2020雅思阅读备考技巧攻略 雅思阅读是中国考生比较擅长的科目,因为阅读考试形式在国内很多英语考试中也常常出现。但是雅思阅读想要拿到高分却并不容易,下面就和大家分享雅思阅读备考技巧攻略,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读备考技巧攻略一. 雅思阅读总会遇到生词雅思阅读备考技巧第一点,我们先来说说雅思阅读中最常见的问题生词。有的同学误以为只要我背完了雅思词汇,做阅读就不会遇到生词了,这一点是不太可能的。雅思阅读中涉及范围比较宽泛,所以遇到生词的概率很大。那么如何应对呢?首相要了解遇到生词是雅思阅读的常态,不要紧张,然后再判定一下这个词汇是否影响阅读和做题,如不影响直接忽略掉,如果影响,那就结合*猜测词意。二. 提升英语阅读能力而非雅思阅读能力很多同学在备考雅思阅读的时候一味地读雅思阅读*,结果最后看到雅思阅读*就产生反感情绪。这样的练习方法是很不可取的,小站雅思君建议大家在备考雅思阅读的时候要注意提升的是英语阅读能力而非雅思阅读能力。这两者的区别在于,英语的阅读能力囊括面更广,而雅思阅读只限定在有限的范围内。雅思阅读*题材类似,内容可能会有些无聊,大家可以去读一些自己感兴趣的英语*,这样就能在轻松愉悦的氛围中提升自己的英语阅读能力。三. 掌握词汇越多做雅思阅读越容易相对于其他三个版块来说,雅思阅读更像是一场“英语词汇的较量”。当你掌握的生词足够多的时候,你的阅读速度就足够快,理解*的能力也会更强,做题速度也会更快。建议大家多读多积累生词然后要及时回顾生词。多读可以读自己感兴趣的*,这样积累词汇效率更高。四. 把握做题时间很重要雅思阅读考试中把握时间真的非常重要,一篇阅读20分钟内做完对很多同学来说都非常困难。但是小站雅思君并不建议大家一上来就做限时练习,因为刚接触雅思阅读的时候大家的阅读水平仍然有限,做限时练习不仅打击自信,还影响备考效率。打基础阶段做题不要限时,重点保证正确率,然后在练习过程中多注意提升阅读速度。基础阶段过后再开始进入限时练习,努力达到20分钟内完成一篇阅读。五. 依据原文做题而非常识雅思阅读背景知识对大家做题很有帮助,能够帮大家快速理解*,提升做题速度,但是有的同学却误以为可以根据背景知识来答题。雅思阅读做题的过程中一定要根据原文信息答题,不能靠常识或者自己臆想猜测。六. 誊写答案别出错参加雅思机考的同学不用担心这一项,因为不涉及誊写答案。参加雅思纸笔考的同学在誊写答案的时候一定要细心,不要在这个环节出错。另外,大家要注意的是,雅思阅读考试不会给大家额外的誊写时间,必须要在限定时间内完成所有题目并将答案誊写完毕。七. 别空题不会的题也不要空,雅思考试中不会因为你答错题倒扣分数,所以空题意味着一定会错,而填上答案说不定还有对的机会。雅思阅读材料:受伤松鼠寄居非洲女孩头发2个月A teenage girl from Zimbabwe is rearing an abandoned baby squirrel - in her hair. Abby Putterill, 16, says Hammy, a mopane squirrel, climbed into her tied-up hair one day and decided to stay.津巴布韦16岁女孩艾比普达鲁尔饲养了一只被遗弃的小松鼠,这个小家伙就在艾比的头发里安了家,艾比给它起名哈米。艾比说,哈米和她一见如故,一下就钻进了她绑起的头发里赖着不走了。The schoolgirl and her furry companion have been together for two months - and he is thriving. Hammy was just days old when he was found on the cold office floor of the Bally Vaughan Wildlife Sanctuary.艾比和她毛茸茸的小伙伴已经朝夕相处两个月了小家伙开始长大了。哈米被发现的时候躺在巴利野生动物保护站冷冰冰的地板上,那时它才刚出生几天。Abbys mother Debbie Putterill, who co-owns the park with husband Gordon, took the baby back to her home.艾比的母亲黛比和父亲高登共同经营这家保护站,他们首先发现了哈米并把它带回了家。To the amazement of the family, Hammy made for her daughter, climbed on to her head and snuggled in to her hair. Abby wears her hair in a loose ponytail which she usually has tied up at the back, making a wonderful home-from-home for Hammy.让这家人很意外的是,哈米径直跳到艾比身上,爬进了艾比的头发里。艾比当时像平常一样,后脑勺松松的绑了个马尾,正好适合哈米安家。Barring sleeping and showering, the squirrel and the schoolgirl are practically inseparable. Mrs Putterill said: Hes doing really well and is growing up so quickly.除了睡觉和洗澡,哈米和艾比几乎形影不离。艾比的母亲说:“小家伙生活的非常好,长得也快。”When we first found him he was lying on the concrete floor of the office. He must have fallen out of the thatched roof after being abandoned.“第一次发现哈米的时候,它在硬邦邦的地板上躺着,一定是被遗弃后从茅草屋顶上掉了下来。”If we hadnt taken him in he would have died because he was only around ten days old.“如果不是我们发现了它,它可能已经死了,毕竟它才出生10天左右。”The youngster was nursed back to health on a diet of baby formula and cereal, regaining his strength and quickly becoming a member of the family.哈米靠着婴儿配方奶粉和麦片恢复了健康,成为了艾比家庭中的一员。Mrs Putterill added: When he was tiny he refused to sleep anywhere else but on the palm of your hand but as he got older he started treating us like trees, burrowing under our clothes.艾比的母亲补充道:“一开始,小哈米愿意睡觉的地方只有手掌,长大一点后,它就把我们当成树了,成天往衣服里钻。”