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    高三定语从句复习公开课 )课件.ppt

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    高三定语从句复习公开课 )课件.ppt

    高三定语从句复习公开课),定语从句在高考中的考点及运用,语法填空:填写正确的关系词写 作:运用定语从句,增加文章亮 点,提高文章档次。,基础知识回顾:关系词及其意义,指代人 指代事物 所属关系 指地点 指时间 指原因,who,whom,that,aswhich,that,aswhosewhere(=介词+which)when(=介词+which)why(=for+which),归纳总结,如何选用关系词,1.分清主句和从句2.确定定语从句的先行词3判断先行词在定语从句中做什么成分(主语,宾语,定语或状语)4.若先行词在从句中做主语、宾语或定语则选择关系代词,若在从句中做状语则选择关系副词。,1.指物时只用that 或which 的情况2.介词+关系代词3.关系代词与关系副词的选用4.as的使用,定语从句考点难点归纳:,1.Do you have anything _ you dont understand?2.These are all the pictures _ I have seen.3.Fear is the only thing _ holds you back.4.The last place _ we visited was the Great Wall.5.Jim passed the driving test,_ surprised everybody in the office.6.He talked happily about the men and books _ interested him greatly in the school.7.The day on _ he was born was Aug.20,1952.,that,that,which,考点难点 1:that&which,that,that,that,which,Summing up 1:关系代词只用that的常见情况?Summing up 2:关系代词只用which的常见情况?,大家学习辛苦了,还是要坚持,继续保持安静,1.Do you have anything that you dont understand?2.These are all the pictures that I have seen.3.Fear is the only thing that holds you back.4.The last place that we visited was the Great Wall.5.He talked happily about the men and books that interested him greatly in the school.,Summing up:关系代词只用that的常见情况先行词为指物的anything,something,nothing,everything等不定代词时。2.先行词被all,little,few,any,every,no等修饰时。3.先行词被序数词,最高级,the very,the only,the last,the next 等修饰时。4.先行词包括人和物时。,考点难点 1:that&which,1.Jim passed the driving test,which surprised everybody in the office.2.The day on which he was born was Aug.20,1952.,Summing up:关系代词指物时只用which的情况1.在非限制性定语从句中。2.指物,介词后。,考点难点 1:that&which,1.Is this the house _ _ Shakespeare was born?2.I still remember the day _ _ I first got to Paris.3.China is a beautiful country _ _ we are proud.4.He gave me some novels _ _ I am not very familiar.,in which,on which,of which,with which,考点难点 2:介词关系词,Summing up:确定介词的方法:,1.与先行词的搭配2.与从句中动词的搭配,1.Ill never forget the day _ we met.2.Ill never forget the day _ we spent together.3.I went to the place _ I worked ten years ago.4.I went to the place _ I visited ten years ago.5.This is the reason _ he was late.6.This is the reason _ he gave.,when,that/which,where,that/which,why,that/which,Summing up:关系代词:在从句中做主语或宾语关系副词:在从句中做状语,考点难点3:关系代词与关系副词的选用,当先行词是表示时间、地点或原因的词语时,不一定填关系副词when,where,why,只有当这些词在定语从句中作状语时,才会用关系副词,否则要用关系代词。关系代词和关系副词的判定最终取决于它们在从句中的成分!,1._(正如俗语所说),“God help those who help themselves.”2._(数据显示),more and more children are getting short-sighted.3._(众所周知),the moon travels round the earth once every month.,As the saying goes,As the data shows,As is known to all/As we all know,考点难点 4:as,定语从句的运用,语法填空基础写作,1.He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an elder _ had been his teacher.(2010广东)2.Behind him were other people to _ he was trying to talk.(2011广东)3.Of course,whenever they turned to look at him,they had to look at Mary,_ made her feel like a star.(2012广东)4.Nicks guests,_ had heard their conversation,asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could.(2013广东)5.His wish was to have a farm _ he could go swimming in an endless river instead of the garden pool in their home.(周考13),考题回顾:,whom,which,where,who,who/that,语法填空,Isaac Asimov was an American scientist and writer 1._wrote around 480 books,2._included mystery stories and history books.But his best known work was his science fiction stories.Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination 3._ gave him the ability to explore future worlds and an amazing mind with 4._ he searched for explanations of everything in the present and the past.,which,who,which/taht,which,Asimovs life began in Russia 5._ he was born in 1920.It ended in New York in 1992 6._ he died as a result of an HIV infection 7._ he had got from a blood transfusion nine years earlier.8._ Asimov was three,he moved to New York with his family.There his parents bought a candy store 9._ they ran for the next 40 or so years.Isaac started working in the candy store 10._ his mother was pregnant with her third child,.,where,when,which/that,when,which/that,when,1.Kate,我的同学,她妈妈是我以前的英语老师;(former)2.Kate是一个容易相处的女该,我们都喜欢她;(be easy to do)3.Kate在上周英语演讲比赛中获得第一名,这使她妈妈很高兴;(take the first place,contest)4.因此,她妈妈决定在1月1日,她生日的时候带她去香港;5.众所周知,香港是一个购物天堂,Kate打算买她需要的东西。(paradise,intend to do),连句成篇(尽可能多地使用定语从句),写作训练,1.Kate,我的同学,她妈妈是我以前的英语老师(former)I have a classmate Kate,whose mother is my former English teacher.,2.Kate是一个容易相处的女该,我们都喜欢她。(be easy to do)Kate is a girl who is easy to get along with and we all like her.,3.Kate在上周英语演讲比赛中获得第一名,她妈妈很高兴。(take the first place,contest)She took the first place in the English Speech Contest last week,which made her mother happy.,4.因此,她妈妈决定在1月1日,她生日的时候带她去香港。Therefore,her mother decides to take her to Hong Kong on 1st Jan.,which is her birthday.,5.众所周知,香港是一个购物天堂,Kate打算买她需要的东西。(paradise,intend to do)As we all know,Hong Kong is a shopping paradise,where Kate intends to buy what she needs.,I have a classmate Kate,whose mother is my former English teacher.Kate is a girl who is easy to get along with and we all like her.She took the first place in the English Speech Contest last week,which made her mother happy.Therefore,her mother decides to take her to Hong Kong on on 1st May which is her birthday.As we all know,Hong Kong is a shopping paradise,where Kate intends to buy what she needs.,以下是一则关于中国政府决定禁烟的报道的主要内容内 容:公共场所禁烟实施时间:2011年1月1日起实施范围:全国目 标:所有室内公共场所无烟措 施:张贴禁烟标志相关数据:(1)吸烟人数:约3.5亿(2)分 布:男性75;女性:25(3)受二手烟影响人数:约5.4亿(4)因二手烟死亡人数:超过10万/年,2010广东高考基础写作,走进高考,Thank you,There is something about our school _(1)_ you may be interested in.Our school is a wonderful place,_(2)_ we can see a lot of beautiful buildings and beside _(3)_ lies Cunjin Park.It was founded in 1937,_(4)_ there were only 2 buildings _(5)_ teachers and students had classes and lived.Nowadays,there are more than 400 teachers and 6000 students,all of _(6)_ get along well with each other.All teachers and students here work hard,as a result of _(7)_,we have done a good job in the College Entrance Exam,_(8)_ may be the reason _(9)_ junior graduates put our school as their first choice.Besides,we can take part in such activities as Red May,from _(10)_ we can learn a lot.,There is something about our school _(1)_ you may be interested in.Our school is a wonderful place,_(2)_ we can see a lot of beautiful buildings and beside _(3)_ lies Cunjin Park.It was founded in 1937,_(4)_ there were only 2 buildings _(5)_ teachers and students had classes and lived.Nowadays,there are more than 400 teachers and 6000 students,all of _(6)_ get along well with each other.All teachers and students here work hard,as a result of _(7)_,we have done a good