超声波的概念与书语及超声波流量计测量的原理PT878液体超声波流量计的组成PT878液体超声波流量计安装考虑因素PT878液体超声波流量计的故障判断PT878液体超声波流量计的操作,超声波的概念与书语,频率:次声波 0 to 20 Hz声波 20 Hz to 20 kHz(Human hearing)超声波 20 kHz,超声波的概念,传感器工作原理,传感器电能 机械能机械能 电能压电晶体的变化每个传感器能发射和接受,发射,接收,超声波流量计原理:时差法,传感器既发送信号又接收 信号,tup=超声波被流体减速,tdn=超声波被流体加速,声信号传播时间逆流传播,tup顺流传播,tdn,超声波流量计原理:时差法,夹装式传感器,折射原理 Snells Law,c1=传感器内传播速度c2=管壁的传播速度c3=流体内的传播速度S=传感器的间距,c1,1,c2,2,3,c3,L,S,W.T.,Classic“clamp-on”approach,PT878液体超声波流量计的组成1,主机传感器信号线充电器红外线转RS232测厚探头偶合剂仪器包,PT878液体超声波流量计的组成2,1.OKS传感器夹具2.CRS和CPT传感器夹具3.CF-LP传感器夹具,所配传感器的特性及用途,传感器选用原则,1.温度要求.2.信号要求.导声较差的介质和大的管道选择低频探头.3.精度要求.频率越高精度越高.2寸以下一般用CF-LP探头.,管道要求,1.直管段要求:前10后5.即在传感器安装位置前10倍直径长度和后5倍的直径长度无弯头,阀门等引起流体扰动的装置.2.准确测量管经外径周长或直径.3.确定管道材质和壁厚及接触温度.4.确定是否有内衬及种类和厚度.,介质要求,1.已列出的介质直接选择2.未列出的介质需输入声速或选择跟踪窗口测试3.确定声速的目的是在窗口中央将信号检出.,安装方式,1.根据管道大小和信号强度选择安装方式A.单声程:大管道和复杂应用B:双声程:首选方式,安装简单.C:多声程:小管道,信号特强.安装位置:水平管道 3点和9点位置 垂直管道必须是介质向上流,测量管道的直径和壁厚,一般在传感器安装位置测量五个直径,平均值用超声波测厚仪测量八个点的厚度,取平均值,单声程传感器的安装(侧视),单声程传感器的安装(侧视),单声程传感器的安装(侧视),单声程传感器的安装(侧视),单声程传感器的安装(俯视),单声程传感器的安装(俯视),双声程传感器的安装(侧视),双声程传感器的安装(侧视),双声程传感器的安装(侧视),双声程传感器的安装(俯视),双声程传感器的安装(俯视),传感器的安装,传感器的安装,校准,1.标定后输入校验系数2.雷诺数修正.Re=雷诺数#V=流体流速ID=内径=运动粘度(ft2/sec or m2/sec),进行信号诊断,介质充满管道后需检测的参数和信号流向是否正常信号强度SSup;SSdn 声速SNSP波型等根据诊断参数调整有关输入参数得到准确结果,进行信号诊断,信号强度SSup;SSdn 50-55偏低可能不稳定55-60 低一点,可以接受60-65 好65-75 非常好75-99 信号饱和,分辨率可能降低0.电缆线开路100.控制器故障声速SNSP应在合理范围内.如水1500m/s左右,进行信号诊断,错误代码E0:无错误E1:信号太低E2:声速错误E3:流速超出范围E4:信号质量太差E5:流速变化太大,FeaturesLarge,Backlit LCDSimplified KeypadGraphical User Interface(GUI)Faster Update RateImproved Peak DetectionLarger,more powerful Data LoggerXML-format Site FilesFlash memory Simple Upgrades,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,IrDA-compatible wireless data transferUp to 11 hours run time per charge,LCD Display240 x 200 resolutionRoom for 1 to 4 measurementsLarge signal waveform displaysWhite EL Backlight,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,LCD Display240 x 200 resolutionRoom for 1 to 4 measurementsLarge signal waveform displaysWhite EL Backlight,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,KeypadRubberized keysClick actionSimple universal layoutSoft Function Keys,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Graphical UserInterface(GUI)Keeps related information togetherAll choices visible at the same time,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,GUI ControlsMenusRelated items grouped togetherUse to move through choicesUse to change menusPress Enter to select,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,GUI ControlsTabsQuick access to related formsUse to select formPress Enter to open the form,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,GUI ControlsButtonsSelects between mutually exclusive choicesUse to select buttonPress Enter to activate,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,GUI ControlsListsChoose from all applicable settingsUse to move one itemUse to scroll the list,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,GUI ControlsNumeric EntryPress Enter to begin entering digitsPress to erase a digitPress Esc to cancel and restore original valuePress Enter to accept the new value,Values can be entered or displayed in either Metric or English units without having to change meter defaults,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,GUI ControlsCheck BoxesUsed to turn an option:On Off Press Enter to toggle,GUI ControlsFunction KeysChange according to form or menu activePress F1,F2,or F3 to select,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,GUI ControlsLocale-SpecificChange date,time,and decimal formats for local custom:MM/DD/YYYYDD-MM-YYYYYYYY-MM-DD11:59 PM23:59123.45123,45,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Data Logger1 Megabyte storage 100,000 recordsFrom 1 to 12 items per logMultiple logs can run simultaneouslyLog interval from 1 second to 99 minutesProgrammable Start and End Date/TimeCyclic LogsError logs,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Flash MemoryInstall new program in minutes over IRNo EPROMs to change,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,IrDA-Compatible WirelessCommunicationsInfrared data transferUp to 115KbpsUp to 1 meter rangeDrag&Drop file transfersAutomaticNo settingsNo cable adapters required,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,BatteryNiMH rechargeable9 to11 hour run time(longer than NiCd)6 hour rechargeNone of the memory problems associated with NiCdFewer charge cycles than NiCdNiCd performs better in cold NiCd or disposable AA alkaline cells can be used instead of NiMH,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,BatteryContinuous battery level gaugeSimple icon indicates chargeUniversal charger 100-250VAC,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,BatteryRun time up to 11 hours,depending on features