炉石传说介绍 英语演讲ppt课件.pptx
,over study?,unhappy?,What will you say?,feel bored?,I want to play a game!,Hearthstone:Heroes of Warcraft,Hearthstone:Heroes of Warcraft is an online collectible card game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.The game was announced in March 2013 and released on March 11,2014.In early May 2015,there were more than 30 million registered Hearthstone accounts.,Mage(法师)Priest(牧师)Warlock(术士)Paladin(圣骑士)Warrior(战士)Druid(德鲁伊)Hunter(猎人)Rogue(潜行者)Shaman(萨满祭司),Heros,Minion Cards(随从),Weapon Cards(武器),Magic Cards(法术),Cards,Basic Cards(基础),Common Cards(普通),Rare Cards(稀有),Epic Cards(史诗),Legend Cards(传说),Cards,Each match is a one-versus-one battle and turn-based.Player will lost the game if his hero reduce to zero health.During their turn,each player may choose to play any of their cards,use their hero power,command their minions to attack targets,or attack directly using their hero,if they have a weapon equipped.,Game rules,Game Modes,(游戏模式),Play mode(对战模式),match players against other human players of similar skillCasual friendly games(休闲模式)Ranked play(排名模式),Solo Adventures(冒险模式),single-player modes against computer-controlled opponents that are either practice matches or AdventuresCurse of Naxxramas(纳克萨玛斯的诅咒)Blackrock Mountain(黑石山的火焰),Arena mode(竞技场模式),lets the player draft a deck of 30 cards by choosing between 3 random cards at a timeEach arena run lasts until the player has reached three losses or twelve wins,Hearthstone culture,Sneer(嘲讽),When you almost win the game,The End,