托福口语备考误区汇总 托福口语备考中,很多同学都会陷入托福口语备考误区,如果无法避免口语备考误区,那么备考中肯定是事倍功半,下面就和大家分享托福口语备考误区汇总 ,希望能帮助大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语备考误区汇总 这些误区一定要避免一. 背完托福词汇才能开始练习口语大家都说,托福词汇是托福学习的基础,托福词汇过关才能做好托福阅读、听力、口语和写作。所以很多考生认为在备考托福口语之前一定要将托福词汇书背完。托福词汇对于整个托福学习很重要,但是并不意味着托福词汇背不完就不能开始口语备考。首先,托福口语中涉及的词汇要远低于托福整体要求的词汇量。独立口语主要考察大家的表达能力,不会涉及到像阅读和听力*中一些较难的学术词汇,综合口语的听力材料和阅读材料相对来说也都比较简单,所以不必等到背完托福词汇书再开始备考口语。其次,托福口语和托福词汇记忆互有助益。托福词汇的记忆和托福口语备考并不冲突,而且还互有助益,备考口语过程中可以练习一些刚学到的新词汇,口语练习遇到的生词也能扩充自己的词汇库。二. 语音语调不重要很多考生在备考托福口语的时候都觉得口语表达只要流利即可,语音语调其实可以不用练习。托福口语练习中表达流利度的重要性不言而喻,但语音语调的作用也不可小觑。我们在口语表达中可能会犯一些小错误,比如主谓不一致,名词单复数用错等等,如果我们的语音语调练习的很好,那么我们口语答案的容错度也会变高,一些小的表述错误对成绩的影响会相对小很多。建议大家在练习托福口语的时候也要注意语音语调的练习。三. 答题时说的越多越好托福口语答题时是不是说的内容越多越好呢?其实并不是这样。托福考生在备考的时候如果陷入这样的误区,就会一味地加快自己的讲话速度,希望自己能够在有限的时间内多表述一些内容。语速过快有很多弊端,首先,如果语速过快会影响表达内容的清晰度,进而影响阅卷老师对答案的理解。其次,语速过快留给阅卷老师的印象也不会很好,而且难以把握你答案中的要点。最后,语速过快容易卡顿,当你表达完一句话以后,很可能下一句要表达的内容还没有考虑好,造成答题时出现卡顿。大家在做托福口语题的时候一定要保持适中的语速,不要过快,也不要太慢,保证表达清晰,内容完整即可。托福口语备考的误区大家一定要注意,口语备考不必等到背完词汇再开始,平时可以跟读听力材料练习发音,积累一些地道表达。另外,托福口语练好语音语调对我们的帮助是很大的,它会让我们口语答案的容错度更高。最后,口语答题时不要贪多,适当语速回答即可。以上是小站君为大家整理的托福口语备考误区,希望对大家备考有帮助。托福口语范文:实地接受采访还是电话采访题目A company plans to interview you. You can go to their company for the interview, but the company is far from where you live. Or you can have a telephone interview. Which do you prefer? Why?Sample ResponseI would rather have an interview at a company than over the telephone for two reasons.First, I show the company that I am really interested in working there because I am willing to go to the effort of traveling far. Therefore, the company may be more willing to hire me.Second, I can learn more about the company if I visit it. I may even be able to get a tour. Seeing the company will help me decide if I really want to work there or not.Those are the reasons I prefer to have an interview at the company rather than on the phone.托福口语范文:学校用校友捐款建什么题目Your school has received donations from the alumni. Which of the following facilities do you think the school should invest in?-A stadium-A theater-A game centerSample ResponseI think that if my school received unexpected money from alumni, it should invest that money in a new theater.A new theater would be a good place for the school to hold different activities. Of course, it could hold concerts and plays. However, it could also use the theater for lectures and ceremonies. More students could attend such activities at the same time if we had a larger theater.Also, a new theater could help earn money for the school. If the public pays to attend events, it could help cover the cost of the event. The school could afford to offer even more interesting activities than it does now.Therefore, I think that the school should invest money in building a new theater that could offer a wide range of activities.托福口语备考误区汇总