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    新概念英语第一册第21 24课PPT课件.ppt

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    新概念英语第一册第21 24课PPT课件.ppt

    Good Morning!,Nice to see you!,Everyday English,1.What a pity!太遗憾了!2.Give me a hug,please!请给我个拥抱吧!3.Are you kidding me?你不是开玩笑吗?,Lesson 5,元音音标u i e u的练习,音标u i e u的练习,u 发这个音的字母和字母组合o oa ow o:nose rose poen over oa:boat coat soap goat ow:show window snow bowl 根据发音规则,圈出每组中发u的2个单词。1coat goat tree river 2.make window knife road 3.your white row coat 4.boat hen nose lamp,i 发这个音的字母和字母组合ear eer ear:ear hear tear eer:deer beer根据发音规则,圈出每组中发i的1个单词。1.bear beer fair tail 2.noodles pair near come 3.horse near tower air 4.ring king here three,e 发这个音的字母和字母组合air ear air:hair chair pair ear:pear bear wear根据发音规则,圈出每组中发e的1个单词。1.bear idea pineapple tail 2.noodles pair climb come 3.horse house tower air 4.ring king hare three,u 发这个音的字母和字母组合oor our ure oor:poor our:tour ure:sure pure根据发音规则,圈出每组中发u的1个单词。1.clear tourist pineapple tail 2.noodles pair climb fury 3.beard cure tower air 4.voice king pure engineer,Lesson 21Which book?,New Words,give giv v.给,给予 eg.Can you give me a hand?one wn num.一,一个(不确定)作数词,表示数量2.作代词指代前文或上文所提到的物品,名称,或是动作,甚至句子等which wit 哪一个Eg.:Which girl do you like?其他的疑问代词还有:what 什么 where 哪里 when 什么时候why 为什么 who 谁 how 如何,Listening,Lets see how to use“one”,by the way,answer the questions below:What color is the book?Which book does the man want?,M:_ _ _ _ _,Jane.W:_ book?This_?M:No,_ that one.The _ _.W:This one?M:Yes,please.W:_ _ _.M:_ _.,课文解析,Give me a book please.祈使句,主语省略 结构 give+me+a/an+NWhich book?=Which book do you want?Which与whatThis one?=This book?,Key Structure,A:Give me a book please.B:Which book?A:The red one.Ask your partner for sthuse the expressions,Lesson 22Give me/him/her/us/them a,Which one?!,New Words,empty empti adj.空的 full ful adj.满的 large l:d adj.大的 little litl adj.小的 sharp:p adj.锋利的 small sm:l adj.小的 big big adj.大的 blunt blnt adj.钝的,New Words,box bks n.盒子 glass gl:s n.杯子 cup kp n.茶杯 bottle btl n.瓶子 tin tin n.罐头 knife naif n.刀 fork f:k n.叉子 spoonspu:n n.勺子,人称代词,单数(宾格)一 二 三 me you him/her/it 我 你 他/她/它复数(宾格)us you them,我们 你们 他/她/它们,Fill the blanks with me,him,us or them:,1.Give the boy these pens.And give these pencils.2.Give Anna and me some magazines.And give some newspapers.3.Give the men these cigarettes.And give some glasses.4.Those are my books.Give my books,please.,him,them,us,me,人称代词训练,我是他的姐姐。她是汤姆的妈妈。我喜欢她。我们讨厌他们。他们是我的朋友。请给我们一些时间。你是他们的老师吗?,句子成分,主语和谓语是句子主体部分。在英语中一般的句子必须有主语和谓语。主语:它是句子所要说明的人或事物,是一句话的主体,常由名词、代词等来充当。它在句首。I like Tank.,找出主语,1.He studies English at school.2.I like working.3.The book is new.4.Kelly reads books every day.5.The dog is sleeping.6.We like Michelle and GiGi.7.I have a young father.8.My sister is a teacher.,谓语:说明主语“是什么”或“怎么样”。谓语必须用动词。谓语和主语在人称和数上必须一致。