英文版我最喜欢的女演员介绍ppt之安妮 海瑟薇课件.ppt
,Anne Hathaway,-One of the most beautiful women in the world,Biography(个人简介)Hathaway was born in Brooklyn,New York.Her father,is a lawyer,and her mother,Kathleen Ann,is an actress who inspired Hathaway to follow in her footsteps.Hathaways acting style has been compared to that of Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn,and she cites Hepburn as her favorite actress.People magazine named her one of 2001s breakthrough stars and she first appeared on list of the worlds 50 Most Beautiful People in 2006.,Princess Diaries 公主日记,安妮海瑟薇在出演公主日记后被人物杂志封为2001年最佳新星,The Devil Wears Prada译名:穿普拉达的女魔头,Brokeback Mountain(断背山)“Everything I looking for I seem to find,All this time away,is killing me inside,I need your love in my life,I wanna spend time till it ends。(我似乎可以找到我要寻找的一切,所有过去的时光,正使我悲苦至极,我需要你不倦的爱赋予我新的生命,我愿与你一起 直到天荒地老。)【有人说,如果你试想着与一个人的未来,想要与他天荒地老,你就是真的爱上他了,与性别无关。】每个人心中都有一座“断背山”,Bride Wars(结婚大作战),Alice in Wonderland(爱丽丝梦游仙境)Anne played the part of The White Queen,her character looks like cheerful and lively,in fact,it is not the truth.,The Dark Knight Rises(蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起),2013年,安妮海瑟薇凭借悲惨世界中芳汀一角获得奥斯卡金像奖、金球奖,Netherworld,安妮海瑟薇 Anne Jacqueline Hathaway,RED CARPET,Thanks for watching,