柳宗元(773年819年),字子厚,世称“柳河东”,因官终柳州刺史,又称“柳柳州”。汉族,祖籍河东(今山西省.永济市)。柳宗元像唐代文学家、哲学家、散文家和思想家,与韩愈共同倡导唐代古文运动,并称为“韩柳”。与刘禹锡并称“刘柳”。与王维、孟浩然、韦应物并称“王孟韦柳”。与唐代的韩愈、宋代的欧阳修、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙、王安石和曾巩,并称为“唐宋八大家”。,柳,Liu was born in family,few just name it,as early as ambitious.Liu zongyuan life leave more than 600 prose works,the article achievement papers than poetry.Pianwen is nearly 100 articles,essays shenbao strong sex,writing is sharp and ironic spicy.Travel strings,more than chronologically sustenance.Philosophical works and said days feudal theory,etc.Liu zongyuans works of the tang dynasty,liu yuxi conserved and plait sets.LiuHe east set,liu zongyuan gathering,柳宗元出身于 官宦家庭,少有才名,早有大志.柳宗元一生留诗文作品达600余篇,其文的成就大于诗。骈文有近百篇,散文论说性强,笔锋犀利,讽刺辛辣。游记写景状物,多所寄托。哲学著作有天说天对封建论等。柳宗元的作品由唐代刘禹锡保存下来,并编成集。有柳河东集柳宗元集,Liu zongyuan although live less than 50 years old,but in literature in creating a glorious performance in poetry,prose style,and travel,fables,novels,essays and literary theory,all have made outstanding contributions.Liu zongyuan attention article content,advocate writing md think dao shall be given to the kingdom for people favor,practical and feasible.He focused on the social function of literature,emphasize text must be beneficial to the world.,柳宗元虽然活了不到50岁,却在文学上创造了光辉的业绩,在诗歌、辞赋、散文、游记、寓言、小说、杂文以及文学理论诸方面,都做出了突出的贡献。柳宗元重视文章的内容,主张文以明道,认为“道”应于国于民有利,切实可行。他注重文学的社会功能,强调文须有益于世。,He has been applied in many achievement,诗歌教育游记古文论说寓言,Poetry,Ancient,Satire,Fable,Travel,education,He has powerful ability,he spent his whole life,wrote many excellent works.And were still in the study of his works.This is not because of his poem for us,but his work,give us is a kind of experience,an appreciation.,他拥有超强的才能,他用他的一生,写出了许多优秀的作品。而我们现在依旧在学习他的作品。这不是因为他的诗适合我们,而是他的作品,给我们的是一种体验,一种欣赏。,