Unit 1 Making your way,Lessons,Team Project,Review,Additional Resources,EXIT,Unit 1 Making your way,Lesson 1 Time to make a decision,Lesson 2 Following through,Lesson 3 Filling out forms,Lesson 4 Preparing your resume,Lesson 5 Sending it all off,Lesson 6 Finally,its time for the interview,EXIT,Unit 1 Making your way,Additional Resources,Unit Test,ReadingResources,Additional Activities,WritingResources,GrammarResources,EXIT,Read the following suggestions for finding a job and,in pairs,discuss which ones you agree with and why.,Lesson 1 Time to make a decision,a,Contact your friends and see how they can help.Visit an employment agency and ask about available jobs.Look for the job that gives the best salary.Read the advertisements in the Business Section of your local newspaper and try to find a job that matches your skills,qualifications,and interests.Ask your parents or their colleagues to get you a job in the companies where they work.Discuss your goals and interests with your friends and make a plan for how to proceed.Talk to a counselor at the place where you are studying and ask for some advice.,_ consult with different businesses and find out what is required in each department_ go to an employment agency_ look at some ads and see what is available_ think about your specific interest in business_ get in touch with any business contacts your family might have_ identify strengths and weaknesses for specific areas of business_ visit college counselor and discuss,Listen to two friends talking about job hunting.Check the points that are mentioned in their conversation.,b,Script,Key,In pairs,practice making suggestions about how to start job hunting.Use the phrases in the box to help you.,c,I think its time to start.Maybe we should begin by.Lets go see.Why dont we read.We need to think about where.I suppose we should think about.We could find out about available jobs.I suggest we start by.,Look at the following ads and underline the skills and qualifications needed for each job.,d,Qualifications,1,2,3,_,Skills,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,none needed,Read the ads again and answer the questions.,e,1.What qualifications are essential for the Secretary/Receptionist position?_2.What responsibilities are listed for the Accounts Manager?_3.From the new graduates point of view,what advantages are offered by jobs 1 and 3?_4.Is it essential that the Accounts Manager have a university qualification?_5.What feature of the sales representative job might be a motivating factor?_,A diploma from a recognized business school.,Responsibility for a number of key existing accounts and the development of new business.,No,but it is preferable.,Experience not a necessity.,The on-the-job training and the commission on car sales.,Key,Complete the following sentences with a suitable word used in any one of the three ads.,f,1.Though we have stated what we are willing to pay a suitable candidate,the salary is in fact _.2.Experience and qualifications are _ for this job and the candidate should have worked for at least three years with a reputable company.3.One great _ to this job is that there is an opportunity for on-the-job training.4.No previous experience is _ for the job of secretary as training is provided.,negotiable,essential,advantage,necessary,Key,In pairs,or small groups,discuss the relative merits of each of the three jobs.,g,Martha:I think its time we started thinking about our future and making decisions about what we want to do when we finish this course.John:Oh,Martha,youre always so serious!We still have two months before we take our final exams.Martha:I know,but you cant just suddenly wake up the day you finish college and find a job.You need to plan.John:Youre right,of course.But where do we start?The course were taking is General Business and there are so many choices like Human Resources,Sales,Marketing,Finance,and so on.And Im not even sure what Im interested in.Martha:Yes,I know.Theres a lot to think about,but maybe we can start by thinking about our specific interests in Business.For example,I think that you should go into Marketing.John:Ive thought about that too,but Im not sure.I suppose we should think about our different strengths and weaknesses in each area.A job in Human Resources or Management would,probably suit you.You are bossyyou just love telling people what to do!Martha:Hey,thats not true.Its just that I like organizing people and I think Im pretty good at it.John:Well,build on your strengths.I think we should also have a look at some ads and find out what kinds of jobs are out there in the real world.Martha:Okay.Lets buy the newspaper every day this week and look at job ads in Business.We could also go to some companies and find out what skills and qualifications are needed for each department.John:Good plan.I think maybe we should go see our college counselor too.She may have some useful advice for us.Martha:Lets do that.Ill call her office tomorrow and see when we can get an