selected.Run time is reduced by:Prolonged use of the backlightLoop-powered 4-20mA transmittersHigh resistance loads on 4-20mA outputRun time is increased by:Using Sleep mode,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,EnvironmentalMeets IP67 ratingWithstands submersion in waterDurable polymer bootPrevents damage if droppedIntegrated wire stand,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Meter SetupSelect UnitsSelect TransducerSelect PipeSelect LiningSelect FluidAdjust PathCorrection FactorsSave to a Site,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Select UnitsThe PT878 can default to either Metric or English units.From the Meter menu,select Units.Press OK to use the new settings.,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Select TransducerSelect Wetted or Clamp-onChoose Transducer from ListList only shows applicable transducersAll parameters filled in automaticallyChoose SPECIAL to enter customer parametersAllows each parameter to be specified,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Select PipeSelect Pipe Material from ListPipe Sound Speed automatically filled inSelect OTHER for unlisted materialEnter Sound SpeedEnter DimensionsOuter Diameter(OD)or Circumference(ODxPI)Wall thickness,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Select PipeIf pipe material has a schedule,ID can be used to automatically enter dimensions.Uses ANSI(English)or DIN(metric)schedule.Schedule Materials:Stainless SteelCarbon SteelCast IronPVCCPVC,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Select LiningChoose lining material from list,or Other to specifyLining option is not available when using Wetted transducers,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Select FluidEnable/Disable Tracking WindowsUse for fluids with unknown or highly variable sound speedSpecify minimum and maximum soundspeedChoose fluid from list or Other for unlisted fluidIf fluid not listed,specify the nominal soundspeed only,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Select FluidFor Energy applications with water as fluid,specify the%Glycol concentration,Adjust PathFor clamp-on,Path length P and Axial length L are automatically calculated.Select the number of traverses.Spacing is automatically recalculated.Spacing can be changed by entering a new value.,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Finish UpYour changes will not take effect until you:Press OK to keep all changesPress CANCEL to discard all changes,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Correction FactorsReynolds CorrectionUse a single value for Kinetic Viscosity(K/V).Table option is not available,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Correction FactorsK-Factor CorrectionUse a single value for K-Factor multiplierUse a Table to relate K-Factor to another measure.Only Velocity can be used to interpolate the K-Factor.,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Save to a Site FileTo keep the new settings,you must save them to a Site File:Choose Save Now to replace the settings in the current site.Choose Manager to create a new site.,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Site ManagerUse the Site Manager to:Save settings to a new site.Use and existing site.Delete sites.Rename sites.Print or Transfer sites.,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Site ManagerOpen the Site Manager menu by pressing Menu,Enter.Choose Save As to name the site and store it.,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Site ManagerEnter a file name of up to 8 characters:Use arrows to move around the grid.Press Enter to select the character.Use Delete to erase a character.Press OK when done.,Hint:A descriptive Site Message can be entered from the Site Menu,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,Site FilesUp to 32 sites stored in PT878Can be transferred to/from PC for unlimited capacitySoftware versions need to match to ensure compatibilityXML*FormatFiles print as shown hereSome outputs are codedSet-ups are best viewed through a meterSite Files should not be edited with a PC or laptop,*eXtensible Markup Language,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,DiagnosticsDisplay all Diagnostics SimultaneouslySelect“Diagnostics”in the Service MenuPress Enter,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,DiagnosticsAll Diagnostics viewed simultaneouslyEasy and efficient analysis,PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,NoteThe above presentation reflects PT878 Instrument Program INST.001.J and ECO 4958New functionality and capabilitiesMinor changes in menusAll meters with serial#1294 and above will include these modificationsMeters with serial#1293 and lower can be upgraded(consult the factory),PT878 Ultrasonic Flowmeter,谢谢你的阅读,知识就是财富丰富你的人生,