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    湖南长沙市中考英语二轮语法专项复习专题3 名词ppt课件.ppt

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    湖南长沙市中考英语二轮语法专项复习专题3 名词ppt课件.ppt

    第二轮语法专项复习,专题3名词,考 点 检 索,考 点 梳 理,课 时 作 业,参 考 答 案,考 点 检 索,考 点 梳 理,近义名词的用法辨析1.family,home与house,2.problem与question,3.message,information与news,Can I take a message for Jim?我可以为吉姆捎个口信吗?He is searching for some information on the Internet.他正在网上搜索信息。I want to tell you a piece of good news.我想告诉你一条好消息。,4.job与work,【典题链接】()1.2017乌鲁木齐 If you can speak English well,you will have a great chance over others when looking for a _.A.work B.job C.office【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:如果你能说一口流利的英语,你在找工作时就会比别人有更多的机会。结合句意可知,此处指“工作”,其前有a,用job。故选B。,B,()2.2017呼和浩特改编 The boy didnt find much _ about the topic on that website.A.report B.article C.information【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:这个男孩在那个网站上没有找到很多有关这个话题的信息。report报告;article文章;information 信息。故选C。,C,()3.2016绵阳改编 He was born in Germany,but he has made China his _.A.family B.house C.home【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:他出生在德国,但他把中国当成他的家乡。family侧重家庭成员;house侧重住所;home侧重环境,表示“家;家乡;故乡”。故选C。4.我有两条好消息告诉你!(汉译英).,C,I have two pieces of good news to tell you,名词的数 1.可数名词可数名词所表示的人或事物可以用数来计算,有单数和复数两种形式。(1)名词复数的规则变化,【闪记】名词复数变f/fe为ve加s的单词树叶(leaf)半数(half)自己(self)黄,妻子(wife)拿刀(knife)去杀狼(wolf),架(shelf)后小偷(thief)逃命忙。,(2)名词复数的不规则变化元音字母变化:男女孩子的脚踩住老鼠的牙。manmen,womanwomen,childchildren,footfeet,mousemice,toothteeth各国人变复数:中日不变英法变,其余s加后面。ChineseChinese,JapaneseJapanese,EnglishmanEnglishmen,FrenchmanFrenchmen,GermanGermans,AmericanAmericans,IndianIndians以o结尾的可数名词复数词尾加es的词:英雄(hero),爱吃西红柿(tomato),土豆(potato)单复同形的可数名词:中国人(Chinese),日本人(Japanese),爱吃鱼(fish),羊(sheep),鹿(deer),(3)名词复数的特殊形式,【注意】一般组合名词变为复数形式时只将中心词变为复数。如:apple tree apple trees(苹果树);grown up grown ups(成年人)。但要注意的是:man driver men drivers(男司机);woman doctor women doctors(女大夫)。stomach的复数形式为stomachs,因为词尾中的ch发音为/k/,而不是/t/。,(4)只用复数形式的名词,【点拨】有些名词形式上虽是单数,意义上却是复数。如:people 人民,police 警察,public公众。有些名词及一些学科名词形式上是复数,意义上却是单数。如:news消息,politics政治,physics物理。,2.不可数名词不可数名词所表示的事物一般不能用数来计算,没有词形变化。主要包括物质名词和抽象名词两种。(1)不可数名词的分类,(2)不可数名词的计量形式基数词/不定冠词量词of不可数名词。但数词决定量词单复数形式。如:a glass of water 一杯水a piece of news 一则新闻two pairs of glasses 两副眼镜three pieces of advice 三条建议,【典题链接】()5.2019山西 To keep our city beautiful,the _ are always very busy in the streets.We shouldnt throw rubbish everywhere.A.policemen B.cleaners C.drivers【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:为了保持我们城市的美丽,清洁工总是在街上忙碌着。我们不应该到处扔垃圾。policeman 警察;cleaner清洁工;driver司机。故选B。,B,()6.2016恩施 May I take your order,sir?_.A.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rices B.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rice C.Chickens with vegetable and two bowl of rices【解析】考查名词的数。句意:先生,您现在可以点餐吗?带蔬菜的鸡肉和两碗米饭。chicken意为“鸡肉”时,是不可数名词,无复数形式;vegetable是可数名词,其复数形式为vegetables;rice意为“米饭;大米”,是不可数名词。故选B。,B,7.2019青岛 Keeping English.(日记)is a good way to improve English.(根据句意和汉语提示完成句子)8.这里有一个错误,这个数字当中多了两个零。(汉译英).,diaries,There is a mistake.This number has two more zero(e)s,名词的所有格所有格表示所属关系,修饰另一名词,作定语。它有两种形式:名词后加s,表示有生命的事物。名词后加of短语,多用于表示无生命的事物。1名词所有格的构成,2.名词所有格的运用,【闪记】名词所有格的用法英语名词所有格,表示某物是“谁的”,巧记构成有方法,多数要把s加,复数有s作词尾,只加“”就OK,名词若为无生命,常把of来运用,时间、地点和距离,所有格也可用s。,【拓展】两种所有格的异同(1)相同:表示所属关系时,s所有格与“of名词”所有格可以相互代替。如:the boys arrivalthe arrival of the boy 男孩的到来(2)区别:某些特定的用法中必须用s所有格或者“of名词”所有格。如:Li Huas brother,a doctor,is very good at English.李华的哥哥/弟弟,一名医生,擅长英语。Have you seen the new car of the boy who talked with me just now?你看到刚才与我谈话的那个男孩的新车了吗?,表示分类时,用s所有格;表示同位关系时,用“of名词”所有格。如:a doctors degree 博士学位 the city of Beijing 北京市,【典题链接】()9.2019青海 Whose jackets are these?They are _.They said they lost them yesterday.A.Li Leis and Li TaoB.Li Lei and Li Taos C.Li Leis and Li Taos【解析】考查名词所有格。句意:这些是谁的夹克?它们是李雷的和李涛的。他们说昨天丢了夹克。答语中的them指代jackets,可推断李雷和李涛都丢了衣服,“ones and ones可数名词的复数”表示两个人各自拥有的事物。故选C。,C,()10.2019临沂 If I leave my house at 9 oclock and drive to the airport,Ill arrive at about 11.So its about two _ drive from my house to the airport.A.hours B.hours C.hours【解析】考查名词所有格。句意:如果我9点离开家开车去机场,我将在11点左右到达。所以从我家到机场大约有两个小时的车程。“基数词名词所有格可数名词的单数”,two后接可数名词的复数的所有格。故选A。,A,()11.2017天水改编 The online shop sells _ shoes at a very low price.A.child and mens B.children and mensC.childrens and mens【解析】考查名词所有格。