英汉动物喻体相同、喻义相异英语动物词汇的象征意义,28,ppt课件,英汉动物喻体相同、喻义相似,Sometimes Chinese and English share connotative meanings:“狐狸”and“fox”CUNNING“猴子”and“monkey”MISCHIEF“狼”and“wolf”SAVAGENESS,29,ppt课件,WOLF,The Gospel of Matthew 7:15,New Testament“A wolf in sheeps clothing”披着羊皮的狼表面温顺友善,实则凶残的伪君子,30,ppt课件,WOLF:凶猛、狡诈、贪婪,The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.狼的生就是羔羊的死。Wake not a sleeping wolf.莫惹是生非See a wolf 吓得张口结舌,说不出话来To lead a wolf into the house 引狼入室,31,ppt课件,WOLF:心肠狠毒、忘恩负义,WOLF:贪得无厌 greedy as a wolf,32,ppt课件,FOX:诡诈、狡猾,He is as sly as a fox.Youve got to watch him.他狡猾如狐狸,你可要小心点。You can never fox me.你绝对骗不了我。,33,ppt课件,SERPENT/SNAKE,a snake in the grass 潜伏的危险,暗藏的敌人a snake in ones bosom(胸怀,内心)恩将仇报的人,背信弃义的人serpent eye 如蛇般阴险的眼光,34,ppt课件,PIG:肮脏、贪婪、懒惰,Hed been a pig about money.他对钱贪得无厌。Make a pig of oneself 大吃大喝,狼吞虎咽Pigs in clover 行为卑鄙或粗鲁的有钱人,35,ppt课件,Other Examples:,He doesnt have an idea of his own.He just parrots what others say.他没有自己的观点,只是鹦鹉学舌罢了。As slow as a snail/at a snails pace 像蜗牛一样缓慢A lion at home,a mouse abroad.在家如狮,在外如鼠。A rat crossing the street is chased by all.老鼠过街,人人喊打。,36,ppt课件,英汉动物喻体相异、喻义相同英国著名诗人雪莱(Shelley)在一首诗中号召被压迫者像狮子醒来:“Rise like lions after slumber”在学术界有权威的人被称为a literary lion,有如汉语“泰斗,执牛耳”。,37,ppt课件,汉语言中用“虎”比喻勇猛、威武,例如“虎将”、“虎劲”、“虎威”。老虎不仅具备西方狮子的正面形象,还有“凶狠、残忍”的反面形象,如孔子的“苛政猛于虎”。Beard the lion in his den 虎口拔牙An ass in lions skin 狐假虎威英语民族也常用“狮子”来形容处于主宰地位的人。Jack was married and had a lioness at home.母老虎,38,ppt课件,勤劳,吃苦耐劳,汉文化:牛(俯首甘为孺子牛,老黄牛)英语文化:马(work like a horse 任劳任怨)as strong as a horse 健壮horse power 力大,a willing horse,39,ppt课件,羊,英国牧羊业发达To separate sheep from goatsSheep:能力强,成绩突出者Goats:能力弱,业绩平平者Black sheep(There is a in every flock.)害群之马长黑毛的绵羊比较少,魔鬼的标志,40,ppt课件,试译:,牛饮Drink like a fish对牛弹琴Cast pearls before swine落汤鸡A drowned rat狐假虎威Donkey in a lions hideAn ass in lions skin,41,ppt课件,蠢得像头猪As stupid as a goose如鱼得水Like a duck to water养虎遗患Cherish a snake in ones bosom狗改不了吃屎。You can not make a crab walk straight.,42,ppt课件,Although sometimes Chinese and English share connotative meanings,in many cases the same animal image may stand for different connotations.The most conspicuous example is 狗 and“dog”.,英汉动物喻体相同、喻义相异,43,ppt课件,In Chinese most phrases and idioms with 狗 contain derogatory senses:走狗,癞皮狗,狗仗人势,狼心狗肺,狗胆包天In English“dog”is thought to be the most faithful friend of human beings,most phrases and idioms containing the word“dog”have neutral or commendatory implications:top dog,lucky dog,clever dog,Every dog has its dayChina Daily“Chinas Watchdog Finds Fake Investors”,44,ppt课件,龙 and“Dragon”,汉文化:“龙的传人”descendents of the dragon,“真龙天子”true sons of the dragon from heaven中国成语大辞典lists 115 entries with the character 龙,most of which are of commendatory sense.,45,ppt课件,In many Western folk tales the dragon is a terrible vicious beast which spits fire.“chase the dragon”:to smoke heroin especially when it is heated on a piece of aluminum foil and the fumes are inhaled through a tube.服用鸦片(毒品),46,ppt课件,英国古诗Beowulf歌颂与凶残暴虐的恶龙搏斗而取胜的英雄史诗。Shakespeare,Romeo and Juliet当Juliet听到表哥被Romeo杀死时,悲叹到:O serpent heart,hid with a flowering face!Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave?Beautiful tyrant!Fiend angelical!啊,花一样的面庞里藏着蛇的心!哪一条龙曾经栖息在这清雅的洞府里?美丽的暴君!天使般的恶魔!,47,ppt课件,A dragon lady 以统治者身份行使权力的女人The Dragon/The Great Dragon/The Old Dragon 指与上帝作对的魔鬼撒旦亚洲四小龙:the four tigers in AsiaTo distinguish it from traditional Western“dragon”,some people now use the term“Chinese dragon”.,48,ppt课件,蝙蝠 and Bat,汉文化:“蝠”与“福”同音,象征吉祥、健康、幸福。西方:丑陋邪恶的动物,与罪恶或黑暗势力相联系,特别是vampire bat(吸血蝙蝠)。As blind as a bat 有眼无珠Crazy as bat 精神失常;发痴Have bats in the belfry 异想天开,49,ppt课件,孔雀 and Peacock,汉文化:孔雀开屏 美“孔雀舞”西方:虚荣、自傲As proud as a peacock 骄傲自满A peacock in his pride 炫耀一时的人Play the peacock 妄自尊大He attempted to peacock his way through the world.他想名扬世界。,50,ppt课件,猫头鹰 and Owl,汉文化:不祥之物“夜猫子进宅,凶事自来”西方:智慧、博学的象征 as wise as an owl“A wise old owl lived in an oak.The more he saw,the less he spoke.The less he spoke,the more he heard.Why cant we all be like that wise old bird?”英国民间童谣,51,ppt课件,Implication of Color Terms,We live in a colorful world,and words denoting colors for part of the nuclear vocabulary of almost every language.,52,ppt课件,However,in English it is usually considered there are eleven basic colors,namely white,black,grey,brown,red,green,yellow,blue,purple,orange,pink.,53,ppt课件,Different languages may have different number of color terms.,54,ppt课件,Basic Colors,In Chinese 赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫,the seven colors in the rainbow,are thought to be the basic colors.,55,ppt课件,The Chinese 绿、青、蓝 are three colors,but their corresponding words in English are only two:“green”and“blue”.So 青 can only be translated as green or blue.,56,ppt课件,青菜:green vegetables青椒:green pepper青山:green mountain青天(蓝天):blue sky青 can also refer to black.青布:black cloth青衫:black gown青丝:black hair,57,ppt课件,青出于蓝而胜于蓝。,Blue comes from the indigo plant but is bluer than the plant itself.Indigo:a color between blue and violet 靛青,靛蓝a blue dye obtained from plants or made synthetically,58,ppt课件,Color terms are very important in both English and Chinese literature.Many book titles contain color terms.,59,ppt课件,Green Hills of Africa(Ernest Hemingway)The Scarlet letter(Nathaniel Hawthorne)White Fang(Jack London),60,ppt课件,颜色词属于文化限定词,具有强烈的民族文化特征,每个民族都有自己的颜色观。在不同的民族文化中,同一种颜色表达不同的文化心理,引起不同的联想,具有不同的文化内涵。,61,ppt课件,Red 红色,红 and“red”have quite different connotations in Chinese and English as is determined by the two different cultures behind the two languages.,62,ppt课件,红 stands for jubilation in Chinese so in the past the bride usually wore red dresses(many still do the same today).One of the extended meanings of 红stands for wealth and nobility.朱门 and 红楼both refer to dwellings of the upper class.,63,ppt课件,Though many people in Britain are fond of red,its association is very different in the English mind.David Hawkes红楼梦The Story of the Stone贾宝玉“怡红公子”Green Boy怡红院 the House of Green Delight悼红轩 Nostalgia Studio,64,ppt课件,Red 红色,英语民族:流血、牺牲、殉难。red hands(沾满血的手),red battle(血战),65,ppt课件,对red的恐惧感可在圣经中找到答案。根据圣经福音书的记载,耶稣在受难前与十二门徒共进“最后的晚餐”。进餐时,耶稣拿起杯来说“你们都喝这个,这是我立约的血,为多人流出来,使罪得赦”。