Weve never had a squirrel do this before and its really quite funny to see but hes happy enough to lie there and watch the world go by.“我们从来没遇到过这样的松鼠,不过也确实很有趣。躺在艾比的头发里,它很开心,也能看到周围的世界。”雅思阅读材料:英国超辣汉堡致5人住院Diners are being asked to sign a waiver before eating a fiery chilli burger - after it put five people in hospital.英国一餐厅推出的热辣汉堡已导致5人住院,现在再想吃这款“变态辣”汉堡要先签署免责声明。The X.X.X Hot Chilli Burger - dubbed the hottest dish in Britain - is served to over 18s only at Burger Off in Sussex.这款被称为英国最辣的热辣汉堡,是苏塞克斯郡汉堡店Burger Off 的料理,仅卖给18岁以上的成年人。It is topped with chilli sauce worth a staggering 9.2million on the Scoville scale - a measure of the hotness of foods. In contrast, the average chilli pepper comes in at just 500 Scoville Heat Units.热辣汉堡涂有“史高维尔辣度指标”920万的辣椒酱。“史高维尔辣度指标”是测量食物辣度的指标,普通辣椒指数仅500。One diner was taken to hospital with a suspected perforated bowel after eating the spicy dish, while four others were admitted for treatment on the same night for suspected anaphylactic shock.一位顾客在吃了这款热辣汉堡后疑似因肠穿孔被送往医院救治,当晚还有4位顾客疑似过敏休克入院。Now, restaurant owner Nick Gambardella is asking customers to sign a legal disclaimer that prevents them from suing him if they fall victim to the red-hot burger.汉堡店老板尼克甘巴德拉为避免顾客用餐后出现不良反应起诉自己,要求顾客只有在签署了法律免责声明后方可尝试此热辣汉堡。The document reads: I the undersigned accept all responsibility for any effects incured due to the consumtion of the above mentioned X.X.X Hot Chilli Burger and release Burger Off, its owner and staff from any liability.声明中写道:“我签署同意,在Burger Off食用热辣汉堡所带来的一切后果责任由我个人承担,餐厅和餐厅老板、服务员免责。”Mr Gambardella, 55, said he was amazed that he was allowed to sell such a spicy burger - adding: It has been a massive hit with the customers.55岁的甘巴德拉说自己也很吃惊,居然得到了销售此款热辣汉堡的许可证,他补充道:“这在顾客中反响很大”。I have to admit Ive not dared to try one of these burgers myself as they are so spicy, he said. One guy came in and he was just a little bit cocky and when he left he was admitted to hospital because prior to eating the burger he had a stomach ulcerand we believe it perforated his bowel. He wasnt in a good way but he pulled through.“不得不承认,连我自己都不敢尝试这款热辣汉堡,因为它真的太辣了。”他说,“有位客人进店的时候还自以为是,但是离开的时候就直接入院了。在吃热辣汉堡之前这家伙就有胃溃疡,我们觉得在吃了汉堡之后他可能肠穿孔了。他还没有完全康复,但目前已经度过了危险期。”The burger, which is on sale for only 3.90, features sauce based on a Piri Piri chilli concentrate, created through steaming and later infused with carbon dioxide.这款热辣汉堡售价仅3.9英镑(约合人民币39元),其特色在于添加其中的皮尔皮尔辣椒酱,这种辣椒酱的制作方法是先气蒸后注入二氧化碳。So far, only 59 out of 3,000 challengers have succeeded in eating the entire dish. Many of the burgers conquerors have taken to Twitter and The Burger Off Facebook page to spread the word of their victory.截至目前,3000名挑战者仅有59位成功吃完整个汉堡。许多挑战成功者在推特和Burger Off餐厅的脸书页面上炫耀自己的胜利。Mr Gambardella said the burger had caused customers to adopt a number of undignified coping mechanisms, including stripping naked, begging for mercy, punching windows and vomiting.甘巴德拉说,顾客在吃热辣汉堡时言行举止十分不雅,有的大脱衣服、有的跪地求饶、还有的捶窗呕吐。It has also left many diners suffering from anaphylactic shock - a severe allergic reaction that can cause swelling, rashes and difficulty breathing.大量顾客吃了热辣汉堡后过敏性休克,这种严重的过敏反应会导致肿胀、发疹和呼吸困难。The burgers are cooked properly - its the sauce that is maybe too hot to handle, said Mr Gambardella.甘巴德拉说:“其实汉堡烹饪是合理的。热辣汉堡这么辣,都是辣酱惹的祸。”2020雅思阅读备考技巧攻略