2020年托福口语评分标准 对于托福口语部分的评分相信大家都比较好奇,作为托福四个考试部分中主要使用真人进行评分的两个部分之一,口语成绩到底是如何算出来的呢?下面就和大家分享解读托福口语评分标准,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。解读托福口语评分标准托福口语评分流程具体介绍首先,在托福考试中,判分员分为E-Rater和Human-Rater。E-Rater即机器判分,比如我们的托福阅读和听力部分,包括写作也会用E-Rater先粗判一下基本的拼写和语法方面。Human-Rater则是主要负责口语部分和写作更高层级的判分工作。判分员*于不同的岗位,比如大学教授、国际学校教师、美国高等院校考试测评专业的学生等。在经过了笔试、面试和严格的筛选培训流程后才能上岗。然后分配到具体的某个科目专人专项进行判分。以托福口语为例,每个评分员开始判分工作之前都需要完成当日校准。即他们会被要求给一些“预置答案”判分,这些答案都是由资深判分小组提前定义好了分数,用来检测当日判分员是否能达到准确判分的要求。只有通过了才会被分配真实考生的答案并进行判分。在当天的真实考试判分过程中,系统还会给他们随机分配这样的“预置答案”,以便监控全天判分过程中的准确度。在我们的考试结束后,考生的口语部分录音回答将被送到 ETS总部,由 3 到 6 位经认证的评分员按照 0 到 4 的评分标准(五个整数分数段)进行全面评分。判分员在进行判分时,判分系统上会有4、3、2、1、0各个档位的标准答案,供判分员参考以便矫正自己判分的准确度。若判分标答参考不足以帮助判分员界定分数,他们可以申请组长来帮助自己完成判分。最终六道口语题的分数加在一起(0-24分),取算数平均值(0-4分之间,但会出现小数点后0/.83/.66/.50/.33/.16六种不同情况)根据转换表,来转换为0-30分的总分。托福口语评分分数对照表格一览SpeakingRubricMeanAverageScaledScore4303.83293.66283.5273.33263.16243232.83222.66202.5192.33182.16172151.83141.66131.5111.33101.169180.8360.6650.540.3330.16201托福口语评分公平科学还有复议流程ETS还会定期对判分员进行数据抽查,以保证考生能够获得公平科学的成绩。不合格的判分员会被回炉重造甚至辞退。总而言之,ETS是个做事严谨的机构,我们所有考生要认真对待自己的分数,对于“复议”也不能抱有太多侥幸心理。当然,如果考生特别自信地认为自己的答案被误判了,那还是应该勇敢地选择复议。托福口语范文:校园里最感兴趣的活动题目Which of the following volunteering activities inside the campus is the one you are most interested in?-planting flowers-picking garbage and plastic in the campus-paintingSample ResponseGiven the choice, I would be most interested in doing painting as a volunteer on campus.I think painting is the best use of my skills because I am very good at it. I had a part-time job over the summer helping paint houses, so I can do a professional job. It makes sense for me to volunteer at something I do better than other students.I also like the idea of painting because it is a permanent change to the campus. My contributions can be enjoyed by students for years to come. My painting can make the campus a more beautiful place.For these reasons, I would most enjoy volunteering as a painter for my college.托福口语范文:租房子时最重要的因素题目When going to college, which do you think is the most important factor to consider when looking for an apartment?-Friendliness of roommates-Near stores and restaurants-Size of the roomSample ResponseThe most important factor for a college apartment is the people I live with. If they arent friendly, my college experience will be miserable.First, agreeable roommates make everyday activities more pleasant. For example, if I am studying or sleeping and ask the person to turn the radio down, the person will so I can get my schoolwork done.Also, friendly roommates can help when I have problems. For example, they might answer homework questions or share things I need. It is good to have someone close I can count on.Because they affect me in many ways, friendly roommates are very important when finding a college apartment.托福口语评分