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    ,1,Heroes among us,Unit 4 Section A,FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY,A hero is a man who does what he can.Romain Rolland,Heroism is latent in every human soul.Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain,1,4,UNIT,Section A,1,4,UNIT,Heroes among us,To apply the phrases and patterns,Objectives,To talk about heroism,To understand the text fully,To master the paragraph writing skill,Heroes of our time,1.Who is the greatest hero in your mind?And Why?,Tips,Mao Zedong,Zhou Enlai,(great leaders who led Chinese people toward independence and liberation)Wen Tianxiang,Yue Fei,Qi Jiguang(national heroes who dedicated their lives to national unity in Chinese history),Short answer questions,Huang Jiguang,Qiu Shaoyun,Dong Cunrui(combat heroes who sacrificed their own lives to fulfill the operational mission)Wu Juping(the most beautiful mother),Zhang Lili(the most beautiful teacher)(civilian heroes who risked their own lives to save others in modern times),Tips,A good heart The readiness to lend a hand to people in trouble The courage to risk ones own life to help others in dangerThe determination to fight for his own country and people,2.What makes a hero in your eyes?,Short answer questions,Questions previewing,Cultural background,1.Who is Nelson Mandela?Why was he so famous?,2.What is Gregs Law?Why is it named after a person?,Nelson Mandela,Who is Nelson Mandela?Why was he so famous?,Tips,the first black President of South Africaan anti-apartheid activistthe leader of the armed wing of the African National Congress,be arrested and sentenced to life in prisonserve 27 years in prisonlead his party to end apartheid after his releasebring about a peaceful transition to nonracial democracy in South Africareceive the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize,Tips,2.What is Gregs Law?Why is it named after a person?,be passed in 2009 as part of a larger Road Safety Billtarget motorists who drive while suspended,unlicensed and uninsuredintroduce stricter sentencing,including a seven-day vehicle impoundment(扣押).in memory of police officer Greg Stobbart,who was tragically killed while riding his bike,Gregs Law,Main ideas of the parts,Tips,What thesis statement does the author make about heroes today?(Para.1),The word“hero”becomes more common and is used to refer to both victims and survivors of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies.,Main idea&structure,Tips,What question does the author raise afterwards?(Para.1),Who are the heroes among us?,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,Part I(Para.1),common,victims,Today the word“hero”becomes more _ and is used to refer to both _ and _ of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies.,survivors,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,What examples of heroic deeds does the author provide in Para.2 and 3?,Tips,Para 2:_,who ran through danger in a mass shooting and saved the life of his boss and friend,Gabrielle Giffords.Para 3:_,who saved his wife by shielding her from the hail of bullets in the mass shooting.,Daniel Hernardez,Dory Stoddard,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,What conclusion does the author draw from the two examples?(Para.4),Tips,They are civilian heroes.,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,Part II(Paras.2-4),Both Daniel and Dory are _ heroes as they acted instinctively with _ and _ when situations call for.,civilian,courage,grace,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,Structure(Paras.1-4),Question,Examples,Conclusion,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,What is the question raised by the author in Para.5?,Question-Example-Conclusion Pattern,According to the writer,what were heroes in the past?(Para.7),extraordinary courage,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,Tips,What are heroes nowadays?(Para.8),Nowadays,our heroes are _ men and women.,Comparison and Contrast,Paragraph 7,Paragraph 8,average,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,Question:Do first responders who fail to achieve their goals in their efforts become heroes?(Para.9),Example:Eleanor McMahon was sure that Sgt.Russell was indeed a hero because he showed distinct courage when trying hard to stop the snowplow before it hurt others.She strongly argued:Its natural for civilians to rush toward safety and away from danger.But heroes of first responders rush toward danger to help those in need.(Paras.10-11),Conclusion:We expect first responders to rush forward,especially when we or our loved ones are in danger.So when they die doing that,we should recognize their heroic efforts.