谓语在主语后面。I like Tank.,找出谓语,1.He studies English at school.2.I go to work in the morning.3.She speaks French.4.Kelly reads books every day.5.Jojo cleans the house every day.6.We like Michelle and GiGi.7.I have a young father.8.We listen to Michelle in class.,宾语:宾语是动作、行为对象,由名词、不定式或相当于名词的词、短语来担任。宾语在谓语后面。I like Tank.(讲述“谁”),找出宾语,1.He studies English at school.2.She speaks French.4.Kelly reads books every day.5.Jojo cleans the house every day6.We like Michelle and GiGi.7.I have a young father.,Lesson 23Which glasses?,What does the man let Jane give him?,Some glasses.,me some glasses please,Jane?,Give,glasses?,Which,glasses?,These,?,?,Fill in the blanks:,No,not.,those,ones on the shelf.,The,Theses,?,Yes,please.,?,Here you are!,Thank,you!,1.on prep在之上2.shelf n架子3.desk n课桌4.table n桌子5.plate n盘子6.floor n地板7.bed n床 8.newspaper n立体音响,New words,1.cupboard n橱柜2.cigrette n香烟4.television n电视机5.dressing table 梳妆台6.magazine n杂志,1.Give me a magazinethat blue one.2.I dont like this hat.Show me the two big ones.3.This book is very easy but those(ones)are very difficult.,One/ones,on the shelf 无人问津的,被闲置的 bookshelf 书架The ones on the shelf.,Shelf n.架子,搁板,on time 准时on the shelf 无人问津的,被闲置的,常见接双宾动词:pass/teach/offer/lend/send/sell/show/buy/ask/tell/cook/sing等可加双宾结构。也就是接sb.+sth.,主谓宾(双宾),用to侧重指动作的方向,表示朝着,向着,对着某人。用for 侧重动作的受益者,表示为了某人,替某人。注意:若sth.是代词时,不用双宾结构。Please show it to me.而不说show me it.pass/give/teach/offer/lend/send/sell/show/ask/tell后接sth.+to sb.其中buy,cook,sing可接sth.+for sb.,概念:介词是一种用来表示词与词、词与句之间的关系的虚词。on the desk 在桌上 in the box 在盒子里定语:是修饰限定的成份,作定语的词一般是形容词。一只漂亮的小鸟 a beautiful bird 一本桌子上的书 a book on the desk,介词短语做后置定语,在英语中,形容词修饰名词的时候,修饰成份放在名词前面,但由一个介词短语或者句子修饰名词的时候,这个修饰成份应放在名词后面也就是:介词短语做后置定语 床上的杂志 音响上的书 橱柜上的盒子 桌上的香烟 梳妆台上的瓶子 床上的书 床上有本书 床上有本书。,the magazine on the bed,the book on the stereo,the box on the cupboard,the cigarette on the table,the bottle on the dressing table,the book on the bed,The book is on the bed.,There is a book on the bed.,Give me some glasses please,Jane.,人称代词宾格有:Me youHim herIt usYou them,主格:I He She It You We They宾格:me him her it you us them形容词性物主代词:my his her its your our their名词性物主代词:mine his hers its yours ours theirsWho的主格是Who,宾格是 Whom,形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词都是Whose.,Which glasses?,单数句子,Which glass?,These glasses?单数句子This glass?,No,not those.those指的是those glasses,The ones on the shelf.ones代替的是glasseson the shelf 做定语。,1.some和any既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词,some常用在肯定句中,2.而any则常用在否定和疑问句中。3.在征求对方意见,并且希望得到肯定的答复时,some也可用于疑问在句。例如:Would you like something to drink?你想喝点什么吗?,some和any,him,us,them,her,me,desk,dressing table,desk,table,bed,1,352,5,116,Give some flowers to them.,Pass some bottles to him.,the book on the desk.,the tie on the chair.,


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