句意:网店以低廉的价格销售儿童和男士的鞋子。childrens和mens共同修饰shoes。故选C。,C,12.2019鄂州 A Chinese father made some nice dresses for his daughter with his(wife)old shirts.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)13.妇女节就快要到了。你打算给你妈妈买什么礼物呢?(汉译英).,wifes,Womens Day is coming,What do you plan to buy for your mother?,易错盘点名词的双重所有格(1)“of名词s”修饰前面的名词,这种结构叫名词双重所有格。(2)双重所有格与of所有格表达的意义差别不大,但双重所有格侧重表示部分概念,而of所有格只表示所属关系。如:a friend of her mothers 她母亲的一个朋友(强调只是她母亲朋友中的一个)a friend of her mother 她母亲的一个朋友(强调是她母亲的朋友),【典题链接】14.我哥哥的三个同学已经找到了好工作。(根据汉语意思完成句子).my brothers have found good jobs.15.她的几个朋友明天将到这儿来。(汉译英).,Three classmates of,Some friends of hers will come here tomorrow,课 时 作 业,一、语法填空()1.Ghaffar Pourazar,born in Iran,said he has been a big fan of Bruce Lee since he was a child and is full of _ about China.A.interest B.interested C.interesting()2.We must find out some _ about the missing people as soon as possible.A.suggestion B.information C.message,A,B,()3.Did you have fun on the school trip last week?Yes,we milked cows and fed _.Luckily,we saw many _ at the foot of the hill.A.chickens;sheeps B.chickens;sheep C.chicken;goat()4.Mum,Im hungry.May I have some _?Sure.But dont eat too many.A.hamburger B.cakes C.rice()5.How far is it from Changsha to London?Its about _ flight from Changsha to London.A.twelvehourslong B.twelve hour long C.twelve hours,B,B,C,()6.The tall man with a big nose is _ classmate.Lets go and say“hello”to him.A.Tom and Carl B.Toms and Carls C.Tom and Carls()7.In _ time,there will be more electric cars in our city.Really?There must be less _ then.A.few year;buses B.a few years;pollution C.a few years;accidents,C,B,()8.Where are you going,Amy?_.A.To my uncle B.To my uncles C.At my uncle()9.Help yourself to some _.Thank you.I really like them.A.fish B.orange C.cakes()10.Why didnt July do her homework last night?She said that her hand hurt,but that was only a(n)_.I saw her play computer games with friends cheerfully this morning.A.matter B.excuse C.result,B,C,B,()11.This is a photo of _ when they were young.Oh,how happy they both looked!A.my father and mother B.my mother and fathers C.my mothers and fathers()12.Whose bags are they?They are those _ bags.Please put them on the bus.A.visitor B.visitors C.visitors,A,C,()13.At the foot of the hill,you can hear nothing but the _of the running water.What a beautiful and peaceful place!A.sound B.noise C.voice()14.Jack found a good _ after graduating from college,and now he _ as a banker.A.work;works B.job;works C.job;work()15.I have many WeChat friends.How about you?I have only three WeChat friends.One is _,the other two are _.A.Japanese;American B.Russian;Germany C.English;Frenchmen,A,B,C,()16.I was told your class had 3 newcomers.Yes.One is _,the other two are _.A.Japan;Germany B.Japanese;German C.Japanese;Germans()17.Its really good _ for football lovers that there will be more soccer schools in our country.A.news B.thing C.message()18.How many _ teachers are there in your school?_ them is over two hundred.A.women;A number of B.women;The number of C.woman;A number of,C,A,B,()19.Whats your favorite food?I like _ best.I had a large bowl last night.A.tomato noodle B.tomatoes noodles C.tomato noodles()20.When I got to the airport,the lady at the window told me that there were no _ left on that plane.A.place B.seats C.space,C,B,二、根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.Two more_(library)will be built in our city next year.Great!Well have another good place to go on weekends.2.Here is a card for you with our best _(wish)Wow,thats so moving.Thank you!3.When he returned to Britain two months ago,he brought back from _(Chinese)many _(dictionary),paintings and _(photo)4.The _(knife)are made in China.5.I brush my_(tooth)every day.,libraries,wishes,China,dictionaries,photos,knives,teeth,6._(hero)appeared one after another after the big earthquake.7.After three _(month)study,the scientists worked out the physics problem.8.David is one of the most helpful _(student)that weve ever had.9.Many people lost their _(life)in the accident.10.When is _(teacher)Day?Its on next Wednesday,September 10th.I plan to visit my teachers then.,Heroes,months,students,lives,Teachers,课 时 作 业,


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