Part Two,Reading-Centered Activities,1.In-Class Reading,2.After-Class Reading,In-Class Reading,Transformative Travel,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,Post-Reading,Part Two:In-Class Reading,Pre-reading,Part Two:In-Class Reading Pre-Reading,Pre-reading,Dream Trips in My Life,Background Information,The Introduction of Aruba,Part Two:In-Class Reading Pre-Reading,Background:Discovered and claimed by Spain in 1499,Aruba was acquired by the Dutch in 1636.Aruba seceded from the Netherlands Antilles in 1986 and became a separate,autonomous member of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.Movement toward full independence was halted at Arubas request in 1990.Location:Caribbean,island in the Caribbean SeaArea:193 sq km;slightly larger than Washington,DC,Background Information,Part Two:In-Class Reading Pre-Reading,Population:71,218(July 2004)Climate:tropical marine;little seasonal temperature variation Nationality:n.Aruban(s)adj.Aruban;Dutch Ethnic groups:mixed white/Caribbean Amerindian 80%Languages:Dutch(official),Papiamento(a Spanish,Portuguese,Dutch,English dialect),English(widely spoken),Spanish Economy-overview:Tourism is the mainstay of the small open Aruban economy,with offshore banking and oil refining and storage also important.,Work in pairs and tell each other three places where you would make your dream trips if you had the time and money.Explain your reasons for your choice.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Pre-Reading,Dream Trips in My Life,If I had money and time,I would make my dream trips first to Greece,next to Paris and then to Austria.I choose Greece first because Im very much interested in ancient Greek civilization and I am longing for a visit to the Parthenon,the most important and characteristic monument of Greek civilization.Paris is my second choice because it is a romantic city and the heaven for artists.Paris is known as the“City of Lights”for its world-renowned beauty and charm.The Louvre,one of the largest and most famous museums in the world,is located on the right bank of the Seine River.The Eiffel Tower,the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Palace of Versailles are all attractive places of interest.,Sample,Part Two:In-Class Reading Pre-Reading,I choose Austria out of my love for classical music.The Land of Music is a name often given to Austria,the hometown of many world-famous classical musicians such as the Strauss family,Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,and Franz Schubert.Hopefully,my dream will come true some day.As you can see,all these places are located in Europe and it wont cost too much to visit them and it wont take too long before I can save enough to cover the expenses.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Pre-Reading,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,Global Reading,Organization Analysis,Summary,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,Organization Analysis,Part I,Part II,(para.1-3),(para.4-6),I felt like a wreck for I was dissatisfied with my job and my engagement.,I traveled to Aruba to transform myself.,Part III,Part IV,(para.7-14),(para.15),My trip to Aruba started a number of processes of self-change.,I would continue going on transformative trips to keep my growth in the future.,More,More,More,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,para.1,Part I,(para.1-3),I felt like a wreck and was at a loss.,para.2,para.3,I felt trapped in the job and the engagement because of the fantasy of being a successful and married man.,On impulse,I made commitments to quit my job and end my engagement publicly.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,Part II,(para.4-6),para.4,para.5,para.6,I had mixed feelings about the two commitments I made publicly and then I booked a trip to Aruba.,I wanted a clean break in order to think clearly where I was headed.,When I was in Aruba I had the peace and quiet to sort out my thoughts and I had the chance to change myself.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,Part III,(para.7-14),para.7,para.8,para.9,para.10,My trip to Aruba was worthwhile and it started a number of processes to transform myself.,I created mindset that made me ready for change.,I insulated myself from the usual influences in my life and the people whose approval was most important.,I structured my life in order to produce change and growth.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,para.11,para.12,para.13,para.14,I pushed myself to experiment with new ways of being.,I made public commitments of what I intended to do,so it would be harder to back down.,I processed my experiences systematically.,I made changes when I returned that continued the transformation that started while I was in Aruba.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,Summary,Complete the summary of the text with the appropriate words in the box.Change the form where necessary.There is one word which does not fit in any of the blanks.