appointment.Ill arrange for both of us to see her.John:Great!Ive got to hurry.I have a class in ten minutes.Bye.Martha:Okay.See you later.,Lesson 2 Following through,In pairs,discuss these questions.,a,1.How many times have you had a telephone conversation in English?2.What were the circumstances of the last English telephone conversation that you had?3.What do you find especially difficult or easy about talking by telephone in English?,Read and complete each space in the telephone conversation with the letter of the correct phrase from the box.The first onehas been done for you.,b,a.Is three oclock okay for you?b.Can I ask why you are calling?c.See you on Thursday.d.May I ask who is calling,please?e.When would you like to come in?,Martha:Good morning.Can I speak to Mrs.Mills,please?Personal Assistant:(1)_Martha:My name is Martha Willis.Im a student at the university.PA:Im afraid Mrs.Mills is in a meeting right now.(2)_Martha:I need some advice on finding a job.Can I make an appointment to see her?PA:Yes.(3)_Martha:On Thursday afternoon if she is free.PA:Let me check.Yes,that should be alright.(4)_Martha:Yes,it is.PA:Fine.So,thats three oclock on Thursday the 15th.Martha:Yes.Thank you.Oh,and can you also include my friend John Jones?PA:Yes,thats no problem.(5)_Martha:Thank you.Goodbye.PA:Goodbye.,b,e,a,d,c,Key,Personal Assistant:Career Counselors Office.Martha:Good morning.Can I speak to Mrs.Mills,please?PA:(1)_Martha:My name is Martha Willis.Im a student at the university.PA:Im afraid Mrs.Mills is in a meeting right now.(2)_ _Martha:I need some advice on finding a job.Can I make an appointment to see her?PA:Yes.(3)_Martha:On Thursday afternoon if she is free.PA:Let me check.Yes,that should be alright.(4)_ _Martha:Yes,it is.PA:Fine.So,thats three oclock on Thursday the 15th.Martha:Yes.Thank you.Oh,and can you also include my friend John Jones?PA:Yes,thats no problem.(5)_Martha:Thank you.Goodbye.PA:Goodbye.,Can I ask why,May I ask who is calling,please?,See you on Thursday.,Listen to check your answers.,c,you are calling?,When would you like to come in?,Is three oclock,okay for you?,Key,Practice the complete conversation in pairs.,d,The following words or phrases are commonly found on resumes.Categorize them in the chart below.Then addtwo more items in each section.,e,high school diploma theater and film efficient fluent in French familiar with Microsoft Office hard-working swimming B.A.competent in conversational Spanish independent diploma in computer science knowledge of the Internet,efficient,hard-working,independent,familiar with Microsoft Office,competent in conversational Spanish,fluent in French,knowledge of the Internet,high school diploma,diploma in computer science,B.A.,swimming,theater and film,Key,theater and film fluent in Frenchhard-workingB.A.independentknowledge of the Internet,Listen to Mrs.Mills advice to Martha and John and complete the notes.,f,Script,Key,Looking for a job:,Business:,Human Resources:,various steps match interests with skills,abilities,personality,duties:,a very wide area;need to think about,Sales and Marketing:,Finance:,different kind of challenge;,be involved in,training and qualifications,particular strengths and what you do and do not enjoy doing,match person with position,recruitment,staff development,welfare,motivation,focus on convincing the customer to buy,calculating expenses,profits,revenue,investment,Select a job in business that you think you would enjoy and,in your notebook,make a list of the qualifications,skills,and personality traits that you think are important for that job.,g,In pairs,share and compare your opinions and give yourreasons.Use the language in the chart to help you.,h,e.g.In my opinion,a person who works in finance must be precise because making mistakes could cost a company a lot of money.,giving a reason/result,giving an opinion,I think,in my view,in my opinion,I believe,because,as,consequently,therefore,as a result,Mrs.Mills:Good afternoon,Martha and John.Its good to find students who are thinking about how to get a job.Basically,its a process and certain steps need to be followed.Let me take you through the most important ones.But before we even begin we need to focus your search by matching your interests with your skills,abilities,personality,training,and qualifications.Now,I see from your files here that you are both taking General Business courses and will graduate in June.The field of Business is very broad,so we need to think of your particular strengths and what you do and do not enjoy doing.For example,if either of you likes working with and helping other people you would probably enjoy a career in Human Resources.The responsibility of the Human Resources employee is to,match the person with the position.Recruitment can be done externally when a new employee is brought into the company or internally from within the company,which might involve promotion.The HR department also looks after staff development,welfare,and motivation.In other