之后,耶稣甘愿被钉在十字架上,流血牺牲,用自己的生命作赎价以救赎世人。,66,ppt课件,英语中大写Red意指“左翼政治主张”、“共产主义者”。Red-hunter 迫害共产主义者或进步分子的人Get red“赤化”red 也成为“政治上激进”的代名词,67,ppt课件,red在经济贸易词汇里象征“赤字、亏损、负债”。,red letter 经济活动中支出多于收入的差额数字in the red/red ink 亏损get into red 出现赤字、发生亏损get out of the red 不再亏损,68,ppt课件,英语中red也有其正面的联想意义和语义。,red-letter days(纪念日、喜庆的日子)在西方一般指圣诞节或其他的节日,因为这些日子在日历上是用红色标明的。roll out the red carpet for sb.铺展红地毯隆重地欢迎某人美国白宫内有间Red Room,常用来举行小型招待会。,69,ppt课件,Green 绿色,As a color liked by most people,“green”is often used to refer to plants:green belt 绿化带,防护林green fingers 园艺技能green winter:a winter without snowing as the trees and grass remain green.green revolution:agricultural revolution“green lungs of the city”-parksgreen food 绿色食品,70,ppt课件,Do you see green in my eye?,lack of experiencegreen hand,green horn 新手你看我是好欺骗的吗?=Do you think I have no experience so you can deceive me?,71,ppt课件,Green also means“full of vigor or vitality”.,Her grand children wished her a green old age.他的孙儿们祝福她健康长寿。Though in the green,he may not be equal to the task.尽管他年富力强,不见得能胜任这项任务。,72,ppt课件,“How old was I when you first took me in a boat?”“Five,and you were nearly killed when I brought the fish in too green and nearly tore the boat to pieces.”“你头一次带我上船时我多大?”“五岁。当我把那条活蹦乱跳的 大鱼弄上船的时候,你差点儿 送了命,那家伙差点儿把小船 撞得七零八碎。”,73,ppt课件,归化读者意译 优点:通俗易通、语言地道 缺点:丧失部分原文风貌特色异化作者/原文直译(+解释或注释)优点:保持原文风貌特色、传播外国文化知识 缺点:增加了理解困难、文字繁复影响审美选择标准:翻译的“目的”例如:广告-正面宣传-使潜在顾客易于理解接受该产品-归化 某些小说-欣赏故事情节和文字、保持流畅阅读-归化 某些小说-传播他国文化知识-异化,74,ppt课件,AdvertisementsTrademarks,Trademarks and Advertisements,75,ppt课件,Advertisements,The globalization makes the translation of advertisements very important.Unique linguistic characteristics of advertisements:brevity,novelty,and sonority.,76,ppt课件,Translation of advertisements requires special ability of recreation.The translator has to consider not only the meaning of the original text,but also how potential customers will receive such translations.“蚊子杀杀杀”Mosquito Bye Bye Bye,77,ppt课件,Translation of advertisements requires re-creativity.,哪里有“芯”,哪里就有希望。(chips)Where there is chip,there is hope.百闻不如一见。(tea)Tasting is believing.,78,ppt课件,Translation of advertisements requires re-creativity.,A diamond is forever.钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。Only your time is more precious than this watch.手表诚可贵,时间价更高。,79,ppt课件,Trademarks,A trademark must be terse,sonorous,attractive,easy to remember,and with an aesthetic touch,sometimes providing a hint of the function of the product it stands for.The best translated trademarks are creative transliteration.Coca Cola 可口可乐,80,ppt课件,Try to analyze why some of the characters and words are used instead of pure transliteration.,Cannon 佳能Crest 佳洁士Head and Shoulders 海飞丝Johnson 强生Goodyear 固特异Rejoice 飘柔Sheraton 喜来登Safeguard 舒服佳7 Up 七喜Sprite 雪碧,81,ppt课件,82,ppt课件,83,ppt课件,84,ppt课件,85,ppt课件,86,ppt课件,87,ppt课件,88,ppt课件,索尼耳机,岩石也娱乐,89,ppt课件,谁说比赛结束了?,90,ppt课件,谁说人类不能飞,91,ppt课件,谁说你不能从问题中解脱?要做就做,92,ppt课件,谁说你55岁就走下坡路了,要做就做,93,ppt课件,94,ppt课件,Start ahead!成功之路 从头开始,95,ppt课件,Citizen中国西铁城钟表有限公司,Light Make Eternity有光就有永恒,96,ppt课件,