洛阳简介 英文ppt课件.ppt
My Hometone,Luoyang is in the west of Henan Province not only one of Chinas ancient capitals,but also one of the famous historical cities in the world.,It is one of the four ancients capitals of China.There has been 13 dynasities establishing their capitals here in the long history of China.,洛阳古称雒阳、豫州位于河南西部、黄河中游,因地处洛河之阳而得名。洛阳有着5000多年文明史、4000年的建城史和1500多年的建都史,先后有13个朝代,105位帝王在此定鼎九州。是华夏文明的发源地之一、中华民族的发祥地之一。是隋唐大运河的重要枢纽。牡丹因洛阳而闻名于世,被誉为“千年帝都,牡丹花城”。,它们分别是:夏、商、西周、东周、东汉、曹魏、西晋、北魏、隋、唐(武周)、后梁、后唐、后晋。,河南洛阳白马寺位于河南省洛阳老城以东12公里处,创建于东汉永平十一年(公元68年),为中国第一古刹,世界著名伽蓝,是佛教传入中国后兴建的第一座寺院,有中国佛教的“祖庭”和“释源”之称,距今已有1900多年的历史。现存的遗址古迹为元、明、清时所留。寺内保存了大量元代夹纻干漆造像如三世佛、二天将、十八罗汉等,弥足珍贵.,The White Horse Temple,Luoyang Kaiyuan Lake Music Fountain,Luoyang Kaiyuan Lake is known as the No.1 Great Music Fountain in Asia.,The soil and climate of Luoyang is mostly suitable for flowers,of which peony is exotic and rare under heaven.(洛阳地脉花最宜,牡丹尤为天下奇。)欧阳修,魏紫,豆绿,姚黄,赵粉,(一朵花上有两种颜色的花瓣称“花二乔”),花二乔,A fiower has tow diffrient petals,(一株花上长着两种不同颜色的花称“株二乔”),株二乔,A tree peony has tow diffient corlers of flowers,所谓水席有两个含义:一是全部热菜皆有汤汤汤水水;二是热菜吃完一道,撤后再上一道,像流水一样不断地更新。全席共设24道菜,包括8个冷盘、4个大件、8个中件、4个压 桌菜,冷热、荤素、甜咸、酸辣兼而有之。现在以真不同的水席最为著名。,Luoyang Water Banquet(洛阳水席),牡丹燕菜,条子扣肉,东都海参,蜜汁八宝饭,浆面条,糊涂面,牛肉汤,捞面,新安汤面角,According to my briefly introduce,I believe that you have a shallow kmowledge for my home tometown.I walmly welcome all of you have an opportunity to visit my hometone one day.I am very glad to be a tour guide for you.And now I will show you a short film.,Thank you for your watching,