words,here you try to keep everyone happy.,Now if thats not you and you think you would enjoy the more aggressive side of the business world,there is sales and marketing.There your focus is the customer and convincing him to buy and for this kind of job you need to be tough.And,of course,if you like precision and attention to detail,there is the world of finance.This kind of job includes the many aspects of calculating expenses,profits,revenue,and of course,investment.You are going to have to give this some thought and not only about the jobs themselves,but the kinds of companies where you can work,which will make these jobs vary.In the meantime,I can get you started on the form-filling,CV writing,and tips for interviewing.So shall we begin?,Lesson 3 Filling out forms,In pairs,combine verbs from box A with phrases from box B to form appropriate collocations.Some verbs and phrasesmay be used more than once.,a,Amake proofread short-list submit apply for fill out follow leave list,Ba section blank the same steps your abilities and skillscandidates a job the application form your applicationdecisions instructions your most recent jobs,make decisionsproofread your applicationshort-list candidatessubmit your applicationapply for a job fill out the application formfollow instructionsfollow the same stepsleave a section blank list your abilities and skillslist your most recent jobs,e.g.submit your application,follow instructions,Key,hen you(1)_ for a job,you are usually asked to(2)_ an application form as well as your resume and a cover letter.Companies like to havestandardized forms containing information about candidates.This makes comparison simpler and also makes it easier for acompany to(3)_ candidates for interview.It is very important that you(4)_ all your abilities and skills in the spaces provided.,Read and complete the text with the correct words.,b,apply,submit,short-list,list,Key,w,Remember,this is an employers first impression of you so it is very important that you(5)_ the form accurately.Read the form very carefully and answer each question honestly and accurately.Show employers that you are able to(6)_ instructions.Answer all questions as precisely and concisely as you can.Do not(7)_ any section blank.If a question does not(8)_ to you,simply write“not applicable.”Proofread your application before you turn it in.,Key,fill out,leave,apply,follow,why employers prefer to see job application forms:makes comparison between candidates easier;makes it easier to short-list candidateshow to fill out the form:read the form carefully;answer each question honestly and accurately,Complete the notes with key information from the text.,c,Key,Read and complete the sentences with up or in.,d,1.A colleague called in sick today and so the manager asked me to fill _ for him.2.The lecture was boring and not very useful,so he filled _ the time sending text messages.3.When Jane returned to work,I filled her _ on what had happened while she had been away.4.The conference room filled _ very quickly,and at exactly ten oclock,the CEO walked in.,in,up,in,up,Key,Now match the phrasal verbs from Exercise d with the correct meanings.,e,1.to fill in 2.to fill(someone)in 3.to fill up(no object)4.to fill up(with object),a.to spend or use up(especially)surplus timeb.to take someones place temporarilyc.to make or become completely fulld.to supply someone with recent information,Key,Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with fill.,f,1.When my boss returns,I will have to _(him)on what happened while he was away.2.John really wastes a lot of time.He _ his day with useless online searches.3.When you _ an application form,dont leave any sections blank.4.The restaurant was empty when we arrived,but it soon _.5.Rosa was going to take the day off,but she has to _ for a sick co-worker.,fill him in,fills up,fill in,filled up,fill in,Look for more examples of phrasal verbs that have more than one meaning and make notes in your notebook.,g,Key,Listen to Martha and John talking about their strengths and weaknesses.Complete the following table with the information you hear.,h,In pairs,discuss what you see as your strengths and weaknesses and talk about how you could present any weaknesses in a more positive light.,i,good at networking,good with people,organizational skills,disorganized,organizational skills,drive and enthusiasm,impatient,Script,Key,Martha:John,remember Mrs.Mills talked about strengths and weaknesses?Ive seen those on the applications and find it really hard to look at myself and decide what my strengths and weaknesses are.John:I know,my brother said its a matter of finding the balance between selling yourself and what you are good at,but not making yourself sound perfect.In other words,you need to be a bit critical of yourself without overdoing it.OK,so lets think and help each other out.Martha:Well,John,I think you are really good at networking.You have a way with people and making contacts that I think would be very go