,zootopia,疯狂动物城,公众账号基本信息介绍,图文信息统计分析,商业软文信息统计分析,总结,film information,introduce,Actor,在这里键入内容,Plot describe,在这里键入内容,feeling,在这里键入内容,1,film information,Zootopia,Information,detail,A,B,C,D,Theatrical release poster,Directed by,Byron Howard Rich Moore,Produced by,Clark Spencer,Screenplay by,Music by,Clark Spencer,Michael Giacchino,2,character,Zootopia,character,JUDY HOPPS,She is the first bunny ever to join Zootopias police department.Determined to prove herself,Judy jumps at the chance to crack a case.,NICK WILDE,He is a charming,small-time,con-artist fox with a big mouth and a lot of opinions.But when a rabbit cop outsmarts him,he finds himself actually helping her solve a mystery.,GAZELLE,She is the biggest pop star in Zootopia.Revered worldwide by herds of fans,Gazelle is a socially conscious celebrity with equal parts talent and heart.,character,JUDY HOPPS,He is the Zootopia Police Departments most charming cheetah.He loves two things:pop star Gazelleand donuts.From his reception desk,he greets everyone with a warm smile and a helpful pawcovered in sprinkles.,MAYOR LEODORE LIONHEART,He is the noble leader of Zootopia.He says“In Zootopia,anyone can be anything.”,ASSISTANT MAYOR BELLWETHER,She is a sweet sheep with a little voice and a lot of wool,who constantly finds herself under foot of the larger-than-life Mayor Lionheart.,3,Plot,Plot,In a world populated by anthropomorphic mammals,a rabbit from rural Bunnyburrow named Judy Hopps fulfills her childhood dream of becoming the first rabbit officer in Zootopia,an urban utopia.She is assigned to parking duty by Chief Bogo,who doubts her potential.On her first day,she meets Nick Wilde(a fox)and Finnick,crime duo,who successfully hustle her.,主角朱迪(Judy Hopps)是一只来自农村城市兔窝镇(Bunnyburrow)的穴兔,在一个人口密集的拟人化的哺乳动物的世界,实现了他当警察的梦想。一开始被牛局长(Chief Bogo)指派担任交通警员,负责超时停车开罚单的工作。还在甜品店结识了一名骗子狐狸尼克和诈骗同伙芬尼克。,Plot,Otterton then arrives,pleading for someone to find her missing husband.Judy volunteers.After Assistant Mayor Bellwether informs Mayor Lionheart,Bogo reluctantly gives Judy two days,on the condition that she resign if she fails.Judy finds Nick(evidenced in the last photo of Mr.Otterton)and blackmails him into assisting her by covertly recording his confession to tax evasion.,当奥特顿夫人(Mrs.Otterton)来到牛局长的办公室恳求有人帮忙寻找她失踪的丈夫阿密特奥特顿先生(Mr.Emmitt Otterton)后,朱迪自愿接受了这一破案任务。此时羊副市长(Dawn Bellwether)副市长向狮市长发送有关朱迪接受破案任务的消息后,牛局长被逼同意她破案,还要求在48小时之内必须破案,否则必须交出警徽并辞职。在她跟踪尼克时,她敲诈尼克,还以他涉嫌逃税而强迫他帮忙破案。,Plot,They locate Otterton and the missing predators at Cliffside Asylum,witnessing Lionheart consulting about the predators;the pair escape with the evidence.Lionheart and those involved are arrested by the police,with Bellwether becoming the new Mayor.Judy then speaks at a press conference,but angers Nick by suggesting a biological cause for predator individuals turning savage.Nick angrily leaves.Fear and protests against predators(10 percent of the population)spread across Zootopia,causing a guilt-ridden Judy to resign.,他们后来发现,所有失踪的哺乳动物全部住在庇护所,狮市长市长就是囚禁所有失踪的哺乳动物的原凶,后来到场的牛局长将狮市长逮捕。朱迪一夜之间在警察局出了名,成为了一名英雄。在新闻发布会上,朱迪提出所有食肉动物疯狂是跟他们的天性有关,此话气死了场下旁听且离开的的尼克,也令民众对食肉动物产生抗拒和分化。,Plot,Returning to Bunnyburrow,Judy learns from her parents and a former childhood bully,Gideon Grey,that night howlers are toxic flowers that have severe psychotropic effects on mammals.Judy and Nick head to the ZPD with evidence,but Bellwether intercepts them and attempts to steal it,revealing herself as the mastermind behind a prey-supremacist conspiracy.When the ZPD arrives,Bellwether and her accomplices are arrested.,朱迪回到兔窝镇后,她发现到神奇植物“夜嚎者”(Nighthowler)能对动物产生严重的精神影响。于是朱迪驱车回到动物城,与尼克一起寻找先前被朱迪逮捕的威斯顿公爵,并得知原来当初他偷的那些并不是洋葱头,是制作夜嚎者的原料,而且有人一直在秘密实验室利用夜嚎者作恶。朱迪和尼克顺利偷走夜嚎者而且发现正在试图采取证据的羊副市长,原来她就是整个事情的主谋!最后在警官赶到,逮捕了羊副市长。,Plot,Judy rejoins the ZPD.The savages,including Otterton,are cured by an antidote.Nick also joins,becoming Judys partner and the first fox to be a police officer.,不久后,朱迪回到动物城警察局,再次担任警官。而尼克也进入动物城警官学校学习,最终从该校毕业,成为动物城警察局第一位狐狸警官。,4,Felling,Felling,Unlike general carton,Zootopia is composed of many elements and it has a thoughtful and significant message that will impact both kids and adults.When we think our real world,we will find that we live in a melting-pot big city like Zootopia which full filled of racial discrimination and societal groups are“predators”and which are herbivores.Each plot validates the sense of how the world works.Meanwhile there are plenty of jokes that will fly over kids heads and the humor never gets too silly.Its a great balance that makes an animated kids films so great.,THANKS,