The Crusades,Long Term Causes,Growth of Italian TradeAdvance the Church by providing a common enemy.Need to provide and adventure or cause for fighting nobles.This was the big adventure of the early middle ages.,Short term causes.,Constantinople threatened.Sermon and letter from Pope Urban saying“Your sins will be forgiven if you join up.”,Pope Urban toured France and Europe to gain support.,He told the people to stop fighting amongst themselves,and instead go take Jerusalem back from the Infidels.,For those of you lost in a new-age,Tolkein,Goth,Druid,Freshman dream world,you can still buy Crusader gear on line.,Pope Urban made promises.,Sins forgivenHeavenly Paradise,The more aristocratic crusaders wore crosses.,There were two main groups:,Nobles and princes,and sons who would not inherit land.Young men looking for adventureOther groups included children,hangers on,prostitutes,and anyone else looking for adventure.This group was hard to“control”and often didnt make it even to the Middle East.,Im going off to the Crusades,fair wife.,I wont have to cook.,First Crusadeon the way,Jews were massacreda trial run for killing the Muslims.,Childrens Crusade.,Famous Crusader Cities:Antioch,Acre,Tripoli,In 1098,the crusaders conquered Jerusalem and took it back from the Seljuk Turks.,The Muslims,who were the infidels were slaughtered.Women and children were bayoneted and burned.,Wow,arent we Christians civilized?,The third Crusade is famousRichard the Lionhearted and Frederick Barbarossa vs.Salidin.It resulted in a peace treaty for pilgrims(lasted about 10 years).,Muslims became more hostile to Christian West because of the attacks.Five hundred years later,Vienna was besieged by the Turks in 1683!This was the last major Islamic incursion into Europe.,After the pillage of Constantinople,a Christian city,by Christian troops,the role of the Church diminished.,The“church”empires in the East and West were weakened by their crusades in the Holy Land.,There was improved technology in the fields of Mathematics,medicine,and architecture.,The stunning discovery,that members of another faith(the Muslims)could be fair and humane.,Military strength was increased in Medieval Europe.,New products from the Crusades:,SilksApricotsSpicesPerfumesGlass making techniquesPrimitive gunpowder.,This helped the Commercial Revolution that began the Renaissance.,