(Para.12),Question-Example-Conclusion Pattern,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,Para.III(Paras.5-12),First responders are heroes no matter they succeed in their effort to save people or get injured or killed in their efforts.,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,Tips,Listen to the conclusion for the whole text and fill in the blanks.(Para.13),The _ stories of heroes,both civilian heroes and first responders,show that ordinary people can do _ things whether they are carrying out their duties,or as part in their daily life.We should not only _ them,but also change the situations that may lead to their death.We should try to act heroically if _ call on us.,inspiring,extraordinary,honor,circumstances,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,The stories of heroes help remind us that ordinary people can do extraordinary things and,being inspired by them,we can also be heroes when circumstances call on us to act heroically.,Para.IV(Para.13),Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,Text A is an essay on peoples view about what makes a hero.It is pointed out that in the past the word“hero”was reserved for those who performed acts of courage beyond the call of duty or for great leaders,while today heroes can be ordinary people like us.Besides,first responders,whose duty is to rush toward danger,are also heroes,even when their efforts failed to bring about desirable effects.Hopefully,we will also act heroically when circumstances call on us.,Main idea of the passage,Main idea&structure,Example 1(civilian heroes),Structure of the text,Question,Main idea&structure,Example 1(civilian heroes),Question,Example 2(First responder heroes),Structure of the text,Main idea&structure,Example 1(civilian heroes),Question,Example 2(First responder heroes),Conclusion,The encouraging stories of heroes,both civilian heroes and first responders,show that ordinary people can do heroic things.We should not only honor them,but also change the situations that may lead to their death.We should try to act heroically if circumstances call on us.,Structure of the text,Main idea&structure,Examples,Question,Conclusion,Structure of the text,Main idea&structure,In an era of heightened heroism,who are the heroes among us?They can be ordinary people like Daniel Hernandez who ran through danger in a mass shooting to save his boss and Dory Stoddard who saved his wife by _ her from the hail of bullets.Both of them are _ heroes as they acted with courage and grace when _ extraordinary circumstance.,shielding,civilian,caught up in,Summary of the text,Main idea&structure,Then are first responders considered heroes,too?We get the answer from Sergeant.Ryan Russell,who got killed in his efforts to help others but was _ by thousands of other emergency responders.In the past the word“hero”was _ for those who performed acts of distinct courage beyond the call of duty or for great leaders,while today heroes can be ordinary people like us.Then,do first responders who _ to bring about,honored,reserved,fail,Summary of the text,Main idea&structure,desirable results also become heroes?Ms.McMahon provided the right answer.She strongly argued that its _ for civilians to rush away from danger.In contrast,first responders rush toward danger to help those _.So when first responders die doing that,we should _ their heroic efforts.Ordinary people can do extraordinary things and,being _ by them,we can also be heroes when circumstances call on us to act heroically.,inspired,natural,in need,recognize,Summary of the text,Main idea&structure,Practical phrases,Language focus,按压,给施加压力,(injury/bleed),You can apply pressure on the injury to make the blood bleed slower.,apply pressure to/on,短语逆译,短语应用,你可以按压伤口让血流的慢些。,意群提示,Practical phrases,Language focus,使 免受,(shield from/invasion/servicemen),It is the duty of servicemen to shield their country from invasion.,shield sb.from sth.,短语逆译,短语应用,保护祖国不受侵略是军人的职责。,意群提示,Practical phrases,Language focus,被卷入;陷入,(be caught up in/demonstration/be guaranteed),The safety of those students caught up in the demonstration must be guaranteed.,be/get caught up in,短语逆译,短语应用,那些被卷入游行示威的学生的安全必须得到保证。,意群提示,Practical phrases,Language focus,保留;预留,(reserve for/further discussion),This question must be reserved for further discussion.,reserve sth.for sb./sth.,短语逆译,短语应用,这个问题必须留待进一步讨论。,意群提示,Practical phrases,Language focus,理解;认同,(job application/reject/be frustrated/relate to),I know he was very frustrated when his job application was rejected.I can relate to that.,relate to sth./sb.,短语逆译,短语应用,我知道他的求职申请被拒后他很沮丧。我能理解他的感受。,意群提示,Practical phrases,Language focus,理解,弄懂某事,(make sense of/competition),I cant make any sense of his giving up the competition at the last minute.,make sense of sth.,短语逆译,短语应用,我无法搞懂他为什么在最后一刻放弃比赛。,意群提示,Practical phrases,Language focus,授权,(contract/give authority to/research members),The contract gives authority to research members to use anything in the laboratory.,短语逆译,短语应用,合同授权研究人员使用实验室里的任何东西。