新概念英语第一册51课 52课ppt课件.ppt
Lesson 51 A pleasant climate,review,sunny,sun,cloud,wind,rain,snow,cloudy,windy,rainy,snowy,I say sun,you say sunny.Sun sunny sun sunnyI say cloud,you say cloudy.Cloud cloudy cloud cloudyI say wind,you say windy.Wind windy wind windyI say rain,you say rainy.Rain rainy rain rainyI say snow,you say snowySnow snowy snow snowySun cloud wind rain snowSunny cloudy windy rainy snowy,MakeA Chant With Me!,sunny,year 年spring 春summer 夏autumn 秋winter 冬,一月份JAN.Jan.=January二月份FEB.Feb.=February三月份MAR.Mar.=March四月份APR.Apr.=April五月份MAY May=May六月份JUN.Jun.=June七月份JUL.Jul.=July八月份AUG.Aug.=August九月份SEP.Sept.=September十月份OCT.Oct.=October十一月份NOV.Nov.=November十二月份DEC.Dec.=December,Spring spri,March m:t April eiprl May mei,Summer sm,June du:n July dulai August【:gst】,Autumn:tm,September septemb October ktub November nuvemb,Winter wint,December disemb January dnjuri February februri,Does it ever snow in Greece?,(1),(3),(4),(2),(5),Does it ever snow in Greece?,Yes,it sometimes snows in winter.,Listen to the tape and answer these questions:,1.Where and what do they talk about?2.How many months are there in spring?What are they?3.Is it hot or cool in summer?4.Does it ever snow in winter?,Whats the climate like in your country?,Its very pleasant.,Where do you come from?=Where are you from?I come from Greece.=I am from Greece.What nationality are you?Im Greek.weather:指某特定地区在 一定时间的气象情况。climate 指一般比较长的时间,如一季的天气状况。,I come from Greece.,springIts often windy in _.Its always warm in _ and _,but it rains sometimes.,March,April,May,summerIts always hot in _,_and_.The sun shines every day.,June,July,August,autumnIts always warm in _ and _.Its often cold in _ and it rains sometimes.,September,October,November,winterIts often cold in_,_and _.It snows sometimes.,December,January,February,What is the weather like?,How is the weather?,Its.,sunny,cloudy,snowy,rainy,windy,lesson 52,Where do they come from?What nationality are they?,American/The US,Japanese/Japan,Chinese/China,What nationality are you?Im Chinese.What nationality are they?They are Chinese.What nationality is he?He is Chinese.,Where do you come from?I come from China.Where do they come from?They come from China.Where does she come from?She comes from China.,youAmerican/the US,HeBrazilian/Brazil,SheDutch/Holland,WeEnglish/England,TheyFrench/France,YouGerman/Germany,HeGreek/Greece,YouItalian/Italy,WeNorwegian/Norway,TheyRussian/Russia,SheSpanish/Spain,YouSwedish/Sweden,一般现在时:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的状态或者动作的一种时态常与always,often,never,usually,sometimes,every day等连用。,1.客观事实,2.符合现在事实情况,3.经常、习惯、反复做的事情,I am Lily.We are boys.The moon goes round the earth.,You are 13.He is a student.You study at Menghe Secondary School.,I wash the dishes every day.You sometimes take a bus home.They usually have lunch at 11:30.She often helps others.,一般现在时的三种用法,主语+V原 V三单,变否定借 dont/doesnt 变疑问借 Do/Does,注:借does 动词还原,Summary,1.Whats the weather/climate like?It is.,2.Present simple tense.,always,often,sometimes,everyday.,Thank you!,