job in the College Entrance Exam,_(8)_ may be the reason _(9)_ junior graduates put our school as their first choice.Besides,we can take part in such activities as Red May,from _(10)_ we can learn a lot.,that,where,which,when,where,whom,which,which,why,which,定语从句的运用,语法填空基础写作,以下是一则关于中国政府决定禁烟的报道的主要内容内 容:公共场所禁烟实施时间:2011年1月1日起实施范围:全国目 标:所有室内公共场所无烟措 施:张贴禁烟标志相关数据:(1)吸烟人数:约3.5亿(2)分 布:男性75;女性:25(3)受二手烟影响人数:约5.4亿(4)因二手烟死亡人数:超过10万/年,Practice 1(2010广东),The decision,_ aims to make all indoor public places smoke-free,will be carried out from Jan.1st,2011.,(决定的)实施时间:2011年1月1日起(决定的)目标:所有室内公共场所无烟,The decision will be carried out from Jan.1st,2011.The decision aims to make all indoor public places smoke-free.,which,吸烟人数:约3.5亿分 布:男性75;女性:25,Currently China has about 350 million smokers,among whom 75%are men and 25%are women.Or:Currently China has about 350 million smokers,75%of whom are men and 25%are women.,Currently China has about 350 million smokers.Among these smokers 75%are men and 25%are women.,受二手烟影响人数:约5.4亿因二手烟死亡人数:超过10万/年,Around 540 million people are affected by second-hand smoke,which causes 100,000 deaths per year.,Around 540 million people are affected by second-hand smoke.The second-hand smoke causes 100,000 deaths per year.,根据下列内容,写一篇五句话的文章介绍中国。面积:960万平方公里,是世界第三大国民族:56个民族,其中汉族(the Han Ethnic Group)是最大的一个,占94%河流:许多大河流,其中最重要的河流有长江、黄河经济状况:曾经落后于世界许多国家,但随着经济的增长,中国人被歧视的日子一去不复返,所有中国人都为此感到自豪。,Practice 2,1.众所周知,中国有960万平方公里的土地,是世界第三大国。2.中国有56个民族,其中汉族(the Han Ethnic Group)是最大的一个,占94%。3.中国有许多大河流,其中长江、黄河是最重要 的河流。4.曾有一段时间,中国的经济落后于世界许多 国家。5.随着经济的增长,中国人被歧视的日子一去 不复返,所有中国人都为此感到自豪。,【5个句子】,*Group work:根据写作内容,构思正确的定语从句。,1.众所周知,中国有960万平方公里的土地,是世界第三大国.As is known to all,China,with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers,is the third largest country in the world.,2.中国有56个民族,其中汉族(the Han Ethnic Group)是最大的一个,占94%。China has 56 peoples,among which the Han Ethnic Group is the largest,making up 94%of the whole.,3.中国有许多大河流,其中长江、黄河是最重要的河流。There are many big rivers in China,the most important of which are the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.,4.曾有一段时间,中国的经济落后于世界许多国家。There was a time when Chinas economy was far behind many other countries in the world.,5.随着经济的增长,中国人被歧视的日子一去不复返,所有中国人都为此感到自豪.With the development of economy,the days are gone when the Chinese people were looked down upon,which all Chinese are proud of.,As is known to all,China,with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers,is the third largest country in the world.China has 56 peoples,among which the Han Ethnic Group is the largest,making up 94%of the whole.Besides,there are many big rivers in China,the most important of which are the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.There was a time when Chinas economy was far behind many other countries in the world.However,with the development of economy,the days are gone when the Chinese people were looked down upon,which all Chinese are proud of.,1.She is such a good teacher _ we all like.2.She is such a good teacher _ we all like her.3.It is so hard a problem _ no one can work out.4.It is so hard a problem _ no one can work it out.5.She is wearing the same hat _ you wore yesterday.6.She is wearing the same hat _ she wore yesterday.,as,as,as,that,Summing up:,考点难点 4:as,that,that,suchassoasthe same as/that,定语从句,


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