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    2020儿童英语故事5篇 成语故事文化是中国最古老的文化现象之一,它以简洁的词语反映着社会生活的各个方面,下面就和大家分享英语故事,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。英语故事篇一Change Files to the MoonHouyi, seeking perpetual youth, obtained the elixir of immortality from Queen Mother of the West who lived in the Kunlun Mountains. Returning to his palace, he confided the good news to his wife Change, a lady graceful of carriage and unparalleled of beauty, very much loved by her husband.One day, when Houyi was out, Change secretly swallowed the potion in the hope that she would become immortal. The result was quite unexpected: she felt herself becoming light, so light that she flew up in spite of herself, drifting and floating in the air, until she reached the palace of the moon.She is regarded by later generations as the goddess of the moon.This beautiful story has always been liked by the Chinese and provides a favourite allusion for poets and writers.Chairman Mao Zedongs poem in memory of his martyred wife Yang Kaihui has these well-known lines:The lonely moon goddess spreads her ample sleevesTo dance for these loyal souls in infinite space.Here, in the Chinese original, the name Change is used instead of "moon goddess".The figure of Change, a beauty dressed in the elegant garments of a bygone age floating towards the moon, naturally supplies unending inspiration for painters and sculptors.英语故事篇二An Unrequired KindnessThe fable the Wolf of Zhongshan has been attributed to various authors of the Tang, Song and Ming dynasties, but the happenings are simple and consistent. It runs as follows:Master Dongguo, a pedantic teacher and follower of Mohism, was ready to help anyone in distress, whosoever he might be and regardless of the circumstances. One day on a journey through the Zhongshan Mountain, he came across a wounded wolf being pursued by the hunting party of the Viscount Zhao Jianzi. At bay, the wolf glibly and fawningly begged the master to help him. The old man saw a chance to act on the Mohist doctrine of "universal fraternity". At the risk of incurring the displeasure of the nobleman, he took the books out of his travelling bag and put the wolf in. When the Viscount came along and enquired if he had seen a wolf in flight, Master Dongguo lied, saying that he had noticed nothing unusual. The hunters galloped on.However, when the wolf was let out of the bag, he showed his true features. He said he was hungry; since the master was so kind as to have helped him once, he might as well do it again by allowing himself to be eaten. Furthermore, he bad been nearly suffocated in that beg a little while before, and that gave him another reason to avenge himself on the poor master. Now it was Master Dongguos turn to take to his heels.英语故事篇三Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams, trees and lots of little animals, scurrying about enjoying their lives.The baby eagle liked the nest. It was the only world he had ever known. It was warm and comfortable, had a great view, and even better, he had all the food and love and attention that a great mother eagle could provide. Many times each day the mother would swoop down from the sky and land in the nest and feed the baby eagle delicious morsels of food. She was like a god to him, he had no idea where she came from or how she worked her magic.The baby eagle was hungry all the time, but the mother eagle would always come just in time with the food and love and attention he craved. The baby eagle grew strong. His vision grew very sharp. He felt good all the time.Until one day, the mother stopped coming to the nest.英语故事篇四The Fox and the GrasshopperA grasshopper sat chirping in the branches of a tree. A fox hear her, and, thinking what a dainty morsel she would make, he tried to get her down by a trick. Standing below in full view of her, he praised her song in the most flattering terms, and begged her to descend, saying he would like to make the acquaintance of the owner of so beautiful a voice. But she was not to be taken in, and replied, "You are very much mistaken, my dear sir, if you imagine I am going to come down: I keep well out of the way of you and your kind ever since the day when I saw numbers of grasshoppers wings strewn about the entrance to a foxs earth."一只蚂蚱坐在树枝上叽叽喳喳地鸣叫唱。一只狐狸听到她的叫声,心想这可是一顿美餐呀,便想出了一个诡计诱使蚂蚱下来。他站在树下一个完全能看见蚂蚱的地方,用尽各种方法赞美蚂蚱的歌声悦耳动听,并劝蚂蚱下来,想要看一看是什么样的动物才能发出如此悦耳的声音。可是,蚂蚱识破了他的诡计,回答说:“喂,若是你以为我会飞下来,那就大错特错了。自从那天见到狐狸的洞口四周散布着无数蚂蚱的翅膀之后,我就开始警惕着你和你的同类了。”英语故事篇五The Ass and the Dog 驴和狗An ass and a dog were on their travels together, and, as they went along, they found a sealed packet lying on the ground. The ass picked it up. Broke the seal, and found it contained some writing, which he proceeded to read out aloud to the dog. As he read on it turned out to be all about grass and barley and hay-in short, all the kinds of fodder that asses are fond of. The dog was a good deal bored with listening to all this, till at last his impatience got the better of him, and he cried, "Just skip a few pages, friend, and see if there isnt something about meat and bones." The ass glanced all through the packet, but fund nothing of the sort, and said so. Then the Dog said in disgust, "Oh, throw it away, do: whats the good of a thing like that?"一头驴和一只狗一起外出旅行,走了一段路后,他们发现地上有一封密封好的信。驴捡起来,撕开封印,发现上面有写好的字,便大声读给狗听。可是,信里提到的几乎全是干草、大麦和糠麸之类驴喜欢的东西。听到这些内容,狗觉得很无聊,终于不耐烦地对驴喊道:“赶紧跳过这些内容,朋友,看看,看看下面有没有提到肉和骨头之类的东西。”驴浏览了一下信的全部内容,没有发现任何狗所想要的东西,就如实说了。然后,狗就带着厌恶的表情说:“把它扔了吧,朋友,这封信有什么意思呀?”2020儿童英语故事5篇


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