,意群提示,give authority to,Practical phrases,Language focus,依靠;指望,(count on/foreign aid/relieve/famine),They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine.,短语逆译,短语应用,他们决定不依靠外援来缓解饥荒。,意群提示,count on,Practical phrases,Language focus,Language focus,Functional patterns,在过去,“英雄”一词仅限于称呼那些做出超乎职责范围的特别英勇的行为的人们。,原句译文,逆译练习,It used to be that the word hero was reserved for those who performed acts of distinct courage beyond the call of duty.,句型提炼,Language focus,Functional patterns,It used to be that,句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达“过去的某一习惯或情况现在已不存在”,表示与目前习惯或情况有所不同。,句型应用,Language focus,Functional patterns,(supreme power/image),典型例句,在过去,只有享受至高无上权利的皇家才能使用龙的形象。,意群提示,It used to be that the image of dragon could only be used by royal families that enjoyed the supreme power.,Language focus,Functional patterns,一位战士冒着枪林弹雨去抢救其他战友,他被看作英雄。同样,超凡卓越的具有传奇色彩的领袖人物也是英雄,比如纳尔逊 曼德拉。被囚禁于单人牢房27年后,曼德拉终于摆脱了牢狱生活。,原句译文,逆译练习,A soldier who runs through gunfire to rescue other military personnel is seen as a hero.So are larger-than-life leaders such as Nelson Mandela,who emerged after 27 years of jail,confined in a solitary chamber.,句型提炼,Language focus,Functional patterns,Sb./Sth.is.So is sb./sth.else./So are some other people/some other things.,句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达“两个人或事物之间的相似之处”。,句型应用,Language focus,Functional patterns,(painstaking efforts/valuable asset/setback),典型例句,在你的人生中,通过不懈努力取得的成功是宝贵的财富。同样,帮助你逐步走向成熟的人生挫折也是财富。,意群提示,Success that you achieve through painstaking efforts is seen as valuable asset in your life.So are the setbacks that help you to become mature gradually.,Language focus,Functional patterns,我们指望应急人员冲向危险,尤其是当我们自身或我们所爱的人身处险境时。,原句译文,逆译练习,We count on first responders to rush toward danger,especially when it involves us or those we love.,句型提炼,Language focus,Functional patterns,Sb.do sth.,especially when.,句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达“某人最有可能做某事的一种条 件”。,句型应用,Language focus,Functional patterns,(recall/strike),典型例句,我喜欢回忆过去,特别是当孤寂来袭之时。,意群提示,I love recalling the past,especially when loneliness strikes.,Language focus,Functional patterns,我们向消防队员、警察和普通平民致敬,赞扬其英雄精神。也许,甚至更为重要的是,我们要通过努力改变让他们遭遇不幸的环境来向他们致敬。,原句译文,逆译练习,We honor the fireman,the policeman,and the average citizen by recognizing their heroism.Perhaps,even more importantly,we honor them by working to change the circumstances that led to their death.,句型提炼,Language focus,Functional patterns,Sb.do sth.by.Perhaps,even more importantly,sb.do sth.by,句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达“对于某人而言更为重要的行为方式”。,句型应用,Language focus,Functional patterns,(impart knowledge),典型例句,我们通过传授知识培养学生,也许,更为重要的是,我们通过传授学习方法培养学生。,意群提示,We cultivate students by imparting knowledge.Perhaps,even more importantly,we cultivate students by teaching them learning methods.,Language focus,Functional patterns,Language appreciation,Language focus,Language appreciation,Language focus,Language appreciation,Language focus,Language appreciation,Language focus,Language focus,Language appreciation,在英雄主义发扬光大的年代,英雄可以是平民,他们能在特别危急的情况下听从本能的召唤,不顾个人安危勇敢地冲向危险,保护他人免受伤害;英雄也可以是专门处理应急事件的人,他们明知危险的存在,却努力克服恐惧心理,,heightened heroism,first responders,caught up in extraordinary circumstances,rush toward danger,shield others from harm,Paragraph translation,毅然冲向危险帮助那些需要帮助的人。从他们身上我们都看到了英雄主义。希望通过纪念他们,我们能在其英雄事迹的鼓舞下,也都成为英雄。,help those in need,honor,inspire,Sample,Paragraph translation,In an era of heightened heroism,heroes can be average people who follow the call of instinct when caught up in extraordinary circumstances and rush courageously toward danger regardless of their own safety to shield others from harm.Heroes can also be first responders who,with the knowledge of existing danger,overcome their fear and rush toward danger to help those in need.In both of them,we find heroism.Hopefully,by honoring them,we would all be inspired by their heroic deeds and become heroes.,Paragraph translation,speak tender words of sympathy,apply pressure to/on,shield sb.from sth.,be/get caught up in,in the words of sb.,reserve sth.for sb./sth.,beyond the call of duty,be confined in a solitary chamber,establish harmony,Revision of the useful expressions,Language pointsuseful expressions,help society reconcile its conflicted past,relate to sth./sb.,make sense of sth.,in the fulfillment of ones duties,give authority to,sum up,help those in need,count on,Revision of the useful expressions,Language pointsuseful expressions,It used to be that,Sb./Sth.is.So is sb./sth.else/So are some other people/some other things.,Sb.do sth.,especially when.,Sb.do sth.by.Perhaps,even more importantly,sb.do sth.by,Revision of the functional patterns,Language points Useful patterns,


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