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    Contents,Education system of ancient IndiaVedic UniversitiesPre-independence education system(British Rule)Post-independence education system(1947 onwards)Basic school education Higher educationNew developments,THE EDUCATION SYSTEM OF ANCIENT INDIA,THE GURUKUL SYSTEM,A SCHOOLING UNIQUE TO INDIA,Gurukul(ashram)was a type of school in India,residential in nature,with pupils living in proximity to the teacher(guru).In a gurukul,students would reside together as equals,irrespective of their social standing,learnt from the guru and distribute work in themselves to help the guru in his day-to-day life.At the end of studies,pupil would be ready to offer gurudakshina(one time fees)to the guru.The gurudakshina is a traditional gesture of acknowledgment,respect and thanks.,THE GURUKUL SYSTEM,THE ANCIENT VEDIC UNIVERSITIES,NALANDA UNIVERSITY,Nalanda is the name of an ancient university in Bihar,Indiawhich was a Buddhist center of learning from 427 CE(AD)to 1197 CE(AD).It has been called as one of the first great universities”in recorded history.,REMAINS OF TAXILA UNIVERSITY,IMPACT OF BRITISHERS ONTHE INDIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM,1757-1947,Since English was increasingly being employed as the language of instruction,during 18521853 petitions were sent to the British Parliament in support of both establishing and adequately funding university education in India which resulted in the Education Dispatch of July 1854 which helped in shaping the Indian education system.,Established a Department of Public Instruction in each province of British India.Established teacher-training schools for all levels of instruction.Increased the number of Government colleges,vernacular schools and high-schools.The Department of Public Instruction was in place by 1855.By 1857 a number of universities were established modeled on the University of London.,THE BRITISHERS:,Educational reforms in the early 20th century led towards the nationalisation of many universities.,Post-Independence INDIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM,Indias first education minister recommended strong central government control over education throughout the country,with a uniform educational system and introduced right to education.,RIGHT TO EDUCATION,Every child between the ages of 6 to 14 years has the right to free and compulsory education.The government schools shall provide free education to all the children.Private schools shall admit at least 25%of the children in their schools without any fee.,PRIMARY EDUCATION,The Indian government lays great emphasis on primary education up to the age of fourteen years(referred to as Elementary Education in India.)The Indian government has also banned child labour in order to ensure that any children do get an opportunity to nurture.,The NCERT was established in 1961.It functions as a resource centre in the field of school education and teacher education.Publication of school textbooks and other educational material like teachers guides/manuals etc.are its major functions.,NCERT is an autonomous body fully funded by the Ministry of Human Resource and Development(MHRD),There is a common educational structure(10+2+4)followed all over the country.Its similar to the USA but unlike to the one being followed in the UK,Pre primary(FOR 1 YEAR)Primary(GRADE 1-5)Middle(GRADE 6-8)Secondary(GRADE 9-10)Senior Secondary(GRADE11-12),HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA,With Prof.Ian Hutchings(University of Cambridge),Some institutions of India,such as:Indian Institute of Technology(IITs)and(IISc)All India institute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS)Indian Institute of Management(IIMs)have been globally acclaimed for their standard of education.,Indias higher education system is the third largest in the world,after China and the United States.,VOCATIONAL EDUCATION,Vocational education is imparted through Industrial Training Institutes(ITIs)and polytechnics.,changing face of education.,IT ENABLED CLASSROOMS,NEW SCHEMES,Delhi Chief Minister Ms.Sheila Dikshit launched the Ladli.Under the scheme,the state government intends to deposit Rs.100,000 in the account of every girl child(belonging to a particular income group)by the time she attains the age of 18.,As per the scheme,the government will deposit Rs.10,000 in the name of a girl child at the time of her birth and Rs.5,000 each at the time of admission to Class I,VI,IX,X and XII to encourage her education.,EDUCATE THE GIRL CHILD,GLOBAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES,The online projects encourage students to collaborate,cooperate and communicate with the students all over the world.This use of cyber space has led to the globalisation of education.,In the Words of Indian Government,We give them roots,we give them wings And great joys from,little things,A hope that they will soar,A hope that they will try,We are sure that one day,Our children will learn to fly.,Thank You ANY QUESTIONS?,31,谢谢!,32,


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