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,Dissatisfied with both my job and my 1)_,I went on a trip to the little island of Aruba to transform myself by 2)_ myself from the usual 3)_.With all my heart,I 4)_ my time for the tasks carefully 5)_ and pushed myself to try new ways of living.6)_ that I backed down,I made public promises of what I planned to do.All of my experiences were well 7)_ for examination and improvement.Finally when I returned I kept making 8)_ that continued the transformation started in Aruba.As I had 9)_ much from the trip,I would 10)_ making transformative trips to continue my growth.,engagement,separating,influences,arranged,chosen,In case,processed,changes,benefited,go on,go on head for in case benefit engagement arrange influence change choose process separate,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Detailed Reading,Passage Reading,Understanding Sentences,Word Study,Group Discussion,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Twenty-five years ago I felt like a wreck.Although I was just 23,my life already seemed over.1The future appeared as much like a wasteland as the emptiness I could see while looking back to the past.I felt lost,without choices,without hope.I was stuck in a job I hated and trapped in an engagement with a woman I didnt love.2At the time,both commitments seemed like a good idea,but I suppose it was the fantasy of being a successful,married businessman that appealed to me far more than the reality.,Transformative Travel,Passage Reading,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,I decided to take a class just for the entertainment value.3It happened to be an introductory counseling course,one that involved personal sharing in the group.We were challenged to make commitments publicly about things we would like to change in our lives,and in a moment of pure impulsiveness,I declared that by the next class meeting I was going to quit my job and end my engagement.4A few days later I found myself unemployed and unattached,excited by the freedom,yet terrified about what to do next.5I needed some kind of transition from my old life to a new one,a sort of ritual that would help me to transform myself from one person into another.So I did something just as impulsive as my previous actions:I booked a trip for a week in Aruba.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,In spite of what others might have thought,I was not running away from something but to something.I wanted a clean break,and I knew I needed to get away from my usual environment and influences so as to think clearly about where I was headed.Once settled into my room on the little island of Aruba,I began my process of self-change.I really could have been anywhere as long as nobody could reach me by phone and I had the peace and quiet to think about what I wanted to do.I spent the mornings going for long walks on the beach,the afternoons sitting under my favorite tree,reading books and listening to tapes.Probably most important of all,I forced myself to get out of my room and go to meet people.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Ordinarily shy,I now decided that I was someone who was perfectly capable of having a conversation with anyone I chose.Since nobody knew the“real”me,the way I had always been,I felt free to be completely different.It took me almost a year to pay off that trip,but I am convinced that my single week in Aruba was worth three years in therapy.That trip started a number of processes that helped me to transform myself.This is how I did it:I created a mindset that made me ready for change.I expected that big things were on the horizon,that a trip such as this could change my life.I believed with all my heart that I could change,if only I could find a quiet place to sort things out and experiment with new ways of thinking and acting.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,I insulated myself from the usual influences in my life and the people whose approval was most important.6One of the reasons that therapy often takes so long is that,once you leave the safety and support of a session,you reenter the world where familiar people elicit the familiar reactions.By separating myself from others approval and influences,I was able to think more clearly about what I really wanted.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,I structured my time in order to produce change and growth.Solitude,isolation,or new environments in themselves are not enough;you must also complete tasks that are relaxing and educational.The most important part of any therapy is not what you understand or what you talk about,but what you do.Insight without action is entertaining but not always helpful.Instead of reading novels and calling home regularly,I took the time to participate in different activities that would make me change.