2020雅思阅读复杂句影响理解 什么是雅思阅读复杂句?其实也就是我们通常所说的长难句。英语和中文不同,英语中很多句子都很长,各种从句修饰成分夹杂其中,下面就和大家分享雅思阅读复杂句影响理解,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读复杂句影响理解一. 雅思阅读复杂句介绍雅思阅读复杂句都有哪些?总的来讲,除开简单句都是复杂句,具体细分下来,复杂句包括各种从句,比如定语从句、宾语从句、主语从句等,包括非谓语结构的句子,比如动词ing形式,以及一些其他的句式,比如倒装句、强调句等等。复杂句句式很多,在雅思阅读中出现的频率也很高,如果大家能够在备考中掌握复杂句的分析方法并运用熟练,那么在雅思阅读考试中就能迅速把握*大意,找到题目对应的关键信息,提升阅读速度的同时也能提升做题速度。接下来,小站君来给大家讲解如何分析解决雅思阅读复杂句。二. 雅思阅读复杂句解决方法1. 简化复杂句结构雅思阅读复杂句解决方法的第一步是简化句子。当我们看到一个长句子的时候可能会感觉一头雾水,完全没有思路,但是如果我们能将复杂句简化一下,就能迅速找到句子主干,把握句子的大意。比如当我们看到一个包含很多从句的句子时,就要快速分析结构找到句子的主谓宾,找到主谓宾就可以大致确定句子主干,了解大意,接下来再进行第二步。2. 添加修饰成分完成了第一步以后,我们对于阅读复杂句的大意已经有了了解,但缺失了修饰成分就无法准确把握句意,第二步要做的事情是将划分开的修饰成分补充到所修饰的内容上,比如,主语从句就要归到主语上,宾语从句就要归到宾语上以此类推,然后还原出句子的完整意思。刚开始做这些分析步骤的时候会觉得繁琐耗时,那是因为大家对于复杂句的分析过程仍然不熟练,只能通过步骤来抓句子大意再还原出句子完整意思,如果平时多加练习,大家便能迅速抓住主干了解句子大意,对于复杂句的理解速度和能力都会提升。雅思阅读复杂句影响大家对阅读*的理解,需要大家在平时练习中学会复杂句的分析方法并多加练习。复杂句的分析也是一个熟能生巧的过程,见得多分析得多了以后,你就会发现,其实雅思阅读复杂句一点都不复杂。雅思阅读材料:委内瑞拉油价世界0.8元/升英国一家名为This is Money的网站联合一家汽车网站对世界各国的油价分析对比后选出全球油价的十个国家,委内瑞拉以每升8便士(合人民币0.8元)的价格连续第二年居首,居民月度油费支出占月收入的2.73%。其余9个国家汽油价格由低到高分别为埃及、沙特阿拉伯、卡塔尔、巴林、利比亚、土库曼斯坦、科威特、阿尔及利亚以及伊朗。除油价以外,此次评选还对各国居民油费开支占月收入的比重进行了调查分析。结果显示,有些国家虽然油价很低,但因为居民收入普遍偏低,油费支出占月收入的比例却很高。比如,土库曼斯坦的油价仅为每升17便士,每月的油费支出约为21英镑(约合人民币212元),但因为平均月收入仅有115英镑左右,所以油费支出占到了月收入的17.79%。如果按此标准计算,卡塔尔应该为世界上油价水平的国家。福布斯杂志将卡塔尔称为世界上最富有的国家,其国民每月的税后收入达3665英镑(约合人民币37014元),而卡塔尔的油价仅为每升12便士,月度油费支出只占月收入的0.4%。Petrol prices in Britain remain a consistent sore talking point for motorists - its not surprising considering costs have almost doubled in the last 10 years.According to AA figures, the average litre of unleaded in Britain in August 2002 was 74.8p. This has rocketed to 135.52p this month. At the same time, Brent Crude oil prices have risen from an average of $28 to more than $113 now.It is clear that car owners in Britain have some of the most expensive costs when it comes to filling up their motor. But what about the flipside which countries have the cheapest unleaded?In the second exclusive annual cheapest petrol worldwide report by This is Money, alongside new and used car website Evans Halshaw, we reveal just how cheap it is to fill up a car in other areas around the world.We also compare petrol prices to wages in each country mentioned and reveal that one country spends just 0.4 percent of disposable income on petrol, while another sees motorists spend almost 20 percent of their income on filling up their car, despite the cheap fuel costs.Venezuela has taken the crown for the cheapest petrol in the world for the second year running in our annual report.Those that live in the country see cheap petrol as a birthright. An increase in prices at the pump in the late 1980s resulted in riots in Caracas and ultimately current president Hugo Chavezs political rise.It is so cheap in the country that petrol smuggling is thought to be a bigger business than drug smuggling with neighbours such as Colombia paying more than 40 times the price for petrol, you can see why.According to the statistics however, the average citizens income after tax is 354.48. This means that on average, 2.73 percent of wages are spent on filling up the motor.This is cheap compared to some of the countries we revealed have the highest petrol costs in the world.In Norway, where the price of unleaded is the most expensive 164p a litre (April 20XX) the average person spends 7.4 percent of their wage to fill up their tank.There is no doubt that Venezuelans have it good when it comes to petrol prices and how much they spend on filling up their cars, but its oil-rich nations in the Middle East that benefit from not only low petrol costs, but high wages as well.Topping the list is Qatar, where the average person