电路中的基本物理量,授课教师:赖世杰,电路的基本物理量有哪些呢?,YOUR COMPANY SLOGAN GOES HERE,1,2,电流,电压,3,电能,电功率,4,一、电流,This text will not appear in a consistent order.Using default text is a simple way to create the appearance of content without having to create it.,一、电流,YOUR COMPANY SLOGAN GOES HERE,3。电流的单位,(1)安 A(2)毫安 mA(3)微安 A,1.电流是如何形成的?,电荷在闭合回路中有规则的定向运动。,2.电流的分类有哪些?,(1)直流电:方向不随时间变化的电流(如电池);(2)稳恒直流电:大小和方向都不随时间变化的电(如手机充电器给手机电池提供的电源);(3)脉动直流电:大小不随时间变化的电(如电话线的驱动电源);(4)交流电:大小和方向都不随时间变化的电(如市电)。,TEXT GOES HERE,二、电压,This text will not appear in a consistent order.Using default text is a simple way to create the appearance of content without having to create it.,二、电压,YOUR COMPANY SLOGAN GOES HERE,1.定义:单位正电荷从A点移动到B点电场力所做的功。,2、单位:(1)伏 V;(2)千伏 KV,3.电压的分类:(1)交变电压;(2)直流电压(不随时间变化)。,TEXT HERE,三、电能,This text will not appear in a consistent order.Using default text is a simple way to create the appearance of content without having to create it.,三、电能,YOUR COMPANY SLOGAN GOES HERE,1,定义:电场力推动自由电子定向移动过程中所做的功。(也就是我们日常生活中所说的用电量多少),单位:度1度电=1KWh=3.61000000J,2,四、电功率,This text will not appear in a consistent order.Using default text is a simple way to create the appearance of content without having to create it.,四、电功率,YOUR COMPANY SLOGAN GOES HERE,1.定义:单位时间内电流所做的功。,2.单位:(1)瓦(2)千瓦 KW,3.电能与电功率的区别:电能做功时间是一段时间,如我们说一个月里我们家用了多少度电;而电功率是指在单位时间里某电器的用电量,如某电灯泡是多少多少瓦数。,谢谢观看!,都安瑶族自治县职业中等专业学校,