雅思口语临场发挥需要注意的事项 雅思口语临场发挥不只是考生的状态,还有很多时候决定于考官本身,交流技巧(非语言层面上的)以及考试中问的内容考生是否准备到位等等。下面就和大家分享雅思口语临场发挥需要注意的事项,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧!雅思口语临场发挥需要注意的事项1. 避免冷场在雅思口语考试中,其实最怕的就是冷场。所以,很多考生都会采取一种策略,那就是对于考官的每一个问题,(主要是第一部分,因为第二部分有时间限制,第三部分题目对大多数考生来说难度过大,所以说不出太多内容)考生们都尽量的多说,说到考官喊停为止。其实,这种方法本身有两个主要问题:首先,考生有时候就是为了凑时间而不停的说,从而经常会说的偏离主题。其次,有时候考生说了很多,考官可能并不会打断;但是,如果考生的每个答案的最后如果没有一个小的结尾的话,考官并不知道考生已经结束作答了。那么,这时侯也会出现短暂的冷场和尴尬。所以,考生们尽量在回答完每一个题的时候,应该给考官一个hint, 示意已经说完。在回答每道题目的时候,应该stay focused, 而不是乱侃一气。2. 有特点的答案在没有任何时间思考的情况下,考生很多时候的回答都是第一反应。这样的答案内容并不是说不好, 只是说缺乏创意,而且很多学生都会说一样的内容。在这种情况下,如果考生能够想出一些有特点的答案,相信会让考官眼前一亮。毕竟,这并不是人机对话,而是人与人之间的交流。所以想要取得更好的成绩,考生们应该是更多的从考官的角度,站在考官的立场去考虑问题。想方设法在考试中呈现内容上有趣的内容,吸引考官的注意。3. 应对难的题目在雅思口语第三部分,题目都有相当大的难度,而且每道题目的难度会越来越大,所以很多考生可能会多多少少卡壳,那么考生答案的流利度就会因此而大大下降,从而降低了整个分数。所以,如何增强自身的答案的流利度就成为了能否夺取高分数的关键。这里,考生们如果能够找出来一些过渡性语句的话,从而给自己更多的时间去思考如何去作答。很多考生会用到一些语句,比如说well; its a good question. 但是大多数烤鸭更多的是为了说而说。其实很多时候,考生更应该在与外教的交流中了解在说这些话的时候应该用怎样的语气。其次,考生们在回答第三部分的题目,应该套用一个固定的结构。因为很多的题目内容非常的难,所以如果是现场去整理思绪,恐怕在表达都会多多少少有一定的困难。4. 表情和肢体语言外国人总是在facial expression以及body language上非常expressive, 在日常的课上,很多的学生也会看到,外国人表达非常的丰富。其实,在口语表达中,如果考生也能偶尔的使用这样或那样的手势,将会在很大程度上帮助到考生。即使考生的表达不是非常的清楚,无论是发音,语法还是考官还可以借助考生的表情以及肢体语言来理解考生的答案。总之,考场应对在雅思口语考试应答时起到了非常重要的作用。这个部分而往往又是考生会经常忽略的一个方面。如果考生能够把握这方面的话,相信会短期内在这方面做出很大的提高。有一个正确的学习方法,往往会事半功倍,相信磨刀不误砍柴工,学习一些新技能会大大增强我们的学习效果,加油!雅思口语part2话题范文:手工艺品雅思口语part2话题范文参考:I usually made toys in my childhood and sometimes I made some electronic devices in my teenage and those were very exciting for me. I felt overwhelmed whenever I had been able to make something that I aimed for. I would like to talk about the wooden boat I created in my childhood when I was 8 or 9 years old.I saw a very nice looking boat in a toy store and had been fascinated to have it. But the price was too high for me and I did not ask my parents to buy it for me as I knew that it was very expensive. A few days later after my 5th-grade final exam, I went to visit my grandfathers house and planned to make a boat similar to the boat I saw in the store. The original boat that I saw was made of metal and plastic but I planned to make one using the board, wood. The plan came to my mind as the woods and boards were available in my grandfathers house.I started making the boat from my memory and found that I was making the wrong one and I wont be able to make the boat that I planned. I made a sketch and then started building the parts. This time I was successful and I had been able to make a nice looking boat. Later I coloured it and wrote my name on it. This was a fascinating experience as it was the first time I made something from wood and board. Before that, I mostly made toys from papers and after I made the boat, I showed it to everyone. I was very excited to have it and I was proud that I had been able to make it. I had this toy with me for one year or so this was a toy that inspired me to make some other toys that I made later on.雅思口语part2话题范文:娱乐节目雅思口语part2话题范文参考:In an age of computer games, reality show and micro logs, I think there is no shortage of activities to keep us occupied. Yet the topic reminds me of a TV program that I often see. Happy Camp, an entertainment TV program broadcasting every Saturday evening, is produced by Hunan Broadcasting. Its pretty popular among Chinese audience.Happy Camp is hosted by the so-called Happy Family: Five funny hosts and hostesses. He Join one of the hosts, is also a singer, an actor and an Arabic teacher in Beijing Foreign Studies University. One hostess named Xie Na is very humorous, quirky, cute and girly, and is good at making the audience laugh. Du Haitao, a little heavy, IS a host upon whom the joke is played. Each episode features several popular celebrities as guest stars.Sometimes even some celebrities from Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan are invited. They participate in interviews, performing, and games.The program is so entertaining that I often burst into laughter at some scenes and I frequently recommend it to the others.I am really attracted by the program and Im unwilling to miss every episode because it makes me relaxed and laugh a 101. Now I am under constant pressure from my daily live and seeing such kind of program is a good way to help me relieve the pressure.雅思口语临场发挥需要注意的事项