spends 0.4 percent of their wage on unleaded petrol. Saudi Arabia is not far behind with 0.98 percent, while Kuwait (1.2 percent) and Bahrain (1.81 percent) also beat Venezuela.Qatar pays some of the highest wages in the world. The country, which will host the football World Cup in 2022, has a population of roughly 1.7million.According to Forbes Magazine, it is the richest nation in the world. The research has found the average take home pay after tax is a mammoth 3,664.92 monthly, while the average petrol price is 12p a litre.If you compare that to Britain in our April 20XX petrol survey, the average litre of petrol was 142p and average monthly salary after tax 1,660.52. This meant 10.3 percent of wages is spent on filling up the tank.Its not all plain sailing for countries with cheap petrol however. Turkmenistan has an average petrol price of 17p, putting it seventh of our list of cheap petrol.However, this equates to a monthly bill of 20.53 to fill up a motor and with the average monthly wage before income sitting at 115.42, it means 17.79 percent of wages are spent on petrol.This is easily the highest figure in the list and to put it into perspective, of the countries that made up the top ten expensive places for fuel, only three have higher percentage of income going on fuel bills.These are Eritrea (61.1 percent),Turkey (34.2 percent) and Greece (25.4 percent).10. IranPrice per litre: 21p Monthly cost: 25.36Income (after tax): 388.68 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 6.53 percent9. AlgeriaPrice per litre: 17p Monthly cost: 20.53Income (after tax): 173.26 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 11.85 percent8. KuwaitPrice per litre: 17p Monthly cost: 20.53Income (after tax): 1,703.98 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 1.2 percent7. TurkmenistanPrice per litre: 17p Monthly cost: 20.53Income (after tax): 115.42 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 17.79 percent6. LibyaPrice per litre: 15p Monthly cost: 18.12Income (after tax): 544.94 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 3.32 percent5. BahrainPrice per litre: 15p Monthly cost: 18.12Income (after tax): 998.19 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 1.81 percent4. QatarPrice per litre: 12p Monthly cost: 14.49Income (after tax): 3,664.92 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 0.40 percent3. Saudi ArabiaPrice per litre: 10p Monthly cost: 12.08Income (after tax): 1,234.78 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 0.98 percent2. EgyptPrice per litre: 9p Monthly cost: 10.87Income (after tax): 247.35 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 4.39 percent1. VenezuelaPrice per litre: 8p Monthly cost: 9.66Income (after tax): 354.48 Percentage of monthly income spent on petrol: 2.73 percent雅思阅读材料:英国惊现"裸体上班族"According to a British media, on May 17, passengers on the London Underground were shocked to see two handsome men and two blondes enter the subway station without clothes. The foursome, who covered their modesty with handbags and briefcases, were stripped to the buff. They looked as if they were busily going to work and nothing was out of the ordinary.5月17日,英国伦敦一家地铁站突然出现了让所有地铁乘客都惊讶万分、脸红耳热的一幕,只见两名英俊男子和两名金发女郎赤身裸体地进入地铁站,除了都用一只公文包或手提包巧妙挡住了身上最隐私的部位外,他们全身上下可说一丝不挂。他们旁若无人,看起来就好像忙着乘地铁去公司上班一样!It turned out that they were promoting a new Virgin TV series, The Naked Office, that shows how naked workers at struggling companies turning their businesses around. This absurd advertisement has caused great debates among British Internet users.原来,这4名裸体搭乘地铁的男女是为英国新电视节目秀裸体办公室进行宣传,该电视节目拍摄了一些“裸体上班”的员工如何帮助公司起死回生的故事。而这种荒唐的宣传方式在英国网民中引发剧烈的争议。2020雅思阅读复杂句影响理解