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,I pushed myself to experiment with new ways of being.I sampled alternative lifestyles and pretended to be a different person.I acted in unfamiliar ways just to see how it felt.Whatever I would usually do in various circumstances,I forced myself to do the opposite.This reinforced the idea that anything was possible,that I could do anything I wanted.I made public commitments of what I intended to do so it would be harder to back down.There were times when I wanted to avoid doing those things I found most frightening.Until this trip,I had never traveled to a strange place deliberately alone.Whenever I thought about taking safe routes,I imagined that I would soon have to face my classmates and that I would have to explain my actions to them.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,I processed my experiences systematically.I wrote in a journal each day and spoke to people I met about what I was doing and why.When I returned,I talked to several people I trusted about what had taken place.Each of them offered a different perspective that I valued and found useful in incorporating the experience into my life.7I made changes when I returned that continued the transformation that started while I was in Aruba.It is easier to make changes when you are away from home than to maintain the changes after you return.To make sure I didnt slip back into old patterns,I immediately made new decisions about my work and my relationships that kept me moving forward.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,I decided that much of my future traveling would have some transformative dimension to it.Although it is possible to make extraordinary progress in a single week,transformative change takes place over a lifetime.I promised myself that I would make other trips from time to time in order to continue my growth.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Comments,Understanding Sentences,1.The future appeared as much like a wasteland as the emptiness I could see while looking back to the past.,Translation,我的未来看起来好似荒漠,就像回顾过去时,看到的是一片空虚。,Paraphrase,The future seemed to be an empty wasteland just like the empty past that I had experienced.,Notice here“I could see while looking back to the past”is an attributive clause modifying“the emptiness”.“While looking back to the past”is an adverbial of time in this attributive clause.,Back to the text,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Translation,Paraphrase,2.At the time,both commitments seemed like a good idea,but I suppose it was the fantasy of being a successful,married businessman that appealed to me far more than the reality.,It seemed that both commitments were good ideas at the time,but I thought what attracted me was not the reality,but the daydream of being a successful,married businessman.,当初,两个承诺都好像是不错的主意,但是我想吸引我的只是成为一个成功的已婚商人的幻想,而远非现实。,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Comments,Note that“it was the fantasy of beingthan the reality”is an emphatic clause and the emphatic part is“the fantasy of being a successful,married businessman”.,Example,1.It was a key that I found in his pocket.2.It is through them that we learnt the truth.,Back to the text,3.Was it in Hangzhou that you first met him?,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Comments,Translation,Paraphrase,3.It happened to be an introductory counseling course,one that involved personal sharing in the group.,It was pure chance that it was an introductory counseling course,one that required personal involvement in the group.,这刚好是一门咨询入门课程,需要个人参与到集体中去。,Notice that“one that involved personal sharing in the group”is in apposition to“an introductory counseling course”.And“one”is modified by the attributive clause“that required personal involvement in the group”.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Example,1.The layout plan was completed within two months,half the usual time.2.His only interest in life,playing football,has brought him many friends.3.Sally,normally a timid girl,argued heatedly with them about it.4.The Grapes of Wrath,a novel about the Depression years of the 1930s,is one of John Steinbecks most famous books.,Back to the text,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Translation,Paraphrase,4.A few days later I found myself unemployed and unattached,excited by the freedom,yet terrified about what to do next.,A few days later I realized that I was out of work and free of the engagement.While excited by the freedom,I was at a loss what to do next.,几天后,我失业了,也解除了婚约,为获得的自由而兴奋,但又因为不知道下一步做什么而恐慌。,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Comments,Example,In this sentence,“unemployed and unattached”,“exited by the freedom”,“terrified about what to do next”act as the object complements of“myself”.,1.We came home and found him asleep on the sofa.2.I suddenly found myself running down the street.3.She woke up and found herself in a hospital bed.4.He tried the door and found it unlocked.,Back to the text,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Comments,Translation,5.I needed some kind of transition from my old life to a new one,a sort of ritual that would help me to transform myself from one person into another.,我需要某种从旧生活到新生活的转变,一种有助于我从一种人转型为另一种人的(必不可少的)程序。,Notice that“transition”and“a sort of ritual that would”are in apposition.The noun“ritual”is modified by the attributive clause“that would help me to transform myself from one person into another”.,Back to the